Sunday, June 21, 2009

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: June 21, 2009

First Reading (Job 38:1 and 8–11)
A reading from the book of Job.
Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm: Who shut the sea behind closed doors when it burst forth from the womb, when I made the clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling clothes; when I set its limits with doors and bars in place, when I stated, "You will not go beyond those bounds; here is where your proud waves must halt?"

Second Reading (2 Corinthians 5: 14–17)
A reading from the second letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians.
Brothers and sisters: Indeed the love of Christ holds us and we realize that if he died for all, all have died. He died for all so that those who live may live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and rose again for them. So from now on, we do not regard anyone from a human point of view; and even if we once knew Christ personally, we should now regard him in another way. For all that same reason, the one who is in Christ is a new creature. For him the old things have passed away; a new world has come.

Gospel (Mark 4: 35–41)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark.
On the same day when evening came, Jesus stated to his disciples, "Let us go across to the other side." So they left the crowd and took him away in the boat he had been sitting in, and other boats set out with him. Then a storm gather and it began to blow a gale. The furious waves spilled over the boat so that it was soon began to fill with water. Jesus was asleep in the stern, reclining on a soft cushion. The disciples woke Jesus up and exclaimed, "Master, do you not care if we sink?" As Jesus awoke, he rebuke the wind and ordered the sea, "Quiet now! Be still!" After those words, the furious wind dropped down and the furious waves vanished. All was calm, silent, and steady. Jesus stated to his disciples, "Why are you so frightened? Do you still have no faith?" The disciples were very terrified and astonished at the same time. They discussed with one another, "Who can this be? Even the wind and sea obey him!"

1 comment:

  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 107) (Verses 23-26 and 28-31)
    The response is: Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting.

    Those who went to the sea in ships, merchants on the mighty waters saw the marvels of the Lord, his wonder deeds in the deep.

    For he spoke and stirred up a storm whipping up the waves of the sea. Flung upward and plunged to the depths, they lost courage in the ordeal.

    Then they cried to the Lord in anguish, and he rescued them from their distress. He stilled the storm to a gentle breeze and hushed the billows to silent waves.

    How glad they were! He brought them safe and sound to the port where they were bound. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his love and wondrous deeds for humans.


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