How to Pray the Rosary and the Way of the Cross (English, Español)

How to Pray the Rosary (English)

Have a rosary with you. With your fingers placed at the cross to initiate the prayer, follow these procedures.
  1. At the cross, make the sign of the cross and pray the Apostles' Creed.
  2. Pray the Our Father in the next bead.
  3. For the next three beads, pray three times the Hail Mary.
  4. For the next bead, pray the Glory Be and then state the first mystery. (Mysteries are found below.)
  5. Pray one Our Father, ten times Hail MaryGlory Be after that, and then the Fatima Prayer.
  6. Repeat step 5 again for the next four mysteries.
  7. Conclude with the Hail Holy Queen (and optionally the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, see below) and the concluding prayer.


Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God, the Father in heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, pray for us.
Holy Virgin of virgins, pray for us.
Mother of Christ, pray for us.
Mother of divine grace, pray for us.
Mother most pure, pray for us.
Mother most chaste, pray for us.
Mother inviolate, pray for us.
Mother undefiled, pray for us.
Mother most amiable, pray for us.
Mother of good counsel, pray for us.
Mother of our Creator, pray for us.
Mother of our Savior, pray for us.
Mother of the Church, pray for us.
Virgin most prudent, pray for us.
Virgin most venerable, pray for us.
Virgin most renowned, pray for us.
Virgin most powerful, pray for us.
Virgin most merciful, pray for us.
Virgin most faithful, pray for us.
Mirror of justice, pray for us.
Seat of wisdom, pray for us.
Cause of our joy, pray for us.
Spiritual vessel, pray for us.
Vessel of honor, pray for us.
Singular vessel of devotion, pray for us.
Mystical rose, pray for us.
Tower of David, pray for us.
Tower of ivory, pray for us.
House of gold, pray for us.
Ark of the covenant, pray for us.
Gate of heaven, pray for us.
Morning star, pray for us.
Star of Evangelization, pray for us.
Health of the sick, pray for us.
Refuge of sinners, pray for us.
Comforter of the afflicted, pray for us.
Help of Christians, pray for us.
Queen of angels, pray for us.
Queen of patriarchs, pray for us.
Queen of the prophets, pray for us.
Queen of apostles, pray for us.
Queen of martyrs, pray for us.
Queen of confessors, pray for us.
Queen of virgins, pray for us.
Queen of all saints, pray for us.
Queen conceived without original sin, pray for us.
Queen assumed into heaven, pray for us.
Queen of the most holy rosary, pray for us.
Queen of the Family, pray for us.
Queen of Peace, pray for us.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray. O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech You, that meditating upon these mysteries in the most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain, and obtain what they promise: through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

There are four categories of mysteries: Joyful Mysteries, Sorrowful Mysteries, Glorious Mysteries, and the Mysteries of Light. Read the Bible for corresponding readings according to these mysteries listed in the categories.

The Joyful Mysteries (Monday and Saturday)

  1. The Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin (Luke 1: 26–38)
  2. The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin to her cousin Saint Elizabeth (Luke 1: 39–56)
  3. The Birth of Jesus at Bethlehem (Luke 2: 1–21)
  4. The Presentation of Jesus at the Temple (Luke 2: 21–40)
  5. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2: 41–52)

The Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesday and Friday)

  1. The Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26: 36–56, Mark 14: 32–50, or Luke 22: 39–53)
  2. The Scourging of Jesus at the Pillar (Matthew 27: 27–31, Mark 15: 15–20, or John 19: 1–7)
  3. The Crowning of Jesus with Thorns (Matthew 27: 27–31, Mark 15: 15–20, or John 19: 1–7)
  4. The carrying of the Cross by Jesus to Mount Calvary (Matthew 27: 27–56, Mark 15: 20b–41, Luke 23: 26–49, or John 19: 16b–24)
  5. The Crucifixion of Jesus on Mount Calvary (Matthew 27: 27–50, Mark 20b–41, Luke 23: 26–49, or John 19: 16b–30)

The Glorious Mysteries (Wednesday and Sunday)

  1. The Resurrection of Jesus
  2. The Ascension of Jesus
  3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles
  4. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven
  5. The Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Heaven

The Mysteries of Light (Thursday)

  1. His baptism in the Jordan River
  2. His self-manifestation at the wedding of Cana (John 2: 1–11)
  3. His proclamation of the Kingdom of God, with His call to conversion
  4. His Transfiguration (Matthew 17: 1–9, Mark 9: 1–10, or Luke 9: 28–36)
  5. His institution of the Eucharist as the sacramental expression of the Paschal mystery

Praying the Way of the Cross (English)

In making the stations of the cross, we accompany Jesus on his last journey. He has just experienced the intense suffering and loneliness of Gethsemani and the humiliation and rejection of his trial. He has been denied by Peter and abandoned by his disciples. He has been beaten to within an inch of his life and is now condemned to carry his cross to the place of his execution.

The Scriptural Way of the Cross
The Way of the Cross is a devotion in which we accompany, in spirit, our Blessed Lord in his sorrowful journey to Calvary, and devoutly meditate on his suffering and death. A plenary indulgence is granted to those who make the Way of the Cross.

The Sign of the Cross
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Opening Scripture Reading
The Son of Man is destined to suffer grievously, to be rejected, and to be raised up on the third day. If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me. For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, that man will save it. (Luke 9: 22–24)

Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, help me to be open to your closeness and presence as I begin this journey to Calvary with you. Help me to find in your Passion and Death the strength to take up my cross and follow you.

Before Each Meditation
Individual Version: I adore you, Lord Jesus, and I praise you. Because by your Holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.
Group Version: We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you. Because by your Holy Cross, you have redeemed the world.

After Each Meditation
By the wounds of your Sacred Passion, Lord Jesus, heal me. By the wood of your Holy Cross, Lord Jesus, strengthen me. By the sorrow of your Blessed Mother, Lord Jesus, comfort me. By your dying and by your rising, give me new life.

After the Final Station
  • Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
  • Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy/your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
  • Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Have mercy on us Lord, have mercy on us.

Closing Scripture Reading
On the sabbath the women rested according to the commandment, but the first day of the week, at dawn, they went to the tomb with the perfumes and ointments they had prepared. Seeing the stone rolled away from the opening of the tomb, they entered and were puzzled to find that the body of the Lord Jesus was not there. Two men in dazzling garments appeared beside them. In fright the women bowed to the ground. But the men stated, "Why look for the living among the dead? You will not find him here. He has risen. Remember what he told you in Galilee, that the Son of Man had to be given into the hands of sinners, be crucified, and rise on the third day." And they recalled Jesus' words. (Luke 24: 1–8)

Prayer After the Stations
Jesus, you became an example of humility, obedience and patience, and precede me on the way of life bearing your Cross. Grant that inflamed with your love, I may cheerfully take upon myself the sweet yoke of your Gospel together with the mortification of the Cross and follow you as a true disciple so that I may be united with you in heaven. Amen.

Closing Prayer
Lord Jesus, help me to walk with you each day of my life, even to Calvary. The sorrow and joy, the pain and healings, the failures and triumphs of my life are truly small deaths and resurrections that lead me to closeness with you. Give me the faith and trust that I need to walk with you always. Amen.
The Stations of the Cross
  1. Jesus is Condemned to Death — As Pilate wanted to please the people, he freed Barabbas and after the flogging of Jesus, he had him handed over to be crucified (Mark 15:15). O Jesus, help me to appreciate your sanctifying grace more and more.
  2. Jesus Takes Up His Cross — Bearing his own cross, Jesus went out of the city to what is called the Place of the Skull, in Hebrew: Golgotha (John 19:17). O Jesus, you chose to die for me. Help me to love you always with all my heart.
  3. Jesus Falls the First Time — "Truly, I say to you, unless the grain of what falls to the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much fruit (John 12:24). O Jesus, make me strong to conquer my wicked passiones, and to rise quickly from sin.
  4. Jesus Meets His Mother — Simeon blessed his parents and stated to Mary, his mother, "See him; he will be for the rise or fall of the multitudes of Israel. He shall stand as a sign of contradiction, while a sword will pierce your own soul. Then the secret thoughts of many may be brought to light." (Luke 2: 34–35) O Jesus, grant me a tender love for your mother, who offered you for love of me.
  5. Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry His Cross — On the way, they met Simon of Cyrene, father of Alexander and Rufus, who was coming in from the country, and forced him to carry the cross of Jesus (Mark 15:21). O Jesus, like Simon lead me ever closer to you through my daily crosses and trials.
  6. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus — Like a root out of dry ground, like a sapling he grew up before us, with nothing attractive in his appearance, no beauty, no majesty. He was despised and rejected, a man of sorrows with grief, a man from whom people hide their face, spurned and considered of no account (Isaiah 53: 2–3). O Jesus, imprint your image on my heart that I may be faithful to you all my life.
  7. Jesus Falls the Second Time — Jesus stated to Peter, James, and John, "My soul is full of sorrow, even to death. Remain here and stay awake." Then he went a little further on and fell to the ground, praying that if possible this hour might pass him by. (Mark 14: 34–35) O Jesus, I repent for having offended you. Grant me forgiveness of all my sins.
  8. Jesus Comforts the Women of Jerusalem — A large crowd of people followed him; among them were women beating their breast and wailing for him, but Jesus turned to them and stated, "Women of Jerusalem, do not weep for me, weep rather for yourselves and for your children." (Luke 23: 27–28) O Jesus, grant me tears of compassion for your sufferings and sorrow for my sins.
  9. Jesus Falls the Third Time — Come to me, all you who work hard and who carry heavy burdens and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble of heart; and you will find rest. For my yoke is good and my burden is light (Matthew 11: 28–30). O Jesus, let me never yield to despair. Let me come to you in hardship and spiritual distress.
  10. Jesus is Stripped of His Garments — Then the soldiers nailed Jesus to the cross and divided his clothes among themselves, casting lots to decide what each should take (Mark 15:24). O Jesus, let me sacrifice all my attachments rather than imperil the divine life of my soul.
  11. Jesus is Nailed to the Cross — It was nine o'clock in the morning when they crucified him. The statement of his offense was displayed above his head and it read, "The King of the Jews." They also crucified two robbers with him, one on his right and one on his left (Mark 15: 25–27). O Jesus strengthen my faith and increase my love for you. Help me to accept my crosses.
  12. Jesus Dies on the Cross — While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said a blessing and broke it, and gave it to his disciples saying, "Take and eat; this is my body." Then he took a cup and gave thanks, and passed it to them stating, "Drink this, all of you, for his is my blood, the blood of the Covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Yes, I say to you: I will not taste the fruit of the vine from now until the day I drink new wine with you in my Father's kingdom." (Matthew 26: 26–29) O Jesus, I thank you for making me a child of God. Help me to forgive others.
  13. Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross — All you who pass by, look and me. Is there any calamity like this, inflicted on me by the Lord on the day of his burning anger? (Lamentations 1:12) O Jesus, through the intercession of your holy Mother; let me be pleasing to you.
  14. Jesus is Laid in the Tomb — Pilate was surprised that Jesus should have died so soon; so he summoned the captain and inquired if Jesus was already dead. After hearing the captain, he let Joseph have the body. Joseph took it down and wrapped it in the linen sheet he had bought. He laid the body in a tomb which had been cut out of the rock and rolled a stone across the entrance to the tomb. Now Mary of Magdala and Mary the mother of Joset took note of where body had been laid (Mark 15: 44–47). O Jesus, strengthen my will to live for you on earth and bring to eternal bliss in heaven.

Cómo rezar el rosario (Español)

Ten una sarta de cuentas. Con los dedos impuestos sobre la cruz para iniciar la oración del santo rosario, sigue estos procedimientos:
  1. Desde la cruz, haz la señal de la cruz y ora el Credo de los Apóstoles.
  2. Ora el Padre Nuestro en la siguiente cuenta de la sarta.
  3. Por las siguientes tres cuentas de la sarta, ora tres veces “Dios te salve María”.
  4. Por la siguiente cuenta de la sarta, ora “Gloria al Padre y el Hijo y al Espíritu Santo…” y declara el primer misterio.
  5. Ora el Padre Nuestro, diez veces “Ave María”, “Gloria al Padre” después, y la oración de Fátima.
  6. Repite el quinto paso por los cuatros misterios restantes.
  7. Concluye con la oración “La Salve” y la oración conclusiva.
Existen cuatro categorías de misterios: los misterios gozosos, los dolorosos, los gloriosos, y los luminosos.

Los misterios gozosos (lunes y sábado)

  1. La encarnación del Hijo de Dios
  2. La visitación de nuestra Señora a su prima Santa Isabel
  3. El nacimiento del Hijo de Dios en el portal de Belén
  4. La presentación de Jesús en el templo
  5. El niño Jesús perdido y hallado en el templo

Los misterios dolorosos (martes y viernes)

  1. La oración en el huerto
  2. La flagelación de Jesús atado a la columna
  3. La coronación de espinas
  4. Jesús con la cruz a cuestas camino del Calvario
  5. La crucifixión y muerte de Jesús

Los misterios gloriosos (miércoles y domingo)

  1. La resurrección del Hijo de Dios
  2. La Ascensión del Señor al cielo
  3. La venida del Espíritu Santo
  4. La Asunción de María al cielo
  5. La coronación de María como reina y Señora de todo lo creado

Los misterios luminosos (jueves)

  1. El bautismo en el Jordán
  2. Las bodas de Caná
  3. El anuncio del Reino de Dios
  4. La transfiguración
  5. La institución de la Eucaristía