Saturday, September 21, 2013

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: September 22, 2013

First Reading (Amos 8: 4–7)
A reading from the book of the Prophet Amos.
Hear this, you who trample on the needy to do away with the weak of the land. You who say, "When will the new moon or the sabbath feast be over that we may open the store and sell our grain? Let us lower the measure and raise the price; let us cheat and tamper with the scales, and even sell the refuse with the whole grain. We will buy up the poor for money and the needy for a pair of sandals." The Lord, the pride of Jacob, has sworn by himself, "I shall never forget their deeds."

Second Reading (1 Timothy 2: 1–8)
A reading from the first letter of Saint Paul to Timothy.

Beloved: First of all, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for everyone, for rulers of states and all in authority, that we may enjoy a quiet and peaceful life in godliness and respect. This is good and pleases God. For he wants all to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. As there is one God, there is one mediator between God and humankind, Christ Jesus, himself human, who gave is life for the redemption of all. This is the testimony, given in its proper time, and of this, God has made me apostle and herald. I am not lying, I am telling the truth: He made me teacher of the nations regarding faith and truth. I want the men in every place to lift pure hands in prayer to heaven without anger and dissension.

Gospel (Luke 16: 1–13)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
At another time Jesus told his disciples, "There was a rich man whose steward was reported to him for fraudulent service. He summoned the steward and asked him: 'What is this I hear about you? I want you to render an account of your service for it is about to be terminated.' The steward thought to himself: 'What am I to do now? My master will surely dismiss me. I am not strong enough to do hard work, and I am ashamed to beg. I know what I will do: I must make sure that when I am dismissed, there will be some people to welcome me into their house.' So he called his master's debtors individually. He asked the first who came: 'How much do you owe my master?' The reply was: 'A hundred jars of oil.' The steward said: 'Here is your bill. Sit down quickly and write there fifty.' To the second he put the same question: 'How much do you owe? The answer was: 'A thousand bushels of wheat.' Then he stated: 'Take your bill and write eight hundred.' The master commended the dishonest steward for his astuteness. For the people of this world are more astute in dealing with their own kind than are the people of light. And so I tell you: use filthy money to make friends for yourselves, so that when it fails, these people may welcome you into the eternal homes. Whoever can be trusted in little things can also be trusted in great ones; whoever is dishonest in slight matters will also be dishonest in greater ones. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling filthy money, who could entrust you with true wealth? And if you have not been trustworthy with things which are not really yours, who will give you the wealth which is your own? No servant can serve two masters. Either he does not like the one and is fond of the other, or he regards one highly and the other with contempt. You cannot give yourself both to God and to Money."


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    1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 113) (Verses 1–2 and 4–8)
      The response is: Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor.

      Praise, O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord, now and forever!

      The Lord is exalted over the nations, his glory above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, who sits enthroned on high, but also bends down to see on earth as in heaven?

      He lifts up the poor from the dust and the needy from the ash heap. He makes them sit with princes, with rulers of his people.

  2. Primera Lectura (Amós 8: 4–7)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Amós.
    Escuchen esto, ustedes, los que pisotean al indigente para hacer desaparecer a los pobres del país. Ustedes dicen: “¿Cuándo pasará el novilunio para que podamos vender el grano, y el sábado, para dar salida al trigo? Disminuiremos la medida, aumentaremos el precio, falsearemos las balanzas para defraudar; compraremos a los débiles con dinero y al indigente por un par de sandalias, y venderemos hasta los desechos del trigo.” El Señor lo ha jurado por el orgullo de Jacob: Jamás olvidaré ninguna de sus acciones.

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 113) (Versículos 1–2 y 4–8)
    La respuesta es: Alaba al Señor quien levanta a los pobres.
    • Alaben, servidores del Señor, alaben el nombre del Señor. Bendito sea el nombre del Señor, desde ahora y para siempre.
    • El Señor está sobre todas las naciones, su gloria se eleva sobre el cielo. ¿Quién es como el Señor, nuestro Dios, que tiene su morada en las alturas, y se inclina para contemplar el cielo y la tierra?
    • Él levanta del polvo al desvalido, alza al pobre de su miseria, para hacerlo sentar entre los nobles, entre los nobles y su pueblo.

    Segunda Lectura (1 Timoteo 2: 1–8)
    Una lectura de la primera carta de San Pablo a Timoteo.
    Ante todo, te recomiendo que se hagan peticiones, oraciones, súplicas y acciones de gracias por todos los hombres, por los soberanos y por todas las autoridades, para que podamos disfrutar de paz y de tranquilidad, y llevar una vida piadosa y digna. Esto es bueno y agradable a Dios, nuestro Salvador, porque él quiere que todos se salven y lleguen al conocimiento de la verdad. Hay un solo Dios y un solo mediador entre Dios y los hombres: Jesucristo, hombre él también, que se entregó a sí mismo para rescatar a todos. Este es el testimonio que él dio a su debido tiempo, y del cual fui constituido heraldo y Apóstol para enseñar a los paganos la verdadera fe. Digo la verdad, y no miento. Por lo tanto, quiero que los hombres oren constantemente, levantando las manos al cielo con recta intención, sin arrebatos ni discusiones.

    Evangelio (Lucas 16: 1–13)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Lucas.
    Decía también a los discípulos: “Había un hombre rico que tenía un administrador, al cual acusaron de malgastar sus bienes. Lo llamó y le dijo: ‘¿Qué es lo que me han contado de ti? Dame cuenta de tu administración, porque ya no ocuparás más ese puesto.’ El administrador pensó entonces: ‘¿Qué voy a hacer ahora que mi señor me quita el cargo? ¿Cavar? No tengo fuerzas. ¿Pedir limosna? Me da vergüenza. ¡Ya sé lo que voy a hacer para que, al dejar el puesto, haya quienes me reciban en su casa!" Llamó uno por uno a los deudores de su señor y preguntó al primero: ‘¿Cuánto debes a mi señor?’ ‘Veinte barriles de aceite’, le respondió. El administrador le dijo: ‘Toma tu recibo, siéntate en seguida, y anota diez.’ Después preguntó a otro: ‘Y tú, ¿cuánto debes?’ ‘Cuatrocientos quintales de trigo’, le respondió. El administrador le dijo: ‘Toma tu recibo y anota trescientos’. Y el señor alabó a este administrador deshonesto, por haber obrado tan hábilmente. Porque los hijos de este mundo son más astutos en sus trato con lo demás que los hijos de la luz. Pero yo les digo: Gánense amigos con el dinero de la injusticia, para que el día en que este les falte, ellos los reciban en las moradas eternas. El que es fiel en lo poco, también es fiel en lo mucho, y el que es deshonesto en lo poco, también es deshonesto en lo mucho. Si ustedes no son fieles en el uso del dinero injusto, ¿quién les confiará el verdadero bien? Y si no son fieles con lo ajeno, ¿quién les confiará lo que les pertenece a ustedes? Ningún servidor puede servir a dos señores, porque aborrecerá a uno y amará al otro, o bien se interesará por el primero y menospreciará al segundo. No puede servir a Dios y al Dinero.”

    1. Bacaan Pertama (Amos 8: 4–7)
      Pembacaan dari kitab dari Amos.
      Dengarlah ini, kamu yang menginjak-injak orang miskin, dan yang membinasakan orang sengsara di negeri ini dan berpikir: "Bilakah bulan baru berlalu, supaya kita boleh menjual gandum dan bilakah hari Sabat berlalu, supaya kita boleh menawarkan terigu dengan mengecilkan efa, membesarkan syikal, berbuat curang dengan neraca palsu, supaya kita membeli orang lemah karena uang dan orang yang miskin karena sepasang kasut; dan menjual terigu rosokan?" TUHAN telah bersumpah demi kebanggaan Yakub: "Bahwasanya Aku tidak akan melupakan untuk seterusnya segala perbuatan mereka!

  3. Limosna (sustantivo femenino)
    • Cosa que se da por amor de Dios para socorrer una necesidad.
    • Dinero que se da en las colectas hechas con fines religiosos.
    • Dinero, alimento o ropa que se da a los indigentes.
    • Donativo o subvención (subsidio) que se daba a los conventos de Indias, con cargo a los ingresos de encomiendas y otros.
    Novilunio (sustantivo masculino): Conjunción de la luna con el sol.
    Arrebatar (verbo transitivo y pronominal)
    • Como un verbo transitivo
    o Quitar con violencia y fuerza.
    o Atraer algo, como la vista, la atención, etcétera.
    o Sacar de sí, conmover poderosamente excitando alguna pasión o afecto. (Usado también como pronominal)
    o Arrobar el espíritu. (Usado también como pronominal)
    o Dicho del calor excesivo: Agostar las mieses antes de tiempo. (Usado también como pronominal)
    • Como un verbo pronominal
    o Enfurecerse, dejarse llevar de alguna pasión, especialmente de la ira. Usado a veces referido a los animales.
    o Dicho de un alimento: Asarse o cocerse mal y precipitadamente por exceso de fuego.
    o Acalorarse, contraer fiebre.
    o Enloquecer (Colombia, Cuba, y Panamá)

  4. I am the salvation of the people, says the Lord. Should they cry to me in any distress, I will hear them, and I will be their Lord forever.

  5. It is difficult not to be attached to things. It is difficult to be always just. We now ask the Lord to forgive us where we failed.

  6. This is the Kyrie for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    — Priest: Lord Jesus, you were rich but made yourself poor to enrich us by your poverty. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.
    — Priest: Lord Jesus Christ, you lived and you died for others. Christ, have mercy.
    Congregation: Christ, have mercy.
    — Priest: Lord Jesus, your heart was undivided: you served the Father and loved us because of him. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.
    — Show your kindness to us, Lord, for we do not know how poor we are, and forgive us our sins. Lead us to everlasting life. Amen.

  7. This is the Collect (Opening Prayer) for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Let us pray. O God, who founded all the commands of your sacred Law upon love of you and of our neighbor, grant that, by keeping your precepts, we may merit to attain eternal life. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

  8. This is the Gospel Acclamation for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
    Though our Lord Jesus Christ was rich, he became poor, so that by his poverty, you might become rich.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

  9. Father Thomas' speaking time was 17'21"81. His opening prayer to the homily lasted for 3'26"42, while his homily lasted for 13'55"39.

  10. Priest: Let us pray to the Lord our God to turn the hearts of all to the true values that last. Let us say: Lord, hear your people.
    — For the Church, that it may be serving the Church of the poor, hearing witness to God's gratuitousness as a living parable of sharing. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    — For those who influence the thinking of our nation: intellectuals, researchers, spiritual guides, that the truth and the happiness of people may guide their thought and actions. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    — For those who live by the work of their hands, that people may recognize their dignity and the service they render to all. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    — For the poor, those discriminated against, all those with little access to the world's goods, that they may receive a fairer share. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    — For our Christian communities, that there may be justice among us and a deep concern for one another, where greed gives way to sharing and jealousy to loving service. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    — Lord, in your Holy name, obtain for us from your Heavenly Father, His providence of the Saint Peter Canisius International Catholic Parish. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    Priest: Let us now pray silently for our personal intentions to our God, so that he may be able to accept them. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    Lord our God, free us from everything that bound us to the worldly gain. Make us seek true wealth in God now and forever. Amen.

  11. Receive with favor, O Lord, we pray, the offerings of your people, that what they profess with devotion and faith may be theirs through these heavenly mysteries. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  12. It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God. For you laid the foundations of the world and have arranged the changing of times and seasons; you formed man in your own image and set humanity over the whole world in all its wonder, to rule in your name over all you have made and forever praise in your mighty works, through Christ our Lord. And so, with Angels, we praise you, as in joyful celebration we acclaim…

  13. Graciously raise up, O Lord, those you renew with this Sacrament, that we may come to possess your redemption both in mystery and in the manner of our life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  14. This is the Blessing (Closing Prayer) for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Bow your heads and pray for God's blessing.
    Brothers and sisters in Christ: Let us be good stewards of all God's good gifts to us in the service of God and those around us. And let us also be good stewards of one another, with the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    The Mass has ended, and you are sent. Therefore, go in peace to love and serve the Lord in one another. Thanks be to God.


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