Saturday, December 4, 2021

2nd Sunday of Advent

Date: December 5, 2021

New American Bible readings
First reading (Baruch 5: 1–9)
A reading from the book of the prophet Baruch.
Jerusalem, take off your robe of mourning and misery; put on the splendor of glory from God forever: wrapped in the cloak of justice from God, bear on your head the miter that displays the glory of the eternal name. For God will show all the earth your splendor: you will be named by God forever the peace of justice, the glory of God’s worship. Up, Jerusalem! stand upon the heights; look to the east and see your children gathered from the east and the west at the word of the Holy One, rejoicing that they are remembered by God. Led away on foot by their enemies they left you: but God will bring them back to you borne aloft in glory as on royal thrones. For God has commanded that every lofty mountain be made low, and that the age-old depths and gorges be filled to level ground, that Israel may advance secure in the glory of God. The forests and every fragrant kind of tree have overshadowed Israel at God’s command; for God is leading Israel in joy by the light of his glory, with his mercy and justice for company.

Second reading (Philippians 1: 4–6 and 8–11)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Philippians.
Brothers and sisters: I pray always with joy in my every prayer for all of you, because of your partnership for the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus. God is my witness, how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. And this is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and more in knowledge and every kind of perception, to discern what is of value, so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God.

Gospel (Luke 3: 1–6)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene, during the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John the son of Zechariah in the desert. John went throughout the whole region of the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins, as it is written in the book of the words of the prophet Isaiah: A voice of one crying out in the desert: “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths. Every valley shall be filled and every mountain and hill shall be made low. The winding roads shall be made straight, and the rough ways made smooth, and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.”

Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible readings
First reading (Baruch 5: 1–9)
A reading from the book of the prophet Baruch.
Jerusalem, put off your garment of mourning and unhappiness, put on the splendor and glory of God forever. Wrap yourself in the mantle of holiness that comes from God, put on your head the crown of glory of the Eternal One. For God will show your splendor to every being under Heaven. He will call your name forever, "Peace in Justice" and "Glory in the Fear of the Lord." Rise up, Jerusalem, stand on the heights. Look towards the East and see your children gathered together from the setting of the sun to its rising, by the voice of the Holy One, rejoicing because God has remembered them. They left you on foot, taken away by the enemy. God will lead them back, carried gloriously like royal princes. For God has resolved to bring low every high mountain and the everlasting hills, to fill up the valleys and level out the ground, in order that Israel may walk in safety under the Glory of God. Even the forests and the fragrant trees will give shade to Israel at God's command. For God will lead Israel with joy by the light of his Glory, escorting them with his mercy and justice.

Second reading (Philippians 1: 4–6 and 8–11)

A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Philippians.
We, Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ pray for God, and we pray with joy. I cannot forget you shared with me in the service of the Gospel, from the first day until now. Since God began such good work in you, I am certain that he will complete it in the day of Christ Jesus. God knows that I love you dearly with the love of Jesus Christ, and in my prayers, I ask that your love may lead you each day to a deeper knowledge and clearer discernment, that you may have good criteria for everything. So you may be pure of heart and come blameless to the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of holiness which comes through Christ Jesus, for the glory and praise of God.

Gospel (Luke 3: 1–6)

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
It was the fifteenth year of the rule of the Emperor Tiberious; Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea; Herod ruled over Galilee, his brother Philip ruled over the country of Iturea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias ruled over Abilene. Annas and Caiaphas were the High Priests at that time when the word of God came to John, the son of Zechariah in the desert. John proclaimed a baptism for repentant people to acquire forgiveness of sins and he went through the whole country bordering the Jordan River. It was just as is written in the book of the prophet Isaiah: listen to this voice crying out in the desert: prepare the way of the Lord, make his path straight. The valleys will be filled and the mountains and hills made low. Everything crooked will be made straight and the rough paths smooth; and every mortal will see the salvation of God.


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 126) (Verses 1–6)
    The response is: The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.

    When the LORD brought back the captives of Zion, we were like men dreaming. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with rejoicing.

    Then they said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them." The LORD has done great things for us; we are glad indeed.

    Restore our fortunes, O LORD, like the torrents in the southern desert. Those who sow in tears shall reap rejoicing.

    Although they go forth weeping, carrying the seed to be sown, they shall come back rejoicing, carrying their sheaves.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  2. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 126) (Verses 1–6)
    The response is: The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.

    When the Lord brought the exiles back to Zion, we were like those moving in a dream. Then our mouths were filled with laughter, and our tongues with songs of joy.

    Among the nations it was said, "The Lord has done great things for them." The Lord had done great things for us, and we were glad indeed.

    Bring back our exiles, O Lord, like fresh streams in the desert. Those who sow in tears will reap with songs and shouts of joy.

    They went forth weeping, bearing the seeds for sowing, they will come home with joyful shouts, bringing their harvested sheaves.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  3. Alleluia, alleluia.
    Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths: all flesh shall see the salvation of God.
    Alleluia, alleluia.

  4. Primera lectura (Baruc 5: 1-9)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Baruc.
    Quítate tu ropa de duelo y de aflicción, Jerusalén, vístete para siempre con el esplendor de la gloria de Dios, cúbrete con el manto de la justicia de Dios, coloca sobre tu cabeza la diadema de gloria del Eterno. Porque Dios mostrará tu resplandor a todo lo que existe bajo el cielo. Porque recibirás de Dios para siempre este nombre: “Paz en la justicia” y “Gloria en la piedad”. Levántate, Jerusalén, sube a lo alto y dirige tu mirada hacia el Oriente: mira a tus hijos reunidos desde el oriente al occidente por la palabra del Santo, llenos de gozo, porque Dios se acordó de ellos. Ellos salieron de ti a pie, llevados por enemigos, pero Dios te los devuelve, traídos gloriosamente como en un trono real. Porque Dios dispuso que sean aplanadas las altas montañas y las colinas seculares, y que se rellenen los valles hasta nivelar la tierra, para que Israel camine seguro bajo la gloria de Dios. También los bosques y todas las plantas aromáticas darán sombra a Israel por orden de Dios, porque Dios conducirá a Israel en la alegría, a la luz de su gloria, acompañándolo con su misericordia y su justicia.

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 126) (Versículos 1–6)
    La respuesta es: El Señor ha hecho grandes cosas por nosotros; estamos rebosantes de alegría.
    • Cuando el Señor cambió la suerte de Sion, nos parecía que soñábamos: nuestra boca se llenó de risas y nuestros labios, de canciones.
    • Hasta los mismos paganos decían: “¡El Señor hizo por ellos grandes cosas!” ¡Grandes cosas hizo el Señor por nosotros y estamos rebosantes de alegría!
    • ¡Cambia, Señor, nuestra suerte como los torrentes del Négueb! Los que siembran entre lágrimas cosecharán entre canciones.
    • El sembrador va llorando cuando esparce la semilla, pero vuelve cantando cuando trae las gavillas.

    Segunda lectura (Filipenses 1: 4-6 y 8-11)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Filipenses.
    Pablo y Timoteo, servidores de Cristo Jesús, siempre y en todas nuestras oraciones pedimos con alegría por todos ustedes, en la colaboración que prestaron a la difusión del Evangelio, desde el comienzo hasta ahora. Estoy firmemente convencido de que aquel que comenzó en ustedes la buena obra la irá completando hasta el Día de Cristo Jesús. Dios es testigo de que los quiero tiernamente a todos en el corazón de Cristo Jesús. Y en mi oración pido que el amor de ustedes crezca cada vez más en el conocimiento y en la plena comprensión, fin de que puedan discernir lo que es mejor. Así serán encontrados puros e irreprochables en el Día de Cristo, llenos del fruto de justicia que proviene de Jesucristo, para la gloria y alabanza de Dios.

    Evangelio (Lucas 3: 1-6)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Lucas.
    El año decimoquinto del reinado del emperador Tiberio, cuando Poncio Pilato gobernaba la Judea, siendo Herodes tetrarca de Galilea, su hermano Felipe tetrarca de Iturea y Traconítide, y Lisanias tetrarca de Abilene, bajo el pontificado de Anás y Caifás, Dios dirigió su palabra a Juan, hijo de Zacarías, que estaba en el desierto. Este comenzó entonces a recorrer toda la región del río Jordán, anunciando un bautismo de conversión para el perdón de los pecados, está escrito en el libro del profeta Isaías: "Una voz grita en desierto: Preparen el camino del Señor, allanen sus senderos. Los valles serán rellenados, las montañas y las colinas serán aplanadas. Serán enderezados los senderos sinuosos y nivelados los caminos desparejos. Entonces, todos los hombres verán la Salvación de Dios."

  5. Bacaan pertama (Barukh 5: 1–9)
    Pembacaan dari nabi Barukh.
    Hendaklah, hai Yerusalem, menanggalkan pakaian kesedihan dan kesengsaraanmu, dan mengenakan perhiasan kemuliaan Allah untuk selama-lamanya. Hendaklah berselubungkan kampuh kebenaran Allah, dan memasang di atas kepalamu tajuk kemuliaan dari Yang Kekal. Sebab di bawah kolong langit seluruhnya serimu akan dipertunjukkan oleh Allah. Dari pihak Allah engkau akan diberi nama ini untuk selamanya: "Damai sejahtera hasil kebenaran" dan "Kemuliaan hasil dari takwa". Bangkitlah, hai Yerusalem, hendaklah berdiri tegak di ketinggian! Tengoklah ke timur! Lihatlah anak-anakmu sudah berkumpul atas firman dari Yang Kudus, dari tempat matahari terbenam hingga ke tempat terbitnya, seraya bersukaria karena Allah telah teringat kepada mereka. Memang dahulu mereka pergi dari padamu dengan berjalan kaki, digiring oleh musuh. Tetapi kini mereka dikembalikan kepadamu oleh Allah diusung dengan hormat seolah-olah di atas tandu kerajaan. Sebab Allah memerintahkan, supaya diratakanlah segala gunung yang tinggi dan segenap bukit abadi, dan supaya ditimbuslah sekalian jurang menjadi tanah yang rata, sehingga Israel dapat berjalan dengan aman di bawah naungan kemuliaan Allah. Hutan rimba dan segala pohon yang harum semerbakpun menaungi Israel atas perintah Allah. Sebab Israel akan dituntun dengan sukacita oleh Allah, oleh cahaya kemuliaan-Nya dan dengan belas kasihan dan kebenaran-Nya.

    Mazmur (Mazmur 126) (Ayat 1–6)
    Tanggapan adalah: Tuhan telah melakukan perkara besar kepada kita, maka kita bersukacita.
    • Nyanyian ziarah. Ketika TUHAN memulihkan keadaan Sion, keadaan kita seperti orang-orang yang bermimpi. Pada waktu itu mulut kita penuh dengan tertawa, dan lidah kita dengan sorak-sorai.
    • Pada waktu itu berkatalah orang di antara bangsa-bangsa: "TUHAN telah melakukan perkara besar kepada orang-orang ini!" TUHAN telah melakukan perkara besar kepada kita, maka kita bersukacita.
    • Pulihkanlah keadaan kami, ya TUHAN, seperti memulihkan batang air kering di Tanah Negeb!
    • Orang-orang yang menabur dengan mencucurkan air mata, akan menuai dengan bersorak-sorai. Orang yang berjalan maju dengan menangis sambil menabur benih, pasti pulang dengan sorak-sorai sambil membawa berkas-berkasnya.

    1. Bacaan kedua (Filipi 1: 4–6 dan 8–11)
      Pembacaan dari surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Filipi.
      Dan setiap kali aku berdoa untuk kamu semua, aku selalu berdoa dengan sukacita. Aku mengucap syukur kepada Allahku karena persekutuanmu dalam Berita Injil mulai dari hari pertama sampai sekarang ini. Akan hal ini aku yakin sepenuhnya, yaitu Ia, yang memulai pekerjaan yang baik di antara kamu, akan meneruskannya sampai pada akhirnya pada hari Kristus Yesus. Sebab Allah adalah saksiku betapa aku dengan kasih mesra Kristus Yesus merindukan kamu sekalian. Dan inilah doaku, semoga kasihmu makin melimpah dalam pengetahuan yang benar dan dalam segala macam pengertian, sehingga kamu dapat memilih apa yang baik, supaya kamu suci dan tak bercacat menjelang hari Kristus, penuh dengan buah kebenaran yang dikerjakan oleh Yesus Kristus untuk memuliakan dan memuji Allah.

      Bacaan Injil (Lukas 3: 1–6)
      Pembacaan dari injil kudus menurut Santo Lukas.
      Dalam tahun kelima belas dari pemerintahan Kaisar Tiberius, ketika Pontius Pilatus menjadi wali negeri Yudea, dan Herodes raja wilayah Galilea, Filipus, saudaranya, raja wilayah Iturea dan Trakhonitis, dan Lisanias raja wilayah Abilene, pada waktu Hanas dan Kayafas menjadi Imam Besar, datanglah firman Allah kepada Yohanes, anak Zakharia, di padang gurun. Maka datanglah Yohanes ke seluruh daerah Yordan dan menyerukan: "Bertobatlah dan berilah dirimu dibaptis dan Allah akan mengampuni dosamu, seperti ada tertulis dalam kitab nubuat-nubuat Yesaya: Ada suara yang berseru-seru di padang gurun: Persiapkanlah jalan untuk Tuhan, luruskanlah jalan bagi-Nya. Setiap lembah akan ditimbun dan setiap gunung dan bukit akan menjadi rata, yang berliku-liku akan diluruskan, yang berlekuk-lekuk akan diratakan, dan semua orang akan melihat keselamatan yang dari Tuhan."

    2. Mazmur (Mazmur 126) (Ayat 1–6)
      Tanggapan adalah: Tuhan telah melakukan perkara besar kepada kita, maka kita bersukacita.
      • Nyanyian ziarah. Ketika TUHAN memulihkan keadaan Yerusalem, kita seperti bermimpi! Kita terus tertawa dan menyanyi gembira sehingga bangsa-bangsa lain berkata, "TUHAN telah melakukan hal-hal yang hebat bagi mereka!"
      • Memang TUHAN telah melakukan hal-hal yang hebat bagi kita! Sebab itulah kita bersukacita!
      • Ya TUHAN, pulihkanlah keadaan kami, seperti sungai kering berair lagi di musim hujan.
      • Semoga orang yang menabur sambil menangis, menuai dengan sorak-sorai. Orang pergi menabur benih di ladangnya, sambil bercucuran air mata. Ia pulang dengan menyanyi gembira membawa berkas-berkas panenannya.

    3. Mazmur di atas komentar ini adalah terjemahan yang mudah dimengerti.

  6. Unang pagbabasa (Baruc 5: 1–9)
    Ang pagbabasa sa aklat ni propeta Baruc.
    Jerusalem, hubarin mo na ang damit-panluksa at isuot mo ang walang hanggang kaluwalhatian ng Diyos. Ibalabal mo ang kanyang katuwiran at iputong mo sa iyong ulo ang korona ng kaluwalhatian ng Diyos na walang hanggan. Itatanyag ka niya sa lahat ng dako. Tatawagin kang “Kapayapaang bunga ng katuwiran at Kaluwalhatiang bunga ng pagiging maka-Diyos.” Jerusalem, tumayo ka at umakyat sa mataas na burol. Tumingin ka sa silangan at tanawin mo ang iyong mga anak na sa isang tawag lamang ng banal na Diyos ay natitipon mula sa silangan hanggang sa kanluran. Nagagalak sila sapagkat hindi sila kinalimutan ng Diyos. Pilit silang inagaw sa iyo at kinaladkad palayo, ngunit ngayo'y ibinabalik sa iyo na sakay sa kaluwalhatiang wari'y nakaupo sa maharlikang trono. Iniutos ng Diyos na patagin ang matataas na bundok at walang hanggang burol, at tambakan ang mga libis upang panatag na makabalik ang bayang Israel na puspos ng kaluwalhatian ng Diyos. Sa utos niya'y lilitaw ang maraming mababangong punongkahoy upang liliman ang Israel. Aakayin sila ng Diyos, at babalik silang masaya na pangangalagaan ng kanyang habag at katuwiran, at liligaya sa liwanag ng kanyang walang hanggang kaluwalhatian.

    Ikalawang pagbabasa (Filipos 1: 4–6 at 8–11)
    Ang pagbabasa sa sulat ni San Pablo sa mga taga-Filipos.
    Ako'y nagagalak tuwing ako'y nananalangin para sa inyong lahat, dahil sa inyong pakikiisa sa pagpapalaganap ng Magandang Balita tungkol kay Cristo, mula nang ito'y inyong tanggapin hanggang sa kasalukuyan. Natitiyak kong ang mabuting gawang pinasimulan sa inyo ng Diyos ay kanyang lulubusin hanggang sa Araw ni Jesu-Cristo. Saksi ko ang Diyos na ang pananabik ko sa inyong lahat ay kagaya ng pagmamahal sa inyo ni Jesu-Cristo. Idinadalangin ko sa Diyos na ang inyong pag-ibig ay patuloy na sumagana at masangkapan ng malinaw na kaalaman at pagkaunawa, upang mapili ninyo ang pinakamahalaga sa lahat. Sa gayon, sa Araw ni Cristo ay matagpuan kayong malinis, walang kapintasan, at sagana sa magagandang katangiang kaloob sa inyo ni Jesu-Cristo, sa ikararangal at ikadadakila ng Diyos.

    Ebanghelyo (Lucas 3: 1–6)
    Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Lucas.
    Ikalabinlimang taon noon ng paghahari ni Emperador Tiberio. Si Poncio Pilato ang gobernador sa Judea at si Herodes ang pinuno sa Galilea. Ang kapatid nitong si Felipe ang pinuno sa lupain ng Iturea at Traconite at si Lisanias ang pinuno sa Abilinia. Nang sina Anas at Caifas ang mga pinakapunong pari ng mga Judio, si Juan na anak ni Zacarias ay nakatira sa ilang. Ipinahayag ng Diyos ang kanyang salita kay Juan, kaya't nilibot niya ang mga lupain sa magkabilang panig ng Jordan. Siya'y nangaral, “Pagsisihan at talikuran ninyo ang inyong mga kasalanan at magpabautismo kayo upang kayo'y patawarin ng Diyos.” Sa gayon, natupad ang nakasulat sa aklat ni Propeta Isaias, “Ito ang pahayag ng isang taong sumisigaw sa ilang: ‘Ihanda ninyo ang daraanan ng Panginoon. Gumawa kayo ng mga tuwid na landas na kanyang lalakaran! Matatambakan ang bawat libis, at mapapatag ang bawat burol at bundok. Magiging tuwid ang daang liku-liko, at patag ang daang baku-bako. At makikita ng lahat ng tao ang pagliligtas na gagawin ng Diyos!’”


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