Saturday, February 26, 2022

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: February 27, 2022

New American Bible readings
First reading (Sirach 27: 4–7)
A reading from the book of Sirach.
When a sieve is shaken, the husks appear; so do one's faults when one speaks. As the test of what the potter molds is in the furnace, so in tribulation is the test of the just. The fruit of a tree shows the care it has had; so too does one's speech disclose the bent of one's mind. Praise no one before he speaks, for it is then that people are tested.

Second reading (1 Corinthians 15: 54–58)
A reading from the first letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians.
Brothers and sisters: When this which is corruptible clothes itself with incorruptibility and this which is mortal clothes itself with immortality, then the word that is written shall come about: Death is swallowed up in victory. Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers and sisters, be firm, steadfast, always fully devoted to the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

Gospel (Luke 6: 39–45)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
Jesus told his disciples a parable, "Can a blind person guide a blind person? Will not both fall into a pit? No disciple is superior to the teacher; but when fully trained, every disciple will be like his teacher. Why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own? How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me remove that splinter in your eye,' when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your own eye? You hypocrite!  Remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother's eye. "A good tree does not bear rotten fruit, nor does a rotten tree bear good fruit. For every tree is known by its own fruit. For people do not pick figs from thornbushes, nor do they gather grapes from brambles. A good person out of the store of goodness in his heart produces good, but an evil person out of a store of evil produces evil; for from the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks."

Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible readings
First reading (Sirach 27: 4–7)
A reading from the book of Sirach.
When a sieve is shaken the dirt falls through; so, too, the defects of a man are seen when he begins to speak. The kiln tests the potter's handiwork; a man is tested by his conversation. A well-tended tree is shown by its fruits so a man's feelings can be detected in what he says. Praise no one before he has spoken, since this is the acid test.

Second reading (1 Corinthians 15: 54–58)
A reading from the first letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians.
When our perishable being puts on imperishable life, when our mortal being puts on immortality, the word of Scripture will be fulfilled: Death has been swallowed up by victory. Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting? Sin is the sting of death to kill, and the Law is what gives force to sin. But give thanks to God who gives us the victory through Christ Jesus, our Lord. So then, my dear brothers and sisters, be steadfast and do not be moved. Improve constantly in the work of the Lord, knowing that with him your labor is not without fruit.

Gospel (Luke 6: 39–45)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
And Jesus offered this example, "Can a blind person lead another blind person? Surely, both will fall into a ditch. A disciple is not above the master; but when fully trained, he will be like the master. So why do you pay attention to the speck in your brother's eye while you have a log in your eye and are not conscious of it? How can you say to your neighbor: 'Friend, let me take this speck out of your eye,' when you cannot remove the log in your own? You hypocrite! First, remove the log from your own eye and then you will see clearly enough to remove the speck from your neighbor's eye. No healthy tree bears bad fruit, no poor tree bears good fruit. And each tree is known by the fruit it bears: you do not gather figs from thorns, or grapes from brambles. Similarly, the good person draws good things from the good stored in the heart, and an evil person draws evil things from the evil stored in the heart. For the mouth speaks from the fullness of the heart."


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 92) (Verses 2–3 and 13–16)
    The response: Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.

    It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praise to your name, Most High, to proclaim your kindness at dawn and your faithfulness throughout the night.

    The just one shall flourish like the palm tree, like a cedar of Lebanon shall he grow. They that are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.

    They shall bear fruit even in old age; vigorous and sturdy shall they be, declaring how just is the LORD, my rock, in whom there is no wrong.

  2. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 92) (Verses 2–3 and 13–16)
    The response is: Lord, it is good to give thanks to you.

    It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praise to your name, O Most High, to proclaim your grace in the morning, to declare your faithfulness at night.

    The virtuous will flourish like palm trees, they will thrive like the cedars of Lebanon. Planted in the house of the Lord, they will prosper in the courts of our God.

    In old page they will still bear fruit; they will stay fresh and green, to proclaim that the Lord is upright, "He is my Rock," they say, "he never fails."

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  3. Alleluia, alleluia.
    Shine like lights in the world as you hold on to the word of life.
    Alleluia, alleluia.

  4. Primera lectura (Eclesiástico 27: 4–7)
    Una lectura del libro del Eclesiástico.
    Cuando se zarandea la criba, quedan los residuos: así los desechos de un hombre aparecen en sus palabras. El horno pone a prueba los vasos del alfarero, y la prueba del hombre está en su conversación. El árbol bien cultivado se manifiesta en sus frutos; así la palabra expresa la índole de cada uno. No elogies a nadie antes de oírlo razonar, porque allí es donde se prueban los hombres.

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 92) (Versículos 2–3 y 13–16)
    La respuesta es: Señor, es bueno darte gracias.
    • Es bueno dar gracias al Señor, y cantar, Dios Altísimo, a tu Nombre; proclamar tu amor de madrugada, y tu fidelidad en las vigilias de la noche.
    • El justo florecerá como la palmera, crecerá como los cedros del Líbano: trasplantado en la Casa del Señor, florecerá en los atrios de nuestro Dios.
    • En la vejez seguirá dando frutos, se mantendrá fresco y frondoso, para proclamar qué justo es el Señor, mi Roca, en quien no existe la maldad.

    Segunda lectura (1 Corintios 15: 54–58)
    Una lectura de la primera carta de San Pablo a los corintios.
    Cuando lo que es corruptible se revista de la incorruptibilidad y lo que es mortal se revista de la inmortalidad, entonces se cumplirá la palabra de la Escritura: La muerte ha sido vencida. ¿Dónde está, muerte, tu victoria? ¿Dónde está tu aguijón? Porque lo que provoca la muerte es el pecado y lo que da fuerza al pecado es la ley. ¡Demos gracias a Dios, que nos ha dado la victoria por nuestro Señor Jesucristo! Por eso, queridos hermanos, permanezcan firmes e inconmovibles, progresando constantemente en la obra del Señor, con la certidumbre de que los esfuerzos que realizan por él no serán vanos.

    Evangelio (Lucas 6: 39–45)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según el San Lucas.
    Les hizo también esta comparación: “¿Puede un ciego guiar a otro ciego? ¿No caerán los dos en un pozo? El discípulo no es superior al maestro; cuando el discípulo llegue a ser perfecto, será como su maestro. ¿Por qué miras la paja que hay en el ojo de tu hermano y no ves la viga que está en el tuyo? ¿Cómo puedes decir a tu hermano: ‘Hermano, deja que te saque la paja de tu ojo,’ tú, que no ves la viga que tienes en el tuyo? ¡Hipócrita! Saca primero la viga de tu ojo, y entonces verás claro para sacar la paja del ojo de tu hermano. No hay árbol bueno que dé frutos malos, ni árbol malo que dé frutos buenos: cada árbol se reconoce por su fruto. No se recogen higos de los espinos ni se cosechan uvas de las zarzas. El hombre bueno saca el bien del tesoro de bondad que tiene en su corazón. El malo saca el mal de maldad, porque de la abundancia del corazón habla la boca.”

  5. Unang pagbabasa (Ecclesiastico 27: 4–7)
    Ang pagbabasa sa aklat ni Ecclesiastico.
    Kapag niliglig mo ang bistay, maiiwan ang magaspang; kapag ang tao'y nagsalita, kapintasa'y lumilitaw. Ang gawa ng magpapalayok ay sa hurno nasusubok, ang pagkatao ng sinuma'y makikita sa kanyang pangangatuwiran. Sa bunga ng punongkahoy nakikilala ang ginagawang pag-aalaga; sa pangungusap ng isang tao, damdamin niya'y nahahalata. Huwag mo munang pupurihin ang isang tao hanggang hindi nagsasalita, sapagkat doon mo pa makikilala ang tunay niyang puso't diwa.

    Ikalawang pagbabasa (1 Corinto 15: 54–58)
    Ang pagbabasa sa unang sulat ni San Pablo sa mga taga-Corinto.
    Kapag ang nabubulok ay napalitan na ng di nabubulok, at ang may kamatayan ay napalitan na ng walang kamatayan, matutupad na ang sinasabi sa kasulatan: “Nalupig na ang kamatayan; lubos na ang tagumpay!” “Nasaan, O kamatayan, ang iyong tagumpay? Nasaan, O kamatayan, ang iyong kamandag?” Ang kamandag ng kamatayan ay ang kasalanan, at ang kapangyarihan ng kasalanan ay nagmumula sa Kautusan. Magpasalamat tayo sa Diyos na nagbibigay sa atin ng tagumpay sa pamamagitan ng ating Panginoong Jesu-Cristo! Kaya nga, mga minamahal kong kapatid, magpakatatag kayo at huwag matinag. Maging masipag kayo palagi sa paglilingkod sa Panginoon, dahil alam ninyong hindi masasayang ang inyong pagpapagal para sa kanya.

    Ebanghelyo (Lucas 6: 39–45)
    Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Lucas.
    Tinanong sila ni Jesus nang patalinghaga, “Maaari kayang mag-akay ang isang bulag ng kapwa niya bulag? Pareho silang mahuhulog sa hukay kapag ginawa nila ang ganoon! Walang alagad na nakakahigit sa kanyang guro, ngunit matapos maturuang lubos, ang alagad ay makakatulad ng kanyang guro. “Bakit mo pinapansin ang puwing ng iyong kapatid ngunit hindi mo pinapansin ang troso sa iyong mata? Paano mo masasabi sa iyong kapatid, ‘Kapatid, hayaan mong alisin ko ang iyong puwing,’ gayong hindi mo nakikita ang trosong nasa iyong mata? Mapagkunwari! Alisin mo muna ang troso sa iyong mata, nang makakita kang mabuti; sa gayon, maaalis mo na ang puwing ng iyong kapatid.” “Walang mabuting punongkahoy na namumunga ng masama, at wala ring masamang puno na namumunga ng mabuti. Nakikilala ang bawat puno sa pamamagitan ng kanyang bunga. Sapagkat hindi nakakapitas ng igos sa matitinik na halaman o ng ubas sa mga dawag. Ang mabuting tao ay naglalabas ng mabuti mula sa kanyang pusong sagana sa kabutihan, samantalang ang masamang tao naman ay naglalabas ng masama mula sa kanyang pusong puno ng kasamaan. Sapagkat kung ano ang nag-uumapaw sa puso ay siyang sinasabi ng labi.”


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