Saturday, June 19, 2010

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: June 20, 2010

First Reading (Zechariah 12: 10–11 and 13:1)
A reading from the book of the Prophet Zechariah.
Thus states the Lord: I will pour out on the family of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of love and supplication. They will look at the one who was pierced and mourn for him as for an only child, weeping bitterly as for a firstborn. The mourning in Jerusalem will be as great as the mourning of Haddadrimmon in the plain of Megiddo. On that day a spring will well up for the family of David and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem to cleanse themselves of sin and defilement.

Second Reading (Galatians 3: 26–29)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians.
Brothers and sisters: Now, in Christ Jesus, all of you are sons and daughters of God through faith. All of you who were given to Christ through baptism, have put on Christ. Here there is no longer any difference between Jew or Greek, or between slave or freed, or between man and woman: but all of you are one in Christ Jesus. And because you belong to Christ, you are of Abraham's race and you are to inherit God's promise.

Gospel (Luke 9: 18–24)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
One day when Jesus was praying alone, not far from his disciples, he asked them, "What do people say about me?" And they answered, "Some say that you are John the Baptist; others say that you are Elijah, and still others that you are one of the former prophets risen from the dead." Again Jesus asked them, "Who then do you say I am?" Peter answered, "The Messiah of God." Then Jesus spoke to them, giving them strict orders not to tell this to anyone. And Jesus added, "The Son of Man must suffer many things. He will be rejected by the elders and chief priests and teachers of the Law, and put to death. Then after three days will be raised to life." Jesus additionally stated to all the people, "If you wish to be a follower of mine, deny yourself and take up your cross each day, and follow me. For if you choose to save your life, you will lose it, and if you lose your life for my sake, you will save it."


  1. I would like to decorate this log for I visited church on Saturday, and this day is commemorating Garfield's brithday. Thank you for your cooperation. If you want, please celebrate Garfield's 32nd birthday by eating more lasagna!

  2. If you truly want, you may celebrate Garfield's 32nd brithday not just eating western food or eating just lasagna, but additionally play Garfield's games. Garfield can eat lasagna from heaven; you can help Odie catch Dingleballs; you can help Garfield gather his breakfast by collecting scrambled eggs; guiding Garfield in a mystical forest adventure, or guiding Garfield and Odie to escape from the kennels and the veterinarian clinic. There is also a game that Garfield and Odie will enter into an adventure of the lasagna world tour, see comment below for information.

  3. Wondering what the game is going to be? Here is a short story summary of the game below:
    Garfield was just eating some cake until a commercial shocked him. The Paws Incorporated have set up a challenge, a treasure hunt, and the first person who can find it will be awarded a complete set of three meals of lasagna for the rest of his life. Garfield (and Odie) travels on his hilarious adventure, so that the reward will be in Garfield's possession.

    What the game includes:
    * Travelling through 10 levels; chases, jumping, evasions, etc.
    * Travel through your home town, Egypt, Mexico, and Italy to locate those elusive clues.
    * Four hilarious costumes, each possessing wacky powers that Garfield can use.
    * Hop on Odie's back for double speed pacer, commands for Odie, and throwing bones for Odie's placement and pleasure.
    * Hilarious, comical, and delirious scenes with Garfield, Odie, and his 2 enemies; who dare to prevent Garfield from acquiring that reward; adding with fancy dialogue from Garfield.
    * Garfield's inital start with 9 lives; increase Garfield's life by collecting 10 of Garfield's toy friend, Pooky.

  4. Hey listen Sean, I really love the day when Garfield is having his birthday today; I even read his comics. I additionally ate lasagna in a fancy western restaurant with my family, and my wizard friends. I really enjoyed it. I am just asking this about the reading, but I seem to understand the Gospel, but why did Jesus rebuke his disciples after Peter stated that he was the Messiah of God? That is my question. Oh, and by the way, happy birthday Garfield! You already have two cakes anyway from Jon and Liz, so I do not need to give you a present. Hope that is enough payment! :)

  5. Hi Theodorus, I really appreciate your comments. To answer your question: Peter was correct when he stated that Jesus was the Messiah of God. However, it is misunderstood; which resulted in Jesus ordering his disciples to not tell anybody about this misunderstanding.
    That is my best answer so far. Unfortunately, the answer above is missing something, I think. You may contact your parents or a priest to demystify this. I hope this helps!

  6. Yo Sean! I really enjoy Garfield entertaining me. Do you know that Garfield has an official website? (

  7. Truly, I already seen it. The games were truly entertaining and hilarious. Yet some games were bit challenging. Nevertheless, it is fun. Thanks for reminding me about the offical website; I kept it in my favorites/bookmarks.

  8. Yo! I really enjoyed everything so far. Although the readings here are a bit hard to understand, I really used my reading strategies: predictions, inferences, and observations. This truly helped me improve on my reading comprehension. Thanks Sean, for a whole story building capacity enhancement.

  9. I have no idea what the readings are about. Sean, could you please demystify the readings? Thanks.

  10. I am sorry, Thorgrim, but I am not a priest. For the demystification on the Gospel, you can see the comment above. Try discussing the readings with your parents or an experienced teacher who can comprehend advanced texts.

  11. Hey Sean. I would like to gather information on the Bible, but I have not acquired sufficient information to do my research. I have a Bible with me, but I cannot understand which part of the Bible should I use for my research. Could you please assist me on this assignment? Thanks.

  12. Have you tried using the brief lexicon in the Bible? Maybe that part could assist you. Hope this helps!

  13. Oh! It really helps! Thanks so much, Sean, I can now complete my research on the Bible. Oh, I too enjoy the comic from Garfield. I laughed that Garfield wished for 2 birthday cakes, especially one from Liz... :)

  14. Glad you enjoy the entertainment from Garfield. Did you know that there is an official site for Garfield? It has all the comics, games, downloads, and news storys about Garfield including character biographies. Check it out! (

  15. I haven't been there. If you do recommend it, I will go there. Actually, I will truly try it for once to get the experience. Thanks for telling me!

  16. Hey Sean. I really love Garfield. No, I am not gay, but I truly appreciate the fun I had with Garfield. I have seen lasagna, but I truly am not sure what lasagna is made of. Is it made of spaghetti? Cheese? Could you please define it? Sorry to bother you, I just need clarifications. Thanks.

  17. Hey Fiur; here is the answer you need:
    Lasagna (United States spelling) or Lasagne (British spelling), is a dish of Italian origin consisting of alternate layers of pasta sheets and filling, especially alternating pasta, tomato sauce, cheese, and usually ground meat, baked in the oven. Various other sauces or fillings may also be used. Lasanga/lasagne also defines thin flat sheets of fresh or dried pasta, which are generally layered with sauces or other ingredients, then baked.
    Hope this helps!

  18. Note: the information at the above comment is taken from the Encarta Dictionary. This avoids plagiarism of information.

  19. Greetings everybody. Wow, this is very interesting, by posting a comment on a blog. We are truly in the 21st century, anyway. I did not understand the readings above, Sean. Could you please demystify the readings?

  20. Sean, I ditto what Solmyr had stated. I really do not comprehend the readings above. Could you please demystify the readings for us so that we can understand it better? Thank you for your cooperation.

  21. Greetings Solmyr and Astral. Like I stated before with Thorgrim, I am not a demystifier. Nevertheless, you can see the demystification for the Gospel at the above comment where I replied to your wizard friend, Theodorus, I believe. Try discussing it with your parents or an expert teacher who can comprehend advanced texts. I apologize for the inconvenience.

  22. Life, is not that all that bad my friend, hmm... If you believe in yourself, if you believe there's someone who walks through life with you. You'll never be alone, just learn to reach out, and open your heart... Lift up your hands to God, and he'll show you the way.
    And he said, "Cast your burdens upon me, those who are heavily laden, come to me all of you who are tired, of carrying heavy loads. For the yoke I will give you is easy, and my burden is light, come to me, and I will give you rest."
    When, you feel the world is tumbling down, on you. When you have no one, that you can hold on to, just face the rising sun, and you'll see hope, there's no need to run, lift up your hands to God, and he'll make you feel all right.
    And he said, "Cast your burdens upon me, those who are heavily laden, come to me all of you who are tired, of carrying heavy loads. For the yoke I will give you is easy, and my burden is light, come to me, and I will give you rest."

  23. What an emotional song... So sad... it makes tears well up in my eyes... the Lord is good and protects us... until the end of time.

  24. I truly love that song... it touches everybody's heart. The singer is Basil Valdez? Wow. Still, it is saddening for people who are depressed.

  25. I love you Lord, please protect us from dangers... I shall praise you forever more. I am so sorry Lord, when I sin against you, please forgive me... When I hear this song, I cry so much... the pain... in my body... organs... and body again...

  26. Greetings, I hear this song is so peaceful, gentle, emotional, and really does tell a story. The Lord will guide us to the correct path. God bless!

  27. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 63) (Verses 2-6 and 8-9)
    The response is: My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord my God.

    O God, you are my God, it is you I seek; for you my body longs and my soul thirsts, as a dry and weary land without water.

    Thus have I gazed upon you in the sanctuary, to see your power and your glory. Your love is better than life, my lips shall glorify you.

    I will bless you as long as I live, lift up my hands and call on your name. As with the richest food my soul will feast; my mouth will praise you with joyful lips.

    You have been my help; I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you, your right hand upholds me.

  28. Primera Lectura (Zacarías 12: 10-11 and 13:1)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Zacarías.
    Derramaré sobre la casa de David y sobre los habitantes de Jerusalén un espíritu de gracia y de súplica; y ellos mirarán hacia mí, En cuanto al que ellos traspasaron, se lamentarán por él como por un hijo único y lo llorarán amargamente como se llora al primogénito. Aquel día, habrá un gran lamento en Jerusalén, como el lamento de Hadad Rimón, en la llanura de Meguido. Aquel día, habrá una fuente abierta para la casa de David y para los habitantes de Jerusalén, a fin de lavar el pecado y la impureza.

    Salmo responsivo (Salmo 63) (Versículos 2-6 y 8-9)
    La respuesta es: Mi alma tiene sed de ti, O Señor mi Dios.
    • Oh Dios, tú eres mi Dios, yo te busco ardientemente; mi alma tiene sed de ti, por ti suspira mi carne como tierra sedienta, reseca y sin agua.
    • Sí, yo te contemplé en el Santuario para ver tu poder y tu gloria. Porque tu amor vale más que la vida, mis labios te alabarán.
    • Así te bendeciré mientras viva y alzaré mis manos en tu Nombre. Mi alma quedará saciada como con un manjar delicioso, y mi boca te alabará con júbilo en los labios.
    • Veo que has sido mi ayuda y soy feliz a la sombra de tus alas. Mi alma está unida a ti, tu mano me sostiene.

    Segunda Lectura (Gálatas 3: 26-29)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los gálatas/galicianos.
    Porque todos ustedes son hijos de Dios por la fe en Cristo Jesús, ya que todos ustedes, que fueron bautizados en Cristo, han sido revestidos de Cristo. Por lo tanto, ya no hay judío ni pagano, esclavo ni hombre libre, varón ni mujer, porque todos ustedes no son más que uno en Cristo Jesús. Y si ustedes pertenecen a Cristo, entonces son descendientes de Abraham, herederos en virtud de la promesa.

    Evangelio (Lucas 9: 18-24)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Lucas.
    Un día en que Jesús oraba a solas y sus discípulos estaban con él, les preguntó: “¿Quién dice la gente que soy yo?” Ellos le respondieron: “Unos dicen que eres Juan el Bautista; otros, Elías; y otros, alguno de los antiguos profetas que ha resucitado.” “Pero ustedes, les preguntó, ¿quién dicen que soy yo?” Pedro, tomando la palabra, respondió: “Tú eres el Mesías de Dios.” Y él les ordenó terminantemente que no lo dijeran a nadie. “El hijo del hombre, les dijo, debe sufrir mucho, ser rechazado por los ancianos, los sumos sacerdotes y los escribas, ser condenado a muerte y resucitar al tercer día.” Después dijo a todos: “El que quiera venir detrás de mí, que renuncie a sí mismo, que cargue con su cruz cada día y me siga. Porque el que quiera salvar su vida, la perderá y el que pierda su vida por mí, la salvará.”

  29. Unang Pagbabasa (Zacarias 12: 10-11 at 13:1)
    Ang isang pagbabasa mula sa pangalawang aklat ng Zacarias.
    Ang lahi ni David at ang mga taga-Jerusalem ay gagawin kong mahabagin at mapanalanginin. Sa gayon, kapag pinagmasdan nila ang kanilang sinaksak ng sibat ay tatangisan nila itong parang kaisa-isang anak o anak na panganay. Sa araw na iyon, ang iyakan sa Jerusalem ay matutulad sa nangyari noon sa Hadad-rimon sa kapatagan ng Megido. Sinabi pa ni Yahweh, "Sa panahong iyon, lilitaw ang isang bukal at lilinisin nito ang kasalanan at karumihan ng sambahayan ni David at ng mga taga-Jerusalem.

    Pangalawang pagbabasa (Galicia 3: 26-29)
    Ang isang pagbabasa mula sa Sulat ni San Pablo sa Galacia.
    Dahil sa inyong pananalig kay Cristo Jesus, kayong lahat ay anak ng Diyos. Ang buhay mismo ni Cristo ang isinuot sa inyo na parang damit nang kayo'y mabautismuhan sa kanya. Wala nang pagkakaiba ang Judio at ang Griego, ang alipin at ang malaya, ang lalaki at ang babae. Kayong lahat ay iisa na dahil sa inyong pakikipag-isa kay Cristo Jesus. At kung kayo'y kay Cristo, kayo'y lahi ni Abraham at tagapagmana ng mga pangako ng Diyos.

    Magandang Balita (Lucas 9: 18-24)
    Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Lucas.
    Isang araw, habang si Jesus ay nananalanging mag-isa, lumapit sa kanya ang mga alagad. Tinanong sila ni Jesus, "Ano ang sinasabi ng mga tao tungkol sa akin? Sino raw ako?" Sumagot sila, "Ang sabi po ng ilan, kayo si Juan na Tagapagbautismo; sabi naman po ng iba, kayo si Elias; may nagsasabi namang muling nabuhay ang isa sa mga propeta noong unang panahon." "Kayo naman, ano ang sabi ninyo?" tanong niya sa kanila. "Kayo po ang Cristo na sinugo ng Diyos!" sagot ni Pedro. Mahigpit na itinagubilin ni Jesus sa kanyang mga alagad na huwag nilang sasabihin ito kaninuman. Sinabi pa niya sa kanila, "Ang Anak ng Tao'y dapat magdanas ng matinding hirap. Itatakwil siya ng mga pinuno ng bayan, ng mga punong pari at ng mga tagapagturo ng Kautusan. Siya ay ipapapatay nila ngunit sa ikatlong araw ay muli siyang bubuhayin ng Diyos." At sinabi niya sa kanilang lahat, "Ang sinumang nagnanais sumunod sa akin ay kinakailangang itakwil niya ang kanyang sarili, pasanin araw-araw ang kanyang krus, at sumunod sa akin. Ang naghahangad na magligtas ng kanyang buhay ay mawawalan nito, ngunit ang mawalan ng kanyang buhay alang-alang sa akin ay magkakamit nito."


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