Saturday, April 30, 2011

2nd Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy)

Date: May 1, 2011

First Reading (Acts 2: 42–47)
A reading from the Acts of the Apostles.
The crowd were faithful to the teaching of the apostles, the common life of sharing, the breaking of bread and the prayers. A holy fear came upon all the people, for many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. Now all the believers lived together and shared all their belongings. They would sell their property and all they had and distribute the proceeds to others according to their need. Each day they met together in the Temple area; they broke bread in their homes; they shared their food with great joy and simplicity of heart; they praised God and won the people's favor. And every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

Second Reading (1 Peter 1: 3–9)
A reading from the first letter of Saint Peter.
Let us praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for his great mercy. In raising Jesus Christ from the dead he has given us new life and a living hope. The inheritance which does not corrupt nor goes bad nor passes away was reserved to you in heavens, since God's power shall keep you faithful until salvation is revealed in the last days. There is cause for joy, then, even though you may, for a time, have to suffer many trials. Thus will you faith be tested, like gold in a furnace. Gold, however, passes away but faith, worth so much more, will bring you in the end praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ appears. You have not yet seen him and yet you love him; even without seeing him, you believe in him and experience a heavenly joy beyond all words, for you are reaching the goal of your faith: the salvation of your souls.

Gospel (John 20: 19–31)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John.
On the evening of that day, the first day after the sabbath, the doors were locked where the disciples were, because of their fear of the Jews, but Jesus came and stood in their midst. He stated to them, "Peace be with you"; then he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples kept looking at the Lord and were full of joy. Again Jesus stated to them, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you." After stating this he breathed on them and stated to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit; for those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven; for those whose sins you retain, they are retained." Thomas, the Twin, one of the Twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples told him, "We have seen the Lord." But he replied, "Until I have seen in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger in the mark of the nails and my hand in his side, I will not believe." Eight days later, the disciples were inside again and Thomas was with them. Despite the locked doors Jesus came and stood in their midst and stated, "Peace be with you." Then he stated to Thomas, "Put your finger here and see my hands; stretch out your hand and put it into my side. Resist no longer and be a believer." Thomas then stated, "You are my Lord and my God." Jesus replied, "You believe because you see me, do you not? Happy are those who have not seen and believe." There were many other signs that Jesus gave in the presence of his disciples, but they are not recorded in this book. These are recorded so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; believe and you will have life through his Name.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. There are 7 Sundays of Easter in total. After that will be Pentecost Sunday, Trinity Sunday, and finally, the Body and Blood of Christ. The season of Ordinary Time occurs after these Masses.

  3. Hi everybody! Remember Father Coleman's homily about this Gospel? It was delirious!

  4. Ha ha! What a way to begin the season of Easter. And what a marriage of Prince William and Princess Kate to celebrate this season of Easter.

  5. Crazy week today with the marriage of Prince William and Princess Kate. And I remember the homily of Father Coleman. It was indeed hilarious.

  6. Father Coleman read the Gospel so perfectly! He said, "We have seen the Lord!" with so much expression and character! I love you Lord, for electing Father Coleman to be your priest.

  7. Thomas... come here. Loved that part!

  8. Ufretin, you are cracking me up! Yes! I do remember that homily! $1,000,000 for Ufretin!

  9. We have seen the Lord! Why Thomas, you should believe, even though you do not see. But happy are those who have not seen and believe.

  10. Greetings Sean. What are the readings for the 3rd Sunday of Easter?

  11. Greetings Theodorus.
    This Easter week is quite different to the usual readings that the description of the blog. The readings for the 3rd Sunday of Easter are:
    The First Reading is from the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 2; verse 14 and verses 22-33. (or verses 22-28)
    The Second Reading is from the first letter of Saint Peter, chapter 1; verses 17-21.
    The Gospel is according to Luke, chapter 24, verses 13-35.
    I hope this helps!

  12. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 118) (Verses 2-4, 13-15, and 22-24)
    The response is: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting.

    Let Israel state, "His loving kindness endures forever." Let the house of Aaron state, "His loving kindness endures forever." Let those who fear the Lord state, "His loving kindness endures forever."

    I was pushed hard and about to fall, but the Lord came to my help. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation. Joyful shouts of victory are heard in the tents of the just: "The right hand of the Lord strikes mightily."

    The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone. This was the Lord's doing and we marvel at it. This is the day the Lord has made; so let us rejoice and be glad.

  13. Primera Lectura (Hechos de los Apóstoles 2: 42–47)
    Una lectura de los Hechos de los Apóstoles.
    Todos se reunían asiduamente para escuchar la enseñanza de los Apóstoles y participar en la vida común, en la fracción del pan y en las oraciones. Un santo temor se apoderó de todos ellos, porque los Apóstoles realizaban muchos prodigios y signos. Todos los creyentes se mantenían unidos y ponían lo suyo en común: vendían sus propiedades y sus bienes, y distribuían el dinero entre ellos, según las necesidades de cada uno. Íntimamente unidos, frecuentaban a diario el Templo, partían el pan en sus casas, y comían juntos con alegría y sencillez de corazón; ellos alababan a Dios y eran queridos por todo el pueblo. Y cada día, el Señor acrecentaba la comunidad con aquellos que debían salvarse.

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 118) (Versículos 2–4, 13–15 y 22–24)
    La respuesta es: Den gracias al Señor como él es bueno, su amor es eterno.
    • Que lo diga el pueblo de Israel: ¡es eterno su amor! Que lo diga la familia de Aarón: ¡es eterno su amor! Que lo digan los que temen al Señor: ¡es eterno su amor!
    • Me empujaron con violencia para derribarme, pero el Señor vino en mi ayuda. Un grito de alegría y de victoria resuena en las carpas de los justos: la mano del Señor hace proezas.
    • La piedra que fue rechazada por los constructores ha llegado a ser la piedra angular. Esto ha sido hecho por el Señor y es admirable a nuestros ojos. Éste es el día que hizo el Señor: alegrémonos y regocijémonos en él.

    Segunda Lectura (1 Pedro 1: 3–9)
    Una lectura de la primera carta de San Pedro.
    Bendito sea Dios, Padre de Cristo Jesús, nuestro Señor, por su gran misericordia. Al resucitar a Cristo Jesús de entre los muertos, nos dio una vida nueva y una esperanza viva. Reservaba para ustedes la herencia celestial, ese tesoro que no perece ni se echa a perder y que no se deshace con el tiempo. Y los protege el poder de Dios, por medio de la fe, con miras a la salvación que nos tiene preparada para los últimos tiempos. Por esto estén alegres, aunque por un tiempo tengan que ser afligidos con diversas pruebas. Si el oro debe ser probado pasando por el fuego, y es sólo cosa pasajera, con mayor razón su fe, que vale mucho más. Esta prueba les merecerá alabanza, honor y gloria el día en que se manifieste Cristo Jesús. Ustedes lo aman sin haberlo visto; ahora creen en él sin verlo, y ahora se sienten llenos de una alegría inefable y celestial al tener ya ahora eso mismo que pretende la fe, la salvación de sus almas.

    1. Evangelio (Juan 20: 19–31)
      Al atardecer de ese mismo día, el primero de la semana, estando cerradas las puertas del lugar donde se encontraban los discípulos, por temor a los judíos, llegó Jesús y poniéndose en medio de ellos, les dijo: “¡La paz esté con ustedes!” Mientras decía esto, les mostró sus manos y su costado. Los discípulos se llenaron de alegría cuando vieron al Señor. Jesús les dijo de nuevo: “¡La paz esté con ustedes! Como el Padre me envió a mí, yo también los envío a ustedes.” Al decirles esto, sopló sobre ellos y añadió, “Reciban al Espíritu Santo. Los pecados serán perdonados a los que ustedes se los perdonen, y serán retenidos a los que ustedes se los retengan.” Tomás, uno de los Doce, de sobrenombre el Mellizo, no estaba con ellos cuando llegó Jesús. Los otros discípulos le dijeron: “¡Hemos visto al Señor!” Él les respondió: “Si no veo la marca de los clavos en sus manos, si no pongo el dedo en el lugar de los clavos y la mano en su costado, no lo creeré.” Ocho días más tarde, estaban de nuevo los discípulos reunidos en la casa, y estaba con ellos Tomás. Entonces apareció Jesús, estando cerradas las puertas, se puso en medio de ellos y les dijo: “¡La paz esté con ustedes!” Luego dijo a Tomás: “Trae aquí tu dedo: aquí están mis manos. Acerca tu mano: Métela en mi costado. En adelante no seas incrédulo, sino hombre de fe.” Tomas respondió: “¡Señor mío y Dios mío!” Jesús le dijo: “Ahora crees, porque me has visto. ¡Felices los que creen sin haber visto!” Jesús realizó además muchos otros signos en presencia de sus discípulos, que no se encuentran relatados en este Libro. Estos han sido escritos para que ustedes crean que Jesús es el Mesías, el Hijo de Dios, y creyendo, tengan Vida en su Nombre.


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