Saturday, October 6, 2012

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: October 7, 2012

First Reading (Genesis 2: 18-24)
A reading from the book of Genesis.
The Lord God stated, "It is not good for Man to be alone; I will give him a helper who will be like him." Then the Lord God formed from the earth all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air and brought them to Man to see what he would call them; and whatever Man called every living creature, that was its name. So Man gave names to all the cattle, the birds of the air and to every beast of the field. But he did not find among them a helper like himself. Then the Lord God caused a deep sleep to come over Man and he fell asleep. He took one of his ribs and filled its place with flesh. The rib which the Lord God had taken from Man he formed into a woman and brought her to the man. The man then stated, "now this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken from man." That is why man leaves his father and mother and is attached to his wife, and with her becomes one flesh.

Second Reading (Hebrews 2: 9-11)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Hebrews.
Jesus who suffered death and for a little while was placed lower than the angels has been crowned with honor and glory. For the merciful plan of God demanded that he experience death on behalf of everyone. God, from whom all come and by whom all things exist, wanted to bring many children to glory, and he thought it fitting to make perfect through suffering the initiator of their salvation. So he who gives and those who receive holiness are one, for he himself is not ashamed of calling us brothers and sisters.

Gospel (Mark 10: 2-16)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark.
Some Pharisees came and put Jesus to the test with this question, "Is it right for a husband to divorce his wife?" Jesus replied, "What law did Moses give you?" They answered, "Moses allowed us to write a certificate of dismissal in order to divorce." Then Jesus stated to them, "Moses wrote this law for you, because you are stubborn. But in the beginning of creation, God made them male and female, and because of this, man has to leave father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one body. So they are no longer two but one body. Therefore let no one separate what God has joined." When they were indoors at home, the disciples again asked him about this, and he told them, "Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against his wife, and the woman who divorces her husband and marries another also commits adultery." People were bringing their little children to Jesus to have him touch them, and the disciples rebuked them for this. When Jesus noticed it, he was very angry and stated, "Let the children come to me and do not stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it." Then he took the children in his arms and laying his hands on them, he blessed them.


  1. Primera Lectura (Génesis 2: 18-24)
    Una lectura del libro de Génesis.
    Dijo Yahvé Dios: “No es bueno que el hombre esté solo, voy a hacerle una auxiliar a su semejanza.” Entonces Yahvé Dios formó de la tierra a todos los animales del campo y a todas las aves del cielo, y los llevó ante el hombre para que les pusiera nombre. Y el nombre de todo ser viviente había de ser el que el hombre le había dado. El hombre puso nombre a todos los animales, a las aves del cielo y a las fieras salvajes. Pero no se encontró a ninguno que fuera a su altura y lo ayudara. Entonces Yahvé hizo caer en un profundo sueño al hombre y éste se durmió. Le sacó una de sus costillas y rellenó el hueco con carne. De la costilla que Yahvé había sacado al hombre, formó una mujer y la llevó ante el hombre. Entonces el hombre exclamó: “Esta sí es hueso de mis huesos y carne de mi carne. Esta será llamada varona porque del varón ha sido tomada.” Por eso el hombre deja a su padre y a su madre para unirse a su mujer, y pasan a ser una sola carne.

    Segunda Lectura (Hebreos 2: 9-11)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Hebreos.
    Dios, del que viene todo y que actúa en todo, quería introducir en la Gloria a un gran número de hijos, y le pareció bien hacer perfecto por medio del sufrimiento al que se hacía cargo de la salvación de todos; de este modo el que comunicaba la santidad se identificaría con aquellos a los que santificaba. Por eso él no se avergüenza de llamarnos hermanos, cuando dice: Señor, yo anunciaré tu nombre a mis hermanos, te celebraré en medio de la asamblea.

    Evangelio (Marcos 10: 2-16)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Marcos.
    En eso llegaron unos (fariseos que querían ponerle a prueba), y le preguntaron: “¿Puede un marido despedir a su esposa?” Les respondió: “¿Qué les ha ordenado Moisés?” Contestaron: “Moisés ha permitido firmar un acta de separación y después divorciarse.” Jesús les dijo: “Moisés, al escribir esta ley, tomó en cuenta lo tercos que eran ustedes Pero al principio de la creación Dios los hizo hombre y mujer; por eso dejará el hombre a su padre y a su madre para unirse con su esposa, y serán los dos una sola carne. De manera que ya no son dos, sino uno solo. Pues bien, lo que Dios ha unido, que el hombre no lo separe.” Cuando ya estaban en casa, los discípulos volvieron a preguntarle sobre lo mismo, y él les dijo: “Él que se separa de su esposa y se casa con otra mujer, comete adulterio contra su esposa; y si la esposa abandona a su marido para casarse con otro hombre, también ésta comete adulterio.” Algunas personas le presentaban los niños para que los tocara, pero los discípulos les reprendían. Jesús, al ver esto, se indignó y les dijo: “Dejen que los niños vengan a mí y no se lo impidan, porque el Reino de Dios pertenece a los que son como ellos. En verdad les digo: quien no reciba el Reino de Dios como un niño, no entrará en él.” Jesús tomaba a los niños en brazos e, imponiéndoles las manos, los bendecía.

    1. Salmo responsorial (Salmo 128) (Versículos 1–5)
      La respuesta es: Que el Señor nos bendiga todos los días de nuestra vida.
      • ¡Feliz el que teme al Señor y sigue sus caminos! Comerás del fruto de tu trabajo, serás feliz y todo te irá bien.
      • Tu esposa será como una vid fecunda en el seno de tu hogar; tus hijos, como retoños de olivo alrededor de tu mesa.
      • ¡Que el Señor te bendiga desde Sion todos los días de tu vida: que contemples la paz de Jerusalén!

  2. Let us pray to Sean, hoping that his "endless" ulcer may disappear before he departs to China.

    1. Oh wow. That ulcer has been terrorizing his mouth for days.

    2. It has only been three days. Ulcers heal themselves for one or two weeks.

    3. Sean cannot wait that long. He needs his perfect mouth!

    4. Verdaderamente, detesto las úlceras.

  3. Una noticia: SS182 Kn nos contó en el viernes anterior que tuvo un gran descanso de hacer vídeos y no pudiera hacer más en este momento. Es importante tener paciencia porque el proceso de hacer vídeos es difícil. Si espere por un tiempo profundo, ella puede hacer más vídeos. Ahora, ella está estudiando en la universidad.

    1. Alguna gente no comprende qué difícil, de hacer vídeos. ¿Por qué se enoja? ¿No puede ver que SS182 Kn tiene que estudiar y trabajar?

    2. Siquiera que hay alguna gente que es paciente. Gracias a esas personas; comprenden la situación bien.

  4. Replies
    1. Guau, ¿viste lo que hizo Padre Cheeto? Él se entrevistó con cuatros niños, ¡y las respuestas de los niños son agradables, son cómicos!

    2. Oye, hay una chica india lo que quiera ser una bailadora, una chica quien no sabe ser cuando sea adulto, un chico que quiera ser un dentista, y un chico que no esté seguro en lo que quieras ser. Sin embargo, las respuestas al sacerdote son buenos y sabios.

    3. Actualmente, el otro chico quiera ser un negociante.

    4. Por supuesto tienes que perdonar tu marido/esposa. ¡Qué cariñoso si perdonas a tu marido/esposa!

  5. Replies
    1. La pregunta fue: "Si descubres tu marido/esposa estaba coqueteando con otro/otra chico/chica, y finalmente te vino y dijo, 'Lo siento, mi querido. He pecado contra ti y el Padre. Por favor, perdóname. ¿Podrás perdonar a tu marido/esposa?"

    2. ¡Ja, ja! ¡Por supuesto lo/la perdonas! Es obvio que hay buen momentos y mal momentos. Pero perdonar es diferente que olvidar. Perdonar significa liberarlo de su pecado. Para perdonar significa que le permites que no lo hará otra vez.

    3. Algunas de las respuestas de los niños son: "Por supuesto lo perdonaré, si no lo hará otra vez."

    4. Lo que me interesan son los trabajos, ocupaciones, y el tipo de marido/esposa lo que quieran.

    5. Dos chicos dijeron que quieran una esposa inteligente. Dos chicas dijeron que quieran un marido inteligente, pero guapo también.

    6. Bueno, entonces cuéntame lo que sucedió ayer.

    7. Ah, ¡Ufretin! ¿Has escuchado lo que nos contó Padre Cheeto? Les preguntó algunas preguntas sobre el matrimonio y el divorcio. Las respuestas de los catecúmenos son chistosas.

    8. Leí los comentarios anteriores. ¡Yo lo comprendo claramente! ¡Enhorabuena para los padres de esos catecúmenos!

  6. ¡Oye chicos! Vean este vídeo:

    1. ¡He visto este vídeo! Jinnai Tomonori tiene que comer comida interesante.

    2. Ya he visto. Es increíble que Jinnai Tomonori puede comer los saltamontes.

    3. ¡Chistoso! Jinnai Tomonori no pudiera comer los bichos acuáticos, sino que comía los saltamontes.

    4. Jinnai Tomonori es valiente por comiendo el bicho acuático y los saltamontes.

    5. Creo que esta comida está disponible en Tailandia y Japón. Los tailandeses y los japoneses les gusta este tipo de comida: saltamontes, bichos, y grillos; todos son tipos de insectos.

    6. タッカテーン? タッカエン! これは何ですか? バッタ。

    7. ¡Ja, ja! ¡Qué asco! ¡Saltamontes y bichos acuáticos!

  7. God's love is deep and faithful. Let us ask forgiveness from him and from one another that our love is fragile and fickle.

  8. This is the kyrie for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Priest: Have mercy Lord, on homes where love is dying, where husband and wife are estranged. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.

    Priest: Have mercy Lord, on homes broken by infidelity, on couples who can no longer forgive one another. Christ, have mercy.
    Congregation: Christ, have mercy.

    Priest: Have mercy Lord, on homes where love is taken for granted, on couples who have no time for their children. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.

    Have mercy on us, Lord, and forgive us our sins against love. Let our homes and communities reflect your faithful love and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.

  9. This is the Collect (Opening Prayer) for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Let us pray. Almighty ever-living God, who in the abundance of your kindness surpass the merits and desires of those who entreat you, pour out your mercy upon us to pardon what conscience dreads and to give what prayer does not dare to ask. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

  10. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 128) (Verses 1-5)
    The response is: May the Lord bless us all the days of our lives.

    Blessed are you who fear the Lord and walk in his ways. You will eat the fruit of your toil; you will be blessed and favored.

    Your wife, like a vine, will bear fruits in your home; your children, like olive shoots will stand around your table.

    Such are the blessings bestowed upon the man who fears the Lord. May the Lord bless you from Zion. May you see Jerusalem prosperous all the days of your life.

  11. This is the Gospel Acclamation for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
    If we love one another, God remains in us and his love is brought to perfection in us.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

  12. Priest: Let us pray to God our Father that he may complete in us his work of love and loyalty and let us say: Lord, keep us in your love.
    — For the Church, the bride of Christ, that she may always be faithful to the message of the gospel and the liberating love of Christ. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, keep us in your love.
    — For the homes built on unselfish love, that through them we may understand better all the depth of God's love. Let us pray to the Lord.
    — For homes that are broken and for partners who have failed each other, that people may show them understanding and that God may give them mercy, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, keep us in your love.
    — For the young who prepare for marriage, that they may learn from life that depth and beauty of love come from generosity and sharing, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, keep us in your life.
    — Lord, fill your priests with the fire of Christ love, in time of their weakness send them the Holy Spirit, and help them to praise your heavenly father and pray for poor sinners. By the same Holy Spirit, put your word on their lips and your love in their hearts. Make our priests holy as God is holy. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, keep us in your love.
    — Lord, in your Holy name, obtain for us from your Heavenly Father, His providence of the Saint Peter Canisius International Catholic Parish. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, keep us in your love.
    Priest: Let us pray for personal intentions stated at the beginning of the Mass and pray to the Lord. Lord, keep us in your love.
    Our God and Father, be present with your faithfulness wherever people come together to build communities of love and friendship. Build with us, that our love may endure, now and forever. Amen.

  13. Accept, O Lord, we pray, the sacrifices instituted by your commands and through the sacred mysteries, which we celebrate with dutiful service, graciously complete the sanctifying work by which you are pleased to redeem us. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  14. It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God. For in you we live and move and have our being, and while in this body we not only experience the daily effects of your care, but even now possess the pledge of life eternal. For having received the first fruits of the Spirit, through whom you raised up Jesus from the dead, we hope for an everlasting share in the Paschal Mystery. And so, with all the Angels, we praise you, as in joyful celebration we acclaim...

  15. Grant us, almighty God, that we may be refreshed and nourished by the Sacrament which we have received, so as to be transformed into what we consume. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  16. God is the source and strength of all love. May he bless our Christian families with happiness and faithfulness. Amen.
    May he bless our Christian communities with unity and peace and make us one heart and soul. Amen.
    May he send the Holy Spirit upon these men he has chosen for the priestly ministry. May they answer his call and follow him with generous hearts. Amen. May God's love be alive in all of you, with the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    The Mass has ended, and you are sent. Therefore let us go, to bear witness to the love of the Lord. Thanks be to God.

  17. Unang pagbabasa (Genesis 2: 18–24)
    Ang pagbabasa sa aklat ng Genesis.
    Matapos gawin ang lahat ng ito, sinabi ng Panginoong Yahweh, "Hindi mabuti na mag-isa ang tao; bibigyan ko siya ng isang angkop na makakasama at makakatulong." Kaya, mula sa lupa ay lumikha ang Panginoong Yahweh ng mga hayop sa parang at mga ibon sa himpapawid, dinala niya ang mga ito sa tao upang ipaubaya rito ang pagbibigay ng pangalan sa mga iyon. Kung ano ang kanyang itinawag, iyon ang naging pangalan ng mga ito. Ang tao nga ang nagbigay ng pangalan sa lahat ng ibon sa himpapawid at hayop sa parang. Ngunit wala isa man sa mga ito ang nababagay na makasama at makatulong niya. Kaya't pinatulog ng Panginoong Yahweh ang tao. Samantalang nahihimbing, kinuha niya ang isang tadyang nito at pinaghilom ang laman sa tapat niyon. Ang tadyang na iyo'y ginawa niyang isang babae, at dinala niya ito sa lalaki. Sinabi ng lalaki, "Sa wakas, narito ang isang tulad ko, laman ng aking laman, buto ng aking buto; babae ang itatawag sa kanya, sapagkat sa lalaki siya'y kinuha." Ito ang dahilan kaya iniiwan ng lalaki ang kanyang ama't ina, nagsasama sila ng kanyang asawa, at sila'y nagiging isa.

    Awit (Awit 128) (Bersikulo 1–5)
    Ang tugon ay: Pagpapala nawa ni Yahweh ay tanggapin, at makita habang buhay.
    • Mapalad ang bawat tao na kay Yahweh ay may takot, ang maalab na naisi'y sumunod sa kanyang utos. Kakainin niya ang bunga ng kanyang pinaghirapan, ang taong ito'y maligaya't maunlad ang pamumuhay.
    • Sa tahanan, ang asawa'y parang ubas na mabunga, at bagong tanim na olibo sa may hapag ang anak niya. Ang sinuman kung si Yahweh buong pusong susundin, buhay niya ay uunlad at laging pagpapalain.
    • Mula sa Zion, pagpapala nawa ni Yahweh ay tanggapin, at makita habang buhay, pag-unlad ng Jerusalem.

    Pangalawang pagbabasa (Hebreo 2: 9–11)
    Ang pagbabasa sa sulat ni Pablo sa Mga Hebreo.
    Nang ipinasakop ng Diyos ang lahat ng bagay sa kapangyarihan ng tao, walang bagay na di ipinailalim sa kanya. Sa kasalukuyan, hindi pa natin nakikitang napapailalim sa kanyang kapangyarihan ang lahat ng bagay. Subalit alam nating si Jesus, kahit na sa kaunting panaho'y ginawang mas mababa kaysa mga anghel, ay binigyan ng karangalan at kaluwalhatian dahil sa kanyang kamatayan. Dahil sa kagandahang-loob ng Diyos sa atin, niloob niyang si Jesus ay mamatay para sa ating lahat. Sa pamamagitan ng mga pagtitiis, siya'y ginawang ganap ng Diyos at nang sa gayon ay makapagdala siya ng maraming tao patungo sa kaluwalhatian. Ito'y dapat lamang gawin ng Diyos na lumikha at nangangalaga sa lahat ng bagay, sapagkat si Jesus ang tagapanguna ng kanilang kaligtasan. Si Jesus ang nagpapabanal sa mga tao. Ang kanyang Ama at ang Ama ng mga taong ito ay iisa, kaya't hindi niya ikinahihiyang tawagin silang mga kapatid.

    1. Ebanghelyo (Marcos 10: 2–16)
      Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Marcos.
      May ilang Pariseong gustong subukin si Jesus; kaya't lumapit sila at nagtanong, "Naaayon po ba sa Kautusan na palayasin at hiwalayan ng lalaki ang kanyang asawa?" Sumagot siya, "Ano ba ang utos ni Moises sa inyo?" Sumagot naman sila, "Ipinahintulot po ni Moises na ang lalaki ay gumawa ng kasulatan ng paghihiwalay bago niya palayasin at hiwalayan ang kanyang asawa." Ngunit sinabi ni Jesus, "Ginawa ni Moises ang utos na iyon dahil sa katigasan ng inyong ulo. Subalit simula pa nang likhain ng Diyos ang sanlibutan, nilalang na niya ang tao na lalaki at babae. 'Dahil dito'y iiwan ng lalaki ang kanyang ama at ina, magsasama sila ng kanyang asawa at ang dalawa'y magiging isa.' Hindi na sila dalawa kundi isa. Ang pinagsama ng Diyos ay huwag paghiwalayin ng sinuman." Pagdating sa bahay, ang mga alagad naman ang nagtanong kay Jesus tungkol sa bagay na ito. Sinabi niya sa kanila, "Kapag pinalayas at hiniwalayan ng isang lalaki ang kanyang asawa at mag-asawa ng iba, siya ay nagkakasala ng pangangalunya sa kanyang asawa. Gayon din naman, ang babaing magpalayas at humiwalay sa kanyang asawa, at mag-asawa ng iba ay nagkakasala rin ng pangangalunya." May mga taong nagdala ng mga bata kay Jesus upang hilinging ipatong niya sa mga ito ang kanyang kamay, ngunit pinagalitan sila ng mga alagad. Nagalit si Jesus nang makita ito at sinabi sa kanila, "Hayaan ninyong lumapit sa akin ang mga bata, at huwag ninyo silang pagbawalan, sapagkat ang mga katulad nila ang mapapabilang sa kaharian ng Diyos. Tandaan ninyo: ang sinumang hindi kumikilala sa paghahari ng Diyos, tulad sa pagkilala ng isang maliit na bata, ay hinding-hindi paghaharian ng Diyos." Kinalong ni Jesus ang mga bata, ipinatong ang kanyang mga kamay sa kanila at binasbasan sila.

  18. Bacaan Pertama (Kejadian 2: 18–24)
    Pembacaan dari kitab dari Kejadian.
    TUHAN Allah berfirman: "Tidak baik, kalau manusia itu seorang diri saja. Aku akan menjadikan penolong baginya, yang sepadan dengan dia." Lalu TUHAN Allah membentuk dari tanah segala binatang hutan dan segala burung di udara. Dibawa-Nyalah semuanya kepada manusia itu untuk melihat, bagaimana ia menamainya; dan seperti nama yang diberikan manusia itu kepada tiap-tiap makhluk yang hidup, demikianlah nanti nama makhluk itu. Manusia itu memberi nama kepada segala ternak, kepada burung-burung di udara dan kepada segala binatang hutan, tetapi baginya sendiri ia tidak menjumpai penolong yang sepadan dengan dia. Lalu TUHAN Allah membuat manusia itu tidur nyenyak; ketika ia tidur, TUHAN Allah mengambil salah satu rusuk dari padanya, lalu menutup tempat itu dengan daging. Dan dari rusuk yang diambil TUHAN Allah dari manusia itu, dibangun-Nyalah seorang perempuan, lalu dibawa-Nya kepada manusia itu. Lalu berkatalah manusia itu: "Inilah dia, tulang dari tulangku dan daging dari dagingku. Ia akan dinamai perempuan, sebab ia diambil dari laki-laki." Sebab itu seorang laki-laki akan meninggalkan ayahnya dan ibunya dan bersatu dengan isterinya, sehingga keduanya menjadi satu daging.

    Mazmur (Mazmur 128) (Ayat 1–5)
    Tanggapan adalah: Semoga dari Sion TUHAN memberkati engkau. Semoga engkau melihat kemakmuran Yerusalem sepanjang masa.
    • Berbahagialah setiap orang yang takut akan TUHAN, yang hidup menurut jalan yang ditunjukkan-Nya! Apabila engkau memakan hasil jerih payah tanganmu, berbahagialah engkau dan baiklah keadaanmu!
    • Isterimu akan menjadi seperti pohon anggur yang subur di dalam rumahmu; anak-anakmu seperti tunas pohon zaitun sekeliling mejamu! Sesungguhnya demikianlah akan diberkati orang laki-laki yang takut akan TUHAN.
    • Kiranya TUHAN memberkati engkau dari Sion, supaya engkau melihat kebahagiaan Yerusalem seumur hidupmu.

    Bacaan Kedua (Ibrani 2: 9–11)
    Pembacaan dari surat Paulus kepada Ibrani.
    Tetapi Dia, yang untuk waktu yang singkat dibuat sedikit lebih rendah dari pada malaikat-malaikat, yaitu Yesus, kita lihat, yang oleh karena penderitaan maut, dimahkotai dengan kemuliaan dan hormat, supaya oleh kasih karunia Allah Ia mengalami maut bagi semua manusia. Sebab memang sesuai dengan keadaan Allah—yang bagi-Nya dan oleh-Nya segala sesuatu dijadikan—, yaitu Allah yang membawa banyak orang kepada kemuliaan, juga menyempurnakan Yesus, yang memimpin mereka kepada keselamatan, dengan penderitaan. Sebab Ia yang menguduskan dan mereka yang dikuduskan, mereka semua berasal dari Satu; itulah sebabnya Ia tidak malu menyebut mereka saudara.

    1. Bacaan Injil (Markus 10: 2–16)
      Pembacaan injil kudus menurut Santo Markus.
      Maka datanglah orang-orang Farisi, dan untuk mencobai Yesus mereka bertanya kepada-Nya: "Apakah seorang suami diperbolehkan menceraikan isterinya?" Tetapi jawab-Nya kepada mereka: "Apa perintah Musa kepada kamu?" Jawab mereka: "Musa memberi izin untuk menceraikannya dengan membuat surat cerai." Lalu kata Yesus kepada mereka: "Justru karena ketegaran hatimulah maka Musa menuliskan perintah ini untuk kamu. Sebab pada awal dunia, Allah menjadikan mereka laki-laki dan perempuan, sebab itu laki-laki akan meninggalkan ayahnya dan ibunya dan bersatu dengan isterinya, sehingga keduanya itu menjadi satu daging. Demikianlah mereka bukan lagi dua, melainkan satu. Karena itu, apa yang telah dipersatukan Allah, tidak boleh diceraikan manusia." Ketika mereka sudah di rumah, murid-murid itu bertanya pula kepada Yesus tentang hal itu. Lalu kata-Nya kepada mereka: "Barangsiapa menceraikan isterinya lalu kawin dengan perempuan lain, ia hidup dalam perzinahan terhadap isterinya itu. Dan jika si isteri menceraikan suaminya dan kawin dengan laki-laki lain, ia berbuat zinah." Lalu orang membawa anak-anak kecil kepada Yesus, supaya Ia menjamah mereka; akan tetapi murid-murid-Nya memarahi orang-orang itu. Ketika Yesus melihat hal itu, Ia marah dan berkata kepada mereka: "Biarkan anak-anak itu datang kepada-Ku, jangan menghalang-halangi mereka, sebab orang-orang yang seperti itulah yang empunya Kerajaan Allah. Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya barangsiapa tidak menyambut Kerajaan Allah seperti seorang anak kecil, ia tidak akan masuk ke dalamnya." Lalu Ia memeluk anak-anak itu dan sambil meletakkan tangan-Nya atas mereka Ia memberkati mereka.


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