Saturday, December 15, 2018

3rd Sunday of Advent

Date: December 16, 2018

New American Bible readings
First reading (Zephaniah 3: 14–18)
A reading from the book of Zephaniah.
Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! Sing joyfully, O Israel! Be glad and exult with all your heart, O daughter Jerusalem! The LORD has removed the judgment against you he has turned away your enemies; the King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst, you have no further misfortune to fear. On that day, it shall be said to Jerusalem: Fear not, O Zion, be not discouraged! The LORD, your God, is in your midst, a mighty savior; he will rejoice over you with gladness, and renew you in his love, he will sing joyfully because of you, as one sings at festivals.

Second reading (Philippians 4: 4–7)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Philippians.
Brothers and sisters: Rejoice in the Lord always. I shall say it again: rejoice! Your kindness should be known to all. The Lord is near. Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Gospel (Luke 3: 10–18)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
The crowds asked John the Baptist, “What should we do?” He said to them in reply, “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.” Even tax collectors came to be baptized and they said to him, “Teacher, what should we do?” He answered them, “Stop collecting more than what is prescribed.” Soldiers also asked him, “And what is it that we should do?” He told them, “Do not practice extortion, do not falsely accuse anyone, and be satisfied with your wages.” Now the people were filled with expectation, and all were asking in their hearts whether John might be the Christ. John answered them all, saying, “I am baptizing you with water, but one mightier than I is coming. I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fan is in his hand to clear his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire.” Exhorting them in many other ways, he preached good news to the people.

Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible readings
First reading (Zephaniah 3: 14–18)
A reading from the book of Zephaniah.
Cry out with joy, O daughter of Zion; rejoice, O people of Israel! Sing joyfully with all your heart, daughter of Jerusalem! The Lord has lifted your sentence and has driven your enemies away. The Lord, the King of Israel is with you; do not fear any misfortune. On that day they will say to Jerusalem: Do not be afraid nor let your hands tremble, for the Lord your God is within you, Yahweh, saving warrior. He will jump for joy on seeing you, for he has revived his love. For you he will cry out with joy, as you do in the days of the Feast. I will drive away the evil I warned you about, and you will no longer be shamed.

Second reading (Philippians 4: 4–7)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Philippians.
Brothers and sisters: Rejoice in the Lord always. I say it again: rejoice and may everyone experience your gentle and understanding heart. The Lord is near: do not be anxious about anything. In everything resort to prayer and supplication together with thanksgiving and bring your requests before God. Then the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ.

Gospel (Luke 3: 10–18)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
The people asked John, "What are we supposed to do?" John answered, "If you have two coats, give one to the person who has none; and if you have food, do the same." Even tax collectors came to be baptized and asked John, "Master, what should we do?" John replied to them, "Collect no more than your fixed rate." People serving as soldiers asked John as well, "What about us? What should we do?" And he answered, "Do not take anything by force or threaten the people by denouncing them falsely. Be content with your pay." The people were wondering about John's identity. "Could he be the Messiah?" Then John answered them, "I baptize you with water, but the one who is coming will do much more: he will baptize you with Holy Spirit and fire. As for me, I am not worthy to untie his sandal. He comes with a winnowing fan to clear his threshing floor and gather the grain into his barn. But the chaff he will burn with fire that never extinguishes." With these and many other words, John announced the Good News to the people.


  1. Responsorial psalm (Isaiah Chapter 12) (Verses 2–6)
    The response is: Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.

    He is the God of my salvation; in him I trust and am not afraid, the Lord is my strength: him I will praise, the one who saved me. You will draw water with joy from the very fountain of salvation.

    Then you will say: "Praise to the Lord, break into songs of joy for him, proclaim his marvelous deeds among the nations and exalt his Name."

    Sing to the Lord: wonders he has done let these be known all over the earth. Sing for joy, O people of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  2. The theme for the 3rd Sunday of Advent is to rejoice, for salvation is near.

    Isaiah states in Chapter 35: 2–4: "Covered with flowers, the desert sings and shouts with joy, the magnificence of Carmel and Sharon. They, my people, see the glory of Yahweh, the majesty of our God. Give vigor to weary hands and strength to enfeebled knees. Say to those who are afraid: 'Have courage, do not fear. See, your God comes, demanding justice. He is the God who rewards, the God who comes to save you.'"

    Priest: Father, at the height of our Advent walk, we relight the candle of hope and peace, and we light a candle of joy. Grant us the courage to experience joy in hope of the Savior's coming: joy in the face of sorrow, joy in the face of uncertainty. Amen.

    The father of the chosen family will light the two purple candles and the rose candle of the Advent Wreath. During that time, the choir will sing, "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"

    This is a prayer led by the father or a male member of the family:
    In times of loneliness, darkness and uncertainty — O come, Prince of joy and hope. In times of misunderstanding, anger and resentment — O come, Prince of Peace and Love. Amen.

    This is a prayer led by the mother or a female member of the family:
    O God, You have planned our salvation even before we were born and your faithfulness is true. You send your Son to suffer for our sake so that we may be saved from sin. We welcome Him, the Lord of Salvation. Amen.

    This is a prayer led by one of the children:
    Dear God, John is your messenger — the man who is to prepare the road for our Savior. Grant that as we travel the road he teaches, we too may be like him, messengers that can guide others to Your path of peace. Amen.

    Priest: Heavenly Father, let love, respect and goodness reign in our hearts and never let the evil one and worldly desires snatch away our happiness and the reward of living forever with You. Instead, make us stand firm by Your word, faithful and loyal to Your instructions. Make us holy in every way and keep our whole being faultless at the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

    1. The Advent Wreath Rites is exclusively recited for selected parishes, especially in Saint Theresia Church.

  3. Replies
    1. While this is normally the case to omit the Gloria in a common liturgy, Philippine masses such as the Misa de Gallo (and its anticipated masses) still sing the Gloria.

  4. Primera lectura (Sofonías 3: 14–18)
    Una lectura del libro de Sofonías.
    ¡Grita de alegría, hija de Sión! ¡Aclama, Israel! ¡Alégrate y regocíjate de todo corazón, hija de Jerusalén! El Señor ha retirado las sentencias que pesaban sobre ti y ha expulsado a tus enemigos. El Rey de Israel, el Señor, está en medio de ti: ya no temerás ningún mal. Aquel día, se dirá a Jerusalén: ¡No temas, Sión, que no desfallezcan tus manos! ¡El Señor, tu Dios, está en medio de ti, es un guerrero victorioso! Él exulta de alegría a causa de ti, te renueva con su amor y lanza por ti gritos de alegría, como en los días de fiesta. Yo aparté de ti la desgracia, para que no cargues más con el oprobio.

    Salmo responsorial (Isaías 12: 2–6)
    La respuesta es: Grita con alegría y felicidad; entre ustedes es el gran santo de Israel.
    • ¡Vean cómo es él, el Dios que me salva! En él confío y no tengo más miedo, pues Yahvé es mi fuerza y mi canción, él ha sido mi salvación. Y ustedes sacarán agua con alegría de las vertientes de la salvación.
    • Ustedes dirán ese día: ¡Denle las gracias a Yahvé, vitoreen su Nombre! Publiquen entre los pueblos sus hazañas, celébrenlo, pues su Nombre es sublime.
    • ¡Canten a Yahvé, pues hizo maravillas que ahora son famosas en toda la tierra! ¡Grita de contento y de alegría, oh Sion, porque grande es, en medio de ti, el Santo de Israel!”

    Segunda lectura (Filipenses 4: 4–7)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Filipenses.
    Alégrense siempre en el Señor. Vuelvo a insistir, alégrense. Que la bondad de ustedes sea conocida por todos los hombres. El Señor está cerca. No se angustien por nada, y en cualquier circunstancia, recurran a la oración y a la súplica, acompañadas de acción de gracias, para presentar sus peticiones a Dios. Entonces la paz de Dios, que supera todo lo que podemos pensar, tomará bajo su cuidado los corazones y los pensamientos de ustedes en Cristo Jesús.

    Evangelio (Lucas 3: 10–18)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Lucas.
    La gente le preguntaba: “¿Qué debemos hacer entonces?” Él les respondía: “El que tenga dos túnicas, dé una al que no tiene; y el que tenga qué comer, haga otro tanto.” Algunos publicanos vinieron también a hacer bautizar y le preguntaron: “Maestro, ¿qué debemos hacer?” Él les respondió: “No exijan más de lo estipulado.” A su vez, unos soldados le preguntaron: “Y nosotros, ¿qué debemos hacer?” Juan les respondió: “No extorsionen a nadie, no hagan falsas denuncias y conténtense con su sueldo.” Como el pueblo estaba a la expectativa y todos se preguntaban si Juan no sería el Mesías, él tomó la palabra y les dijo: “Yo los bautizo con agua, pero viene uno que es más poderoso que yo, y yo ni siquiera soy digno de desatar la correa de sus sandalias; él los bautizará en el Espíritu Santo y en el fuego. Tiene en su mano la horquilla para limpiar su era y recoger el trigo en su granero. Pero consumirá la paja en el fuego inextinguible.” Y por medio de muchas otras exhortaciones, anunciaba al pueblo la Buena Noticia.

  5. For the 3rd Sunday of Advent, priests and ministers may wear pink vestments.

  6. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 12) (Verses 2–6)
    The response is: Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.

    God indeed is my savior;I am confident and unafraid. My strength and my courage is the LORD, and he has been my savior. With joy you will draw water at the fountain of salvation.

    Give thanks to the LORD, acclaim his name; among the nations make known his deeds, proclaim how exalted is his name.

    Sing praise to the LORD for his glorious achievement; let this be known throughout all the earth. Shout with exultation, O city of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel!

  7. Alleluia, alleluia.
    The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor.
    Alleluia, alleluia.

  8. Unang pagbabasa (Zefanias 3: 14–18)
    Ang pagbabasa sa aklat ni Zefanias.
    Umawit ka nang malakas, Lunsod ng Zion! Sumigaw ka, Israel! Magalak ka ng buong puso, Lunsod ng Jerusalem! Ang iyong kaparusahan ay inalis na ni Yahweh, at pinalayas na niya ang iyong mga kaaway. Nasa kalagitnaan mo si Yahweh, ang Hari ng Israel, wala nang kasawiang dapat pang katakutan. Sa araw na iyon ay sasabihin sa Jerusalem, “Huwag kang matakot, Zion; huwag kang panghinaan ng loob. Nasa piling mo si Yahweh na iyong Diyos, at ang kanyang kapangyarihan ang magbibigay sa iyo ng tagumpay. Siya ay magagalak sa iyo at ang pag-ibig niya ang magbibigay sa iyo ng bagong buhay. Masaya siyang aawit sa laki ng kagalakan, gaya ng nagdiriwang sa isang kapistahan. Ililigtas kita sa iyong kapahamakan, upang huwag mo nang maranasan ang kahihiyan.

    Ikalawang pagbabasa (Filipos 4: 4–7)
    Ang pagbabasa sa sulat ni San Pablo sa mga taga-Filipos.
    Magalak kayong lagi sa Panginoon. Inuulit ko, magalak kayo! Ipadama ninyo sa lahat ang inyong kabutihang-loob. Malapit nang dumating ang Panginoon. Huwag kayong mabalisa tungkol sa anumang bagay. Sa halip, hingin ninyo sa Diyos ang lahat ng inyong kailangan sa pamamagitan ng panalanging may pasasalamat. At ang kapayapaan ng Diyos na hindi kayang maunawaan ng tao ang siyang mag-iingat sa inyong puso at pag-iisip dahil sa inyong pakikipag-isa kay Cristo Jesus.

    Ebanghelyo (Lucas 3: 10–18)
    Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Lucas.
    Tinanong siya ng mga tao, “Kung gayon, ano po ang dapat naming gawin?” Sumagot siya sa kanila, “Sinumang mayroong dalawang balabal, ibigay mo ang isa sa wala. Gayon din ang gawin ng sinumang may pagkain.” Dumating din ang mga maniningil ng buwis upang magpabautismo. Sila'y nagtanong sa kanya, “Guro, ano po ang dapat naming gawin?” “Huwag kayong sumingil nang higit sa dapat singilin,” tugon niya. Tinanong din siya ng mga kawal, “At kami po naman, ano ang dapat naming gawin?” “Huwag kayong kukuha ng pera kaninuman nang sapilitan o sa pamamagitan ng hindi makatuwirang paratang, at masiyahan kayo sa inyong sweldo,” sagot niya. Nananabik noon ang mga tao sa pagdating ng Cristo, at inakala nilang si Juan mismo ang kanilang hinihintay. Dahil dito sinabi niya sa kanila, “Binabautismuhan ko kayo sa pamamagitan ng tubig, ngunit ang darating na kasunod ko ay magbabautismo sa inyo sa pamamagitan ng Espiritu Santo at ng apoy. Siya'y higit na makapangyarihan kaysa akin; ni hindi man lamang ako karapat-dapat na magkalag ng sintas ng kanyang sandalyas. Hawak na niya ang kalaykay upang linisin ang giikan at upang tipunin ang trigo sa kanyang kamalig. Ngunit ang ipa'y susunugin niya sa apoy na di mamamatay kailanman.” Marami pang bagay na ipinapangaral si Juan sa mga tao sa kanyang pamamahayag ng Magandang Balita.

  9. Bacaan pertama (Zefanya 3: 14–18)
    Pembacaan dari buku Zefanya.
    Bersorak-sorailah, hai puteri Sion, bertempik-soraklah, hai Israel! Bersukacitalah dan beria-rialah dengan segenap hati, hai puteri Yerusalem! TUHAN telah menyingkirkan hukuman yang jatuh atasmu, telah menebas binasa musuhmu. Raja Israel, yakni TUHAN, ada di antaramu; engkau tidak akan takut kepada malapetaka lagi. Pada hari itu akan dikatakan kepada Yerusalem: "Janganlah takut, hai Sion! Janganlah tanganmu menjadi lemah lesu. TUHAN Allahmu ada di antaramu sebagai pahlawan yang memberi kemenangan. Ia bergirang karena engkau dengan sukacita, Ia membaharui engkau dalam kasih-Nya, Ia bersorak-sorak karena engkau dengan sorak-sorai, seperti pada hari pertemuan raya. Aku akan mengangkat malapetaka dari padamu, sehingga oleh karenanya engkau tidak lagi menanggung cela."

    Bacaan kedua (Filipi 4: 4–7)
    Pembacaan dari surat rasul Paulus kepada jemaat di Filipi.
    Bersukacitalah senantiasa dalam Tuhan! Sekali lagi kukatakan: Bersukacitalah! Hendaklah kebaikan hatimu diketahui semua orang. Tuhan sudah dekat! Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apa pun juga, tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu kepada Allah dalam doa dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur. Damai sejahtera Allah, yang melampaui segala akal, akan memelihara hati dan pikiranmu dalam Kristus Yesus.

    Bacaan Injil (Lukas 3: 10–18)
    Pembacaan Injil suci menurut Santo Lukas.
    Orang banyak bertanya kepadanya: "Jika demikian, apakah yang harus kami perbuat?" Jawabnya: "Barangsiapa mempunyai dua helai baju, hendaklah ia membaginya dengan yang tidak punya, dan barangsiapa mempunyai makanan, hendaklah ia berbuat juga demikian." Ada datang juga pemungut-pemungut cukai untuk dibaptis dan mereka bertanya kepadanya: "Guru, apakah yang harus kami perbuat?" Jawabnya: "Jangan menagih lebih banyak dari pada yang telah ditentukan bagimu." Dan prajurit-prajurit bertanya juga kepadanya: "Dan kami, apakah yang harus kami perbuat?" Jawab Yohanes kepada mereka: "Jangan merampas dan jangan memeras dan cukupkanlah dirimu dengan gajimu." Tetapi karena orang banyak sedang menanti dan berharap, dan semuanya bertanya dalam hatinya tentang Yohanes, kalau-kalau ia adalah Mesias, Yohanes menjawab dan berkata kepada semua orang itu: "Aku membaptis kamu dengan air, tetapi Ia yang lebih berkuasa dari padaku akan datang dan membuka tali kasut-Nya pun aku tidak layak. Ia akan membaptis kamu dengan Roh Kudus dan dengan api. Alat penampi sudah di tangan-Nya untuk membersihkan tempat pengirikan-Nya dan untuk mengumpulkan gandum-Nya ke dalam lumbung-Nya, tetapi debu jerami itu akan dibakar-Nya dalam api yang tidak terpadamkan." Dengan banyak nasihat lain Yohanes memberitakan Injil kepada orang banyak.


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