Saturday, June 29, 2019

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: June 30, 2019

New American Bible readings

First reading (1 Kings 19: 16b and 19–21)
A reading from the first book of Kings.
The LORD said to Elijah: "You shall anoint Elisha, son of Shaphat of Abelmeholah, as prophet to succeed you." Elijah set out and came upon Elisha, son of Shaphat, as he was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen; he was following the twelfth. Elijah went over to him and threw his cloak over him. Elisha left the oxen, ran after Elijah, and said, "Please, let me kiss my father and mother goodbye, and I will follow you." Elijah answered, "Go back! Have I done anything to you?" Elisha left him, and taking the yoke of oxen, slaughtered them; he used the plowing equipment for fuel to boil their flesh, and gave it to his people to eat. Then Elisha left and followed Elijah as his attendant.

Second reading (Galatians 5: 1 and 13–18)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians.
Brothers and sisters: For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. For you were called for freedom, brothers and sisters. But do not use this freedom as an opportunity for the flesh; rather, serve one another through love. For the whole law is fulfilled in one statement, namely, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. But if you go on biting and devouring one another, beware that you are not consumed by one another. I say, then: live by the Spirit and you will certainly not gratify the desire of the flesh. For the flesh has desires against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you may not do what you want. But if you are guided by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

Gospel (Luke 9: 51–62)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
When the days for Jesus' being taken up were fulfilled, he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem, and he sent messengers ahead of him. On the way, they entered a Samaritan village to prepare for his reception there, but they would not welcome him because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem. When the disciples James and John saw this they asked, "Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to consume them?" Jesus turned and rebuked them, and they journeyed to another village. As they were proceeding on their journey someone said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus answered him, "Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head." And to another, he said, "Follow me." But he replied, "Lord, let me go first and bury my father." But he answered him, "Let the dead bury their dead. But you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God." And another said, "I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say farewell to my family at home." To him, Jesus said, "No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God."

Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible readings
First reading (1 Kings 19: 16b and 19–21)
A reading from the first book of Kings.
The Lord stated to Elijah: "You shall anoint Elisha, son of Shaphat, from Abel Meholah, you shall anoint as prophet in your place." So Elijah left. He located Elisha, son of Shaphat, who was plowing a field of twelve acres and was at the end of the twelfth acre. Elijah passed by him and cast his cloak over him. Elisha left the oxen, ran after Elijah, and stated, "Let me say goodbye to my father and mother; then I will follow you." Elijah stated to him, "Return if you want, do not worry about what I did." However, Elisha turned back, took the yoke of oxen and slew them. He roasted their meat on the pieces of the yoke and gave it to his people who ate of it. After this, Elisha followed Elijah and began ministering to him.

Second reading (Galatians 5: 1 and 13–18)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians.
Brothers and sisters: Christ freed us to make us really free. So remain firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. You, brothers and sisters, were called to enjoy freedom; I am not speaking of that freedom which gives free rein to the desires of the flesh, but of that which makes you slaves of one another through love. For the whole Law is summed up in this sentence: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. But if you bite and tear each other to pieces, be careful lest you all perish. Therefore I say to you: walk according to the Spirit and do not give way to the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh war against the spirit, and the desires of the spirit are opposed to the flesh. Both are in conflict with each other, so that you cannot do everything you would like. But let the Spirit lead you: this is nothing to do with submitting to the Law.

Gospel (Luke 9: 51–62)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
As the time drew near when Jesus would be taken up to heaven, he made up his mind to go to Jerusalem. He had sent ahead of him some messengers who entered a Samaritan village to prepare a lodging for him. However, the people would not receive Jesus because he was on his way to Jerusalem. Observing this, James and John, Jesus' disciples asked, "Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to reduce them to ashes?" Nevertheless, Jesus turned and rebuked them, and they went on to another village. As they went on their way, a man stated to Jesus, "I will follow you wherever you go." Jesus replied to him, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head." Jesus requested another person, "Follow me." Nevertheless, the man answered, "Let me return now, for first I want to bury my father." And Jesus replied to him, "Let the dead bury their dead; as for you, leave them and proclaim the kingdom of God." Another person answered Jesus, "I will follow you, Lord, but first let me say goodbye to my family." And Jesus replied to him, "Whoever has put his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom of God."


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 16) (Verses 1–2, 5, and 7–11)
    The response is: You are my inheritance, O Lord.

    Keep me, O God, for in you I take refuge; I say to the LORD, "My Lord are you. O LORD, my allotted portion and my cup, you it is who hold fast my lot."

    I bless the LORD who counsels me; even in the night my heart exhorts me. I set the LORD ever before me; with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed.

    Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices, my body, too, abides in confidence because you will not abandon my soul to the netherworld, nor will you suffer your faithful one to undergo corruption.

    You will show me the path to life, fullness of joys in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever.

  2. Alleluia, alleluia.
    Speak, Lord, your servant is listening; you have the words of everlasting life.
    Alleluia, alleluia.

    1. The priest's homily lasted for 9'21"25 with concluding prayers that lasted for 56"25.

  3. Primera lectura (1 Reyes 19: 16b y 19–21)
    Una lectura del primer libro de los Reyes.
    El Señor dijo a Elías, “Consagrarás a Eliseo, hijo de Safat, de Abel-Mejolá, como profeta en vez de ti. Partió de allí Elías y encontró a Eliseo, hijo de Safat, quien estaba arando; tenía doce medias hectáreas de tierra para arar y estaba en la duodécima. Elías se le acercó y le tiró encima su manto. Inmediatamente, dejando sus bueyes, Eliseo corrió tras Elías: “Permíteme, le dijo, que vaya a abrazar a mi padre y te seguiré.” Pero Elías le respondió: “¡Puedes volverte, era algo sin importancia!” Eliseo se alejó pero para tomar la yunta de bueyes y sacrificarlos; asó su carne con el yugo y se la sirvió a su gente, luego se levantó, salió tras Elías y entró a su servicio.

    Salmo responsivo (Salmo 16) (Versículos 1, 5, y 7–11)
    La respuesta es: Eres mi herencia, oh Señor.
    • Protégeme, Dios mío, porque me refugio en ti. El Señor es la parte de mi herencia y mi cáliz, ¡tú decides mi suerte!
    • Bendeciré al Señor que me aconseja, ¡hasta de noche me instruye mi conciencia! Tengo siempre presente el Señor: él está a mi lado, nunca vacilaré.
    • Por eso mi corazón se alegra, se regocijan mis entrañas y todo mi ser descansa seguro: porque no me entregarás la muerte ni dejarás que tu amigo vea al sepulcro.
    • Me harás conocer el camino de la vida, saciándome de gozo en tu presencia, de felicidad eterna a tu derecha.

    Segunda lectura (Gálatas 5: 1 y 13–18)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los gálatas.
    Esta es la libertad que nos ha dado Cristo. Manténganse firmes para no caer de nuevo bajo el yugo de la esclavitud. Ustedes, hermanos, han sido llamados para vivir en libertad, pero procuren que esta libertad no sea un pretexto para satisfacer los deseos carnales; háganse más bien servidores los unos de los otros, por medio del amor. Porque toda la Ley está resumida plenamente en este precepto: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. Pero si ustedes se están mordiendo y devorando mutuamente, tengan cuidado porque terminarán destruyéndose los unos a los otros. Yo les exhorto a que se dejen conducir por el Espíritu de Dios, y así no serán arrastrados por los deseos de la carne. Porque la carne desea contra el espíritu y el espíritu contra la carne. Ambos luchan entre sí, y por eso, ustedes no pueden hacer todo el bien que quieren. Pero si están animados por el Espíritu, ya no están sometidos a la Ley.

    Evangelio (Lucas 9: 51–62)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según el San Lucas.
    Cuando estaba por cumplirse el tiempo de su elevación al cielo, Jesús se encaminó decididamente hacia Jerusalén y envió mensajeros delante de él. Ellos partieron y entraron en un pueblo de Samaría para prepararle alojamiento. Pero no lo recibieron porque se dirigía a Jerusalén. Cuando sus discípulos Santiago y Juan vieron esto, le dijeron: “Señor, ¿quieres que mandemos caer fuego del cielo para consumirlos?” Pero él se dio vuelta y los reprendió. Y se fueron a otro pueblo. Mientras iban caminando, alguien le dijo a Jesús: “¡Te seguiré adonde vayas!” Jesús le respondió: “Los zorros tienen sus cuevas y las aves del cielo sus nidos, pero el Hijo del hombre no tiene dónde reclinar la cabeza.” Y dijo a otro: “Sígueme.” Él respondió: “Permíteme que vaya primero a enterrar a mi padre.” Pero Jesús le respondió: “Deja que los muertos entierren a sus muertos; tú ve a anunciar el Reino de Dios.” Otro le dijo: “Te seguiré, Señor, pero permíteme antes despedirme de los míos.” Jesús le respondió: “El que ha puesto la mano en el arado y mira hacia atrás, no sirve para el Reino de Dios.”

  4. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 16) (Verses 1, 5, 7–11)
    The response is: You are my inheritance, O Lord.

    Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge. O Lord, my inheritance and my cup, my chosen portion — hold secure my lot.

    I bless the Lord who counsels me; even at night my inmost self instructs me. I keep the Lord always before me; for with him at my right hand, I will never be shaken.

    My heart, therefore, exults, my soul rejoices; my body too will rest assured. For you will not abandon my soul to the grave, nor will you suffer your holy one to see decay in the land of the dead.

    You will show me the path of life, in your presence the fullness of joy, at your right hand happiness forever.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  5. Unang pagbabasa (1 Mga Hari 19: 16B at 19–21)
    Ang pagbabasa sa unang aklat ng mga Hari.
    “Buhusan mo rin ng langis si Eliseo na anak ni Safat na taga-Abel-mehola bilang propeta na hahalili sa iyo.” Umalis si Elias at natagpuan niya si Eliseo na nag-aararo. Labindalawang pares ng toro ang ginagamit niya, at kaagapay siya ng huling pares. Pagdaan ni Elias sa tapat ni Eliseo, inalis ni Elias ang kanyang balabal at ibinalabal kay Eliseo. Iniwan naman ni Eliseo ang mga toro, humabol kay Elias at nakiusap, “Magpapaalam po muna ako sa aking ama't ina, at pagkatapos ay sasama na ako sa inyo.” Sumagot naman si Elias, “Sige, umuwi ka muna.” Umuwi nga si Eliseo. Nagpatay siya ng isang pares na toro at iniluto. Ginamit niyang panggatong ang mga pamatok at mga araro. Ipinakain niya ito sa mga tao, at sumunod kay Elias at naging lingkod nito.

    Ikalawang pagbabasa (Galacia 5: 1 at 13–18)
    Ang pagbabasa sa sulat ni San Pablo sa mga taga-Galacia.
    Malaya na tayo dahil pinalaya tayo ni Cristo. Kaya magpakatatag kayo at huwag nang paalipin pang muli! Mga kapatid, tinawag kayo upang maging malaya. Ngunit huwag naman ninyong gamitin ang inyong kalayaan upang masunod ang hilig ng laman, kundi maglingkod kayo sa isa't isa sa diwa ng pag-ibig. Sapagkat ang buong Kautusan ay nauuwi sa isang pangungusap, “Ibigin mo ang iyong kapwa gaya ng pag-ibig mo sa iyong sarili.” Ngunit kung kayo'y nagkakagatan at nagsasakmalang parang mga hayop, mag-ingat kayo at baka tuluyan ninyong sirain ang isa't isa. Sinasabi ko sa inyo, mamuhay kayo ayon sa Espiritu at hindi ninyo pagbibigyan ang mga pagnanasa ng laman. Sapagkat ang mga pagnanasa ng laman ay laban sa kagustuhan ng Espiritu, at ang kagustuhan ng Espiritu ay laban sa mga pagnanasa ng laman. Magkalaban ang dalawang ito kaya napipigilan kayo sa paggawa ng nais ninyong gawin. Kung pinapatnubayan kayo ng Espiritu, wala na kayo sa ilalim ng Kautusan.

    Ebanghelyo (Lucas 9: 51–62)
    Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Lucas.
    Nang nalalapit na ang panahong iaakyat si Jesus sa langit, buo na ang kanyang kapasyahang pumunta sa Jerusalem. Sinugo niya ang ilan upang mauna sa kanya. Pumunta sila sa isang nayon sa Samaria upang ipaghanda siya ng matutuluyan. Ngunit ayaw siyang patuluyin ng mga Samaritano dahil buo na ang kanyang kapasyahang pumunta sa Jerusalem. Nang makita ito nina Santiago at Juan, sinabi nila, “Panginoon, gusto ba ninyong magpaulan kami ng apoy mula sa langit upang sila'y lipulin?” Ngunit hinarap sila ni Jesus at sila'y pinagalitan. “Hindi ninyo alam kung anong espiritu ang nasa inyo. Ang Anak ng Tao ay naparito hindi upang ipahamak kundi iligtas ang mga tao.” At nagpunta sila sa ibang nayon. Samantalang sila'y naglalakad, may isang lalaking lumapit at nagsabi kay Jesus, “Susunod po ako sa inyo kahit saan kayo pumunta.” Sumagot si Jesus, “May lungga ang asong-gubat, at may pugad ang mga ibon, ngunit ang Anak ng Tao ay wala man lamang mapagpahingahan.” At sinabi naman niya sa isa, “Sumunod ka sa akin.” Ngunit sumagot ito, “Panginoon, hayaan lang po muna ninyong maipalibing ko ang aking ama.” Sinabi ni Jesus sa kanya, “Hayaan mo na ang mga patay ang maglibing sa kanilang mga patay. Ngunit humayo ka at ipahayag mo ang kaharian ng Diyos.” May isa namang nagsabi sa kanya, “Susunod po ako sa inyo, Panginoon, ngunit hayaan ninyong magpaalam muna ako sa aking pamilya.” At ganito naman ang tugon ni Jesus, “Sinumang nagsimulang mag-araro ngunit panay ang lingon ay hindi karapat-dapat sa kaharian ng Diyos.”

    1. Ebanghelyo (Lucas 9: 51–62)
      Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Lucas.
      Nang nalalapit na ang panahong iaakyat si Jesus sa langit, buo na ang kanyang kapasyahang pumunta sa Jerusalem. Sinugo niya ang ilan upang mauna sa kanya. Pumunta sila sa isang nayon sa Samaria upang ipaghanda siya ng matutuluyan. Ngunit ayaw siyang patuluyin ng mga Samaritano dahil buo na ang kanyang kapasyahang pumunta sa Jerusalem. Nang makita ito nina Santiago at Juan, sinabi nila, “Panginoon, gusto ba ninyong magpaulan kami ng apoy mula sa langit upang sila'y lipulin?” Ngunit hinarap sila ni Jesus at sila'y pinagalitan. At nagpunta sila sa ibang nayon. Samantalang sila'y naglalakad, may isang lalaking lumapit at nagsabi kay Jesus, “Susunod po ako sa inyo kahit saan kayo pumunta.” Sumagot si Jesus, “May lungga ang asong-gubat, at may pugad ang mga ibon, ngunit ang Anak ng Tao ay wala man lamang mapagpahingahan.” At sinabi naman niya sa isa, “Sumunod ka sa akin.” Ngunit sumagot ito, “Panginoon, hayaan lang po muna ninyong maipalibing ko ang aking ama.” Sinabi ni Jesus sa kanya, “Hayaan mo na ang mga patay ang maglibing sa kanilang mga patay. Ngunit humayo ka at ipahayag mo ang kaharian ng Diyos.” May isa namang nagsabi sa kanya, “Susunod po ako sa inyo, Panginoon, ngunit hayaan ninyong magpaalam muna ako sa aking pamilya.” At ganito naman ang tugon ni Jesus, “Sinumang nagsimulang mag-araro ngunit panay ang lingon ay hindi karapat-dapat sa kaharian ng Diyos.”

  6. Bacaan pertama (1 Raja-raja 19: 16 dan 19–21)
    Pembacaan dari buku pertama Raja-raja.
    Juga Yehu, cucu Nimsi, haruslah kauurapi menjadi raja atas Israel, dan Elisa bin Safat, dari Abel-Mehola, harus kauurapi menjadi nabi menggantikan engkau. Setelah Elia pergi dari sana, ia bertemu dengan Elisa bin Safat yang sedang membajak dengan dua belas pasang lembu, sedang ia sendiri mengemudikan yang kedua belas. Ketika Elia lalu dari dekatnya, ia melemparkan jubahnya kepadanya. Lalu Elisa meninggalkan lembu itu dan berlari mengikuti Elia, katanya: "Biarkanlah aku mencium ayahku dan ibuku dahulu, lalu aku akan mengikuti engkau." Jawabnya kepadanya: "Baiklah, pulang dahulu, dan ingatlah apa yang telah kuperbuat kepadamu." Lalu berbaliklah ia dari pada Elia, ia mengambil pasangan lembu itu, menyembelihnya dan memasak dagingnya dengan bajak lembu itu sebagai kayu api; ia memberikan daging itu kepada orang-orangnya, kemudian makanlah mereka. Sesudah itu bersiaplah ia, lalu mengikuti Elia dan menjadi pelayannya.

    Bacaan kedua (Galatia 5: 1 dan 13–18)
    Pembacaan dari surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Galatia.
    Supaya kita sungguh-sungguh merdeka, Kristus telah memerdekakan kita. Karena itu berdirilah teguh dan jangan mau lagi dikenakan kuk perhambaan. Saudara-saudara, memang kamu telah dipanggil untuk merdeka. Tetapi janganlah kamu mempergunakan kemerdekaan itu sebagai kesempatan untuk kehidupan dalam dosa, melainkan layanilah seorang akan yang lain oleh kasih. Sebab seluruh hukum Taurat tercakup dalam satu firman ini, yaitu: "Kasihilah sesamamu manusia seperti dirimu sendiri!" Tetapi jikalau kamu saling menggigit dan saling menelan, awaslah, supaya jangan kamu saling membinasakan. Maksudku ialah: hiduplah oleh Roh, maka kamu tidak akan menuruti keinginan daging. Sebab keinginan daging berlawanan dengan keinginan Roh dan keinginan Roh berlawanan dengan keinginan daging — karena keduanya bertentangan — sehingga kamu setiap kali tidak melakukan apa yang kamu kehendaki. Akan tetapi jikalau kamu memberi dirimu dipimpin oleh Roh, maka kamu tidak hidup di bawah hukum Taurat.

    Bacaan Injil (Lukas 9: 51–62)
    Pembacaan Injil suci menurut Santo Lukas.
    Ketika hampir genap waktunya Yesus diangkat ke sorga, Ia mengarahkan pandangan-Nya untuk pergi ke Yerusalem, dan Ia mengirim beberapa utusan mendahului Dia. Mereka itu pergi, lalu masuk ke suatu desa orang Samaria untuk mempersiapkan segala sesuatu bagi-Nya. Tetapi orang-orang Samaria itu tidak mau menerima Dia, karena perjalanan-Nya menuju Yerusalem. Ketika dua murid-Nya, yaitu Yakobus dan Yohanes, melihat hal itu, mereka berkata: "Tuhan, apakah Engkau mau, supaya kami menyuruh api turun dari langit untuk membinasakan mereka?" Akan tetapi Ia berpaling dan menegor mereka. Lalu mereka pergi ke desa yang lain. Ketika Yesus dan murid-murid-Nya melanjutkan perjalanan mereka, berkatalah seorang di tengah jalan kepada Yesus: "Aku akan mengikut Engkau, ke mana saja Engkau pergi." Yesus berkata kepadanya: "Serigala mempunyai liang dan burung mempunyai sarang, tetapi Anak Manusia tidak mempunyai tempat untuk meletakkan kepala-Nya." Lalu Ia berkata kepada seorang lain: "Ikutlah Aku!" Tetapi orang itu berkata: "Izinkanlah aku pergi dahulu menguburkan bapaku." Tetapi Yesus berkata kepadanya: "Biarlah orang mati menguburkan orang mati; tetapi engkau, pergilah dan beritakanlah Kerajaan Allah di mana-mana." Dan seorang lain lagi berkata: "Aku akan mengikut Engkau, Tuhan, tetapi izinkanlah aku pamitan dahulu dengan keluargaku." Tetapi Yesus berkata: "Setiap orang yang siap untuk membajak tetapi menoleh ke belakang, tidak layak untuk Kerajaan Allah."

  7. 第一読み物(列王記上第19章:第16詩と第19詩–第21詩)




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