Saturday, July 2, 2022

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: July 3, 2022

New American Bible readings
First reading (Isaiah 66: 10–14c)
A reading from the book of the Prophet Isaiah.
Thus says the LORD: Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad because of her, all you who love her; exult, exult with her, all you who were mourning over her! Oh, that you may suck fully of the milk of her comfort, that you may nurse with delight at her abundant breasts! For thus says the LORD: Lo, I will spread prosperity over Jerusalem like a river, and the wealth of the nations like an overflowing torrent. As nurslings, you shall be carried in her arms, and fondled in her lap; as a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you; in Jerusalem you shall find your comfort. When you see this, your heart shall rejoice and your bodies flourish like the grass; the LORD's power shall be known to his servants.

Second reading (Galatians 6: 14–18)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians.

Brothers and sisters: May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. For neither does circumcision mean anything, nor does uncircumcision, but only a new creation. Peace and mercy be to all who follow this rule and to the Israel of God. From now on, let no one make troubles for me; for I bear the marks of Jesus on my body. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brothers and sisters. Amen.

Gospel (Luke 10: 1–12 and 17–20)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
At that time the Lord appointed seventy-two others whom he sent ahead of him in pairs to every town and place he intended to visit. He said to them, "The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest. Go on your way; behold, I am sending you like lambs among wolves. Carry no money bag, no sack, no sandals; and greet no one along the way. Into whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this household.' If a peaceful person lives there, your peace will rest on him; but if not, it will return to you. Stay in the same house and eat and drink what is offered to you, for the laborer deserves his payment. Do not move about from one house to another. Whatever town you enter and they welcome you, eat what is set before you, cure the sick in it and say to them, 'The kingdom of God is at hand for you.' Whatever town you enter and they do not receive you, go out into the streets and say, 'The dust of your town that clings to our feet, even that we shake off against you.' Yet know this: the kingdom of God is at hand. I tell you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom on that day than for that town." The seventy-two returned rejoicing, and said, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us because of your name." Jesus said, "I have observed Satan fall like lightning from the sky. Behold, I have given you the power to 'tread upon serpents' and scorpions and upon the full force of the enemy and nothing will harm you.  Nevertheless, do not rejoice because the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven."

Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible readings
First reading (Isaiah 66: 10–14c)
A reading from the book of the Prophet Isaiah.
Thus states the Lord: "Rejoice for Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her. Be glad with her, rejoice with her, all you who were in grief over her, that you may suck of the milk from her comforting breasts, that you may drink deeply from the abundance of her glory." For this is what the Lord states: "I will send her peace, overflowing like a river; and the nations' wealth, rushing like a torrent towards her. And you will be nursed and carried in her arms and fondled upon her lap. As a son comforted by his mother, so will I comfort you. At the sight of this, your heart will rejoice; like grass, your bones will flourish. For it shall be known that the Lord's hand is with his servant."

Second reading (Galatians 6: 14–18)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians.
Brothers and sisters: For me, I do not wish to take pride in anything except in the cross of Christ Jesus our Lord. Through him, the world has been crucified to me and I to the world. Let us no longer speak of the circumcised and of non-Jews, but of a new creation. Let those who live according to this rule receive peace and mercy: they are the Israel of God. Let no one trouble me any longer: for my part, I bear in my body the marks of Jesus. May the grace of Christ Jesus our Lord be with your spirit, brothers and sisters. Amen.

Gospel (Luke 10: 1–12 and 17–20)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
At that time the Lord appointed seventy-two other disciples and sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place, where he himself was to go. And he stated to them, "The harvest is rich, but the workers are few. So you must ask the Lord of the harvest to send workers to his harvest. Courage! I am sending you like lambs among wolves. Set off without purse or bag or sandals; and do not stop at the homes of those you know. Whatever house you enter, first bless them stating: 'Peace to this house.' If a friend of peace lives there, the peace shall rest upon that person. But if not, the blessing will return to you. Stay in that house eating and drinking at their table, for the worker deserves to be paid. Do not move from house to house. When they welcome you in any town, eat what they offer you. Heal the sick who are there and say to them: 'The kingdom of God has drawn near to you.' But in any town where you are not welcome, go to the marketplace and proclaim: 'Even the dust of your town that clings to our feet, we wipe off and leave with you. But know and be sure that the kingdom of God had come to you.' I tell you that on Judgment Day it will be better for Sodom than for this town." Then the seventy-two disciples returned full of joy. They exclaimed, "Lord, even the demons obeyed us when we called on your name." Then Jesus replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. You see, I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy, so that nothing will harm you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice because the evil spirits submit to you; rejoice rather that your names are written in heaven."


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 66) (Verses 1–3a, 4–7a, 16, and 20)
    The response is: Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.

    Shout joyfully to God, all the earth, sing praise to the glory of his name; proclaim his glorious praise. Say to God, "How tremendous are your deeds!"

    "Let all on earth worship and sing praise to you, sing praise to your name!" Come and see the works of God, his tremendous deeds among the children of Adam.

    He has changed the sea into dry land; through the river they passed on foot; therefore let us rejoice in him. He rules by his might forever.

    Hear now, all you who fear God, while I declare what he has done for me. Blessed be God who refused me not my prayer or his kindness!

  2. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 66) (Verse 1–3a, 4–7a, 16, and 20)
    The response is: Let all the earth cry out to God with joy.

    Shout with joy to God, all you on earth; sing to the glory of his name; proclaim his glorious praise. Say to God, "How great are your deeds!"

    All the earth bows down to you, making music in praise of you, singing in honor of your name. Come and see God's wonders, his deeds awesome for humans, especially for the children of Adam.

    He has turned the sea into dry land, and the river was crossed on foot. Let us, therefore, rejoice in him; he rules by his might forever.

    All you who fear God, come and listen; let me tell you what he has done. May God be blessed! He has not rejected my prayer; nor withheld his love from me.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  3. Alleluia, alleluia.
    Let the peace of Christ control your hearts; let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.
    Alleluia, alleluia.

  4. Primera lectura (Isaías 66: 10–14c)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Isaías.
    Entonces dijo el Señor: “Alégrense con Jerusalén, y que se feliciten por ella todos los que la aman. Siéntanse, ahora, muy contentos con ella todos los que por ella anduvieron de luto, porque tomarán la leche hasta quedar satisfechos de su seno acogedor, y podrán saborear y gustar sus pechos famosos.” Pues Yahvé lo asegura: “Yo voy a hacer correr hacia ella, como un río, la paz, y como un torrente que lo inunda todo, la gloria de las naciones. Ustedes serán como niños de pecho llevados en brazos y acariciados sobre las rodillas. Cuando ustedes vean todo esto, les saltará de gozo el corazón y su cuerpo rejuvenecerá como la hierba. La mano de Yahvé se dará a conocer a sus servidores.”

    Salmo responsivo (Salmo 66) (Versículos 1–3ª, 4–7ª, 16 y 20)
    La respuesta es: Aclame al Dios toda la tierra con alegría.
    • ¡Aclame a Dios toda la tierra! ¡Canten la gloria de su Nombre! Tribútenle una alabanza gloriosa, digan a Dios: “¡Qué admirables son tus obras!”
    • Toda la tierra postra ante ti, y canta en tu honor, en honor de tu Nombre. Vengan a ver las obras de Dios, las cosas admirables que hizo por los hombres.
    • Él convirtió el Mar en tierra firme, a pie atravesaron el Río. Por eso, alegrémonos en él, que gobierna eternamente con su fuerza.
    • Los que temen a Dios, vengan a escuchar, yo les contaré lo que hizo por mí. Bendito sea Dios, que no rechazó mi oración ni apartó de mí su misericordia.

    Segunda lectura (Gálatas 6: 14–18)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los gálatas.
    Yo sólo me gloriaré en la cruz de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, por quien el mundo está crucificado para mí, como yo lo estoy para el mundo. Estar circuncidado o no estarlo, no tiene ninguna importancia: lo que importa es ser una nueva criatura. Que todos los que practican esta norma tengan paz y misericordia, lo mismo que el Israel de Dios. Que nadie me moleste en adelante: yo llevo en mi cuerpo las cicatrices de Jesús. Hermanos, que la gracia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo permanezca con ustedes. Amén.

    Evangelio (Lucas 10: 1–12 y 17–20)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según el San Lucas.
    Después de esto, el Señor designó a otros setenta y dos, y los envió de dos en dos para que lo precedieran en todas las ciudades y sitios adonde él debía ir. Y les dijo: “La cosecha es abundante, pero los trabajadores son pocos. Rueguen al dueño de los sembrados que envíe trabajadores para la cosecha. ¡Vayan! Yo los envío como a ovejas en medio de lobos. No lleven dinero, ni alforja, ni calzado, y no se detengan a saludar a nadie por el camino. Al entrar en una casa, digan primero: “¡Que descienda la paz sobre esta casa!” Y si hay allí alguien digno de recibirla, esa paz reposará sobre él; de lo contrario, volverá a ustedes. Permanezcan en esa misma casa, comiendo y bebiendo de lo que haya, porque el que trabaja merece su salario. No vayan de casa en casa. En las ciudades donde entren y sean recibidos, coman lo que les sirvan; curen a sus enfermos y digan a la gente: “El Reino de Dios está cerca de ustedes.” Pero en todas las ciudades donde entren y no los reciban, salgan a las plazas y digan: ¡Hasta el polvo de esta ciudad que se ha adherido a nuestros pies, lo sacudimos sobre ustedes! Sepan, sin embargo, que el Reino de Dios está cerca.” Les aseguro que en aquel Día, Sodoma será tratada menos rigurosamente que esa ciudad. Los setenta y dos volvieron y le dijeron llenos de gozo: “Señor, hasta los demonios se nos someten en tu Nombre.” Él les dijo: “Yo veía a Satanás caer del cielo como un rayo. Les he dado poder de caminar sobre serpientes y escorpiones y para vencer todas las fuerzas del enemigo; y nada podrá dañarlos. No se alegren, sin embargo, de que los espíritus se les sometan; alégrense más bien de que sus nombres estén escritos en el cielo.”

  5. Unang pagbabasa (Isaias 66: 10–14C)
    Ang pagbabasa sa aklat ni propeta Isaias.
    Makigalak kayo sa Jerusalem, magalak kayo dahil sa kanya; kayong lahat na nagmamahal sa lunsod na ito! Kayo'y makigalak at makipagsaya, lahat kayong tumangis para sa kanya. Tatamasahin ninyo ang kasaganaan niya, tulad ng sanggol sa dibdib ng kanyang ina. Sabi ni Yahweh: “Padadalhan kita ng walang katapusang kasaganaan. Ang kayamanan ng ibang bansa ay aagos patungo sa iyo tulad ng umaapaw na ilog. Ang makakatulad mo'y sanggol na buong pagmamahal na inaaruga ng kanyang ina. Aaliwin kita sa Jerusalem, tulad ng pag-aliw ng ina sa kanyang anak. Ikaw ay magagalak kapag nakita mo ang lahat ng ito; ikaw ay lalakas at lulusog. Sa gayon, malalaman mong akong si Yahweh ang tumutulong sa mga sumusunod sa akin.”

    Pangalawang pagbabasa (Galacia 6: 14–18)
    Ang pagbabasa sa sulat ni San Pablo sa mga taga-Galacia.
    Huwag nawang mangyari sa akin na ipagmalaki ko ang anumang bagay bukod sa krus ng ating Panginoong Jesu-Cristo. Sapagkat sa pamamagitan nito, ang mundong ito'y patay na para sa akin, at ako nama'y patay na rin sa mundo. Hindi mahalaga kung tuli man o hindi ang isang tao. Ang mahalaga ay kung siya ay bago nang nilalang. Manatili nawa ang kapayapaan at habag ng Diyos sa lahat ng namumuhay ayon sa tuntuning ito, at sa buong bayan ng Diyos. Kaya mula ngayon, huwag nang dagdagan ninuman ang aking mga paghihirap, sapagkat ipinapakita ng mga pilat sa aking katawan na ako'y lingkod ni Jesus. Mga kapatid, sumainyo nawang lahat ang kagandahang-loob ng ating Panginoong Jesu-Cristo. Amen.

    Ebanghelyo (Lucas 10: 1–12 at 17–20)
    Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Lucas.
    Pagkatapos nito, pumili pa ang Panginoon ng pitumpu't dalawa. Sila ay isinugo niya nang dala-dalawa sa bawat bayan at pook na pupuntahan niya. Sinabi niya sa kanila, “Napakarami ng aanihin ngunit kakaunti ang mga mag-aani. Idalangin ninyo sa may-ari ng aanihin na magpadala siya ng mga mag-aani. Humayo kayo! Isinusugo ko kayong parang mga tupa sa gitna ng mga asong-gubat. Huwag kayong magdala ng lalagyan ng pera, balutan, o sandalyas. Huwag na kayong tumigil upang bumati kaninuman sa daan. Pagpasok ninyo sa alinmang bahay, sabihin muna ninyo, ‘Maghari nawa ang kapayapaan sa bahay na ito!’ Kung maibigin sa kapayapaan ang nakatira roon, tatanggapin nila ang kapayapaan ninyo; ngunit kung hindi, babalik sa inyo ang inyong pagbasbas. Makituloy kayo sa bahay na iyon at huwag kayong magpapalipat-lipat ng tinutuluyan. Kainin ninyo at inumin ang anumang ihain sa inyo sapagkat ang manggagawa ay karapat-dapat tumanggap ng sahod. Pagpasok ninyo sa isang bayan at tinanggap kayo, kainin ninyo ang anumang ihain sa inyo. Pagalingin ninyo ang mga maysakit doon at sabihin sa mga tagaroon, ‘Malapit na sa inyo ang kaharian ng Diyos.’ Ngunit pagpasok ninyo sa isang bayan at hindi kayo tinanggap, pumunta kayo sa mga lansangan nito at sabihin, ‘Pati ang alikabok ng inyong bayan na dumikit sa aming mga paa ay inaalis namin bilang babala sa inyo. Ngunit pakatandaan ninyo, malapit na ang kaharian ng Diyos!’ Sinasabi ko sa inyo, mas kahahabagan pa ang mga taga-Sodoma kaysa bayang iyon sa Araw ng Paghuhukom!” Masayang-masayang bumalik ang pitumpu't dalawa. Iniulat nila, “Panginoon, kahit po ang mga demonyo ay napapasunod namin dahil sa kapangyarihan ng inyong pangalan.” Sinabi sa kanila ni Jesus, “Nakita kong parang kidlat na nahulog si Satanas mula sa langit. Binigyan ko kayo ng kapangyarihang tapakan ang mga ahas at mga alakdan, at daigin ang lahat ng kapangyarihan ng kaaway; at walang makakapanakit sa inyo. Ngunit magalak kayo, hindi dahil sa napapasunod ninyo ang masasamang espiritu, kundi dahil nakatala sa langit ang inyong mga pangalan.”

  6. Bacaan pertama (Yesaya 66: 10–14C)
    Pembacaan dari buku nabi Yesaya.
    Bersukacitalah bersama-sama Yerusalem, dan bersorak-soraklah karenanya, hai semua orang yang mencintainya! Bergiranglah bersama-sama dia segirang-girangnya, hai semua orang yang berkabung karenanya! supaya kamu mengisap dan menjadi kenyang dari susu yang menyegarkan kamu, supaya kamu menghirup dan menikmati dari dadanya yang bernas. Sebab beginilah firman TUHAN: Sesungguhnya, Aku mengalirkan kepadanya keselamatan seperti sungai, dan kekayaan bangsa-bangsa seperti batang air yang membanjir; kamu akan menyusu, akan digendong, akan dibelai-belai di pangkuan. Seperti seseorang yang dihibur ibunya, demikianlah Aku ini akan menghibur kamu; kamu akan dihibur di Yerusalem. Apabila kamu melihatnya, hatimu akan girang, dan kamu akan seperti rumput muda yang tumbuh dengan lebat; maka tangan TUHAN akan nyata kepada hamba-hamba-Nya.

    Bacaan kedua (Galatia 6: 14–18)
    Pembacaan dari surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Galatia.
    Tetapi aku sekali-kali tidak mau bermegah, selain dalam salib Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus, sebab olehnya dunia telah disalibkan bagiku dan aku bagi dunia. Sebab bersunat atau tidak bersunat tidak ada artinya, tetapi menjadi ciptaan baru, itulah yang ada artinya. Dan semua orang, yang memberi dirinya dipimpin oleh patokan ini, turunlah kiranya damai sejahtera dan rahmat atas mereka dan atas Israel milik Allah. Selanjutnya janganlah ada orang yang menyusahkan aku, karena pada tubuhku ada tanda-tanda milik Yesus. Kasih karunia Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus menyertai roh kamu, saudara-saudara! Amin.

    Bacaan Injil (Lukas 10: 1–12 dan 17–20)
    Pembacaan Injil suci menurut Santo Lukas.
    Kemudian dari pada itu Tuhan menunjuk tujuh puluh murid yang lain, lalu mengutus mereka berdua-dua mendahului-Nya ke setiap kota dan tempat yang hendak dikunjungi-Nya. Kata-Nya kepada mereka: "Tuaian memang banyak, tetapi pekerja sedikit. Karena itu mintalah kepada Tuan yang empunya tuaian, supaya Ia mengirimkan pekerja-pekerja untuk tuaian itu. Pergilah, sesungguhnya Aku mengutus kamu seperti anak domba ke tengah-tengah serigala. Janganlah membawa pundi-pundi atau bekal atau kasut, dan janganlah memberi salam kepada siapa pun selama dalam perjalanan. Kalau kamu memasuki suatu rumah, katakanlah lebih dahulu: Damai sejahtera bagi rumah ini. Dan jikalau di situ ada orang yang layak menerima damai sejahtera, maka salammu itu akan tinggal atasnya. Tetapi jika tidak, salammu itu kembali kepadamu. Tinggallah dalam rumah itu, makan dan minumlah apa yang diberikan orang kepadamu, sebab seorang pekerja patut mendapat upahnya. Janganlah berpindah-pindah rumah. Dan jikalau kamu masuk ke dalam sebuah kota dan kamu diterima di situ, makanlah apa yang dihidangkan kepadamu, dan sembuhkanlah orang-orang sakit yang ada di situ dan katakanlah kepada mereka: Kerajaan Allah sudah dekat padamu. Tetapi jikalau kamu masuk ke dalam sebuah kota dan kamu tidak diterima di situ, pergilah ke jalan-jalan raya kota itu dan serukanlah: Juga debu kotamu yang melekat pada kaki kami, kami kebaskan di depanmu; tetapi ketahuilah ini: Kerajaan Allah sudah dekat. Aku berkata kepadamu: pada hari itu Sodom akan lebih ringan tanggungannya dari pada kota itu." Kemudian ketujuh puluh murid itu kembali dengan gembira dan berkata: "Tuhan, juga setan-setan takluk kepada kami demi nama-Mu." Lalu kata Yesus kepada mereka: "Aku melihat Iblis jatuh seperti kilat dari langit. Sesungguhnya Aku telah memberikan kuasa kepada kamu untuk menginjak ular dan kalajengking dan kuasa untuk menahan kekuatan musuh, sehingga tidak ada yang akan membahayakan kamu. Namun demikian janganlah bersukacita karena roh-roh itu takluk kepadamu, tetapi bersukacitalah karena namamu ada terdaftar di sorga."

  7. 第一読み物(イザヤ書第66章:第10詩–第14詩)




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