Saturday, November 26, 2022

1st Sunday of Advent

Date: November 27, 2022

New American Bible readings
First reading (Isaiah 2: 1–5)
A reading from the book of the Prophet Isaiah.
This is what Isaiah, son of Amoz, saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. In days to come, the mountain of the LORD's house shall be established as the highest mountain and raised above the hills. All nations shall stream toward it; many peoples shall come and say: "Come, let us climb the LORD's mountain, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may instruct us in his ways, and we may walk in his paths." For from Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and impose terms on many peoples. They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; one nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!

Second reading (Romans 13: 11–14)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans.
Brothers and sisters: You know the time; it is the hour now for you to awake from sleep. For our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed; the night is advanced, the day is at hand. Let us then throw off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light; let us conduct ourselves properly as in the day, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in promiscuity and lust, not in rivalry and jealousy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the desires of the flesh.

Gospel (Matthew 24: 37–44)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew.
Jesus said to his disciples: "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. In those days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day that Noah entered the ark. They did not know until the flood came and carried them all away. So will it be also at the coming of the Son of Man. Two men will be out in the field; one will be taken, and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill; one will be taken, and one will be left. Therefore, stay awake! For you do not know on which day your Lord will come. Be sure of this: if the master of the house had known the hour of night when the thief was coming, he would have stayed awake and not let his house be broken into. So too, you also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come."

Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible readings
First reading (Isaiah 2: 1–5)
A reading from the book of the Prophet Isaiah.

The vision of Isaiah, son of Amoz, concerning Judah and Jerusalem. In the last days, the mountain of the Lord's house shall be set over the highest mountains and shall tower over the hills. All the nations shall stream to it, saying, "Come, let us go to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and we may walk in his paths. For the Teaching comes from Zion, and from Jerusalem the word of the Lord. He will rule over the nations and settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not raise a sword against nation; they will train for war no more. O nation of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!"

Second reading (Romans 13: 11–14)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans.
Brothers and sisters: You know what hour it is. This is the time to awake, for our salvation is now nearer than when we first believed; the night is almost over and the day is at hand. Let us discard, therefore, everything that belongs to darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. As we live in the full light of day, let us behave with decency; no banquets with drunkenness, no prostitution or vices, no fighting or jealousy. Put on, rather, the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not be led by the will of the flesh nor follow its desires.

Gospel (Matthew 24: 37–44)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew.
Jesus stated this to his disciples, "At the coming of the Son of Man it will be just as it was in the time of Noah. In those days before the Flood, people were eating and drinking, and marrying, until the day when Noah went into the ark. Yet they did not know what would happen until the flood came and swept them away. So will it be at the coming of the Son of Man. Of two men in the field, one will be taken and the other left. Of two women grinding wheat together at the mill, one will be taken and the other left. Stay awake, then, for you do not know what day your Lord will come. Just think about this: if the owner of the house knew that the thief would come by night around a certain hour, he would stay awake to prevent his house to be broken into. So be alert, for the Son of Man will come at the hour you least anticipate.


  1. On this day, we celebrate the 1st Sunday of Advent. We have the Advent Wreath Rites, which are performed right after the entrance hymn, but before the priest's greeting. The theme for the 1st Sunday of Advent is being vigilant.

    Mark states in Chapter 13: Verses 33–35: "Be on watch, be alert... because you do not know when the master of the house is coming..."

    Priest: Father, as we begin our Advent pilgrimage, we light a candle of hope. Grant us the courage to hope: hope for your presence, hope for your peace, and hope for your promise.

    The 1st Purple candle is lighted by the family who has been chosen. During that, the choir will sing "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"

    This is a prayer led by the father or a male member of the family:
    Dear Lord, if You come today, we would not know how to face You. When we continue to sin and are too proud to accept our faults, come and deliver us, O Lord. Amen.

    This is a prayer led by the mother or a female member of the family:
    Dear God, we who claim to be Yours, are often the ones lacking in faith in your Kingship over all things — come, Lord, and open our eyes and strengthen our faith. Amen.

    This is a prayer led by one of the children:
    Dear God, many times we do not see that You are working out the best for us because we are immersed in our own desires. When we are blinded by the ways of the world and thus fail to see the leading of Your Spirit — come and restore our sight, O God. When we ruled by anger and resentment and when we undermine the importance of living in Your ways — come and restore our sight, O God. Amen.

    Priest: Restore our sight, O God, and make us see Your Son Jesus Christ. Let His light shine on us that we may never be lost in the chaos of this world. Make us see Him as He is: the glorious Savior, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Amen.

  2. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 122) (Verses 1–9)
    The response is: Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.

    I rejoiced because they said to me, "We will go up to the house of the LORD." And now we have set foot within your gates, O Jerusalem.

    Jerusalem, built as a city with compact unity. To it the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD.

    According to the decree for Israel, to give thanks to the name of the LORD. In it are set up judgment seats, seats for the house of David.

    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May those who love you prosper! May peace be within your walls, prosperity in your buildings.

    Because of my brothers and friends I will say, "Peace be within you!" Because of the house of the LORD, our God, I will pray for your good.

  3. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 122) (Verses 1–9)
    The response is: Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord.

    I rejoiced with those who stated to me, "Let us go to the house of the Lord!" And we have set foot within your gates, O Jerusalem.

    Jerusalem, just like a city, where everything falls into place! There the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord.

    According to the decree, the assembly of Israel, to give thanks to the Lord's name; there stand the courts of justice, the offices of the house of David.

    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May those who love you prosper! May peace be within your walls and security within your citadels!"

    For the sake of my relatives and friends I will state, "Peace be with you!" For the sake of the house of our Lord, I will pray for your good.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  4. Brothers and sisters, today we begin the season of Advent. We open our hearts to God's love as we prepare to welcome Christ into our lives and homes. The candles of this wreath remind us that Jesus Christ came to conquer the darkness of sin and to lead us to the light of his glorious kingdom.
    Priest: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
    Congregation: Amen.
    Priest: May God, who enlightens every heart, be with you.
    Congregation: And with your spirit.

    1. After the introductory rite, the priest states: Lord our God, we praise you for your Son, Jesus Christ; he is Emmanuel, the hope of the peoples, he is the wisdom that teaches and guide us; he is the Savior of every nation. Lord God, let your blessing come upon us as we light the candles of this wreath. May the wreath and its light be a sign of Christ's promise to bring us salvation. May he come quickly and not delay. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    2. The prayer above might as well substitute the introduction; the choir responds by singing O Come O Come Emmanuel.

    3. After this, the priest and the congregation recite the Glory Be to the Father.

    4. After the Glory Be to the Father, the priest begins mass with the introduction (if necessary), or proceed immediately to the penitential act and Kyrie.

  5. Alleluia, alleluia.
    Show us Lord, your love; and grant us your salvation.
    Alleluia, alleluia.

  6. Primera lectura (Isaías 2: 1–5)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Isaías.
    Isaías, hijo de Amós, tuvo esta visión acerca de Judá y de Jerusalén. Al fin de los tiempos, el cerro de la Casa de Yahvé será puesto sobre los altos montes y dominará los lugares más elevados. Irán a verlo todas las naciones y subirán hacia él muchos pueblos, diciendo: “Vengan, subamos al cerro de Yahvé, a la Casa del Dios de Jacob, para que nos enseñe sus caminos y caminemos por sus sendas. Porque la enseñanza irradia de Sión, de Jerusalén sale la palabra de Yahvé.” Hará de árbitro entre las naciones y a los pueblos dará lecciones. Harán arados de sus espadas y sacarán hoces de sus lanzas. Una nación no levantará la espada contra otra y no se adiestrarán para la guerra. Pueblo de Jacob, ven: ¡caminemos a la luz de Yahvé!

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 122) (Versículo 1–9)
    La respuesta es: Vamos a alabar la casa del Señor.
    • ¡Qué alegría cuando me dijeron: “Vamos a la Casa del Señor!” Nuestros pies ya están pisando tus umbrales, Jerusalén.
    • Jerusalén, que fue construida como ciudad bien compacta y armoniosa. Allí suben las tribus, las tribus del Señor.
    • Según la norma, en la asamblea de Israel, celebra el nombre del Señor. Porque allí está el trono de la justicia, el trono de la casa de David.
    • Auguren la paz a Jerusalén: “¡Vivan seguros los que te aman! ¡Haya paz en tus muros y seguridad en tus palacios!”
    • Por amor a mis hermanos y amigos, diré: “La paz esté contigo.” Por amor a la Casa del Señor, nuestro Dios, buscaré tu felicidad.

    Segunda lectura (Romanos 13: 11–14)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los romanos.
    Ustedes saben en qué tiempo vivimos y que ya es hora de despertarse, porque la salvación está ahora más cerca de nosotros que cuando abrazamos la fe. La noche está muy avanzada y se acerca el día. Abandonemos las obras propias de la noche y vistámonos con la armadura de la luz. Como en pleno día, procedamos dignamente: basta de excesos en la comida y en la bebida, basta de lujuria y libertinaje, no más peleas ni envidias. Por el contrario, revístanse del Señor Jesucristo, y no se preocupen por satisfacer los deseos de la carne.

    Evangelio (Mateo 24: 37–44)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Mateo.
    Jesús les dijo a sus discípulos: “La venida del Hijo del Hombre recordará los tiempos de Noé. Unos pocos días antes del diluvio, la gente seguía comiendo y bebiendo, y se casaban hombres y mujeres, hasta el día en que Noé entró en el arca. No se dieron cuenta de nada hasta que vino el diluvio y se los llevó a todos. Lo mismo sucederá con la venida del Hijo del Hombre: de dos hombres que estén juntos en el campo, uno será tomado, y el otro no; de dos mujeres que estén juntas moliendo trigo, una será tomada, y la otra no. Por eso estén despiertos, porque no saben en qué día vendrá su Señor. Fíjense en esto: si un dueño de casa supiera a qué hora de la noche lo va a asaltar un ladrón, seguramente permanecería despierto para impedir el asalto a su casa. Por eso, estén también ustedes preparados, porque el Hijo del Hombre vendrá a la hora que menos esperan.”

  7. Unang pagbabasa (Isaias 2: 1–5)
    Ang pagbabasa sa aklat ni propeta Isaias.
    Sa mga darating na araw, ang bundok na kinatatayuan ng Templo ni Yahweh ang magiging pinakamataas sa lahat ng bundok, at mamumukod sa lahat ng burol, daragsa sa kanya ang lahat ng bansa. Maraming tao ang darating at sasabihin ang ganito: “Umakyat tayo sa bundok ni Yahweh, sa Templo ng Diyos ni Jacob, upang maituro niya sa atin ang kanyang mga daan; at matuto tayong lumakad sa kanyang mga landas. Sapagkat sa Zion magmumula ang kautusan, at sa Jerusalem, ang salita ni Yahweh.” Siya ang mamamagitan sa mga bansa at magpapairal ng katarungan sa lahat ng mga tao; kaya't gagawin na nilang araro ang kanilang mga tabak, at karit naman ang kanilang mga sibat. Mga bansa'y di na mag-aaway at sa pakikidigma'y di na magsasanay. Halina kayo, sambahayan ni Jacob, lumakad tayo sa liwanag ni Yahweh.

    Ikalawang pagbabasa (Roma 13: 11–14)
    Ang pagbabasa sa sulat ni San Pablo sa mga taga-Roma.
    Gawin ninyo ito, dahil alam ninyong panahon na upang gumising kayo. Ang pagliligtas sa atin ay higit nang malapit ngayon kaysa noong tayo'y unang sumampalataya sa Panginoon. Namamaalam na ang gabi at malapit nang lumiwanag. Layuan na natin ang lahat ng masasamang gawain at italaga natin ang sarili sa paggawa ng mabuti. Mamuhay tayo sa liwanag at huwag gugulin ang panahon sa magulong pagsasaya at paglalasing, kahalayan at kalaswaan, sa alitan at inggitan. Gawin ninyo ang Panginoong Jesu-Cristo bilang sandata at huwag ninyong pagbigyan ang laman upang masunod ang mga hilig nito.

    Ebanghelyo (Mateo 24: 37–44)
    Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Mateo.
    Ang pagdating ng Anak ng Tao ay tulad noong panahon ni Noe. Nang mga araw na iyon, bago bumaha, ang mga tao'y nagsisikain, nag-iinuman, at nagsisipag-asawa hanggang sa araw na pumasok si Noe sa barko. Hindi nila namamalayan ang nangyayari hanggang sa dumating ang baha at tinangay silang lahat. Gayundin ang mangyayari sa pagdating ng Anak ng Tao. Sa panahong iyon, may dalawang lalaking nagtatrabaho sa bukid, kukunin ang isa at iiwan ang ikalawa. May dalawang babaing nagtatrabaho sa gilingan, kukunin ang isa at iiwan ang ikalawa. Kaya't maging handa kayo dahil hindi ninyo alam kung kailan darating ang inyong Panginoon. Unawain ninyo ito: kung alam ng may-ari ng bahay kung anong oras sa gabi darating ang magnanakaw, siya'y maghahanda at hindi niya pababayaang pasukin ang kanyang bahay. Kaya't lagi kayong maging handa, sapagkat darating ang Anak ng Tao sa oras na hindi ninyo inaasahan.

  8. Bacaan pertama (Yesaya 2: 1–5)
    Pembacaan dari kitab nabi Yesaya.
    Firman yang dinyatakan kepada Yesaya bin Amos tentang Yehuda dan Yerusalem. Akan terjadi pada hari-hari yang terakhir: gunung tempat rumah TUHAN akan berdiri tegak di hulu gunung-gunung dan menjulang tinggi di atas bukit-bukit; segala bangsa akan berduyun-duyun ke sana, dan banyak suku bangsa akan pergi serta berkata: "Mari, kita naik ke gunung TUHAN, ke rumah Allah Yakub, supaya Ia mengajar kita tentang jalan-jalan-Nya, dan supaya kita berjalan menempuhnya; sebab dari Sion akan keluar pengajaran dan firman TUHAN dari Yerusalem." Ia akan menjadi hakim antara bangsa-bangsa dan akan menjadi wasit bagi banyak suku bangsa; maka mereka akan menempa pedang-pedangnya menjadi mata bajak dan tombak-tombaknya menjadi pisau pemangkas; bangsa tidak akan lagi mengangkat pedang terhadap bangsa, dan mereka tidak akan lagi belajar perang. Hai kaum keturunan Yakub, mari kita berjalan di dalam terang TUHAN!

    Bacaan kedua (Roma 13: 11–14)
    Pembacaan dari surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Roma.
    Hal ini harus kamu lakukan, karena kamu mengetahui keadaan waktu sekarang, yaitu bahwa saatnya telah tiba bagi kamu untuk bangun dari tidur. Sebab sekarang keselamatan sudah lebih dekat bagi kita dari pada waktu kita menjadi percaya. Hari sudah jauh malam, telah hampir siang. Sebab itu marilah kita menanggalkan perbuatan-perbuatan kegelapan dan mengenakan perlengkapan senjata terang! Marilah kita hidup dengan sopan, seperti pada siang hari, jangan dalam pesta pora dan kemabukan, jangan dalam percabulan dan hawa nafsu, jangan dalam perselisihan dan iri hati. Tetapi kenakanlah Tuhan Yesus Kristus sebagai perlengkapan senjata terang dan janganlah merawat tubuhmu untuk memuaskan keinginannya.

    Bacaan Injil (Matius 24: 37–44)
    Pembacaan Injil kudus menurut Santo Matius.
    Sebab sebagaimana halnya pada zaman Nuh, demikian pula halnya kelak pada kedatangan Anak Manusia. Sebab sebagaimana mereka pada zaman sebelum air bah itu makan dan minum, kawin dan mengawinkan, sampai kepada hari Nuh masuk ke dalam bahtera, dan mereka tidak tahu akan sesuatu, sebelum air bah itu datang dan melenyapkan mereka semua, demikian pulalah halnya kelak pada kedatangan Anak Manusia. Pada waktu itu kalau ada dua orang di ladang, yang seorang akan dibawa dan yang lain akan ditinggalkan; kalau ada dua orang perempuan sedang memutar batu kilangan, yang seorang akan dibawa dan yang lain akan ditinggalkan. Karena itu berjaga-jagalah, sebab kamu tidak tahu pada hari mana Tuhanmu datang. Tetapi ketahuilah ini: Jika tuan rumah tahu pada waktu mana pada malam hari pencuri akan datang, sudahlah pasti ia berjaga-jaga, dan tidak akan membiarkan rumahnya dibongkar. Sebab itu, hendaklah kamu juga siap sedia, karena Anak Manusia datang pada saat yang tidak kamu duga.

  9. 第一読み物(イザヤ書第2章:第1詩–第5詩)



    1. 第一読み物(イザヤ書第2章:第1詩–第5詩)




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