Saturday, March 25, 2023

The Annunciation of the Lord and 5th Sunday of Lent

Readings for The Annunciation of the Lord
Date: March 25, 2023

New American Bible readings
First reading (Isaiah 7: 10–14 and 8:10)
Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz: Ask for a sign from the Lord, your God; let it be deep as Sheol, or high as the sky! But Ahaz answered, “I will not ask! I will not tempt the Lord!” Then he said: Listen, house of David! Is it not enough that you weary human beings? Must you also weary my God? Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign; the young woman, pregnant and about to bear a son, shall name him Emmanuel. Form a plan, it shall be thwarted; make a resolve, it shall not be carried out, for “With us is God!”

Second reading (Hebrews 10: 4–10)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Hebrews.
For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats take away sins. For this reason, when he came into the world, he said: “Sacrifice and offering you did not desire, but a body you prepared for me; holocausts and sin offerings you took no delight in. Then I said, ‘As is written of me in the scroll, Behold, I come to do your will, O God.’” First he says, “Sacrifices and offerings, holocausts and sin offerings, you neither desired nor delighted in.” These are offered according to the law. Then he says, “Behold, I come to do your will.” He takes away the first to establish the second. By this “will,” we have been consecrated through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

Gospel (Luke 1: 26–38)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the house of David, and the virgin’s name was Mary. And coming to her, he said, “Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you.” But she was greatly troubled at what was said and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” But Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” And the angel said to her in reply, “The holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren; for nothing will be impossible for God.” Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her.

Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible readings
First reading (Isaiah 7: 10–14 and 8:10)
Once again the Lord addressed Ahaz, "Ask for a sign from the Lord your God, let it come either from the deepest depths or from the heights of heaven." But Ahaz answered, "I will not put the Lord to the test." Then Isaiah said, "Now listen, descendants of David. Have you not been satisfied trying the patience of people, that you also try the patience of my God? Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: The Virgin is with child and bears a son and calls his name Immanuel. Devise a plan and it will be thwarted, make a resolve and it will not stand, for God-is-with-us.

Second reading (Hebrews 10: 4–10)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Hebrews.
Never will the blood of bulls and goats take away these sins. This is why on entering the world, Christ says: You did not desire sacrifice and offering; you were not pleased with burnt offerings and sin offerings. Then I said: "Here I am. It was written of me in the scroll. I will do your will, O God." First he says: Sacrifice, offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire nor were you pleased with them — although they were required by the Law. Then he says: Here I am to do your will. This is enough to nullify the first will and establish the new. Now, but this will of God, we are sanctified at once by the sacrifice of the body of Christ Jesus.

Gospel (Luke 1: 26–38)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a town of Galilee called Nazareth. He was sent to a young virgin who was betrothed to a man named Joseph, of the family of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. The angel came to her and said, "Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you." Mary was troubled at these words, wondering what this greeting could mean. But the angel said, "Do not fear, Mary, for God has looked kindly on you. You shall conceive and bear a son and you shall call him Jesus. He will be great and shall rightly be called Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the kingdom of David, his ancestor; he will rule over the people of Jacob forever and his reign shall have no end." Then Mary said to the angel, "How can this be if I am a virgin?" And the angel said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore, the holy child to be born shall be called Son of God. Even your relative Elizabeth is expecting a son in her old age, although she was unable to have a child, and she is now in her sixth month. With God nothing is impossible." Then Mary said, "I am the handmaid of the Lord, let it be done to me as you have said." And the angel left her.

Readings for the 5th Sunday of Lent
Date: March 26, 2023

New American Bible readings
First reading (Ezekiel 37: 12–14)
A reading from the book of the prophet Ezekiel.
Thus says the Lord GOD: O my people, I will open your graves and have you rise from them, and bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you shall know that I am the LORD, when I open your graves and have you rise from them, O my people! I will put my spirit in you that you may live, and I will settle you upon your land; thus you shall know that I am the LORD. I have promised, and I will do it, says the LORD.

Second reading (Romans 8: 8–11)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans.
Brothers and sisters: Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. But you are not in the flesh; on the contrary, you are in the spirit, if only the Spirit of God dwells in you. Whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the spirit is alive because of righteousness. If the Spirit of the one who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, the one who raised Christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies also, through his Spirit dwelling in you.

Gospel (John 11: 1–45)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John.
Now a man was ill, Lazarus from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. Mary was the one who had anointed the Lord with perfumed oil and dried his feet with her hair; it was her brother Lazarus who was ill. So the sisters sent word to him saying, “Master, the one you love is ill.” When Jesus heard this he said, “This illness is not to end in death, but is for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. So when he heard that he was ill, he remained for two days in the place where he was. Then after this he said to his disciples, “Let us go back to Judea.” The disciples said to him, “Rabbi, the Jews were just trying to stone you, and you want to go back there?” Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in a day? If one walks during the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if one walks at night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.” He said this, and then told them, “Our friend Lazarus is asleep, but I am going to awaken him.” So the disciples said to him, “Master, if he is asleep, he will be saved.” But Jesus was talking about his death, while they thought that he meant ordinary sleep. So then Jesus said to them clearly, “Lazarus has died. And I am glad for you that I was not there, that you may believe. Let us go to him.” So Thomas, called Didymus, said to his fellow disciples, “Let us also go to die with him.” When Jesus arrived, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb for four days. Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, only about two miles away. And many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them about their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet him; but Mary sat at home. Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give you.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise.” Martha said to him, “I know he will rise, in the resurrection on the last day.” Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” She said to him, “Yes, Lord. I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who is coming into the world.” When she had said this, she went and called her sister Mary secretly, saying, “The teacher is here and is asking for you.” As soon as she heard this, she rose quickly and went to him. For Jesus had not yet come into the village, but was still where Martha had met him. So when the Jews who were with her in the house comforting her saw Mary get up quickly and go out, they followed her, presuming that she was going to the tomb to weep there. When Mary came to where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and said to him, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” When Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews who had come with her weeping, he became perturbed and deeply troubled, and said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to him, “Sir, come and see.” And Jesus wept. So the Jews said, “See how he loved him.” But some of them said, “Could not the one who opened the eyes of the blind man have done something so that this man would not have died?” So Jesus, perturbed again, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay across it. Jesus said, “Take away the stone.” Martha, the dead man’s sister, said to him, “Lord, by now there will be a stench; he has been dead for four days.” Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believe you will see the glory of God?” So they took away the stone. And Jesus raised his eyes and said, “Father, I thank you for hearing me. I know that you always hear me; but because of the crowd here I have said this, that they may believe that you sent me.” And when he had said this, He cried out in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out!” The dead man came out, tied hand and foot with burial bands, and his face was wrapped in a cloth. So Jesus said to them, “Untie him and let him go.” Now many of the Jews who had come to Mary and seen what he had done began to believe in him.

Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible readings
First reading (Ezekiel 37: 12–14)
A reading from the book of the prophet Ezekiel.
So prophesy! State to them: This is what the Lord says: "I am going to open your tombs, I shall bring you out of your tombs, my people, and lead you back to the land of Israel. You will know that I am the Lord, O my people! When I open your graves and bring you out of your graves, when I put my spirit in you and you live. I shall settle you in your land and you will know that I, the Lord, have done what I said and I would do."

Second reading (Romans 8: 8–11)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans.
Those walking according to the flesh cannot please God. Yet your existence is not in the flesh, but in the spirit, because the Spirit of God is within you. If you did not have the Spirit of Christ, you would not belong to him. But Christ is within you; though the body is branded by death as a consequence of sin, the spirit is life and holiness. And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is within you, He who raised Jesus Christ from among the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies. Yes, he will do it through his Spirit who dwells within you.

Gospel (John 11: 1–45)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John.
There was a sick man named Lazarus who was from Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. It was the same Mary who anointed the Lord with perfume and wiped his feet with her hair. Her brother Lazarus was sick. So the sisters sent this message to Jesus, "Lord, the one you love is sick." On hearing this Jesus stated, "This illness will not end in death; rather it is for God's glory and the Son of God will be glorified through it." It is a fact that Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus; yet, after he heard of the illness of Lazarus, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was. Only then did he state to his disciples, "Let us go into Judea again." They replied, "Master, recently the Jews wanted to stone you. Are you going there again?" Jesus stated to them, "Are not twelve working hours needed to complete a day? Those who walk in the daytime shall not stumble, for they see the light of this world. But those who walk at night stumble, for there is no light in them." After that Jesus stated to them, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going to wake him." The disciples replied, "Lord, a sick person who sleeps will recover." But Jesus had referred to Lazarus' death, while they thought that he had meant the repose of sleep. So Jesus stated plainly, "Lazarus is dead and for your sake, I am glad I was not there, for now, you may believe. But let us go there, where he is." Then Thomas, called the Twin, stated to his fellow disciples, "Let us also go that we may die with him." When Jesus came, he found that Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days. As Bethany is near Jerusalem, about two miles away, many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to offer consolation at their brother's death. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went to meet him while Mary remained sitting in the house. And she stated to Jesus, "If you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that whatever you ask from God, God will give you." Jesus stated, "Your brother will rise again." Martha replied, "I know that he will rise in the resurrection, on the last day." But Jesus stated to her, "I am the resurrection; whoever believes in me, though he die, shall live. Whoever is alive by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?" Martha then answered, "Yes, Lord, I have come to believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, he who is coming into the world." After that Martha went and called her sister Mary secretly, stating, "The Master is here and is calling for you." As soon as Mary heard this, she rose and went to him. Jesus had not yet come into the village, but was still in the place where Martha had met him. The Jews who were with her in the house consoling her, also came. When they saw her get up and go out, they followed her, thinking that she was going to the tomb to weep. As for Mary, when she came to the place where Jesus was and saw him, she fell at his feet and stated, "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died." When Jesus saw her weeping and the Jews also who had come with her, he was moved in the depths of his spirit and troubled. Then he asked, "Where have you laid him?" They answered, "Lord, come and see." And Jesus wept. The Jews stated, "See how he loved him!" But some of them stated, "If he could open the eyes of the blind man, could he not have kept this man from dying?" Jesus was deeply moved again and drew near to the tomb. It was a cave with a stone laid across it. Jesus ordered, "Take the stone away." Martha stated to him, "Lord, by now he will smell, for this is the fourth day." Jesus replied, "Have I not told you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?" So they removed the stone. Jesus lifted up his eyes and stated, "Father, I thank you for you have heard me. I knew that you hear me always; but my prayer was for the sake of these people, that they may believe that you sent me." When Jesus had stated this, he cried out in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with linen strips and his face wrapped in a cloth. So Jesus stated to them, "Untie him and let him go." Many of the Jews who had come with Mary believed in Jesus when they saw what he did.


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 40) (Verses 7–11)
    The response is: Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.

    Sacrifice or oblation you wished not, but ears open to obedience you gave me. Holocausts or sin-offerings you sought not; then said I, "Behold I come."

    "In the written scroll it is prescribed for me, To do your will, O my God, is my delight, and your law is within my heart!"

    I announced your justice in the vast assembly; I did not restrain my lips, as you, O LORD, know.

    Your justice I kept not hid within my heart; your faithfulness and your salvation I have spoken of; I have made no secret of your kindness and your truth in the vast assembly.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the New American Bible.

    2. This responsorial psalm is recited during the Annunciation of the Lord.

  2. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 40) (Verses 7–11)
    The response is: Here I am, Lord, I come to do your will.

    Sacrifice and oblation you did not desire; this you had me understand. Burnt offering and sin offering you do not require. Then I said, "Here I come!"

    As the scroll says of me; to do your will is my delight, O God, for your law is within my heart.

    In the great assembly I have proclaimed your saving help. My lips, O Lord, I did not seal — you know that very well.

    I have not locked up in my heart your saving help, but have spoken about it — your deliverance and your faithfulness; I have made no secret of your truth and your kindness in the great assembly.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

    2. The responsorial psalm is recited during the Annunciation of the Lord.

  3. The Word of God became flesh and made his dwelling among us;
    and we saw his glory.

    1. This Verse Before the Gospel is recited during the Annunciation of the Lord celebration.

  4. The Gloria is omitted during the season of Lent. Provided that the Annunciation of the Lord is celebrated during this season, the Gloria is omitted.

  5. Primera lectura (Isaías 7: 10–14 y 8:10)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Isaías.
    El Señor se dirigió otra vez a Ajaz, por medio de Isaías, que le dijo: "Pide al Señor, tu Dios, una señal, aunque sea en las profundidades del lugar oscuro o en las alturas del cielo." Respondió Ajaz: "No la pediré, porque no quiero poner a prueba al Señor." Entonces Isaías dijo: "¡Oigan, herederos de David! ¿No les basta molestar a todos, que también quieran cansar a mi Dios? El Señor, pues, les dará esta señal: La joven está embarazada y da a luz un varón a quien le pone el nombre de Emmanuel, es decir: Dios-con-nosotros." Tracen un plan: fracasará; digan una palabra: no se cumplirá; porque Dios está con nosotros.

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 40) (Versículos 7–11)
    La respuesta es: Aquí estoy, Señor, he llegado para hacer tu voluntad.
    • Tú no quisiste víctima ni oblación; pero me diste un oído atento; no pediste holocaustos ni sacrificios, entonces dije: "Aquí estoy."
    • "En el libro de la Ley está escrito lo que tengo que hacer: yo amo. Dios mío, tu voluntad, y tu ley está en mi corazón."
    • Proclamé gozosamente tu justicia en la gran asamblea; no, no mantuve cerrados mis labios, tú lo sabes, Señor.
    • No escondí tu justicia dentro de mí, proclamé tu fidelidad y tu salvación, y no oculté a la gran asamblea tu amor y tu fidelidad.

    Segunda lectura (Hebreos 10: 4–10)
    Una lectura de la carta de los hebreos.
    Es que la sangre de los toros y de los chivos no tiene valor para quitar los pecados. Por eso, al entrar Cristo en el mundo dice: Tú no quisiste sacrificios ni ofrendas, sino que me formaste un cuerpo. No te agradaron los holocaustos ni los sacrificios por el pecado; entonces dije: "Aquí estoy yo, oh Dios, como en un capítulo del libro está escrito de mí, para hacer tu voluntad." Comienza por decir: No quisiste sacrificios ni ofrendas, ni te agradaron holocaustos o sacrificios por el pecado. Y sin embargo esto es lo que pedía la Ley. Entonces sigue: Aquí estoy yo para hacer tu voluntad. Con esto anula el primer orden de las cosas para establecer el segundo. Esta voluntad de Dios, de que habla, es que seamos santificados por la ofrenda del cuerpo de Cristo Jesús hecha una sola vez.

    Evangelio (Lucas 1: 26–38)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según el San Lucas.
    En el sexto mes, el ángel Gabriel fue enviado por Dios a una ciudad de Galilea, llamada Nazaret, a una virgen que estaba comprometida con un hombre perteneciente a la familia de David, llamado José. El nombre de la virgen era María. El Ángel entró en su casa y la saludó, diciendo: "¡Alégrate! Llena de gracia, el Señor está contigo." Al oír estas palabras, ella quedó desconcertada y se preguntaba qué podía significar ese saludo. Pero el Ángel le dijo: "No temas, María, porque Dios te ha favorecido. Concebirás y darás a luz un hijo, y le pondrás por nombre Jesús; él será grande y será llamado Hijo del Altísimo. El Señor Dios le dará el trono de David, su padre, reinará sobre la casa de Jacob para siempre y su reino no tendrá fin." María dijo al Ángel: "¿Cómo puede ser eso, si yo no tengo relaciones con ningún hombre?" El Ángel le respondió: "El Espíritu Santo descenderá sobre ti y el poder del Altísimo te cubrirá con su sombra. Por eso el niño será Santo y será llamado Hijo de Dios. También tu parienta Isabel concibió un hijo a pesar de su vejez, y la que era considerada estéril, ya se encuentra en su sexto mes, porque no hay nada imposible para Dios." María dijo entonces: "Yo soy la servidora del Señor, que se cumpla en mí lo que has dicho." Y el Ángel se alejó.

    1. Esta lectura es leída durante la Anunciación del Señor.

    2. Prima lettura (Isaia 7: 10–14 e 8:10)
      Una lettura dal libro del profeta Isaia.
      Il Signore parlò ancora ad Acaz: “Chiedi un segno dal Signore tuo Dio, dal profondo degli inferi oppure lassù in alto.” Ma Acaz rispose: “Non lo chiederò, non voglio tentare il Signore.” Allora Isaia disse: “Ascoltate, casa di Davide! Non vi basta di stancare la pazienza degli uomini, perché ora vogliate stancare anche quella del mio Dio? Pertanto il Signore stesso vi darà un segno. Ecco: la vergine concepirà e partorirà un figlio, che chiamerà Emmanuele. Egli mangerà panna e miele finché non imparerà a rigettare il male e a scegliere il bene. Poiché prima ancora che il bimbo impari a rigettare il male e a scegliere il bene, sarà abbandonato il paese di cui temi i due re. Il Signore manderà su di te, sul tuo popolo e sulla casa di tuo padre giorni quali non vennero da quando Efraim si staccò da Giuda: manderà il re di Assiria.” Preparate un piano, sarà senza effetti; fate un proclama, non si realizzerà, perché Dio è con noi.

      Seconda lettura (Ebrei 10: 4–10)
      Una lettura dalla lettera di San Paolo agli Ebrei.
      Poiché è impossibile eliminare i peccati con il sangue di tori e di capri. Per questo, entrando nel mondo, Cristo dice: Tu non hai voluto né sacrificio né offerta, un corpo invece mi hai preparato. Non hai gradito né olocausti né sacrifici per il peccato. Allora ho detto: Ecco, io vengo — poiché di me sta scritto nel rotolo del libro — per fare, o Dio, la tua volontà. Dopo aver detto prima non hai voluto e non hai gradito né sacrifici né offerte, né olocausti né sacrifici per il peccato, cose tutte che vengono offerte secondo la legge, soggiunge: Ecco, io vengo a fare la tua volontà. Con ciò stesso egli abolisce il primo sacrificio per stabilirne uno nuovo. Ed è appunto per quella volontà che noi siamo stati santificati, per mezzo dell'offerta del corpo di Gesù Cristo, fatta una volta per sempre.

      Vangelo (Luca 1: 26–38)
      Una lettura dal santo vangelo secondo san Luca.
      Nel sesto mese, l'angelo Gabriele fu mandato da Dio in una città della Galilea, chiamata Nazaret, a una vergine, promessa sposa di un uomo della casa di Davide, chiamato Giuseppe. La vergine si chiamava Maria. Entrando da lei, disse: “Ti saluto, o piena di grazia, il Signore è con te.” A queste parole ella rimase turbata e si domandava che senso avesse un tale saluto. L'angelo le disse: “Non temere, Maria, perché hai trovato grazia presso Dio. Ecco concepirai un figlio, lo darai alla luce e lo chiamerai Gesù. Sarà grande e chiamato Figlio dell'Altissimo; il Signore Dio gli darà il trono di Davide suo padre e regnerà per sempre sulla casa di Giacobbe e il suo regno non avrà fine.” Allora Maria disse all'angelo: “Come è possibile? Non conosco uomo.” Le rispose l'angelo: “Lo Spirito Santo scenderà su di te, su te stenderà la sua ombra la potenza dell'Altissimo. Colui che nascerà sarà dunque santo e chiamato Figlio di Dio. Vedi: anche Elisabetta, tua parente, nella sua vecchiaia, ha concepito un figlio e questo è il sesto mese per lei, che tutti dicevano sterile: nulla è impossibile a Dio.” Allora Maria disse: “Eccomi, sono la serva del Signore, avvenga di me quello che hai detto.” E l'angelo partì da lei.

  6. Unang pagbabasa (Isaias 7: 10–14 at 8:10)
    Ang pagbabasa sa aklat ni propeta Isaias.
    Muling nagsalita ang Panginoon kay Ahaz: “Humingi ka ng palatandaan kay Yahweh na iyong Diyos, maging ito ay buhat sa malalim na libingan o sa kaitaasan ng langit.” Ngunit sinabi ni Ahaz: “Hindi po ako hihingi. Hindi ko po susubukin ang Panginoon.” At sinabi ni Isaias: “Makinig kayo, sambahayan ni David! Hindi pa ba sapat na subukin ninyo ang pagtitiis ng mga tao, at pati ang pagtitiis ng aking Diyos ay inyong sinusubok? Dahil dito ang Panginoon mismo ang magbibigay sa inyo ng palatandaan: Maglilihi ang isang dalaga at magsisilang ng isang sanggol na lalaki at tatawagin sa pangalang Emmanuel. Magplano man kayo, tiyak na kayo'y mabibigo; magpulong man kayo, wala ring mangyayari, sapagkat ang Diyos ay kasama namin.

    Ikalawang pagbabasa (Mga Hebreo 10: 4–10)
    Ang pagbabasa sa sulat ni San Pedro sa mga Hebreo.
    Sapagkat ang dugo ng mga toro at mga kambing ay hindi makakapawi ng mga kasalanan. Dahil diyan, nang si Cristo'y naparito sa daigdig, sinabi niya sa Diyos: “Ang mga pang-alay, pati mga handog, at ang mga hayop na handang sunugin, hindi mo na ibig sa dambana dalhin, hindi mo kinalugdan ang mga handog na sinusunog, at ang mga handog upang pawiin ang kasalanan. Kaya't inihanda mo ang aking katawan upang maging handog. Kaya't sinabi ko, ‘Ako'y narito, O Diyos, upang sundin ang iyong kalooban,’ ayon sa sinasabi ng kasulatan tungkol sa akin.” Sinabi muna niya, “Hindi mo ninais o kinalugdan ang mga alay at handog na hayop, mga handog na susunugin, at mga handog dahil sa kasalanan” kahit ito'y inihahandog ayon sa Kautusan. Saka niya idinugtong, “Ako'y narito upang sundin ang iyong kalooban.” Sa ganitong paraan, inalis nga ng Diyos ang unang handog at pinalitan ng handog ni Cristo. At dahil sinunod niya ang kalooban ng Diyos, tayo ay ginawang banal ni Jesu-Cristo sa pamamagitan ng minsanang paghahandog ng kanyang sarili, at iyon ay sapat na.

    Ebanghelyo (Lucas 1: 26–38)
    Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Lucas.
    Nang ikaanim na buwan ng pagdadalang-tao ni Elizabeth, ang anghel na si Gabriel ay isinugo ng Diyos sa Nazaret na isang bayan sa Galilea, upang kausapin ang isang dalaga na ang pangala'y Maria. Siya ay nakatakda nang ikasal kay Jose, isang lalaking buhat sa angkan ni David. Lumapit ang anghel sa dalaga at binati ito, “Magalak ka! Ikaw ay lubos na kinalulugdan ng Diyos. Sumasaiyo ang Panginoon!” Naguluhan si Maria sa sinabi ng anghel at inisip niyang mabuti kung ano ang kahulugan ng ganoong pagbati. Sinabi sa kanya ng anghel, “Huwag kang matakot, Maria, sapagkat naging kalugud-lugod ka sa Diyos. Makinig ka! Ikaw ay maglilihi at manganganak ng isang sanggol na lalaki, at siya'y papangalanan mong Jesus. Siya'y magiging dakila at tatawaging Anak ng Kataas-taasang Diyos. Ibibigay sa kanya ng Panginoong Diyos ang trono ng kanyang amang si David upang maghari sa angkan ni Jacob magpakailanman. Ang kanyang paghahari ay walang katapusan.” “Paano pong mangyayari ito gayong ako'y isang birhen?” tanong ni Maria. Sumagot ang anghel, “Sasaiyo ang Espiritu Santo at mapapasailalim ka sa kapangyarihan ng Kataas-taasang Diyos. Dahil dito, ang isisilang mo'y banal at tatawaging Anak ng Diyos. Hindi ba't ang kamag-anak mong si Elizabeth ay baog? Gayunma'y naglihi siya at ngayo'y ikaanim na buwan na ng kanyang pagdadalang-tao kahit na siya'y matanda na, sapagkat walang anumang bagay na hindi kayang gawin ng Diyos.” Sumagot si Maria, “Ako'y alipin ng Panginoon. Mangyari nawa sa akin ang iyong sinabi.” Pagkatapos, umalis na ang anghel.

  7. Bacaan pertama (Yesaya 7: 10–14 dan 8:10)
    Pembacaan dari kitab nabi Yesaya.
    TUHAN melanjutkan firman-Nya kepada Ahas, kata-Nya: "Mintalah suatu pertanda dari TUHAN, Allahmu, biarlah itu sesuatu dari dunia orang mati yang paling bawah atau sesuatu dari tempat tertinggi yang di atas." Tetapi Ahas menjawab: "Aku tidak mau meminta, aku tidak mau mencobai TUHAN." Lalu berkatalah nabi Yesaya: "Baiklah dengarkan, hai keluarga Daud! Belum cukupkah kamu melelahkan orang, sehingga kamu melelahkan Allahku juga? Sebab itu Tuhan sendirilah yang akan memberikan kepadamu suatu pertanda: Sesungguhnya, seorang perempuan muda mengandung dan akan melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki, dan ia akan menamakan Dia Imanuel. Buatlah rancangan, tetapi akan gagal juga; ambillah keputusan, tetapi tidak terlaksana juga, sebab Allah menyertai kami!

    Bacaan kedua (Ibrani 10: 4–10)
    Pembacaan dari surat Paulus kepada Ibrani.
    Sebab tidak mungkin darah lembu jantan atau darah domba jantan menghapuskan dosa. Karena itu ketika Ia masuk ke dunia, Ia berkata: "Korban dan persembahan tidak Engkau kehendaki — tetapi Engkau telah menyediakan tubuh bagiku —. Kepada korban bakaran dan korban penghapus dosa Engkau tidak berkenan. Lalu Aku berkata: Sungguh, Aku datang; dalam gulungan kitab ada tertulis tentang Aku untuk melakukan kehendak-Mu, ya Allah-Ku." Di atas Ia berkata: "Korban dan persembahan, korban bakaran dan korban penghapus dosa tidak Engkau kehendaki dan Engkau tidak berkenan kepadanya" — meskipun dipersembahkan menurut hukum Taurat —. Dan kemudian kata-Nya: "Sungguh, Aku datang untuk melakukan kehendak-Mu." Yang pertama Ia hapuskan, supaya menegakkan yang kedua. Dan karena kehendak-Nya inilah kita telah dikuduskan satu kali untuk selama-lamanya oleh persembahan tubuh Yesus Kristus.

    Bacaan Injil (Lukas 1: 26–38)
    Pembacaan dari Injil suci menurut Santo Lukas.
    Dalam bulan yang keenam Allah menyuruh malaikat Gabriel pergi ke sebuah kota di Galilea bernama Nazaret, kepada seorang perawan yang bertunangan dengan seorang bernama Yusuf dari keluarga Daud; nama perawan itu Maria. Ketika malaikat itu masuk ke rumah Maria, ia berkata: "Salam, hai engkau yang dikaruniai, Tuhan menyertai engkau." Maria terkejut mendengar perkataan itu, lalu bertanya di dalam hatinya, apakah arti salam itu. Kata malaikat itu kepadanya: "Jangan takut, hai Maria, sebab engkau beroleh kasih karunia di hadapan Allah. Sesungguhnya engkau akan mengandung dan akan melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki dan hendaklah engkau menamai Dia Yesus. Ia akan menjadi besar dan akan disebut Anak Allah Yang Mahatinggi. Dan Tuhan Allah akan mengaruniakan kepada-Nya takhta Daud, bapa leluhur-Nya, dan Ia akan menjadi raja atas kaum keturunan Yakub sampai selama-lamanya dan Kerajaan-Nya tidak akan berkesudahan." Kata Maria kepada malaikat itu: "Bagaimana hal itu mungkin terjadi, karena aku belum bersuami?" Jawab malaikat itu kepadanya: "Roh Kudus akan turun atasmu dan kuasa Allah Yang Mahatinggi akan menaungi engkau; sebab itu anak yang akan kaulahirkan itu akan disebut kudus, Anak Allah. Dan sesungguhnya, Elisabet, sanakmu itu, ia pun sedang mengandung seorang anak laki-laki pada hari tuanya dan inilah bulan yang keenam bagi dia, yang disebut mandul itu. Sebab bagi Allah tidak ada yang mustahil." Kata Maria: "Sesungguhnya aku ini adalah hamba Tuhan; jadilah padaku menurut perkataanmu itu." Lalu malaikat itu meninggalkan dia.

    1. Pembacaan ini dibaca pada misal Kabar Sukacita kepada Santa Perawan Maria.

  8. 第一読み物(イザヤ書第7章:第10詩–第14詩と第8章:第10詩)



    1. 第一読み物(イザヤ書第7章:第10詩–第14詩と第8章:第10詩)



  9. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 130) (Verses 1–8)
    The response is: With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.

    Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD; LORD, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to my voice in supplication.

    If you, O LORD, mark iniquities, LORD, who can stand? But with you is forgiveness, that you may be revered.

    I trust in the LORD; my soul trusts in his word. More than sentinels wait for the dawn, let Israel wait for the LORD.

    For with the LORD is kindness and with him is plenteous redemption; and he will redeem Israel from all their iniquities.

  10. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 130) (Verses 1–8)
    The response is: With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.

    Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord; O Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears pay attention to the voice of my supplication.

    If you should mark our evil, O Lord, who could stand? But with you is forgiveness, and for that you are revered.

    I waited for the Lord, my soul waits, and I put my hope in his word. My soul expects the Lord more than watchmen the dawn.

    O Israel, hope in the Lord, for with him is unfailing love and with him full deliverance. He will deliver Israel from all its sins.

  11. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 130) (Verses 1–8)
    The response is: With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.

    Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD; LORD, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to my voice in supplication.

    If you, O LORD, mark iniquities, LORD, who can stand? But with you is forgiveness, that you may be revered.

    I trust in the LORD; my soul trusts in his word. More than sentinels wait for the dawn, let Israel wait for the LORD.

    For with the LORD is kindness and with him is plenteous redemption; and he will redeem Israel from all their iniquities.

  12. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 130) (Verses 1–8)
    The response is: With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.

    Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord; O Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears pay attention to the voice of my supplication.

    If you should mark our evil, O Lord, who could stand? But with you is forgiveness, and for that you are revered.

    I waited for the Lord, my soul waits, and I put my hope in his word. My soul expects the Lord more than watchmen the dawn.

    O Israel, hope in the Lord, for with him is unfailing love and with him full deliverance. He will deliver Israel from all its sins.

  13. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 130) (Verses 1–8)
    The response is: With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption.

    Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord; O Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears pay attention to the voice of my supplication.

    If you should mark our evil, O Lord, who could stand? But with you is forgiveness, and for that you are revered.

    I waited for the Lord, my soul waits, and I put my hope in his word. My soul expects the Lord more than watchmen the dawn.

    O Israel, hope in the Lord, for with him is unfailing love and with him full deliverance. He will deliver Israel from all its sins.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

    2. This responsorial psalm is recited during the 5th Sunday of Lent.

  14. I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will never die.

    1. This Verse Before the Gospel is recited during the 5th Sunday of Lent.

  15. Primera lectura (Ezequiel 37: 12–14)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Ezequiel.
    Por eso, profetiza. Les dirás esta palabra de Yahvé: “Voy a abrir las tumbas de ustedes, oh pueblo mío, haré que se levanten de sus tumbas y los traeré de vuelta a la tierra de Israel. Entonces, cuando haya abierto sus tumbas y los haya hecho levantarse, sabrán que yo soy Yahvé. Pondré en ustedes mi Espíritu y vivirán; los estableceré en su tierra y sabrán que yo, Yahvé, lo dije y lo hice, palabra de Yahvé.”

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 130) (Versículos 1–8)
    La respuesta es: Con el Señor, hay misericordia y abundancia de redención.
    • Desde lo más profundo te invoco, Señor. ¡Señor, oye mi voz! Estén tus oídos atentos al clamor de mi plegaria.
    • Si tienes en cuenta las culpas, Señor, ¿quién podrá subsistir? Pero en ti se encuentra el perdón, para que seas temido.
    • Mi alma espera en el Señor, y yo confío en su palabra. Mi alma espera al Señor, más que el centinela la aurora.
    • Como el centinela espera la aurora, espere Israel al Señor, porque en él se encuentra la misericordia y la redención en abundancia: él redimirá a Israel de todos sus pecados.

    Segunda lectura (Romanos 8: 8–11)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los romanos.
    Por eso, los que viven de acuerdo con la carne no pueden agradar a Dios. Pero ustedes no están animados por la carne sino por el espíritu, dado que el Espíritu de Dios habita en ustedes. El que no tiene el Espíritu de Cristo no puede ser de Cristo. Pero si Cristo vive en ustedes, aunque el cuerpo esté sometido a la muerte a causa del pecado, el espíritu vive a causa de la justicia. Y si el Espíritu de aquel que resucitó a Jesús habita en ustedes, el que resucitó a Cristo Jesús también dará vida a sus cuerpos mortales, por medio del mismo Espíritu que habita en ustedes.

    1. Evangelio (Juan 11: 1–45)
      Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según el San Juan.
      Había un hombre enfermo, Lázaro de Betania, del pueblo de María y de su hermana Marta. María era la misma que derramó perfume sobre el Señor y le secó los pies con sus cabellos. Su hermano Lázaro era el que estaba enfermo. Las hermanas enviaron a decir a Jesús: “Señor, el que tú amas, está enfermo.” Al oír esto, Jesús dijo: “Esta enfermedad no es mortal; es para gloria de Dios, para que el Hijo de Dios sea glorificado por ella.” Jesús quería mucho a Marta, a su hermana y a Lázaro. Sin embargo, cuando oyó que este se encontraba enfermo, se quedó dos días más en el lugar donde estaba. Después dijo a sus discípulos: “Volvamos a Judea.” Los discípulos le dijeron: “Maestro, hace poco los judíos querían apedrearte, ¿quieres volver allá?” Jesús les respondió: “¿Acaso no son doce la horas del día? El que camina de día no tropieza, porque ve la luz de este mundo; en cambio, el que camina de noche tropieza, porque la luz no está en él.” Después agregó: “Nuestro amigo Lázaro duerme, pero yo voy a despertarlo.” Sus discípulos le dijeron: “Señor, si duerme, se curará.” Ellos pensaban que hablaba del sueño, pero Jesús se refería a la muerte. Entonces les dijo abiertamente: “Lázaro ha muerto, y me alegro por ustedes de no haber estado allí, a fin de que crean. Vayamos a verlo.” Tomás, llamado el Mellizo, dijo a los otros discípulos: “Vayamos también nosotros a morir con él.” Cuando Jesús llegó, se encontró con que Lázaro estaba sepultado desde hacía cuatro Días. Betania distaba de Jerusalén sólo unos tres kilómetros. Muchos judíos habían ido a consolar a Marta y a María, por la muerte de su hermano. Al enterarse de que Jesús llegaba, Marta salió a su encuentro, mientras María permanecía en la casa. Marta dio a Jesús: “Señor, si hubieras estado aquí, mi hermano no habría muerto. Pero yo sé que aun ahora, Dios te concederá todo lo que le pidas.” Jesús le dijo: “Tu hermano resucitará.” Marta le respondió: “Sé que resucitará en la resurrección del último día.” Jesús le dijo: “Yo soy la Resurrección y la Vida. El que cree en mí, aunque muera, vivirá: y todo el que vive y cree en mí, no morirá jamás. ¿Crees esto?” Ella le respondió: “Sí, Señor, creo que tú eres el Mesías, el Hijo de Dios, el que debía venir al mundo.” Después fue a llamar a María, su hermana, y le dijo en voz baja: “El Maestro está aquí y te llama.” Al oír esto, ella se levantó rápidamente y fue a su encuentro. Jesús no había llegado todavía al pueblo, sino que estaba en el mismo sitio donde Marta lo había encontrado. Los Judíos que estaban en la casa consolando a María, al ver que esta se levantaba de repente y salía, la siguieron, pensando que iba al sepulcro para llorar allí. María llegó a donde estaba Jesús y, al verlo, se postró a sus pies y le dijo: “Señor, si hubieras estado aquí, mi hermano no habría muerto.” Jesús, al verla llorar a ella, y también a los judíos que la acompañaban, conmovido y turbado, preguntó: “¿Dónde lo pusieron?” Le respondieron: “Ven, Señor, y lo verás.” Y Jesús lloró. Los judíos dijeron: “¡Cómo lo amaba!” Pero algunos decían: “Este que abrió los ojos del ciego de nacimiento, ¿no podría impedir que Lázaro muriera?” Jesús, conmoviéndose nuevamente, llegó al sepulcro, que era una cueva con una piedra encima, y le dijo: “Quiten la piedra.” Marta, la hermana del difunto, le respondió: “Señor, huele mal; ya hace cuatro días que está muerto.” Jesús le dijo: “¿No te he dicho que si crees, verás la gloria de Dios?” Entonces quitaron la piedra, y Jesús, levantando los ojos al cielo, dijo: “Padre, te doy gracias porque me oíste. Yo sé que siempre me oyes, pero le he dicho por esta gente que me rodea, para que crean que tú me has enviado.” Después de decir esto, gritó con voz fuerte: “¡Lázaro, ven afuera!” El muerto salió con los pies y las manos atadas con vendas, y el rostro envuelto en un sudario. Jesús les dijo: “Desátenlo para que pueda caminar.” Al ver lo que hizo Jesús, muchos de los judíos que habían ido a casa de María creyeron en él.

    2. Esta lectura es leída durante el quinto domingo de Cuaresma.

    3. Prima lettura (Ezechiele 37: 12–14)
      Una lettura dal libro del profeta Ezechiele.
      Perciò profetizza e annunzia loro: Dice il Signore Dio: Ecco, io apro i vostri sepolcri, vi risuscito dalle vostre tombe, o popolo mio, e vi riconduco nel paese d'Israele. Riconoscerete che io sono il Signore, quando aprirò le vostre tombe e vi risusciterò dai vostri sepolcri, o popolo mio. Farò entrare in voi il mio spirito e rivivrete; vi farò riposare nel vostro paese; saprete che io sono il Signore. L'ho detto e lo farò. Oracolo del Signore Dio.

      Seconda lettura (Romani 8: 8–11)
      Una lettura dalla lettera di San Paolo agli Romani.
      Quelli che vivono secondo la carne non possono piacere a Dio. Voi però non siete sotto il dominio della carne, ma dello Spirito, dal momento che lo Spirito di Dio abita in voi. Se qualcuno non ha lo Spirito di Cristo, non gli appartiene. E se Cristo è in voi, il vostro corpo è morto a causa del peccato, ma lo spirito è vita a causa della giustificazione. E se lo Spirito di colui che ha risuscitato Gesù dai morti abita in voi, colui che ha risuscitato Cristo dai morti darà la vita anche ai vostri corpi mortali per mezzo del suo Spirito che abita in voi.

      Vangelo (Giovanni 11: 1–45)
      Una lettura dal santo vangelo secondo san Giovanni.
      Era allora malato un certo Lazzaro di Betània, il villaggio di Maria e di Marta sua sorella. Maria era quella che aveva cosparso di olio profumato il Signore e gli aveva asciugato i piedi con i suoi capelli; suo fratello Lazzaro era malato. Le sorelle mandarono dunque a dirgli: “Signore, ecco, il tuo amico è malato.” All'udire questo, Gesù disse: “Questa malattia non è per la morte, ma per la gloria di Dio, perché per essa il Figlio di Dio venga glorificato.” Gesù voleva molto bene a Marta, a sua sorella e a Lazzaro. Quand'ebbe dunque sentito che era malato, si trattenne due giorni nel luogo dove si trovava. Poi, disse ai discepoli: “Andiamo di nuovo in Giudea!” I discepoli gli dissero: “Rabbì, poco fa i Giudei cercavano di lapidarti e tu ci vai di nuovo?” Gesù rispose: “Non sono forse dodici le ore del giorno? Se uno cammina di giorno, non inciampa, perché vede la luce di questo mondo; ma se invece uno cammina di notte, inciampa, perché gli manca la luce.” Così parlò e poi soggiunse loro: “Il nostro amico Lazzaro s'è addormentato; ma io vado a svegliarlo.” Gli dissero allora i discepoli: “Signore, se s'è addormentato, guarirà.” Gesù parlava della morte di lui, essi invece pensarono che si riferisse al riposo del sonno. Allora Gesù disse loro apertamente: “Lazzaro è morto e io sono contento per voi di non essere stato là, perché voi crediate. Orsù, andiamo da lui!” Allora Tommaso, chiamato Dìdimo, disse ai condiscepoli: “Andiamo anche noi a morire con lui!” Venne dunque Gesù e trovò Lazzaro che era gia da quattro giorni nel sepolcro. Betània distava da Gerusalemme meno di due miglia e molti Giudei erano venuti da Marta e Maria per consolarle per il loro fratello. Marta dunque, come seppe che veniva Gesù, gli andò incontro; Maria invece stava seduta in casa. Marta disse a Gesù: “Signore, se tu fossi stato qui, mio fratello non sarebbe morto! Ma anche ora so che qualunque cosa chiederai a Dio, egli te la concederà.” Gesù le disse: “Tuo fratello risusciterà.” Gli rispose Marta: “So che risusciterà nell'ultimo giorno.” Gesù le disse: “Io sono la risurrezione e la vita; chi crede in me, anche se muore, vivrà; chiunque vive e crede in me, non morrà in eterno. Credi tu questo?” Gli rispose: “Sì, o Signore, io credo che tu sei il Cristo, il Figlio di Dio che deve venire nel mondo.”

    4. Dopo queste parole se ne andò a chiamare di nascosto Maria, sua sorella, dicendo: “Il Maestro è qui e ti chiama.” Quella, udito ciò, si alzò in fretta e andò da lui. Gesù non era entrato nel villaggio, ma si trovava ancora là dove Marta gli era andata incontro. Allora i Giudei che erano in casa con lei a consolarla, quando videro Maria alzarsi in fretta e uscire, la seguirono pensando: “Va al sepolcro per piangere là.” Maria, dunque, quando giunse dov'era Gesù, vistolo si gettò ai suoi piedi dicendo: “Signore, se tu fossi stato qui, mio fratello non sarebbe morto!” Gesù allora quando la vide piangere e piangere anche i Giudei che erano venuti con lei, si commosse profondamente, si turbò e disse: “Dove l'avete posto?” Gli dissero: “Signore, vieni a vedere!” Gesù scoppiò in pianto. Dissero allora i Giudei: “Vedi come lo amava!” Ma alcuni di loro dissero: “Costui che ha aperto gli occhi al cieco non poteva anche far sì che questi non morisse?” Intanto Gesù, ancora profondamente commosso, si recò al sepolcro; era una grotta e contro vi era posta una pietra. Disse Gesù: “Togliete la pietra!” Gli rispose Marta, la sorella del morto: “Signore, gia manda cattivo odore, poiché è di quattro giorni.” Le disse Gesù: “Non ti ho detto che, se credi, vedrai la gloria di Dio?” Tolsero dunque la pietra. Gesù allora alzò gli occhi e disse: “Padre, ti ringrazio che mi hai ascoltato. Io sapevo che sempre mi dai ascolto, ma l'ho detto per la gente che mi sta attorno, perché credano che tu mi hai mandato.” E, detto questo, gridò a gran voce: “Lazzaro, vieni fuori!” Il morto uscì, con i piedi e le mani avvolti in bende, e il volto coperto da un sudario. Gesù disse loro: “Scioglietelo e lasciatelo andare.” Molti dei Giudei che erano venuti da Maria, alla vista di quel che egli aveva compiuto, credettero in lui.

  16. Unang pagbabasa (Ezekiel 37: 12–14)
    Ang pagbabasa sa aklat ni propeta Ezekiel.
    Kaya nga, magpahayag ka. Sabihin mong ipinapasabi ko: Bayan ko, ibubukas ko ang inyong libingan. Ibabangon ko kayo at iuuwi sa inyong bayan. Kung maibukas ko na ang inyong libingan at maibangon ko kayo, makikilala ninyong ako si Yahweh. Hihingahan ko kayo upang kayo'y mabuhay, at ibabalik ko kayo sa inyong sariling bayan. Sa gayon, malalaman ninyo na akong si Yahweh ang nagsabi nito at aking gagawin.”

    Ikalawang pagbabasa (Roma 8: 8–11)
    Ang pagbabasa sa sulat ni San Pablo sa mga taga-Roma.
    At ang nabubuhay ayon sa hilig ng laman ay hindi maaaring kalugdan ng Diyos. Ngunit hindi na kayo namumuhay ayon sa laman, kundi ayon sa Espiritu. Sa katunayan, naninirahan sa inyo ang Espiritu ng Diyos. Kung wala sa isang tao ang Espiritu ni Cristo, hindi kay Cristo ang taong iyon. Ngunit dahil naninirahan sa inyo si Cristo, mamatay man ang inyong mga katawan dahil sa kasalanan, ang espiritu naman ninyo ay buháy sapagkat itinuring na kayong matuwid ng Diyos. Kung naninirahan sa inyo ang Espiritu ng Diyos na siyang muling bumuhay kay Jesu-Cristo, siya ang muling bubuhay sa inyong mga katawang may kamatayan, sa pamamagitan din ng kanyang Espiritung naninirahan sa inyo.

    1. Ebanghelyo (Juan 11: 1–45)
      Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Juan.
      May isang taong nagngangalang Lazaro na nagkasakit. Nakatira siya sa Bethania kasama ang mga kapatid niyang sina Maria at Martha. Si Maria ang nagbuhos ng pabango sa paa ng Panginoon at pagkatapos ay pinunasan iyon ng kanyang buhok. Dahil may sakit si Lazaro, nagpasabi kay Jesus ang magkapatid, “Panginoon, ang minamahal ninyong kaibigan ay may sakit.” Nang marinig ito ni Jesus ay sinabi niya, “Hindi niya ikamamatay ang sakit na ito. Nangyari iyon upang maparangalan ang Diyos at sa pamamagitan nito'y maparangalan ang Anak ng Diyos.” Mahal ni Jesus ang magkakapatid na Martha, Maria at Lazaro. Gayunman, nagpalipas pa siya doon ng dalawang araw mula nang mabalitaang may sakit si Lazaro. Pagkatapos nito, sinabi niya sa kanyang mga alagad, “Magbalik tayo sa Judea.” Sumagot ang mga alagad, “Rabi, hindi po ba't kamakailan lamang ay pinagtangkaan kayong batuhin ng mga tao? Bakit pupunta na naman kayo doon?” Sinabi ni Jesus, “Hindi ba't may labindalawang oras sa maghapon? Hindi matitisod ang lumalakad kung umaga sapagkat nakikita niya ang nagbibigay-liwanag sa daigdig na ito. Subalit natitisod ang lumalakad kung gabi sapagkat wala na siyang liwanag.” Idinugtong pa ni Jesus, “Natutulog ang kaibigan nating si Lazaro. Pupunta ako upang gisingin siya.” “Panginoon, kung natutulog lang po siya ay gagaling siya,” sagot ng mga alagad. Ang ibig sabihin ni Jesus ay patay na si Lazaro, ngunit ang akala ng mga alagad ay talagang natutulog lamang ito. Dahil dito'y tuwirang sinabi ni Jesus, “Patay na si Lazaro; ngunit dahil sa inyo, ako'y nagagalak na wala ako roon, nang sa gayon ay sumampalataya kayo sa akin. Tayo na, puntahan natin siya.” Sinabi ni Tomas, na tinatawag na Kambal, sa kanyang mga kasama, “Sumama tayo sa kanya, nang mamatay tayong kasama niya.” Pagdating ni Jesus, nalaman niyang apat na araw nang nakalibing si Lazaro. May tatlong kilometro lamang ang layo ng Jerusalem sa Bethania, at maraming Judio ang dumalaw kina Martha at Maria upang makiramay sa pagkamatay ng kanilang kapatid. Nang mabalitaan ni Martha na dumarating si Jesus, sinalubong niya ito, ngunit si Maria nama'y naiwan sa bahay. Sinabi ni Martha, “Panginoon, kung narito po kayo, hindi sana namatay ang kapatid ko. Subalit alam kong kahit ngayo'y ipagkakaloob sa inyo ng Diyos ang anumang hingin ninyo sa kanya.” “Muling mabubuhay ang iyong kapatid,” sabi ni Jesus. Sumagot si Martha, “Alam ko pong siya'y mabubuhay muli sa huling araw.” Sinabi sa kanya ni Jesus, “Ako ang muling pagkabuhay at ang buhay. Ang sinumang sumasampalataya sa akin, kahit mamatay ay muling mabubuhay; at sinumang nabubuhay at sumasampalataya sa akin ay hindi mamamatay kailanman. Naniniwala ka ba sa sinabi ko?” Sumagot siya, “Opo, Panginoon! Naniniwala po akong kayo ang Cristo, ang Anak ng Diyos na inaasahang darating sa sanlibutan.”

    2. Pagkasabi nito, umuwi si Martha. Tinawag niya si Maria at binulungan, “Naririto na ang Guro at ipinapatawag ka.” Pagkarinig nito'y nagmadaling tumayo si Maria upang salubungin si Jesus. Wala pa si Jesus sa nayon; naroon pa lamang siya sa lugar kung saan siya sinalubong ni Martha. Nang makitang si Maria'y nagmamadaling tumayo at lumabas, sinundan siya ng mga Judiong nakikiramay sa kanila. Akala nila'y pupunta siya sa libingan upang umiyak. Pagdating ni Maria sa kinaroroonan ni Jesus, nagpatirapa siya sa paanan nito at nagsabi, “Panginoon, kung narito po lamang kayo, hindi sana namatay ang aking kapatid.” Nahabag si Jesus at nabagbag ang kanyang kalooban nang makita niyang umiiyak si Maria, pati ang mga Judiong kasama nito. “Saan ninyo siya inilibing?” tanong ni Jesus. Sumagot sila, “Panginoon, halikayo at tingnan ninyo.” Tumangis si Jesus. Kaya't sinabi ng mga Judio, “Tingnan ninyo, talagang mahal na mahal niya si Lazaro!” Sinabi naman ng ilan, “Napagaling niya ang bulag, bakit hindi niya napigilang mamatay si Lazaro?” Muling nabagbag ang kalooban ni Jesus pagdating sa libingan. Ang pinaglibingan kay Lazaro ay isang yungib na natatakpan ng malaking bato. “Alisin ninyo ang bato,” utos ni Jesus. Ngunit si Martha na kapatid ng namatay ay sumagot, “Panginoon, nangangamoy na po siya ngayon; apat na araw na siyang patay.” Sinabi ni Jesus, “Hindi ba't sinabi ko sa iyo na kung sasampalataya ka ay makikita mo ang kaluwalhatian ng Diyos?” Kaya't inalis nila ang bato. Tumingala si Jesus sa langit at sinabi, “Ama, nagpapasalamat ako sa iyo sapagkat dininig mo ako, at alam kong lagi mo akong dinirinig. Ngunit sinasabi ko ito dahil sa mga taong naririto, upang maniwala silang ikaw ang nagsugo sa akin.” Pagkasabi nito ay sumigaw siya, “Lazaro, lumabas ka!” Lumabas nga si Lazaro na nababalot ng telang panlibing ang mga kamay at paa; may nakabalot ding tela sa mukha niya. Inutos ni Jesus sa kanila, “Kalagan ninyo siya at nang makalakad siya.” Marami sa mga Judiong dumalaw kina Maria ang nakakita sa ginawa ni Jesus, at sumampalataya sila sa kanya.

    3. Ang pagbabasa ito ay naibasa sa ikalimang linggo ng Kwaresma.

  17. Bacaan pertama (Ezekiel 37: 12–14)
    Pembacaan dari kitab nabi Ezekiel.
    Oleh sebab itu, bernubuatlah dan katakan kepada mereka: Beginilah firman Tuhan ALLAH: Sungguh, Aku membuka kubur-kuburmu dan membangkitkan kamu, hai umat-Ku, dari dalamnya, dan Aku akan membawa kamu ke tanah Israel. Dan kamu akan mengetahui bahwa Akulah TUHAN, pada saat Aku membuka kubur-kuburmu dan membangkitkan kamu, hai umat-Ku, dari dalamnya. Aku akan memberikan Roh-Ku ke dalammu, sehingga kamu hidup kembali dan Aku akan membiarkan kamu tinggal di tanahmu. Dan kamu akan mengetahui bahwa Aku, TUHAN, yang mengatakannya dan membuatnya, demikianlah firman TUHAN."

    Bacaan kedua (Roma 8: 8–11)
    Pembacaan dari surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Roma.
    Mereka yang hidup dalam daging, tidak mungkin berkenan kepada Allah. Tetapi kamu tidak hidup dalam daging, melainkan dalam Roh, jika memang Roh Allah diam di dalam kamu. Tetapi jika orang tidak memiliki Roh Kristus, ia bukan milik Kristus. Tetapi jika Kristus ada di dalam kamu, maka tubuh memang mati karena dosa, tetapi roh adalah kehidupan oleh karena kebenaran. Dan jika Roh Dia, yang telah membangkitkan Yesus dari antara orang mati, diam di dalam kamu, maka Ia, yang telah membangkitkan Kristus Yesus dari antara orang mati, akan menghidupkan juga tubuhmu yang fana itu oleh Roh-Nya, yang diam di dalam kamu.

    1. Bacaan Injil (Yohanes 11: 1–45)
      Pembacaan dari Injil kudus menurut Santo Yohanes.
      Ada seorang yang sedang sakit, namanya Lazarus. Ia tinggal di Betania, kampung Maria dan adiknya Marta. Maria ialah perempuan yang pernah meminyaki kaki Tuhan dengan minyak mur dan menyekanya dengan rambutnya. Dan Lazarus yang sakit itu adalah saudaranya. Kedua perempuan itu mengirim kabar kepada Yesus: "Tuhan, dia yang Engkau kasihi, sakit." Ketika Yesus mendengar kabar itu, Ia berkata: "Penyakit itu tidak akan membawa kematian, tetapi akan menyatakan kemuliaan Allah, sebab oleh penyakit itu Anak Allah akan dimuliakan." Yesus memang mengasihi Marta dan kakaknya dan Lazarus. Namun setelah didengar-Nya, bahwa Lazarus sakit, Ia sengaja tinggal dua hari lagi di tempat, di mana Ia berada; tetapi sesudah itu Ia berkata kepada murid-murid-Nya: "Mari kita kembali lagi ke Yudea." Murid-murid itu berkata kepada-Nya: "Rabi, baru-baru ini orang-orang Yahudi mencoba melempari Engkau, masih maukah Engkau kembali ke sana?" Jawab Yesus: "Bukankah ada dua belas jam dalam satu hari? Siapa yang berjalan pada siang hari, kakinya tidak terantuk, karena ia melihat terang dunia ini. Tetapi jikalau seorang berjalan pada malam hari, kakinya terantuk, karena terang tidak ada di dalam dirinya." Demikianlah perkataan-Nya, dan sesudah itu Ia berkata kepada mereka: "Lazarus, saudara kita, telah tertidur, tetapi Aku pergi ke sana untuk membangunkan dia dari tidurnya." Maka kata murid-murid itu kepada-Nya: "Tuhan, jikalau ia tertidur, ia akan sembuh." Tetapi maksud Yesus ialah tertidur dalam arti mati, sedangkan sangka mereka Yesus berkata tentang tertidur dalam arti biasa. Karena itu Yesus berkata dengan terus terang: "Lazarus sudah mati; tetapi syukurlah Aku tidak hadir pada waktu itu, sebab demikian lebih baik bagimu, supaya kamu dapat belajar percaya. Marilah kita pergi sekarang kepadanya." Lalu Tomas, yang disebut Didimus, berkata kepada teman-temannya, yaitu murid-murid yang lain: "Marilah kita pergi juga untuk mati bersama-sama dengan Dia." Maka ketika Yesus tiba, didapati-Nya Lazarus telah empat hari berbaring di dalam kubur. Betania terletak dekat Yerusalem, kira-kira dua mil jauhnya. Di situ banyak orang Yahudi telah datang kepada Marta dan Maria untuk menghibur mereka berhubung dengan kematian saudaranya. Ketika Marta mendengar, bahwa Yesus datang, ia pergi mendapatkan-Nya. Tetapi Maria tinggal di rumah. Maka kata Marta kepada Yesus: "Tuhan, sekiranya Engkau ada di sini, saudaraku pasti tidak mati. Tetapi sekarang pun aku tahu, bahwa Allah akan memberikan kepada-Mu segala sesuatu yang Engkau minta kepada-Nya." Kata Yesus kepada Marta: "Saudaramu akan bangkit." Kata Marta kepada-Nya: "Aku tahu bahwa ia akan bangkit pada waktu orang-orang bangkit pada akhir zaman." Jawab Yesus: "Akulah kebangkitan dan hidup; barangsiapa percaya kepada-Ku, ia akan hidup walaupun ia sudah mati, dan setiap orang yang hidup dan yang percaya kepada-Ku, tidak akan mati selama-lamanya. Percayakah engkau akan hal ini?" Jawab Marta: "Ya, Tuhan, aku percaya, bahwa Engkaulah Mesias, Anak Allah, Dia yang akan datang ke dalam dunia."

    2. Dan sesudah berkata demikian ia pergi memanggil saudaranya Maria dan berbisik kepadanya: "Guru ada di sana dan Ia memanggil engkau." Mendengar itu Maria segera bangkit lalu pergi mendapatkan Yesus. Tetapi waktu itu Yesus belum sampai ke dalam kampung itu. Ia masih berada di tempat Marta menjumpai Dia. Ketika orang-orang Yahudi yang bersama-sama dengan Maria di rumah itu untuk menghiburnya, melihat bahwa Maria segera bangkit dan pergi ke luar, mereka mengikutinya, karena mereka menyangka bahwa ia pergi ke kubur untuk meratap di situ. Setibanya Maria di tempat Yesus berada dan melihat Dia, tersungkurlah ia di depan kaki-Nya dan berkata kepada-Nya: "Tuhan, sekiranya Engkau ada di sini, saudaraku pasti tidak mati." Ketika Yesus melihat Maria menangis dan juga orang-orang Yahudi yang datang bersama-sama dia, maka masygullah hati-Nya. Ia sangat terharu dan berkata: "Di manakah dia kamu baringkan?" Jawab mereka: "Tuhan, marilah dan lihatlah!" Maka menangislah Yesus. Kata orang-orang Yahudi: "Lihatlah, betapa kasih-Nya kepadanya!" Tetapi beberapa orang di antaranya berkata: "Ia yang memelekkan mata orang buta, tidak sanggupkah Ia bertindak, sehingga orang ini tidak mati?" Maka masygullah pula hati Yesus, lalu Ia pergi ke kubur itu. Kubur itu adalah sebuah gua yang ditutup dengan batu. Kata Yesus: "Angkat batu itu!" Marta, saudara orang yang meninggal itu, berkata kepada-Nya: "Tuhan, ia sudah berbau, sebab sudah empat hari ia mati." Jawab Yesus: "Bukankah sudah Kukatakan kepadamu: Jikalau engkau percaya engkau akan melihat kemuliaan Allah?" Maka mereka mengangkat batu itu. Lalu Yesus menengadah ke atas dan berkata: "Bapa, Aku mengucap syukur kepada-Mu, karena Engkau telah mendengarkan Aku. Aku tahu, bahwa Engkau selalu mendengarkan Aku, tetapi oleh karena orang banyak yang berdiri di sini mengelilingi Aku, Aku mengatakannya, supaya mereka percaya, bahwa Engkaulah yang telah mengutus Aku." Dan sesudah berkata demikian, berserulah Ia dengan suara keras: "Lazarus, marilah ke luar!" Orang yang telah mati itu datang ke luar, kaki dan tangannya masih terikat dengan kain kapan dan mukanya tertutup dengan kain peluh. Kata Yesus kepada mereka: "Bukalah kain-kain itu dan biarkan ia pergi." Banyak di antara orang-orang Yahudi yang datang melawat Maria dan yang menyaksikan sendiri apa yang telah dibuat Yesus, percaya kepada-Nya.

  18. 第一読み物(エゼキエル書第37章:第12詩–第14詩)



    1. 第一読み物(エゼキエル書第37章:第12詩–第14詩)



    2. この読み物は四旬節の第5日曜日に読みます。


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