Saturday, June 29, 2024

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: June 30, 2024

New American Bible readings
First reading (Wisdom 1: 13–15 and 2: 23–24)
A reading from the book of Wisdom.
God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living. For he fashioned all things that they might have being; and the creatures of the world are wholesome, and there is not a destructive drug among them nor any domain of the netherworld on earth, for justice is undying. For God formed man to be imperishable; the image of his own nature he made him. But by the envy of the devil, death entered the world, and they who belong to his company experience it.

Second reading (2 Corinthians 8: 7, 9, and 13–15)
A reading from the second letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians.
Brothers and sisters: As you excel in every respect, in faith, discourse, knowledge, all earnestness, and in the love we have for you, may you excel in this gracious act also. For you know the gracious act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. Not that others should have relief while you are burdened, but that as a matter of equality your abundance at the present time should supply their needs, so that their abundance may also supply your needs, that there may be equality. As it is written: Whoever had much did not have more, and whoever had little did not have less.

Gospel (Mark 5: 21–43)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark.
When Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side, a large crowd gathered around him, and he stayed close to the sea. One of the synagogue officials, named Jairus, came forward. Seeing him he fell at his feet and pleaded earnestly with him, saying, "My daughter is at the point of death. Please, come lay your hands on her that she may get well and live." He went off with him, and a large crowd followed him and pressed upon him. There was a woman afflicted with hemorrhages for twelve years. She had suffered greatly at the hands of many doctors and had spent all that she had. Yet she was not helped but only grew worse. She had heard about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak. She said, "If I but touch his clothes, I shall be cured." Immediately her flow of blood dried up. She felt in her body that she was healed of her affliction. Jesus, aware at once that power had gone out from him, turned around in the crowd and asked, "Who has touched my clothes?" But his disciples said to Jesus, "You see how the crowd is pressing upon you, and yet you ask, 'Who touched me?'" And he looked around to see who had done it. The woman, realizing what had happened to her, approached in fear and trembling. She fell down before Jesus and told him the whole truth. He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction." While he was still speaking, people from the synagogue official's house arrived and said, "Your daughter has died; why trouble the teacher any longer?" Disregarding the message that was reported, Jesus said to the synagogue official, "Do not be afraid; just have faith." He did not allow anyone to accompany him inside except Peter, James, and John, the brother of James. When they arrived at the house of the synagogue official, he caught sight of a commotion, people weeping and wailing loudly. So he went in and said to them, "Why this commotion and weeping? The child is not dead but asleep." And they ridiculed him. Then he put them all out. He took along the child's father and mother and those who were with him and entered the room where the child was. He took the child by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum," which means, "Little girl, I say to you, arise!" The girl, a child of twelve, arose immediately and walked around. At that they were utterly astounded. He gave strict orders that no one should know this and said that she should be given something to eat.

Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible readings
First reading (Wisdom 1: 13–15 and 2: 23–24)
A reading from the book of Wisdom.
God did not make death, nor does he rejoice in the destruction of the living. Since he has created everything, all creatures of the universe are for our good; there is no deadly poison in them and the netherworld has no dominion over the earth, because the immortal is not submitted to death. Indeed God created man to be immortal in the likeness of his own nature, but the envy of the devil brought death to the world, and those who take his side shall experience death.

Second reading (2 Corinthians 8: 7, 9, and 13–15)
A reading from the second letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians.
Brothers and sisters: You excel in everything: in the gifts of faith, speech and knowledge; you feel concern for every cause and, besides, you are first in my heart. Excel also in this generous service. You know well the generosity of Christ Jesus, our Lord. Although he was rich, he made himself poor to make you rich through his poverty. I do not mean that others should be at ease and you burdened. Strive for equality; at present give from your abundance what they are short of, and in some way they also will give from their abundance what you lack. Then you will be equal and what Scripture states shall come true: To the one who had much, nothing was in excess; to the one who had little, nothing was lacking.

Gospel (Mark 5: 21–43)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark.
Jesus then crossed to the other side of the lake and while he was still on the shore, a large crowd gathered around him. Jairus, an official of the synagogue, came up and seeing Jesus, threw himself at his feet and asked him earnestly, "My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her so that she may get well and live." Jesus went with him and many people followed, pressing from every side. Among the crowd was a woman who had suffered from bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a lot at the hands of many doctors and had spent everything she had, but instead of getting better, she was worse. Since she had heard about Jesus, this woman came up behind him and touched his cloak thinking, "If I just touch his clothing, I shall get well." Her flow of blood dried up at once, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her complaint. But Jesus was conscious that healing power had gone out from him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked, "Who touched my clothes?" His disciples answered, "You see how the people are crowding around you. Why do you ask who touched you?" But he kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, aware of what had happened, came forward trembling and afraid. She knelt before him and told him the whole truth. Then Jesus stated to her, "Daughter, your faith has saved you; go in peace and be free of this illness." While Jesus was still speaking, some people arrived from the official's house to inform him, "Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Master any further?" But Jesus ignored what they stated and told the official, "Do not fear, just believe." And he allowed no one to follow him except Peter, James and John, the brother of James. When they arrived at the house, Jesus saw a great commotion with people weeping and wailing loudly. Jesus entered and stated to them, "Why all this commotion and weeping? The child is not dead but asleep." They laughed at him. But Jesus sent them outside and went with the child's father and mother and his companions into the room where the child lay. Taking her by the hand, he stated to her, "Talitha kumi!" which means: "Little girl, get up!" The girl got up at once and began to walk around. (She was twelve years old.) The parents were astonished, greatly astonished. Jesus strictly ordered them not to let anyone know about it, and told them to give her something to eat.


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 30) (Verses 2, 4–6 and 11–13)
    The response is: I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me.

    I will extol you, O LORD, for you drew me clear and did not let my enemies rejoice over me. O LORD, you brought me up from the netherworld; you preserved me from among those going down into the pit.

    Sing praise to the LORD, you his faithful ones, and give thanks to his holy name. For his anger lasts but a moment; a lifetime, his good will. At nightfall, weeping enters in, but with the dawn, rejoicing.

    Hear, O LORD, and have pity on me; O LORD, be my helper. You changed my mourning into dancing; O LORD, my God, forever will I give you thanks.

  2. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 30) (Verses 2, 4–6, 11, 12a and 13b)
    The response is: I will praise you Lord, for you have rescued me.

    I extol you, O Lord, for you have rescued me; my enemies will not gloat over me. O Lord, you have brought me up from the grave, you gave me life when I was going to the pit.

    Sing to the Lord, O you his saints, give thanks and praise to his holy name. For his anger lasts but a little while, and his kindness all through life. Weeping may tarry for the night, but rejoicing comes with the dawn.

    Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on me: O Lord, be my protector. But now, you have turned my mourning into rejoicing. O Lord my God, forever will I give you thanks.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  3. Alleluia, alleluia.
    Our Savior Jesus Christ destroyed death and brought life to light through the Gospel.
    Alleluia, alleluia.

  4. Primera lectura (Sabiduría 1: 13–15 y 2: 23–24)
    Una lectura del libro de Sabiduría.
    Pues Dios no hizo la muerte ni se alegra destruyendo a los seres vivientes. Todo lo creó para que existiera; lo que el mundo produce es saludable y en ello no hay veneno mortal; la muerte no reina en la tierra, porque la justicia es inmortal. En verdad, Dios creó al hombre para que no muriese, y lo hizo a imagen de su propio ser; sin embargo, por la envidia del diablo entró la muerte en el mundo, y la sufren los que del diablo son.

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 30) (Versículos 2, 4–6, 11, 12ª y 13B)
    La respuesta es: Te alabaré, Señor, porque me has rescatado.
    • Señor, yo te alabo porque tú me liberaste, porque no has permitido que mis enemigos se burlen de mí. Tú, Señor, me salvaste de la muerte; me diste vida, me libraste de morir.
    • Ustedes, fieles del Señor, ¡cántenle himnos!, ¡alaben su santo nombre! Porque su enojo dura un momento, pero su buena voluntad, toda la vida. Si lloramos por la noche, por la mañana tendremos alegría.
    • Señor, óyeme y ten compasión de mí. Señor, ¡ayúdame! Has cambiado en danzas mis lamentos; ¡te cantaré himnos de alabanza y siempre te daré gracias!

    Segunda lectura (2 Corintios 8: 7, 9 y 13–15)
    Una lectura de la segunda carta de San Pablo a los corintios.
    Ustedes, que sobresalen en todo: en fe, en facilidad de palabra, en conocimientos, en buena disposición para servir y en el amor que aprendieron de nosotros, sobresalgan también en esta obra de caridad. Porque ya saben que nuestro Señor Jesucristo, en su bondad, siendo rico se hizo pobre por causa suya, para que por su pobreza fueran ustedes enriquecidos. No se trata de que por ayudar a los demás pasen ustedes necesidad. Se trata más bien de que haya igualdad. Ahora tienen ustedes lo que a ellos les falta, y en otra ocasión tendrán ellos lo que se falte a ustedes, y de esta manera habrá igualdad. Como dice la Escritura: “Ni le sobró al que había recogido mucho ni le faltó al que había recogido poco.”

    1. Evangelio (Marcos 5: 21–43)
      Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según el San Marcos.
      Cuando Jesús regresó en la barca al otro lado del lago, se le reunió mucha gente, y él se quedó en la orilla. Llegó entonces uno de los jefes de la sinagoga, llamado Jairo, que al ver a Jesús se echó a sus pies suplicándole con insistencia: “Mi hija se está muriendo: ven a poner tus manos sobre ella, para que sane y viva.” Jesús fue con él, y mucha gente le acompañaba apretujándose a su alrededor. Entre la multitud había una mujer que desde hacía doce años estaba enferma, con hemorragias. Había sufrido mucho a manos de muchos médicos, y había gastado cuanto tenía sin que le hubiera servido de nada. Al contrario, iba de mal en peor. Esta mujer, al saber lo que se decía de Jesús, se le acercó por detrás, entre la gente, y le tocó la capa. Porque pensaba: “Tan sólo con que toque su capa, quedaré sana.” Al momento se detuvo su hemorragia, y sintió en el cuerpo que ya estaba sanada de su enfermedad. Jesús, dándose cuenta de que había salido de él poder para sanar, se volvió a mirar a la gente y preguntó: “¿Quién me ha tocado?” Sus discípulos le dijeron: “Ves que la gente te oprime por todas partes y preguntas: ‘¿Quién me ha tocado?’” Pero Jesús seguía mirando a su alrededor para ver quién le había tocado. Entonces la mujer, temblando de miedo y sabiendo lo que le había sucedido, fue y se arrodilló delante de él, y le contó toda la verdad. Jesús le dijo: “Hija, por tu fe has sido sanada. Vete tranquila y libre ya de tu enfermedad.” Todavía estaba hablando Jesús, cuando llegaron unos de casa del jefe de la sinagoga a decirle al padre de la niña: “Tu hija ha muerto. ¿Para qué molestar más al Maestro?” Pero Jesús, sin hacer caso de ellos, dijo al jefe de la sinagoga: “No tengas miedo. Cree solamente.” Y sin dejar que nadie le acompañara, aparte de Pedro, Santiago y Juan, el hermano de Santiago, se dirigió a casa del jefe de la sinagoga. Allí, al ver el alboroto y la gente que lloraba y gritaba, entró y les dijo: “¿Por qué alborotáis y lloráis de esa manera? La niña no está muerta, sino dormida.” La gente se burlaba de Jesús, pero él los hizo salir a todos, y tomando al padre, a la madre y a los que le acompañaban, entró donde estaba la niña. La tomó de la mano y le dijo: “Talita, cum.” (que significa: “Muchacha, a ti te digo: levántate.”) Al momento, la muchacha, que tenía doce años, se levantó y echó a andar. Y la gente se quedó muy impresionada. Jesús ordenó severamente que no se lo contaran a nadie, y luego mandó que dieran de comer a la niña.

    2. Evangelio (Marcos 5: 21–43)
      Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según el San Marcos.
      Jesús, entonces, atravesó el lago, y al volver a la otra orilla, una gran muchedumbre se juntó en la playa en torno a él. En eso llegó un oficial de la sinagoga, llamado Jairo, y al ver a Jesús, se postró a sus pies suplicándole: “Mi hija está agonizando; ven e impón tus manos sobre ella para que se mejore y siga viviendo.” Jesús se fue con Jairo; estaban en medio de un gran gentío, que lo oprimía. Se encontraba allí una mujer que padecía un derrame de sangre desde hacía doce años. Había sufrido mucho en manos de muchos médicos y se había gastado todo lo que tenía, pero en lugar de mejorar, estaba cada vez peor. Como había oído lo que se decía de Jesús, se acercó por detrás entre la gente y le tocó el manto. La mujer pensaba: “Si logro tocar, aunque sólo sea su ropa, sanaré.” Al momento cesó su hemorragia y sintió en su cuerpo que estaba sana. Pero Jesús se dio cuenta de que un poder había salido de él, y dándose vuelta en medio del gentío, preguntó: “¿Quién me ha tocado la ropa?” Sus discípulos le contestaron: “Ya ves cómo te oprime toda esta gente ¿y preguntas quién te tocó?” Pero él seguía mirando a su alrededor para ver quién le había tocado. Entonces la mujer, que sabía muy bien lo que le había pasado, asustada y temblando, se postró ante él y le contó toda la verdad. Jesús le dijo: “Hija, tu fe te ha salvado; vete en paz y queda sana de tu enfermedad.” Jesús estaba todavía hablando cuando llegaron algunos de la casa del oficial de la sinagoga para informarle: “Tu hija ha muerto. ¿Para qué molestar ya al Maestro?” Jesús se hizo el desentendido y dijo al oficial: “No tengas miedo, solamente ten fe.” Pero no dejó que lo acompañaran más que Pedro, Santiago y Juan, el hermano de Santiago. Cuando llegaron a la casa del oficial, Jesús vio un gran alboroto: unos lloraban y otros gritaban. Jesús entró y les dijo: “¿Por qué este alboroto y tanto llanto? La niña no está muerta, sino dormida.” Y se burlaban de él. Pero Jesús los hizo salir a todos, tomó consigo al padre, a la madre y a los que venían con él, y entró donde estaba la niña. Tomándola de la mano, dijo a la niña: “Talitá kumi”, que quiere decir: “Niña, te lo digo, ¡levántate!” La jovencita se levantó al instante y empezó a caminar (tenía doce años). ¡Qué estupor más grande! Quedaron fuera de sí. Pero Jesús les pidió insistentemente que no lo contaran a nadie, y les dijo que dieran algo de comer a la niña.

  5. Unang pagbasa (Karunungan ni Solomon 1: 13–15 at 2: 23–24)
    Ang pagbasa ito ay mula sa Karunungan ni Solomon.
    Ang kamatayan ay hindi gawa ng Diyos. Hindi siya nalulugod sa pagkamatay ng alinmang may buhay. Ginawa niya ang bawat nilalang upang magpatuloy, at lahat ng nilalang niya ay mabuti at mahusay. Wala silang kamandag na nakamamatay. Ang kamatayan ay di naghahari sa daigdig na ito, sapagkat ang katarungan ng Diyos ay walang kamatayan. Sapagkat ang tao'y hindi nilikha ng Diyos para mamatay, kundi upang maging larawan niyang buhay. Ngunit dahil sa pakana ng diyablo, nakapasok ang kamatayan at ito ang kahihinatnan ng mga napailalim sa kanya.

    Ikalawang pagbasa (2 Corinto 8: 7, 9 at 13–15)
    Ang pagbasa mula sa ikalawang sulat ni Pablo sa mga taga-Corinto.
    Subalit habang kayo'y sumasagana sa pananampalataya, sa pagpapahayag, sa kaalaman, sa kasipagan, at sa inyong pag-ibig sa amin, sikapin din ninyong manguna sa pagkakawanggawa. Hindi kaila sa inyo ang kagandahang-loob ng ating Panginoong Jesu-Cristo, kahit na mayaman, naging mahirap siya upang mapayaman kayo sa pamamagitan ng kanyang pagiging mahirap. Hindi sa ibig kong guminhawa ang iba at mabigatan naman kayo, kundi upang matulungan ninyo ang isa't isa. Masagana kayo ngayon; marapat lamang na tulungan ninyo ang mga nangangailangan. Kung kayo naman ang mangailangan at sila'y sumagana, sila naman ang tutulong sa inyo. Sa gayon, pareho kayong nakatulong sa isa't isa. Tulad ng nasusulat, "Ang kumuha ng marami ay hindi lumabis, at ang kumuha ng kaunti ay hindi naman kinulang."

    1. Ebanghelyo (Marcos 5: 21–43)
      Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Marcos.
      Si Jesus ay sumakay sa bangka at bumalik sa kabilang ibayo. Nasa baybayin pa lamang siya ng lawa ay dinumog na siya ng napakaraming tao. Naroon din ang isang tagapamahala ng sinagoga na ang pangalan ay Jairo. Pagkakita kay Jesus, siya'y lumuhod sa paanan nito at nagmamakaawa, "Nag-aagaw-buhay po ang anak kong dalagita. Maawa po kayo, sumama kayo sa akin at ipatong ninyo sa kanya ang inyong kamay upang siya ay gumaling at mabuhay!" Sumama naman si Jesus. Ngunit sumunod din sa kanya ang napakaraming tao, kaya't halos maipit na siya. Kasama rin doon ang isang babaing labindalawang taon nang dinudugo. Hirap na hirap na siya sa sakit na iyon, at marami nang doktor ang sumuri sa kanya. Naubos na ang kanyang ari-arian sa pagpapagamot ngunit hindi pa rin siya gumagaling. Sa halip, lalo pang lumala ang kanyang karamdaman. Nabalitaan niya ang tungkol kay Jesus kaya't nakipagsiksikan siya hanggang sa makalapit sa likuran ni Jesus, at hinipo ang damit nito, sapagkat iniisip niyang: "mahipo ko lang ang kanyang damit, gagaling na ako." Agad ngang tumigil ang kanyang pagdurugo at naramdaman niyang magaling na siya. Naramdaman naman ni Jesus na may kapangyarihang lumabas sa kanya, kaya't bumaling siya agad sa mga tao at nagtanong, "Sino ang humipo sa aking damit?" Sumagot ang kanyang mga alagad, "Nakikita po ninyong napakaraming nagsisiksikan sa paligid ninyo, bakit pa ninyo itinatanong kung sino ang humipo sa damit ninyo?" Subalit patuloy na lumingun-lingon si Jesus sa paghahanap sa kung sinong humipo sa damit niya. Palibhasa'y alam ng babae ang nangyari, siya'y nanginginig sa takot na lumapit kay Jesus, nagpatirapa, at ipinagtapat ang buong katotohanan. Subalit sinabi sa kanya ni Jesus, "Anak, pinagaling ka ng iyong pananampalataya. Umuwi ka na at ipanatag mo ang iyong kalooban. Ikaw ay magaling na." Habang nagsasalita pa si Jesus, may ilang taong dumating mula sa bahay ni Jairo. "Patay na po ang inyong anak. Huwag na po ninyong abalahin ang Guro," sabi nila. Ngunit nang marinig ito ni Jesus, sinabi niya kay Jairo, "Huwag kang mawalan ng pag-asa; manampalataya ka lamang." Walang isinama si Jesus noon maliban kina Pedro at ang magkapatid na Santiago at Juan. Nang dumating sila sa bahay ni Jairo, nakita ni Jesus na nagkakagulo ang mga tao, may mga nag-iiyakan at nananaghoy. Pagpasok niya ay kanyang sinabi, "Bakit kayo nagkakagulo at nag-iiyakan? Hindi patay ang bata. Siya'y natutulog lamang." Dahil sa sinabi niya, pinagtawanan siya ng mga tao. Subalit pinalabas niya ang lahat maliban sa tatlong alagad at sa mga magulang ng bata, at pumasok sila sa kinaroroonan ng bata. Hinawakan ni Jesus ang kamay ng bata at sinabi, "Talitha koum," na ang ibig sabihi'y "Ineng, bumangon ka!" Noon di'y bumangon ang bata at lumakad, at labis na namangha ang lahat. Ang batang ito'y labindalawang taong gulang na. Mahigpit na ipinagbilin ni Jesus na huwag nilang sasabihin kaninuman ang nangyari. Pagkatapos, iniutos niyang bigyan ng pagkain ang bata.

  6. 第一読み物(知恵第1章:第13詩–第15詩と第2章:第23詩–第24詩)



  7. Prima lettura (Sapienza 1: 13–15 e 2: 23–24)
    Una lettura dal libro della Sapienza.
    Perché Dio non ha creato la morte e non gode per la rovina dei viventi. Egli infatti ha creato tutto per l'esistenza; le creature del mondo sono sane, in esse non c'è veleno di morte, né gli inferi regnano sulla terra, perché la giustizia è immortale. Sì, Dio ha creato l'uomo per l'immortalità; lo fece a immagine della propria natura. Ma la morte è entrata nel mondo per invidia del diavolo; e ne fanno esperienza coloro che gli appartengono.

    Seconda lettura (2 Corinzi 8: 7, 9 e 13–15)
    Una lettura della seconda lettera di San Paolo ai Corinzi.
    E come vi segnalate in ogni cosa, nella fede, nella parola, nella scienza, in ogni zelo e nella carità che vi abbiamo insegnato, così distinguetevi anche in quest'opera generosa. Conoscete infatti la grazia del Signore nostro Gesù Cristo: da ricco che era, si è fatto povero per voi, perché voi diventaste ricchi per mezzo della sua povertà. Qui non si tratta infatti di mettere in ristrettezza voi per sollevare gli altri, ma di fare uguaglianza. Per il momento la vostra abbondanza supplisca alla loro indigenza, perché anche la loro abbondanza supplisca alla vostra indigenza, e vi sia uguaglianza, come sta scritto: Colui che raccolse molto non abbondò, e colui che raccolse poco non ebbe di meno.

    Vangelo (Marco 5: 21–43)
    Una lettura del Santo Vangelo secondo San Marco.
    Essendo passato di nuovo Gesù all'altra riva, gli si radunò attorno molta folla, ed egli stava lungo il mare. Si recò da lui uno dei capi della sinagoga, di nome Giàiro, il quale, vedutolo, gli si gettò ai piedi e lo pregava con insistenza: “La mia figlioletta è agli estremi; vieni a imporle le mani perché sia guarita e viva.” Gesù andò con lui. Molta folla lo seguiva e gli si stringeva intorno. Or una donna, che da dodici anni era affetta da emorragia e aveva molto sofferto per opera di molti medici, spendendo tutti i suoi averi senza nessun vantaggio, anzi peggiorando, udito parlare di Gesù, venne tra la folla, alle sue spalle, e gli toccò il mantello. Diceva infatti: “Se riuscirò anche solo a toccare il suo mantello, sarò guarita.” E subito le si fermò il flusso di sangue, e sentì nel suo corpo che era stata guarita da quel male. Ma subito Gesù, avvertita la potenza che era uscita da lui, si voltò alla folla dicendo: “Chi mi ha toccato il mantello?” I discepoli gli dissero: “Tu vedi la folla che ti si stringe attorno e dici: Chi mi ha toccato?” Egli intanto guardava intorno, per vedere colei che aveva fatto questo. E la donna impaurita e tremante, sapendo ciò che le era accaduto, venne, gli si gettò davanti e gli disse tutta la verità. Gesù rispose: “Figlia, la tua fede ti ha salvata. Và in pace e sii guarita dal tuo male.” Mentre ancora parlava, dalla casa del capo della sinagoga vennero a dirgli: “Tua figlia è morta. Perché disturbi ancora il Maestro?” Ma Gesù, udito quanto dicevano, disse al capo della sinagoga: “Non temere, continua solo ad aver fede!” E non permise a nessuno di seguirlo fuorchè a Pietro, Giacomo e Giovanni, fratello di Giacomo. Giunsero alla casa del capo della sinagoga ed egli vide trambusto e gente che piangeva e urlava. Entrato, disse loro: “Perché fate tanto strepito e piangete? La bambina non è morta, ma dorme.” Ed essi lo deridevano. Ma egli, cacciati tutti fuori, prese con sé il padre e la madre della fanciulla e quelli che erano con lui, ed entrò dove era la bambina. Presa la mano della bambina, le disse: “Talità kum”, che significa: “Fanciulla, io ti dico, alzati!” Subito la fanciulla si alzò e si mise a camminare; aveva dodici anni. Essi furono presi da grande stupore. Gesù raccomandò loro con insistenza che nessuno venisse a saperlo e ordinò di darle da mangiare.

  8. Bacaan kedua (2 Korintus 8: 7, 9, dan 13–15)
    Pembacaan dari surat Paulus yang kedua kepada jemaat di Korintus.
    Maka sekarang, sama seperti kamu kaya dalam segala sesuatu, – dalam iman, dalam perkataan, dalam pengetahuan, dalam kesungguhan untuk membantu, dan dalam kasihmu terhadap kami – demikianlah juga hendaknya kamu kaya dalam pelayanan kasih ini. Karena kamu telah mengenal kasih karunia Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus, bahwa Ia, yang oleh karena kamu menjadi miskin, sekalipun Ia kaya, supaya kamu menjadi kaya oleh karena kemiskinan-Nya. Sebab kamu dibebani bukanlah supaya orang-orang lain mendapat keringanan, tetapi supaya ada keseimbangan. Maka hendaklah sekarang ini kelebihan kamu mencukupkan kekurangan mereka, agar kelebihan mereka kemudian mencukupkan kekurangan kamu, supaya ada keseimbangan. Seperti ada tertulis: ”Orang yang mengumpulkan banyak, tidak kelebihan dan orang yang mengumpulkan sedikit, tidak kekurangan.”

    Bacaan Injil (Markus 5: 21–43)
    Pembacaan dari Injil suci menurut Santo Markus.
    Sesudah Yesus menyeberang lagi dengan perahu, orang banyak berbondong-bondong datang lalu mengerumuni Dia. Sedang Ia berada di tepi danau, datanglah seorang kepala rumah ibadat yang bernama Yairus. Ketika ia melihat Yesus, tersungkurlah ia di depan kaki-Nya dan memohon dengan sangat kepada-Nya: ”Anakku perempuan sedang sakit, hampir mati, datanglah kiranya dan letakkanlah tangan-Mu atasnya, supaya ia selamat dan tetap hidup.” Lalu pergilah Yesus dengan orang itu. Orang banyak berbondong-bondong mengikuti Dia dan berdesak-desakan di dekat-Nya. Adalah di situ seorang perempuan yang sudah dua belas tahun lamanya menderita pendarahan. Ia telah berulang-ulang diobati oleh berbagai tabib, sehingga telah dihabiskannya semua yang ada padanya, namun sama sekali tidak ada faedahnya malah sebaliknya keadaannya makin memburuk. Dia sudah mendengar berita-berita tentang Yesus, maka di tengah-tengah orang banyak itu ia mendekati Yesus dari belakang dan menjamah jubah-Nya. Sebab katanya: ”Asal kujamah saja jubah-Nya, aku akan sembuh.” Seketika itu juga berhentilah pendarahannya dan ia merasa, bahwa badannya sudah sembuh dari penyakitnya. Pada ketika itu juga Yesus mengetahui, bahwa ada tenaga yang keluar dari diri-Nya, lalu Ia berpaling di tengah orang banyak dan bertanya: ”Siapa yang menjamah jubah-Ku?” Murid-murid-Nya menjawab: ”Engkau melihat bagaimana orang-orang ini berdesak-desakan dekat-Mu, dan Engkau bertanya: Siapa yang menjamah Aku?” Lalu Ia memandang sekeliling-Nya untuk melihat siapa yang telah melakukan hal itu. Perempuan itu, yang menjadi takut dan gemetar ketika mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi atas dirinya, tampil dan tersungkur di depan Yesus dan dengan tulus memberitahukan segala sesuatu kepada-Nya. Maka kata-Nya kepada perempuan itu: ”Hai anak-Ku, imanmu telah menyelamatkan engkau. Pergilah dengan selamat dan sembuhlah dari penyakitmu!” Ketika Yesus masih berbicara datanglah orang dari keluarga kepala rumah ibadat itu dan berkata: ”Anakmu sudah mati, apa perlunya lagi engkau menyusah-nyusahkan Guru?” Tetapi Yesus tidak menghiraukan perkataan mereka dan berkata kepada kepala rumah ibadat: ”Jangan takut, percaya saja!” Lalu Yesus tidak memperbolehkan seorang pun ikut serta, kecuali Petrus, Yakobus dan Yohanes, saudara Yakobus. Mereka tiba di rumah kepala rumah ibadat, dan di sana dilihat-Nya orang-orang ribut, menangis dan meratap dengan suara nyaring. Sesudah Ia masuk Ia berkata kepada orang-orang itu: ”Mengapa kamu ribut dan menangis? Anak ini tidak mati, tetapi tidur!” Tetapi mereka menertawakan Dia. Maka diusir-Nya semua orang itu, lalu dibawa-Nya ayah dan ibu anak itu dan mereka yang bersama-sama dengan Dia masuk ke kamar anak itu. Lalu dipegang-Nya tangan anak itu, kata-Nya: ”Talita kum,” yang berarti: ”Hai anak, Aku berkata kepadamu, bangunlah!” Seketika itu juga anak itu bangkit berdiri dan berjalan, sebab umurnya sudah dua belas tahun. Semua orang yang hadir sangat takjub. Dengan sangat Ia berpesan kepada mereka, supaya jangan seorang pun mengetahui hal itu, lalu Ia menyuruh mereka memberi anak itu makan.


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