Sunday, August 1, 2010

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: August 1, 2010

First Reading (Ecclesiastes 1:2 and 2: 21–23)
A reading from the book of Ecclesiastes.

All is meaningless — says the Teacher — meaningless, meaningless! For here was a man who toiled in all wisdom, knowledge and skill and he must leave all to someone who has not worked for it. This is meaningless and a great misfortune. For what profit is there for a man in all his work and heart-searching under the sun? All his days bring sorrow, his work grief; he has not, moreover, peaceful rest at night: that too is meaningless.

Second Reading (Colossians 3: 1–5 and 9–11)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Colossians.

Brothers and sisters: So then, if you are risen with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things that are above, not on earthly things. For you have died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, reveals himself, you also will be revealed with him in Glory. Therefore, put to death what is earthly in your life, that is immorality, impurity, inordinate passions, wicked desires and greed which is a way of worshiping idols. Do not lie to one another. You have been stripped of the old self and its way of thinking to put on the new, which is being renewed and is to reach perfect knowledge and the likeness of its creator. There, there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, circumcised and uncircumcised. There are no strangers, barbarians, slave and free, but Christ is all and is in all.

Gospel (Luke 12: 13–21)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.

Someone in the crowd spoke to Jesus, "Master, tell my brother to share with me the family inheritance." Jesus replied, "My friend, who has appointed me as your judge and attorney?" Then Jesus stated to the people, "Be on your guard and avoid every kind of greed, for even though you have many possessions, it is not that which gives you life." And Jesus continued with this story, "There was a rich man and his land had produced a good harvest. He thought: 'What shall I do? For I am short of room to store my harvest.' So this is what he planned: 'I will pull down my barns and build bigger ones to store all this grain, which is my wealth. Then I may say to myself: My friend, you have a lot of good things put by for many years. Rest, eat, drink and enjoy yourself.' But God stated to him: "You fool. This very night your life will be taken from you; tell me, who shall get all you have put aside?" This is the lot of the one who stores up riches instead of amassing for God."


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 90) (Verses 3-6, 12-14, and 17)
    The response is: If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.

    You turn humans back to dust, saying, "Return, O mortals!" A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has passed, or like a watch in the night.

    You sow them in their time, at dawn they peep out. In the morning they blossom, but the flower fades and withers in the evening.

    So make us know the shortness of our life, that we may gain wisdom of heart. How long will you be angry, O Lord? Have mercy on your servant.

    Fill us at daybreak with your goodness, that we may be glad all our days. May the sweetness of the Lord be upon us; may he prosper the work of our hands.

  2. The vocabulary word for this week is 'vanity'. What does 'vanity' mean?

  3. Previously, from the 2nd Round Standings, here are the scores:
    Bohb: 0 points
    Grindan: 1 point
    Solmyr: 1 point
    Theodorus: 1 point
    Ufretin: 1 point
    Paulus: 1 point
    Fiur: 1 point

  4. Wow, I am the first comment! And wow, it is already the first day of the 8th month of the year: that is August! Eventually, Jakarta International School students will return to school next week on Wednesday, August 11, 2010. All Jakarta International School students are required to upgrade their car stickers. Car stickers 2010-2011 should now be affixed to the windshield. Sean, welcome to high school! Wish you luck in ninth grade!

  5. To answer the vocabulary question, 'vanity' is an adjective meaning meaningless or pointless. I lock in my answer with that statement.

  6. Not to mention the fact that Jakarta International School may have new students incoming! There is also a new building in the high school area, I believe that is another classroom building. Wish Sean the best of luck in high school, for there is incredibly a higher quantity of homework plus get to work in the Science building, before Middle School! Make sure to greet your teachers so that they may help you on things. Ask many questions and take good notes!

  7. By the way, I will concur on Bohb on his answer. Lock it in!

  8. Greetings everybody. I just would like to thank Sean for everything today and for displaying the readings for us to read. I can understand clearly the Gospel and apply it into our daily lives. I also wish Sean the best of luck in high school, as it becomes more challenging with those tests and acquiring the International Baccaleurate diplomas. Do your best, and assist others who are in need of help. Make more friends! And especially find girls for your interest, because at this stage, you will be attracted to girls. Nevertheless, on top of that, just follow those rules and avoid skipping classes! You do not want to be expelled from school.

  9. 'Vanity' is an adjective meaning it is pointless or not important.

  10. Hey Solmyr, please tell me more about the International Baccaleurate diploma. What is important about that?

  11. Very well, Theodorus. The International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma is a diploma that additionally have other universities to accept you because of the diploma. You may visit other countries' universities to study there. There are many universities that recognize IB. In high school in Jakarta International School, there is IB standard level and IB advanced level. IB advanced displays an exceptional learner to expand their learning. It is truly sophisticated, and is optional to choose during your high school life. There is also an Advanced Placement diploma (AP), but it greatly narrows the universities to only the United States. It is best to acquire the IB diploma to be admitted into other countries' universities for FREE! With a diploma, you may enter any university for free, as long as your learning skills are at that exceptional level. If not, the university will reject you.
    I hope this helps!

  12. Wow. Therefore, it is best to acquire the International Baccalaureate diploma so that you may be admitted into any university for free. You also have to bring your knowledge so that the university may accept you.

  13. 'Vanity' is an adjective meaning meaningless and pointless. I lock in with that answer.

  14. I just want to say to Sean, good luck! Be ready for those incoming tests! And do not fear when you enter new skills and concepts; for example, in mathematics, you will learn calculus and trigonometry. In science, you will learn to design new experiments. Chemistry, physics, and forensics will appear in science. English contains more reading, writing, and speaking! Do not forget the grammar with those transitive and intransitive verbs! Use the new words you acquired during the summer. And especially Asian Studies, you will learn cultures, history, and perhaps philosophy or mythology! You will also enter in Concert Strings, with a new teacher other than Dr. Eng (she had to retire; it was a shame), and Spanish 3 con nuevo profesor! Yo puedo hablar Español! And finally, your ninth grade physical education. Keep on working out those abdominals and upper body strength. Also enhance your flexibility! Try to impress the teacher in your school! They really like students trying new things. So good luck Sean, I wish the best of luck in high school!

  15. I concur with the answer from Theodorus and Bohb. I believe they have the accurate definition. Lock in my answer with that statement.

  16. I would like to wish Sean the best of luck in high school! Just watch out for those nasty strict teachers! Just make them proud! And always ask help from Mr. Dickinson, the activities director in high school if you need assistance. I also hear that you have Honor Pass! That means you have a full block of games, friendship, and work if you need to do so. You may also visit the Middle School to catch and recall the history of your previous teachers. Just be yourself, and good luck. May the Lord God bless you and keep you, Sean!

  17. Hey, I just would like to make comments on Sean's blog and tell him that I wish him the best of luck in high school. I award $250,000 to Paulus for stating about Honor Pass, because Honor Pass is the best class ever (it is actually not a class, just spare time) and may be used for talking and conversing with friends, and also complete the remaining homework. Good luck Sean, and please try not to procrastinate!

  18. Greetings everybody, I come in peace. I would like to post comments on Sean's blog and wish him the best of luck in high school. Just make sure you will not get egged! Tougher students might throw eggs on you, and bullying is not intervened correctly by other teachers. Just do not cause any trouble, because the consequence is very severe. You may get detention, or get suspended from entering the school. You might also get expelled from school, which is the worst punishment ever, because you are no longer a student at school. Good luck Sean, and may the Lord bless you forever more!
    To Paulus: Congratulations Paulus. You have acquired a quarter of one million dollars. You acquire 4 wishes only. What are your wishes?

  19. You know, with those 4 wishes, I desire to grant everybody riches, because everybody is in poverty. Why are some people in poverty? Why can't everyone be equal? That is my first wish. My second wish is to have a hotel for travelers in Bali. The registration is free and all foods and payments are all paid by the government. (I hope the government has sufficient quantity of money to serve the people) The hotel will either be a 2 star or 3 star. That is my second wish. My third wish is to have the regulation to travel anywhere around the world for free and without immigration. That is my third wish. And if everything goes horribly wrong, I will use my fourth wish to turn everything back to normal.

  20. Wow Paulus, that is very deep. Have you thought of all those things before Mysterio the Magnificent asked you of your wishes?

  21. Why yes. I actually got the idea from one of Sean's aunts, and I liked it. I had to support the idea rather than stating it myself because I know that would be plagiarizing. Nevertheless, the idea was quite interesting and helpful to me. Well, only one of those wishes correspond to what I say. The others are on my perspective.

  22. I forgot to mention that one of Sean's teachers, Dr. Eng had to retire and travel to Oregon, to continue her dream of being a violin player. Michael Hughes from sixth grade English and Social Studies retired, as well as Skip Roby from the technology department, Paula Goldrup from seventh grade English, and especially the Middle School principal, Geoff Smith. Farewell Mr. Smith! You are so friendly and benign!

  23. Ah, memories. They were so fun before, but now is a new generation, and a new day, a new year. It is time to move on.

  24. I concur with Ufretin who concurs Theodorus and Bohb's answers. I lock in the answer with that statement.

  25. Thank you for locking in your answers. And thank you for the encouragement when I enter high school. Nevertheless, we have one more contestant who needs to lock in his answer. Fiur, do you have any words of wisdom or your answer for the vocabulary question? Post your answer here.

  26. Hey Paulus, why do you have to always agree with Ufretin with all those answers? Why can you not make your own answer or concur with somebody else?

  27. Gurvilin has a point. We have a new $1,000,000 winner! Wait, but that means Gurvilin has $2,000,000 because of the funny comment you posted three or four weeks ago! Congratulations Gurvilin, you have acquired another jackpot bonus!

  28. Ufretin has an emotion! Congratulations for the first person posting that, Ufretin acquires $5,000.

  29. Congratulations, Ufretin. You have won $5,000. You acquired only 1 wish. What is your wish?

  30. I am still in a blur when you ask that question, Mysterio. I am really not sure with my only wish. Maybe if I acquire more money, I can acquire more wishes so that my dreams will become true.

  31. To answer Gurvilin's question, I am really not good at English. I want to know the definition. I just concur with contestants more experienced than me.

  32. Greetings everybody. Before I answer the vocabulary question, I would like to wish Sean the best of luck in high school. I know that the concepts and topics may be more challenging, but you must take the initiative and of course persevere in sophisticated concepts. I hear that you have a quest by acquiring the International Baccalaureate diploma so that you can travel to the Philippines in the university. Do your best! You want your teachers to be proud, and have many universities accept you as a student who has an exceptional level of skill and experience. May the Lord bless you in high school, and may good fortune shine upon your studies!

  33. 'Vanity' is an adjective. It means pointless and meaningless. I lock in my answer with that statement.

  34. Thank you everybody for submitting in your answers. In addition, thank you for submitting your encouragement messages for me when I enter high school. Now that all our contestants have submitted their answers, we can look at the real definition of 'vanity'. This is taken from the Encarta Dictionary.

    Vanity (noun)
    1. excessive pride
    excessive pride, especially in personal appearance
    Example: She is entirely free of personal vanity.

    2. something somebody is vain about
    an instance or source of excessive pride

    3. futility
    the state or face of being futile, worthless, or empty of significance

    4. something futile
    something that is considered futile, worthless, or empty of significance

    5. Same is vanity case (US cosmetics)

    6. Same as dressing table (furniture)

    7. cabinet holding sink (North America and New Zealand)
    a cabinet that holds a sink and its plumbing, usually with drawers or shelves under the sink for storage

  35. All of our contestants have the wrong part of speech. The word 'vanity' is NOT an adjective. It is a noun. All of our contestants have synonyms that correspond with the word 'vanity', which counts as a correct definition. However, you will not earn bonus points due to the incorrect part of speech.

  36. Therefore, after the 3rd Round, here are the scores:
    Bohb: 1 point
    Grindan: 2 points
    Solmyr: 2 points
    Theodorus: 2 points
    Ufretin: 2 points
    Paulus: 2 points
    Fiur: 2 points

  37. Currently, everybody is in a stalemate position, except Bohb. Bohb, you are one point away from the others. You still have plenty of time to redeem yourself so that you may be tied with everyone else. If not, you will be in last place.

  38. Greetings, Sean. I would like to know what are the readings for next week. Tell me now, before you enter into high school.

  39. Greetings, Theodorus. I will not enter high school until Wednesday, August 11, 2010. That is next week. So do not worry, I will still be in summer vacation. Although it is limited, I need to have the rest of the week for leftover fun. Summer vacation does not last forever. Therefore, as you requested, here are the readings for next week.
    You will read the book of Wisdom for the First Reading; chapter 18, verses 6-9.
    You will read the letter of Saint Paul to the Hebrews for the Second Reading; chapter 11, verses 1-2 and 8-19.
    The Gospel is according to Luke; chapter 12, verses 32-48.
    I hope this helps!

  40. Replies
    1. Primera Lectura (Eclesiastés 1:2 y 2: 21-23)
      Una lectura del libro de Eclesiastés.
      ¡Vanidad, pura vanidad!, dice Cohélet. ¡Vanidad, pura vanidad! ¡Nada más que vanidad! Porque un hombre que ha trabajado con sabiduría, con ciencia y eficacia, tiene que dejar su parte a otro que no hizo ningún esfuerzo. También esto es vanidad y una grave desgracia. ¿Qué le reporta al hombre todo su esfuerzo y todo lo que busca afanosamente bajo el sol? Porque todos sus días son penosos, y su ocupación, un sufrimiento; ni siquiera de noche descansa su corazón. También esto es vanidad.

      Salmo responsivo (Salmo 90) (Versículos 3-6, 12-14, y 17)
      La respuesta es: Si hoy oyes su voz, no endurezcas demasiado tu corazón.
      • Tú haces que los hombres vuelvan al polvo, con sólo decirles: ‘Vuelvan, seres humanos’. Porque mil años son ante tus ojos como el día de ayer, que ya pasó, como una vigilia de la noche.
      • Tú los arrebatas, y son como un sueño, como la hierba que brota de mañana: por la mañana brota y florece, y por la tarde se seca y se marchita.
      • Enséñanos a calcular nuestros años, para que nuestro corazón alcance la sabiduría. ¡Vuélvete, Señor! ¿Hasta cuándo? Ten compasión de tus servidores.
      • Sácianos en seguida con tu amor, y cantaremos felices toda nuestra vida. Que descienda hasta nosotros la bondad del Señor; que el Señor, nuestro Dios, haga prosperar la obra de nuestras manos.

      Segunda Lectura (Colosenses 3: 1-5 y 9-11)
      Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los colosenses.
      Ya que ustedes han resucitado con Cristo, busquen los bienes del cielo donde Cristo está sentado a la derecha de Dios. Tengan el pensamiento puesto en las cosas celestiales y no en las de la tierra. Porque ustedes están muertos, y su vida está desde ahora oculta con Cristo en Dios. Cuando se manifieste Cristo, que es nuestra vida, entonces ustedes también aparecerán con él, llenos de gloria. Por lo tanto, hagan morir en sus miembros todo lo que es terrenal: la lujuria, la impureza, la pasión desordenada, los malos deseos y también la avaricia, que es una forma de idolatría. Tampoco se engañen los unos a los otros. Porque ustedes se despojaron del hombre viejo y de sus obras y se revistieron del hombre nuevo, aquel que avanza hacia el conocimiento perfecto, renovándose constantemente según la imagen de su Creador. Por eso, ya no hay pagano ni judío, circunciso ni incircunciso, bárbaro ni extranjero, esclavo ni hombre libre, sino sólo Cristo, que es todo y está en todos.

      Evangelio (Lucas 12: 13-21)
      Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Lucas.
      Uno de la multitud le dijo: “Maestro, dile a mi hermano que comparta conmigo la herencia”. Jesús le respondió: “Amigo, ¿quién me ha constituido juez o árbitro entre ustedes?” Después les dijo: “Cuídense de la abundancia, la vida de un hombre no está asegurada por sus riquezas”. Les dijo entonces una parábola: “Había un hombre rico, cuyas tierras habían producido mucho, y se preguntaba a sí mismo ‘¿Qué voy a hacer? No tengo dónde guardar mi cosecha’. Después pensó: ‘Voy a hacer esto: demoleré mis graneros, construiré otros más grandes y amontonaré allí todo mi trigo y mis bienes, y diré a mi alma: Alma mía, tienes bienes almacenados para muchos años; descansa, como, bebe y date buena vida’. Pero Dios le dijo: ‘Insensato, esta misma noche vas a morir. ¿Y para quién será lo que has amontonado?’ Esto es lo que sucede al que acumula riquezas para sí, y no es rico a los ojos de Dios.”

    2. Bacaan Pertama (Pengkhotbah 1:2 dan 2:21-23)
      Pembacaan dari kitab dari Pengkhotbah.
      Kesia-siaan belaka, kata Pengkhotbah, kesia-siaan belaka, segala sesuatu adalah sia-sia. Sebab, kalau ada orang berlelah-lelah dengan hikmat, pengetahuan dan kecakapan, maka ia harus meninggalkan bahagiannya kepada orang yang tidak berlelah-lelah untuk itu. Inipun kesia-siaan dan kemalangan yang besar. Apakah faedahnya yang diperoleh manusia dari segala usaha yang dilakukannya dengan jerih payah di bawah matahari dan dari keinginan hatinya? Seluruh hidupnya penuh kesedihan dan pekerjaannya penuh kesusahan hati, bahkan pada malam hari hatinya tidak tenteram. Inipun sia-sia.

      Mazmur (Mazmur 90) (Ayat 3-6, 12-14, dan 17)
      Tanggapan adalah: Jika hari ini Anda mendengar suara-Nya, janganlah keraskan hatimu juga.
      — Engkau mengembalikan manusia kepada debu, dan berkata: "Kembalilah, hai anak-anak manusia!" Sebab di mata-Mu seribu tahun sama seperti hari kemarin, apabila berlalu, atau seperti suatu giliran jaga di waktu malam.
      — Engkau menghanyutkan manusia; mereka seperti mimpi, seperti rumput yang bertumbuh, di waktu pagi berkembang dan bertumbuh, di waktu petang lisut dan layu.
      — Ajarlah kami menghitung hari-hari kami sedemikian, hingga kami beroleh hati yang bijaksana. Kembalilah, ya TUHAN--berapa lama lagi? Dan sayangilah hamba-hamba-Mu!
      — Kenyangkanlah kami di waktu pagi dengan kasih setia-Mu, supaya kami bersorak-sorai dan bersukacita semasa hari-hari kami. Kiranya kemurahan Tuhan, Allah kami, atas kami, dan teguhkanlah perbuatan tangan kami, ya, perbuatan tangan kami, teguhkanlah itu.

      Bacaan Kedua (Kolose 3: 1-5 dan 9-11)
      Pembacaan dari surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Kolose.
      Karena itu, kalau kamu dibangkitkan bersama dengan Kristus, carilah perkara yang di atas, di mana Kristus ada, duduk di sebelah kanan Allah. Pikirkanlah perkara yang di atas, bukan yang di bumi. Sebab kamu telah mati dan hidupmu tersembunyi bersama dengan Kristus di dalam Allah. Apabila Kristus, yang adalah hidup kita, menyatakan diri kelak, kamupun akan menyatakan diri bersama dengan Dia dalam kemuliaan. Karena itu matikanlah dalam dirimu segala sesuatu yang duniawi, yaitu percabulan, kenajisan, hawa nafsu, nafsu jahat dan juga keserakahan, yang sama dengan penyembahan berhala, jangan lagi kamu saling mendustai, karena kamu telah menanggalkan manusia lama serta kelakuannya, dan telah mengenakan manusia baru yang terus-menerus diperbaharui untuk memperoleh pengetahuan yang benar menurut gambar Khaliknya; dalam hal ini tiada lagi orang Yunani atau orang Yahudi, orang bersunat atau orang tak bersunat, orang Barbar atau orang Skit, budak atau orang merdeka, tetapi Kristus adalah semua dan di dalam segala sesuatu.

    3. Bacaan Injil (Lukas 12: 13-21)
      Pembacaan dari Injil kudus menurut Lukas.
      Seorang dari orang banyak itu berkata kepada Yesus: "Guru, katakanlah kepada saudaraku supaya ia berbagi warisan dengan aku." Tetapi Yesus berkata kepadanya: "Saudara, siapakah yang telah mengangkat Aku menjadi hakim atau pengantara atas kamu?" Kata-Nya lagi kepada mereka: "Berjaga-jagalah dan waspadalah terhadap segala ketamakan, sebab walaupun seorang berlimpah-limpah hartanya, hidupnya tidaklah tergantung dari pada kekayaannya itu." Kemudian Ia mengatakan kepada mereka suatu perumpamaan, kata-Nya: "Ada seorang kaya, tanahnya berlimpah-limpah hasilnya. Ia bertanya dalam hatinya: Apakah yang harus aku perbuat, sebab aku tidak mempunyai tempat di mana aku dapat menyimpan hasil tanahku. Lalu katanya: Inilah yang akan aku perbuat; aku akan merombak lumbung-lumbungku dan aku akan mendirikan yang lebih besar dan aku akan menyimpan di dalamnya segala gandum dan barang-barangku. Sesudah itu aku akan berkata kepada jiwaku: Jiwaku, ada padamu banyak barang, tertimbun untuk bertahun-tahun lamanya; beristirahatlah, makanlah, minumlah dan bersenang-senanglah! Tetapi firman Allah kepadanya: Hai engkau orang bodoh, pada malam ini juga jiwamu akan diambil dari padamu, dan apa yang telah kausediakan, untuk siapakah itu nanti? Demikianlah jadinya dengan orang yang mengumpulkan harta bagi dirinya sendiri, jikalau ia tidak kaya di hadapan Allah."


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