Saturday, June 4, 2011

7th Sunday of Easter

Date: June 5, 2011

First Reading (Acts 1: 12-14)
A reading from the Acts of the Apostles.
After Jesus had been taken up to heaven, the apostles then returned to Jerusalem from the Mount called Olives, which is a fifteen-minute walk away. On entering the city they went to the room upstairs where they were staying. Present there were Peter, John, James and Andrew; Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James, son of Alpheus; Simon the Zealot and Judas son of James. All of these together gave themselves to constant prayer. With them were some women and also Mary, the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.

Second Reading (1 Peter 4: 13-16)
A reading from the first letter of Saint Peter.

Beloved: You should be glad to share in the sufferings of Christ because, on the day his Glory is revealed, you will also fully rejoice. You are fortunate if you are insulted because of the name of Christ, for the Spirit of glory rests on you. I supposed that none of you should suffer for being a murderer, a thief, a criminal or an informer; but if anyone suffers on account of being a Christian, do not consider it a disgrace; rather let this name bring glory to God.

Gospel (John 17: 1-11a)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John.
Jesus lifted up his eyes to heaven and stated, "Father, the hour has come; give glory to your Son, that the Son may give glory to you. You have given him power over all mortals, and you want him to bring eternal life to all you have entrusted to him. For this is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and the One you sent, Jesus Christ. I have glorified you on earth and finished the work that you gave me to do. Now, Father, give me in your presence the same Glory I had with you before the world began. I have made your name known to those you gave me from the world. They were yours and you gave them to me, and they kept your word. And now they know that all you have given me comes indeed from you. I have given them the teaching I received from you, and they received it and know in truth that I came from you; and they believe that you have sent me. I pray for them; I do not pray for the world but for those who belong to you and whom you have given to me – indeed all I have is yours and all you have is mine – and now they are my glory. I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world whereas I am going to you."


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 27) (Verses 1, 4, and 7-8)
    The response is: I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living. (Or you may say: Alleluia!)

    The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the rampart of my life; I will not be afraid.

    One thing I ask of the Lord, one thing I seek – that I may dwell in his house all the days of my life, to gaze at his jewel and to visit his sanctuary.

    Hear my voice when I call, O Lord, have mercy on me and answer. My heart says to you, "I seek your face, O Lord."

    1. Primera Lectura (Hechos de los Apóstoles 1: 12–14)
      Una lectura de los Hechos de los Apóstoles.
      Los Apóstoles regresaron entonces del monte de los Olivos a Jerusalén: la distancia entre ambos sitios es la que está permitida recorrer en día sábado. Cuando llegaron a la ciudad, subieron a la sala donde solían reunirse. Eran Pedro, Juan, Santiago, Andrés, Felipe y Tomás, Bartolomé, Mateo, Santiago, hijo de Alfeo, Simón el Zelote y Judas, hijo de Santiago. Todos ellos, íntimamente unidos, se dedicaban a la oración, en compañía de algunas mujeres, de María, la madre de Jesús, y de sus hermanos.

      Salmo responsorial (Salmo 27) (Versículos 1, 4 y 7–8)
      La respuesta es: Creo que deberé ver los buenos hechos en la tierra de los vivientes.
      • El Señor es mi luz y mi salvación. ¿A quién temeré? El Señor es el baluarte de mi vida. ¿Ante quién temblaré?
      • Una sola cosa he pedido al Señor, y esto es lo que quiero: vivir en la Casa del Señor todos los días de mi vida, para gozar de la dulzura del Señor y contemplar su Templo.
      • ¡Escucha, Señor, yo te invoco en alta voz, apiádate de mí y respóndeme! Mi corazón sabe que dijiste: “Busquen mi rostro.” Yo busco tu rostro, Señor.

      Segunda Lectura (1 Pedro 4: 13–16)
      Una lectura de la primera carta de San Pedro.
      Más bien alégrense de participar en los sufrimientos de Cristo, pues también se les concederán las alegrías más grandes el día en que se nos descubra su gloria. Si son insultados a causa del nombre de Cristo, felices ustedes, porque la gloria y el Espíritu de Dios descansan sobre ustedes. Sería una lástima que alguno tuviera que sufrir por asesino, ladrón, malhechor o delator; pero si sufre por ser cristiano, no tiene por qué avergonzarse, sino que más bien debe dar gracias a Dios por llevar ese nombre.

      Evangelio (Juan 17: 1–11ª)
      Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Juan.
      Después de hablar así, Jesús levantó los ojos al cielo, diciendo: “Padre, ha llegado la hora: glorifica a tu Hijo para que el Hijo te glorifique a ti, ya que le diste autoridad sobre todos los hombres, para que él diera Vida eterna a todos los que tú les has dado. Esta es la Vida eterna: que te conozcan a ti, el único Dios verdadero, y a tu Enviado, Jesucristo. Yo te he glorificado en la tierra, llevando a cabo la obra que me encomendaste. Ahora, Padre, glorifícame junto a ti, con la gloria que yo tenía contigo antes que el mundo existiera. Manifesté tu Nombre a los que separaste del mundo para confiármelos. Eran tuyos y me los diste, y ellos fueron fieles a tu palabra. Ahora saben que todo lo que me has dado viene de ti, porque les comuniqué las palabras que tú me diste: ellos han reconocido verdaderamente que yo salí de ti, y han creído que tú me enviaste. Yo ruego por ellos: no ruego por el mundo, sino por los que me diste, porque son tuyos. Todo lo mío es tuyo y todo lo tuyo es mío, y en ellos he sido glorificado. Ya no estoy más en el mundo, pero ellos están en él; y yo vuelvo a ti.”

    2. La respuesta para el salmo es de hecho: Creo que deberé ver buenos hechos del Señor en la tierra de los vivientes.

    3. Bacaan Pertama (Kisah para Rasul 1: 12–14)
      Pembacaan dari Kisah para Rasul.
      Maka kembalilah rasul-rasul itu ke Yerusalem dari bukit yang disebut Bukit Zaitun, yang hanya seperjalanan Sabat jauhnya dari Yerusalem. Setelah mereka tiba di kota, naiklah mereka ke ruang atas, tempat mereka menumpang. Mereka itu ialah Petrus dan Yohanes, Yakobus dan Andreas, Filipus dan Tomas, Bartolomeus dan Matius, Yakobus bin Alfeus, dan Simon orang Zelot dan Yudas bin Yakobus. Mereka semua bertekun dengan sehati dalam doa bersama-sama, dengan beberapa perempuan serta Maria, ibu Yesus, dan dengan saudara-saudara Yesus.

      Mazmur (Mazmur 27) (Ayat 1, 4 dan 7–8)
      Tanggapan adalah: Aku percaya saya akan melihat hal-hal barang dari Tuhan di negeri orang hidup.
      — TUHAN adalah terangku dan keselamatanku, kepada siapakah aku harus takut? TUHAN adalah benteng hidupku, terhadap siapakah aku harus gemetar?
      — Satu hal telah kuminta kepada TUHAN, itulah yang kuingini: diam di rumah TUHAN seumur hidupku, menyaksikan kemurahan TUHAN dan menikmati bait-Nya.
      — Dengarlah, TUHAN, seruan yang kusampaikan, kasihanilah aku dan jawablah aku! Hatiku mengikuti firman-Mu: "Carilah wajah-Ku"; maka wajah-Mu kucari, ya TUHAN.

      Bacaan Kedua (1 Petrus 4: 13–16)
      Pembacaan dari surat pertama dari Santo Petrus.
      Sebaliknya, bersukacitalah, sesuai dengan bagian yang kamu dapat dalam penderitaan Kristus, supaya kamu juga boleh bergembira dan bersukacita pada waktu Ia menyatakan kemuliaan-Nya. Berbahagialah kamu, jika kamu dinista karena nama Kristus, sebab Roh kemuliaan, yaitu Roh Allah ada padamu. Janganlah ada di antara kamu yang harus menderita sebagai pembunuh atau pencuri atau penjahat, atau pengacau. Tetapi, jika ia menderita sebagai orang Kristen, maka janganlah ia malu, melainkan hendaklah ia memuliakan Allah dalam nama Kristus itu.

    4. Bacaan Injil (Yohanes 17: 1–11A)
      Pembacaan dari Injil kudus menurut Santo Yohanes.
      Demikianlah kata Yesus. Lalu Ia menengadah ke langit dan berkata: "Bapa, telah tiba saatnya; permuliakanlah Anak-Mu, supaya Anak-Mu mempermuliakan Engkau. Sama seperti Engkau telah memberikan kepada-Nya kuasa atas segala yang hidup, demikian pula Ia akan memberikan hidup yang kekal kepada semua yang telah Engkau berikan kepada-Nya. Inilah hidup yang kekal itu, yaitu bahwa mereka mengenal Engkau, satu-satunya Allah yang benar, dan mengenal Yesus Kristus yang telah Engkau utus. Aku telah mempermuliakan Engkau di bumi dengan jalan menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang Engkau berikan kepada-Ku untuk melakukannya. Oleh sebab itu, ya Bapa, permuliakanlah Aku pada-Mu sendiri dengan kemuliaan yang Kumiliki di hadirat-Mu sebelum dunia ada. Aku telah menyatakan nama-Mu kepada semua orang, yang Engkau berikan kepada-Ku dari dunia. Mereka itu milik-Mu dan Engkau telah memberikan mereka kepada-Ku dan mereka telah menuruti firman-Mu. Sekarang mereka tahu, bahwa semua yang Engkau berikan kepada-Ku itu berasal dari pada-Mu. Sebab segala firman yang Engkau sampaikan kepada-Ku telah Kusampaikan kepada mereka dan mereka telah menerimanya. Mereka tahu benar-benar, bahwa Aku datang dari pada-Mu, dan mereka percaya, bahwa Engkaulah yang telah mengutus Aku. Aku berdoa untuk mereka. Bukan untuk dunia Aku berdoa, tetapi untuk mereka, yang telah Engkau berikan kepada-Ku, sebab mereka adalah milik-Mu dan segala milik-Ku adalah milik-Mu dan milik-Mu adalah milik-Ku, dan Aku telah dipermuliakan di dalam mereka. Dan Aku tidak ada lagi di dalam dunia, tetapi mereka masih ada di dalam dunia, dan Aku datang kepada-Mu.

  2. This is the Opening Prayer for the 7th Sunday of Easter.
    Let us pray. Eternal Father, reaching from end to end of the universe, and ordering all things with your mighty arm, for you, time is the unfolding truth that already is, the unveiling of beauty that is yet to be. Your Son has saved us in history by rising from the dead, so that transcending time he might free us from death. May his presence among us lead to the vision of unlimited truth and unfold the beauty of your love. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.

  3. Lord, accept the prayers and gifts we offer in faith and love. May this eucharist bring us to your glory. Grant this through Christ our Lord.

  4. Father all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks through Jesus Christ our Lord. We praise you with greater joy than ever in this Easter season, when Christ became our paschal sacrifice. He has made us children of the light, rising to new and everlasting life. He has opened the gates of heaven to receive his faithful people. His death is our ransom from death; his resurrection is our rising to life. The joy of the resurrection renews the whole word, while the choirs of heaven song forever to your glory. (After this, you sing the Sanctus.)

  5. For this Mass, Father Ignatius elucidates to us about the uses of technology and the cyber space world. Are we proclaiming the Lord's Word faithfully? Are these people speaking through our computers genuine? If you befriend somebody, should they get to at least know you more? These are some key questions within the homily, answered by Father Ignatius.

  6. True. It is quite strange that you become friends with almost everybody in the Internet. But how can you be friends, if you do not know who they really are? The Internet is a dangerous place too, although you are safe in your home, technology is a problem because nobody can be trusted. We do not know everybody's personality or perspectives. Thank you to the majority of the people who are nice, polite, modest, and sympathetic. The people who seem evil or sinister should really change their own personalities. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

  7. Indeed, the majority of the people possess social networking accounts like Twitter or Facebook, so it is important to be secure, not only physically and mentally, but socially in your local place and the technology world.

  8. Yes. As long as you do not break your privacy by stating your plans and your place of living, you will be fine. Do not tell others where you live or what you are planning to do. Wisely use the Internet to browse features, videos, podcasts, news, information, and etc.

  9. Everybody seems to be concerned about the technology uses and cyber-bullying. Be cautious when you use the computer! Do not state malignant facts or phony information. Think before you speak.

  10. And now, after that note, I would like to thank Sean for making this blog a continuation of the whole Christian faith of reading, and wish him luck on the last exam of English. Happy summer vacation!

  11. Sean, I think you have a YouTube channel. What is it?

  12. To Ufretin: Yes, I do have a YouTube channel. It is sean21901. I only have 8 videos posted there, but like I stated in the YouTube bulletin, guaranteed that after the 9th of June, more videos will appear.
    I recommend all of you to watch Whose Line is it Anyway featuring Drew Carey, Ryan Stiles, Colin Mochrie, Wayne Brady, and a miscellaneous actor (Chip Esten, Kathy Greenwood, Greg Proops, Jeff David, or Brad Sherwood) with them improvising hilarious scenes.
    I additionally befriended Omgarrett, Smore0, and SonicSong182 Kn and Ames. SonicSong182 Kn and Ames will possibly make more videos as soon as her voice acting team finish their final exams and commence with their summer vacation. There has got to be more "Ask the Sonic Heroes" and of course, "Silver's Never-ending Story" a movie that they have previewed. She is really trying her best to keep the show going as possible.
    You can check my channel at sean21901.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  13. Sweet. I have to check your channel out, plus stating that you have befriended SonicSong182 Kn and Ames, I heard that you have interest on the Sonic World already. Is this true?

  14. To Ufretin: You have probably realized it, I said that SonicSong182 Kn and Ames have posted an improvised interview series called "Ask the Sonic Heroes" which yes, features Sonic characters including Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles "Tails" Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, Amy Rose the Hedgehog, Cream the Rabbit, Big the Cat, Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, E-121 Omega, Espio the Chameleon, Vector the Crocodile, Charmy the Bee, Dr. Ivo Julian Eggman, Bokkun (Dr. Eggman's robot assistant), Maria Robotnik the Hedgehog (she transformed from a human to a hedgehog; we do not know), and Silver the Hedgehog. All of these characters are being interviewed with audience questions and these characters have to improvise their answers using their best knowledge of the Sonic World and their miscellaneous experiences. It is quite fun to hear these characters' opinions. Recommended to Sonic fans, so that Sonic fans may learn more about their favorite characters.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  15. Cool. I have heard of these characters. But wait, you haven't listed Blaze the Cat. Why is she not there, Sean?

  16. I ditto what Gurvilin said: Why is Blaze the Cat not there?

  17. To Gurvilin and Fiur: Blaze the Cat is not there because SonicSong182 Kn and Ames do not have the plush model of Blaze the Cat. Therefore, Blaze is unable to act in the interview series. However, since many fans of Blaze have requested SonicSong182 Kn to have Blaze appear in the series, I will bet that SonicSong182 Kn will consider it, and maybe have her as a cameo appearance in some series. If SonicSong182 Kn has the Blaze the Cat plush, then Blaze would definitely appear in the series forever.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  18. Sonic characters are cool. Sean, you have listed them out, but I know that are arranged into teams. What are they?

  19. To Sylas Sanj: Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles form together to make Team Sonic. Sonic specializes in speed, Tails in flight, and Knuckles in power. Amy, Cream, and Big form together to make Team Rose. Amy specializes in speed, Cream in flight, and Big in power. Shadow, Rouge, and E-121 Omega form together to make Team Dark. Shadow specializes in speed, Rouge in flight, and Omega in power. Espio, Vector, and Charmy form together to make Team Chaotix. Espio specializes in speed, Charmy in flight, and Vector in power.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  20. What about Dr. Eggman, Maria Robotnik, and Bokkun? And what about Silver the Hedgehog?

  21. To Sylas Sanj: Dr. Eggman, Maria Robotnik, and Bokkun form together to make Team Empire. Silver apparently does not have a team, although Blaze the Cat is a friend of Silver, she has not yet appeared in the series. For now, SonicSong182 Kn decided to have Sonic and Shadow accompany Silver in the interviews. You will soon get to know Silver's genuine team.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  22. Team Chaotix... that name sounds so familiar with Knuckles being in it. Wasn't Knuckles and Mighty part of the Chaotix?

  23. Mighty the Armadillo... he has left the Sonic World too soon. What really happened to him, Sean?

  24. To Gurvilin: Yes. Mighty the Armadillo and Knuckles was part of the Chaotix. Mighty apparently quit the team and his owner left the SEGA company. For Knuckles, he was part of the Team Chaotix, but he departed from the team even before the Chaotix decided to form a detective agency. He must have acquired his job to guard the Master Emerald at Angel Island. However, I really do not know why Knuckles quit the Chaotix. If you want to hear the answer to this, ask this question to Knuckles in "Ask the Sonic Heroes". I really do not know their intentions of course, because I am not a psychic. I apologize for the inconvenience, but this is only a prognosis.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  25. To Ufretin: Read note above.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  26. To Ufretin: You are welcome. There is some additional information about Mighty's departure from Team Chaotix in "Ask the Sonic Heroes" Episode 6. Espio, Vector, and Charmy talks about the situation with Mighty's life and why he had resigned from the team. Recommended video for you.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  27. How fun is it that these characters work in the SonicSong's 182 series? Wow, I love you guys!

  28. To Grindan: Ha ha! You exactly asked a question in the interview series of "Ask the Sonic Heroes". But I cannot answer that because I am not a Sonic character. I would rather have Cream answer that...
    Cream states for that question: It’s a whole lot of fun. But look, like I said before, I don’t get to play with everyone off camera. So being able to become together to make videos for everyone to enjoy the prayers of a dream! Umm… Dr. Eggman always ask the director for more screen time. But she’s one tough girl and always sits in the street before filming.
    Thanks Cream for that. And yet SonicSonic 182 Kn would not have accepted Dr. Eggman's program of his cooking show to be on air... Ha ha. :)
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon
    P.S. Watch episode 3 of "Ask the Sonic Heroes" where the interview questions are pinned on Team Rose. It will feature the question you asked above.

  29. May I ask a question in "Ask the Sonic Heroes"?

  30. To Bohb: Yes you may. However, your question must meet the protocol, policies, and regulations of the interview. First of all, no questions that insult or offend the characters physically. No rhetorical questions either. You would ask a valid question where everybody would like to hear a general answer or a more specific defined answer. You may request for something in the interview, but ensure that it is appropriate to the setting. (e.g. romance kissing, weapon throwing, etc.) And final policy: Once you ask a question, it will be residing there, waiting for an answer. This is the time where you need to be patient. If you are too impatient or consistently complain that your question is not answered, then SonicSong182 Kn will likely ban your questions, ignore it, discard it in the trash, and flag you as a dangerous criminal in the Internet. Being a good sport is the key to having your question answered.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  31. Besides, there are more than 11,000 questions asked. It is hard for SonicSong182 Kn, Ames, and her voice acting team to answer all of the questions at the same time. Mostly 10 questions are answered in each episode, lasting between 9 minutes to 11 minutes. Please wait patiently if your question is not answered or your request is not stated. This would lessen the incursions of having people to complain peevishly about their unanswered questions.

  32. I liked these questions: Hey Big, what are your theories of life and where we came from?
    Espio, do you like the Power Rangers?
    Charmy, if you had became the leader of the Team Chaotix, what would you do first?
    Knuckles: A plane crashes on the border of North America and Canada. Where will you bury the survivors?

  33. Paulus, all of those questions were answered in various episodes, and all of the answers from the characters were relevant, logical, and some were indeed hilarious! I can say that the last question you stated there was the most hilarious, delirious question I have after heard, and Knuckles stated that he would bury the survivors in Mexico was truly hilarious! Until Rouge had to ask why Knuckles would ever bury the survivors, that really enraged Knuckles so bad! Now that was hilarious.

  34. Knuckles also got pissed in episode 8 of "Ask the Sonic Heroes" on the Valentine's question of Rouge flirting with him. Plus his theme music where he loves rap, Rouge implied that Knuckles was singing rap songs about her.

  35. Ha ha! That is truly hilarious. SonicSong182 Kn should continue the series.

  36. To Gurvilin: About having SonicSong182 Kn continuing the series, it may be a few weeks from now until she can upload the next interview, episode 9. I do not know what team it is going to be, but I am sure that she is doing her best to keep the show going. Her voice acting team has to undergo final exams. When that is done, guaranteed that she and her team will continue the series and finally upload the movie of "Silver's Never-ending Story" a movie that has been previewed, but will come on out as the movie. It is going to be a fun summer vacation indeed for these guys and me.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  37. Like you said before, Sean: Patience is the key to having interview questions done and new things appearing. Thanks, Sean!

  38. Hey there! I am back from the past and I would like to ask Sean more questions about the Sonic World. Since when you have gotten interested with the Sonic World, Sean?

  39. To Ufretin: I got interested in the Sonic World when I was inspired after playing the song of Azure Blue World, one of Hyun Kyoo Park's arranged songs, composed by Jun Senoue. It is a music that was supposed to be for the Emerald Coast area in Sonic Adventures DX (Director's Cut). I realized that the music was rock, and I liked it, so then I decided to look up more music from Jun Senoue, and decided, I should visit the Sonic World, after my interest in Crash Bandicoot which I liked a really long time ago. Therefore, I read all the character biographies (which were really interesting), and listened to more rock music that was music for Sonic Heroes (which I now have in my iTunes library) and even started playing Sonic Heroes! I sometimes input music while I still play Crash Bandicoot racing (check channel and watch videos and recognize the music there if you can). I subscribed to SonicSong182 Kn and Amy so that I may learn even more about these Sonic characters, and laugh at all the impressions of these characters.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  40. You read ALL the character biographies? Wow! I would like to know more about this.

  41. To Paulus: Okay, maybe I stated a hyperbole there. I read the most important characters' biographies. The protagonist, the deuteragonist, and of course, the antagonist. I additionally read biographies of characters in the Sonic Heroes world. I haven't read those minor character biographies like Tikal and Vanilla (Cream's mom).

  42. So that means you know Cosmo, Blaze, Silver, and Eggman Nega?

  43. To Paulus: I have not read the Eggman Nega's biography. I really must have gotten addicted to these major characters, apparently I already made a wallpaper with these characters from Sonic Heroes!
    I hope this helps! (did not state this in the last comment)
    — Sean Limzon

  44. I suddenly started to have interest in the Sonic World too. Can you tell me a bit about the major characters, Sean?

  45. To Fiur: Okay, this is going to be very wordy. Oh wait, you asked me a bit about the Sonic characters. (phew) I will start with Sonic, because he is the protagonist of the whole Sonic World. Sonic, as you can see, is the main character of the whole Sonic World and he is the fastest hedgehog, you can say (or maybe not). He can run as fast as the speed of sound, and loves to go on adventures. Dr. Ivo Julian Robotnik is the greatest antagonist, always despising Sonic. Nicknamed Dr. Eggman, Sonic consistently delivers a performance defeating Dr. Eggman. Annoyed, Dr. Eggman continues to plot multiple schemes to try to destroy the annoying hedgehog. Despite his efforts, all of his plans failed, no matter whether it is super sinister, or benign. Sonic the Hedgehog does not have a known family, but he is recognized by Sonia and Manic, his brother and sister (I think). Sonic later meets Tails... (refer to Tail's biography) Companions are usually the good people: Tails (best friend), Knuckles (sometimes rivals), Amy (has a crush on Sonic), and etc. (read the biographies for friends) Enemies of course is Dr. Eggman and etc. (read the biographies for enemies and rivals). There are more friends, enemies, and rivals because Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games combine Mario-based and Sonic-based characters together. In addition, Sonic the Hedgehog is the mascot of the SEGA company.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  46. To Fiur: Miles "Tails" Prower is the official name of Tails. The name is pun on the Imperial systematic measurement: miles per hour. Tails apparently was awhile in school, being insulted because of his intelligence, but he found Sonic running by. Amazed, Tails decided to follow the blue hedgehog. Sonic was impressed by Tails because he can catch up to Sonic quite fast, thus, Sonic befriended Tails and appointed him as his sidekick. Tails has appeared in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, assisting Sonic in his adventures to defeat Dr. Eggman. For more depth knowledge about Tails, see the Wiki.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  47. To Fiur: Knuckles is another important character in the Sonic World and he is sometimes a friend of Sonic and sometimes a rival of Sonic. When Dr. Eggman reports to Knuckles that Sonic was going to steal the Master Emerald, Knuckles decided to attack Sonic, and steal some Chaos Emeralds that Sonic has, and concealed them. Tricked, Dr. Eggman stole the Master Emerald. Sonic and Knuckles decided to call a truce, ally with each other and then defeat Dr. Eggman together. The animosity between these two fellow men are still present, but sometimes they are friends, depending on the situation. For more in depth knowledge about Knuckles, see the Wiki. Knuckles is the number one favorite character of SonicSong182 Kn.

  48. Ah, I cannot say anymore. You may get information about these characters by reading the Wiki or asking them questions in the series "Ask the Sonic Heroes".
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  49. I know the SonicSong182 Amy's favorite character is obviously Amy Rose, so what is important about her?

  50. To Grindan: Amy Rose happens to be the first female character to be introduced in the Sonic World. Her first appearance was the game Sonic the Fighters. Her pseudonym was Amy the Rascal (Rosy the Rascal), which I really do not know why she is called a rascal (maybe she was a little mischievous in a way). Her love for Sonic was not recognized yet, but later then, it started to be recognized in later games. She always pursues Sonic, created many several attempts to "marry" him, and even threatened Sonic with her Piko Piko hammer when Sonic is acting selfish or rejects Amy's love for him (Ha ha, Pucca must be the exact same show with this situation). Amy also has tarrot cards, making her a psychic and a fortune-teller. I really do not know why she has tarrot cards and how she uses them, but try asking her a question in "Ask the Sonic Heroes" about the a tarrot cards. She will know for sure. She happens to have a sidekick too, who is Cream the Rabbit (same like Sonic and Tails). For in-depth knowledge about Amy Rose, visit the Wiki or ask questions about her biography in "Ask the Sonic Heroes".
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  51. Sweet. I love all of these characters. I really wonder what it would be like if they existed in the real world.

  52. About Gurvilin's thoughts, I really would like those Sonic characters to be in the real world. Dr. Eggman would possibly unleash his plans to conquer the whole world, and suddenly, flash as the speed of sound, Sonic and Tails comes to save the day.

  53. Laugh out loud, if you see Sonic running, you would expect Amy running after him. It never gets old.

  54. Ha ha. I would picture the children that Sonic and Amy would have if they would be together. It would be awkward for all Sonic fans, except those are happy for these couples, but some would say, Amy, just give up. It is hopeless that Sonic would ever accept your proposal.

  55. And yet the priest would inappropriately say "Yeah, everyone is getting married... yeah right, married... *sigh*"

  56. Laugh out loud for that comment! Ha ha ha!

  57. Laugh out loud! That must be the inappropriate comments from the priest at your wedding.

  58. The best part of Whose Line is it Anyway was when Colin Mochrie sang the song for ending a long-term relationship.

  59. "You are dead to me, nothing but scum. When I look in your eyes, I get inflammation of the bum. You make me feel putrid, I hate..."

  60. Laugh out loud when Ryan had to pull Colin away after he sang that.

  61. Sean, I need to know who is your favorite character of the Sonic World. Who is it?

  62. To Theodorus: I really do not have a personal favorite character. Sorry, but apparently, all of the Sonic characters are good. Even Dr. Eggman.
    I hope this helps!
    — Sean Limzon

  63. Another highlight of Whose Line is it Anyway was when Ryan was performing about the graffiti in the Whose Line bathroom.

  64. Oh yes! I remember that part! Laugh out loud!

  65. "I get myself a 1000 points!" I forgot to flush my toliet... Brad plunges the toilet and flushes.

  66. And then a while later after Wayne says to Ryan, "Dude calm down, he doesn't kiss that well." Ryan flushes the toilet multiple times. Laugh out loud!

  67. What Lassie was really trying to tell everyone: Colin's response was, "The square root of 9 is 3!" That one was hilarious.

  68. Laugh out loud for that one! Ha ha ha!

  69. Robin Williams was the best guest actor in the show.

  70. Why do you think that, Paulus?

  71. Unlikely superheroes, he said, "I'm Carol (or Caramel) — god! and then runs away" which was super hilarious, including the worst subject's for interpretive dance and if entertainers worked funerals.

  72. Ryan: "Diarrhea, flows like a river."

  73. Oh, I get it. Laugh out loud!

  74. You guys are cracking me up! It is too hilarious that I can't breathe, and sometimes I accidentally urinated that I had to change my pants!

  75. Whoops, I haven't got a chance to speak, but I would like to recommend SonicSong182 whether they can do these improvised shows featuring Sonic characters.

  76. Interesting suggestion, Sylas Sanj. It would be hilarious for those Sonic characters to improvise all the time with various events that the audience would suggest. They really should do that!

  77. Another hilarious scene was when Greg Proops was doing the Whose Line is it Anyway in other countries.

  78. Laugh out loud! What was the quote?

  79. "I hope you are not watching the idiotic Belgium version. This is of course the French version where nothing matters. *audience laughs* Don't laugh. *Drew Carey buzzes* Stop buzzing! The buzzing doesn't matter. The buzzing doesn't matter. *Drew Carey buzzes again* I asked you to stop!"

  80. Laugh out loud! That was hilarious.

  81. The best scenes from a hat was also "Odd things for a lounge singer to sing about"

  82. "Don't stand behind before I start running, after I been treated with snack goods, before I blow your hair off, yes indeed! 'Cause I..."

  83. "It's time, for a prostate examination..."

  84. "Cannibalism... Cannibalism... Got to go!"

  85. Oh my gosh, all of these quotes are super hilarious, I cannot even breathe anymore.

  86. I concur as well! They are hilarious! Wayne, Ryan, Colin, Chip, Brad, Jeff, and Greg will never stop joking around!

  87. They and we really need them to get back on the show. Resurrect that show again! Give it another season, please! We want this show back so badly...

  88. I definitely concur with Paulus. Please bring back the show!

  89. Completely concur with Paulus! Let us laugh again with your jokes! Please don't retire, Colin. We know that you are supposed to retire, but please don't. Continue your career of that comedian again...

  90. Wait guys! You haven't let me finish. "*plays the piano* These words they come so whimsically, I know your wife, Bibically, but this..."

  91. Fantastic rhyme, Wayne for that. Laugh out loud!

  92. "I like to see, Phillis Diller in spandex."

  93. Wow! 100 comments on this post! Thank you guys so much for posting comments in the blog, it really shows how much you have interest on the Catholic faith. Rock on, you guys! This is the first ever day to have more than 100 comments for this post. Thank you guys so much!

  94. That is why we needed this blog to reflect on our interests and what we have done over the years.

  95. You are welcome, Sean. This is your benefit that your blog is popular for those who need to read the Bible. Comments on the post, having us to reflect and consider.

  96. In addition, I ask questions on what readings are coming up next, right? It really shows that I have interest in the Catholic faith. By the way, about the spandex joke, laugh out loud!

  97. It really is amazing to post comments in this blog. You have been blessed, Sean! And good luck in your English exam tomorrow! Laugh out loud for the spandex joke.

  98. I really like you guys reflect and review jokes and stories, this is a great group to hang out with.

  99. I really never want to forget this experience, because this is a record, or a log, or a journal, or a diary. Maybe I prefer using the word anthology because this is really interesting.


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