Saturday, March 16, 2013

5th Sunday of Lent

Date: March 17, 2013

First reading (Isaiah 43: 16–21)
A reading from the book of the Prophet Isaiah.
Thus says the Lord, who opened a way through the sea and a path in the mighty waters, who brought down chariots and horses, a whole army of them, and there they lay, never to rise again, snuffed out like a wick. But do not dwell on the past, or remember the things of old. Look, I am doing a new thing: now it springs forth. Do you not see? I am opening up a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. The beasts of the land will honor me, jackals and ostriches, because I give water in the wilderness and rivers in the desert that my chosen people may drink. I have formed these people for myself; they will proclaim my praise.

Second reading (Philippians 3: 8–14)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Philippians.
Brothers and sisters: I consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake, I have let everything fall away and I know consider all as garbage, if instead I may gain Christ. May I be found in him, without merit or holiness of my own for having fulfilled the Law, but with the holiness which comes through faith in Christ, the holiness given by God which depends on faith in Christ Jesus. May I know him and experience the power of his resurrection and share in his sufferings and become like him in his death, and attain through this, God willing, the resurrection from the dead! I do not believe I have already reached the goal, nor do I consider myself perfect, but I press on till I conquer Christ Jesus, as I have already been conquered by him. No, brothers and sisters, I do not claim to have claimed the prize yet. I say only this: forgetting what is behind me, I race forward and run towards the goal, my eyes on the prize to which God has called us from above in Christ Jesus.

Gospel (John 8: 1–11)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John.
Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. At daybreak, Jesus appeared in the Temple again. All the people came to him, and he sat down and began to teach them. Then the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees brought in a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery. They made her stand in front of everyone. "Master," they stated, "this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now the Law of Moses orders that such women should be stoned to death; but you, what do you say?" They stated this to test Jesus, in order to have some charge against him. Jesus bent down and started writing on the ground with his finger. And as the people continued to ask him, he straightened up and stated to them, "Let anyone among you who has no sin be the first to throw a stone at her." Jesus returned back into writing on the ground. As a result of these words, they went away, one by one, starting with the elders, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. Then Jesus stood up and ask her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" She replied, "No one." And Jesus stated, "Neither do I condemn you. Now go, and never sin again."


  1. Primera Lectura (Isaías 43: 16-21)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Isaías.
    Esto dice Yahvé, que abrió un camino a través del mar como una calle en medio de las olas; que empujó al combate carros y caballería, un ejército con toda su gente: y quedaron tendidos, para no levantarse más, se apagaron como una mecha que se consume. Pero no se acuerden más de otros tiempos, ni sueñen ya más en las cosas del pasado. Pues yo voy a realizar una cosa nueva, que ya aparece. ¿No la notan? Sí, trazaré una ruta en las soledades y pondré praderas en el desierto. Los animales salvajes me felicitarán, ya sean lobos o búhos, porque le daré agua al desierto, y los ríos correrán en las tierras áridas para dar de beber a mi pueblo elegido. Entonces el pueblo que yo me he formado me cantará alabanzas.

    Segunda Lectura (Filipenses 3: 8-14)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Filipenses.
    Más aún, todo me parece una desventaja comparado con el inapreciable conocimiento de Cristo Jesús, mi Señor. Por él he sacrificado todas las cosas, a las que considero como desperdicio, con tal de ganar a Cristo y estar unido a él, no con mi propia justicia, la que procede de la Ley, sino con aquella que nace de la fe en Cristo, la que viene de Dios y se funda en la fe. Así podré conocerlo a él, conocer el poder de su resurrección y participar de sus sufrimientos, hasta hacerme semejante a él en la muerte, a fin de llegar, si es posible, a la resurrección de entre los muertos. Esto no quiere decir que haya alcanzado la meta ni logrado la perfección, pero sigo mi carrera con la esperanza de alcanzarla, habiendo sido yo mismo alcanzado por Cristo Jesús. Hermanos, yo no pretendo haberlo alcanzado. Digo solamente esto: olvidándome del camino recorrido, me lanzo hacia adelante y corro en dirección a la meta, para alcanzar el premio del llamado celestial que Dios me ha hecho en Cristo Jesús.

    Evangelio (Juan 8: 1-11)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Juan.
    Jesús fue al monte de los Olivos. Al amanecer volvió al Templo, y todo el pueblo acudía a él. Entonces se sentó y comenzó a enseñarles. Los escribas y los fariseos le trajeron a una mujer que había sido sorprendida en adulterio y, poniéndola en medio de todos, dijeron a Jesús: “Maestro, esta mujer ha sido sorprendida en flagrante adulterio. Moisés, en la Ley, nos ordenó apedrear a esta clase de mujeres. Y tú, ¿qué dices?” Decían esto para ponerlo a prueba, a fin de poder acusarlo. Pero Jesús, inclinándose, comenzó a escribir en el suelo con el dedo. Como insistían, se enderezó y les dijo: “El que no tenga pecado, que arroje la primera piedra.” E inclinándose nuevamente, siguió escribiendo en el suelo. Al oír estas palabras, todos se retiraron, uno tras otro, comenzando por los más ancianos. Jesús quedó solo con la mujer, que permanecía allí, e incorporándose, le preguntó: “Mujer, ¿dónde están tus acusadores? ¿Alguien te ha condenado?” Ella le respondió: “Nadie, Señor.” “Yo tampoco te condeno,” le dijo Jesús. “Vete, no peques más en adelante.”

  2. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 126) (Verses 1-6)
    The response is: The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.

    When the Lord brought the exiles back to Zion, we were like those moving in a dream. Then our mouths were filled with laughter, and our tongues with songs of joy.

    Among the nations it was stated, "The Lord has done great things for them." The Lord had done great things for us, and we were glad indeed.

    Bring back our exiles, O Lord, like fresh streams in the desert. Those who sow in tears will reap with songs and shouts of joy.

    They went forth weeping, bearing the seeds for sowing, they will come home with joyful shouts, bringing their harvested sheaves.

  3. Salmo responsivo (Salmo 126) (Versículos 1-6)
    La respuesta es: El Señor ha hecho grandes cosas por nosotros, estamos llenos con alegría.
    Cuando el Señor cambió la suerte de Sión, nos parecía que soñábamos: nuestra boca se llenó de risas y nuestros labios, de canciones. Hasta los mismos paganos decían: "¡El Señor hizo por ellos grandes cosas!" ¡Grandes cosas hizo el Señor por nosotros y estamos rebosantes de alegría! ¡Cambia, Señor, nuestra suerte como los torrentes del Négueb! Los que siembran entre lágrimas cosecharán entre canciones. El sembrador va llorando cuando esparce la semilla, pero vuelve cantando cuando trae las gavillas.

  4. Todas personas, ahora tenemos el nuevo Papá, Papá Francisco.

  5. Give me justice, O God, and plead my cause against a nation that is faithless. From the deceitful and cunning rescue me, for you, O God, are my strength.

  6. In the light of God's forgiveness let us become aware of the ugliness of sin and the goodness of God.

  7. This is the Kyrie for the 5th Sunday of Lent.
    Priest: Lord Jesus, you came into our world not to condemn it but to save it. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.

    Priest: Jesus Christ, you tell us go and sin no more. Christ, have mercy.
    Congregation: Christ, have mercy.

    Priest: Lord Jesus, when we have sinned you lift us up and make us free. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.

    Lord, forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Make us reconcilers like you and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.

  8. This is the Collect (Opening Prayer) for the 5th Sunday of Lent.
    Let us pray. By your help, we beseech you, Lord our God, may we walk eagerly in that same charity with which, out of love for the world, your Son handed himself over to death. Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

  9. This is the Verse Before the Gospel for the 5th Sunday of Lent.
    Praise and honor to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
    Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart, for I am gracious and merciful.
    Praise and honor to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

  10. Priest: In his love, God wants to make the world ever new. Let us entrust to his mercy our intentions and those of our brothers and sisters. Let us say: Lord of life, in you we trust.
    — For the Church we love, that it may be in our world a place and sign of forgiveness and reconciliation. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, of life, in you we trust.
    — For those who condemn and for those who are condemned, let us pray to the Lord. Lord of life, in you we trust.
    — For broken homes and for families that are united, let us pray to the Lord. Lord of life, in you we trust.
    — For those wounded by the hardships of life and for those who keep hoping, let us pray to the Lord. Lord of life, in you we trust.
    — For those in authority, that they pay attention to the people's needs and not crush anyone with their power, let us pray to the Lord. Lord of life, in you we trust.
    — For our Christian communities, that we keep accepting everyone with understanding and compassion, let us pray to the Lord. Lord of life, in you we trust.
    — Lord, in your Holy name, obtain for us from your Heavenly Father, His providence of the Saint Peter Canisius International Catholic Parish. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord of life, in you we trust.
    Priest: Let us pray to our Lord our God for our personal intentions in silence. And let us pray to the Lord. Lord of life, in you we trust.
    Lord our God, we thank you for listening to us and for showing us your patient mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  11. Hear us, almighty God, and having instilled in your servants the teachings of the Christian faith, graciously purify them by the working of this sacrifice. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  12. It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God. For you have given you children a sacred time for the renewing and purifying of their hearts, that freed for disordered affections, they may so deal with the things of this passing world as to hold rather to the things that eternally endure. And so, with all the Angels and Saints, we praise you, as without end we acclaim…

  13. Eucharistic Prayer no. 2 for reconciliation is utilized for this Mass.

  14. We pray, almighty God, that we may always be counted among the members of Christ, in whose Body and Blood we have communion. Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

  15. This is the Blessing (Closing Prayer) for the 5th Sunday of Lent.
    Bow your heads and pray for God's blessing.
    Bless, O Lord, your people, who long for the gift of your mercy, and grant that what at your prompting, they desire they may receive by your generous gift. Through Christ our lord. Amen.
    He promises to be with us with the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    The Mass has ended, and you are sent. Let us go in the joy and the strength of the Lord. Thanks be to God.


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