Saturday, March 30, 2013

Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil)

Date: March 30, 2013

First Reading (Genesis 1:1 – 2:2)
A reading from the book of Genesis.
In the beginning, when God began to create the heavens and the earth, the earth had no form and was void; darkness was over the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. God stated, "Let there be light"; and there was light. God saw that the light was good and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light 'Day' and the darkness 'Night'. There was evening and there was morning: the first day. God stated, "Let there be a firm ceiling between the waters and let it separate waters from waters." So God made the ceiling and separated the waters below it from the waters above it. And so it was. God called the firm ceiling 'Sky'. There was evening and there was morning: the second day. God stated, "Let the waters below the sky be gathered together in one place and let dry land appear." And so it was. God called the dry land 'Earth', and the waters gathered together he called "Seas'. God saw that it was good. God stated, "Let the earth produce vegetation, seed-bearing plants, fruit trees bearing fruit with seed, each according to its kind, upon the earth." And so it was. The earth produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kind and trees producing fruit which has seed, according it their kind. God saw that it was good. There was evening and there was morning: the third day. God stated, "Let there be lights in the ceiling of the sky to separate day from night and to serve as signs for the seasons, days, and years; and let these lights in the sky shine above the earth." And so it was. God therefore created two great lights, the greater light to govern the day and the smaller light to govern the night; and God made the stars as well. God place the stars in the ceiling of the sky to give light on the earth and to separate the light from the darkness. God saw that it was good. There was evening and there was morning: the fourth day. God stated, "Let the water teem with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth under the ceiling of the sky." God created the great creatures of the sea and all living animals, those that teem in the waters, according to their kind, and every winged bird, according to its kind. God saw that it was good. God blessed them saying, "Be fruitful and increase in number, fill the waters of the sea, and let the birds increase on the earth." There was evening and there was morning: the fifth day. God stated, "Let the earth produce living animals according to their kind: cattle, creatures that move along the ground, wild animals according to their kind." So it was. God created the wild animals according to their kind, and everything that creeps along the ground according to its kind. God saw that it was good. God stated, "Let us make man in our image, to our likeness. Let them rule over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, over the wild animals, and over all creeping things that crawl along the ground." So God created man in his image; in the image of God created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and stated to them, "Be fruitful and augment in number, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky, over every living creature that moves on the ground." God stated, "I have given you every seed-bearing plant which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree that bears fruit with seed. It will be for your food. To every wild animal, to every bird of the sky, to everything that creeps along the ground, to everything that has the breath of life, I give every green plant for food." So it was. God saw all that he had created, and it was very good. There was evening and there was morning: the sixth day. That was the way the sky and earth were created and all their vast array. By the seventh day the work God had done was completed, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work he had done.

Second Reading (Exodus 14:15 – 15:1)
A reading from the book of Exodus.
The Lord stated to Moses, "Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward. You will raise your staff and stretch your hand over the sea and divide to let the Israelites go dry foot through the sea. I will so harden the minds of the Egyptians that they will follow you. And I will have glory at the expense of Pharaoh, his army, his chariots and horsemen. The Egyptians will know that I am the Lord when I gain glory for myself at the cost of Pharaoh and his army!" The Angel of God who had gone ahead of the Israelites now placed himself behind them. The pillar of cloud changed its position from the front to the rear, between the camps of the Israelites and the Egyptians. For one army the cloud provided light, for the other darkness so that throughout the night the armies drew no closer to each other. Moses stretched his hand of the sea and the Lord made a strong east wind blow all night and dry up the sea. The waters divided and the sons of Israel went on dry ground through the middle of the sea, with the waters forming a wall to their right and to their left. The Egyptians followed them and all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots and horsemen moved forward in the middle of the sea. It happened that in the morning watch, the Lord in the pillar and fire, looked towards the Egyptian camp and threw it into confusion. He so clogged their chariot wheels that they could hardly move. Then the Egyptians stated, "Let us flee from the Israelites for the Lord is fighting for them against Egypt." Then the Lord stated to Moses, "Stretch your hand over the sea and let the waters come back over the Egyptians, over their chariots and horsemen." Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. At daybreak the sea returned to its place. As the Egyptians tried to retreat, the Lord swept them into the sea. The waters flowed back and engulfed the chariots and horsemen of the whole army of Pharaoh that had followed Israel into the sea. Not one of them escaped. As for the Israelites they went forward on dry ground in the middle of the sea, the waters forming a wall on their right and their left. On that day the Lord delivered Israel from the power of the Egyptians and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the seashore. They understood what wonders the Lord had done for them against Egypt, and the people feared the Lord. They believed in the Lord and in Moses, his servant. Then Moses and the people sang this song to the Lord: I will sing to the Lord, the glorious one, horse and rider he has thrown into the sea.

Third Reading (Ezekiel 36: 16-28)
A reading from the book of the Prophet Ezekiel.
The word of the Lord came to me in these terms, "Son of man, when Israel occupied her own land she defiled it by her way of life and her actions. To me her conduct was like the uncleanness of a women in her period. I poured out my fury on them because of the blood they shed in the land and because they defiled it with their filthy idols. Then I scattered them among the nations and disperse them in other lands. I judged them according to their conduct and their actions. But when they were brought to other nations, my holy Name was profaned because others stated to them: 'The people of the Lord had to be exiled from this land!' Then I was concerned for my holy Name, profaned by Israel among the nations where she had been dispersed. Now you shall say to the people of Israel: It is not for your sake that I am about to act, but because of my holy Name that you have profaned in the places where you have gone. I will make known the holiness of my great Name, profaned among the nations because of you, and they will know that I am the Lord when I show them my holiness among you. For I will gather you from all the nations and bring you back to your own land. Then I shall pour pure water over you and you shall be made clean – cleansed from the defilement of all your idols. I shall give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you. I shall remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. I shall put my spirit within you and move you to follow my decrees and keep my laws. You will live in the land I gave your ancestors; you shall be my people and I will be your God.

Epistle (Romans 6: 3-11)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans.
Brothers and sisters: You know that in baptism which unites us to Christ we are all baptized and plunged into his death. By this baptism in his death, we were buried with Christ and, as Christ was raised from among the dead by the Glory of the Father, so we begin walking in a new life. I was an image of his death when we were grafted in him, and so we will also share in his resurrection. We know that our old self was crucified with Christ, so as to destroy what of us was sin — if we are dead, we are no longer in debt to sin. But if we have died with Christ, we believe we will also live with him. We know that Christ, once risen from the dead, will never die again and death has no more dominion over him. There has been death: a death to sin once for all; there is life; a life in God. So you, too, must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus.

Gospel (Luke 24: 1-12)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
On the Sabbath, the women rested according to the commandment, but the first day of the week, at dawn, they went to the tomb with the perfumes and ointments they had prepared. Seeing the stone rolled away from the opening of the tomb, they entered and were puzzled to find that the body of the Lord Jesus was not there. Two men in dazzling garments appeared beside them. In fright the women bowed to the ground. But the men stated, "Why look for the living among the dead? You will not find him here. He has risen. Remember what he told you in Galilee, that the Son of Man had to be given into the hands of sinners, be crucified, and rise on the third day." And they recalled Jesus' words. Returning from the tomb, they informed the eleven disciples of Jesus and their companions. Among the women who brought the news were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of James. But however much they insisted, those who heard did not believe the seemingly nonsensical story. Then Peter got up and ran to the tomb. All he saw there when he was bending down were the linen cloths. He departed for his home, wondering.


  1. The Easter Vigil Mass is split into four different parts: The Solemn Beginning of the Vigil (the Service of Light), the Liturgy of the Word, the Liturgy of the Sacrament of Initiation, and finally, the Liturgy of the Eucharist.

    1. In this 1:00 PM celebration, we have four celebrants: Father Ignatius, Father Thomas, Father Anton, and Father Nico to complete this ceremony/service.

    2. Since there are baptist candidates and catechumens present during the Mass, the Mass will delay further due to these events. The confirmation and baptism of these two candidates, Timon and Francis.

    3. Nine readings are generally assigned for Easter Vigil; if time allows, all of the readings may be read. Otherwise, the number of readings read must be reduced to five. Regardless of time, the reading from Exodus should not be omitted.

  2. The priest states this to begin the vigil Mass: Dear brethren (brothers and sisters), on this most sacred night, in which our Lord Jesus Christ passed over from death to life, the Church calls upon her sons and daughters, scattered throughout the world, to come together to watch and pray. If we keep the memorial of the Lord's paschal solemnity in this way, listening to his word and celebrating his mysteries, then we shall have the sure hope of sharing his triumph over death and living with him in God.

    1. In the beginning of the Mass, the lights are turned off. The Entrance Hymn is omitted since the vigil commences solemnly.

    2. After the statement above, the priest blesses the fire, stating with hands extended: Let us pray. O God, who through your Son bestowed upon the faithful the fire of your glory, sanctify this new fire, we pray, and grant that by these paschal celebrations, we may be so inflamed with heavenly desires, that with minds made pure we may attain festivities of unending splendor. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    3. After the blessing of the new fire, one of the ministers brings the paschal candle to the celebrant, who cuts a cross in the candle with a stylus. Then he traces the Greek letter alpha above the cross, the letter omega below, and the four numerals of the current year between the arms of the cross. Meanwhile, the priest states: Christ yesterday and today (traces the vertical arm of the cross), the beginning and the end, (the horizontal arm), Alpha (above the cross), and Omega (below the cross), all time belongs to him (1st digit of the current year), and all the ages (2nd digit of the current year), to him be glory and power (3rd digit of the current year), through every age forever (final digit of the current year). Amen.

    4. After this, the priest inserts five grains of incense in the candle in the form of a cross, meanwhile stating: By his holy and glorious wounds, may Christ our Lord guard us and keep us. Amen.

    5. Then the priest lights the paschal candle from the new fire, stating: May the light of Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.
      Note that although this was written in the rubric, the priest did not state this.

    6. When the candle has been lit, one of the ministers takes burning coals from the fire and places them in the thurible, and the priest puts incense into it. The priest takes the Easter candle, lifts it high, and then sings: The Light of Christ.
      Congregation will reply: Thanks be to God.
      All servers enter the church, led by the priest with the Easter candle. If incense is used, the thurifer goes before the deacon (if available). At the church door, the priest lifts the candle high and sings a second time: The Light of Christ.
      Congregation will reply: Thanks be to God.
      All congregation will light their candles from the paschal candle and continue in the procession. When the priest arrives before the altar, he faces the people and sings a third time: The Light of Christ.
      Congregation will reply: Thanks be to God.
      After this, the paschal candle is placed on the large stand specialized for the candle. Then the lights in the church turn on, except for the altar candles.

    7. The Easter proclamation is sung. Congregation will remain standing and hold their lighted candles.

    8. After the Easter proclamation is sung, the great amen is sung. Then once the song is complete, candle flames are extinguished and the congregation sits down. Then the priest states: Dear brethren (brothers and sisters), now that we have begun our solemn Vigil, let us listen with quiet hearts to the Word of God. Let us meditate on how God in times past saved his people and these, the last days, has sent us his Son as our Redeemer. Let us pray that our God may complete this paschal work of salvation by the fullness of redemption.

  3. This is the Psalm after the first reading from the book of Genesis.
    Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 33) (Verses 4-7, 12-13, 20 and 22)
    The response is: The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.

    For upright is the Lord's word and worthy of trust is his work. The Lord loves and justice and righteousness; the earth is full of his kindness.

    The heavens were created by his word, the breath of his mouth formed their starry host. He gathered the waters of the sea into a heap, and stored the deep in cellars.

    Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord — the people he has chosen for his inheritance. The Lord looks down from heaven and sees the whole race of mortals.

    In hope we wait for the Lord, for he is our help and our shield. O Lord, let your love rest upon us, even as our hope rests in you.

    1. Salmo responsivo (Salmo 33) (Versículos 4-7, 12-13, 20 y 22)
      La respuesta es: La tierra está llena de la bondad de Dios.
      Porque la palabra del Señor es recta y él obra siempre con lealtad; él ama la justicia y el derecho, y la tierra está llena de su amor.
      La palabra del Señor hizo el cielo, y el aliento de su boca, los ejércitos celestiales; él encierra en un cántaro las aguas del mar y pone en un depósito las olas del océano.
      ¡Feliz la nación cuyo Dios es el Señor, el pueblo que él se eligió como herencia! El Señor observa desde el cielo y contempla a todos los hombres.
      Nuestra alma espera en el Señor; él es nuestra ayuda y nuestro escudo. Señor, que tu amor descienda sobre nosotros, conforme a la esperanza que tenemos en ti.

  4. Primera Lectura (Génesis 1:1 – 2:2)
    Una lectura del libro del Génesis.
    En el principio, cuando Dios creó los cielos y la tierra, todo era confusión y no había nada en la tierra. Las tinieblas cubrían los abismos mientras el espíritu de Dios aleteaba sobre la superficie de las aguas. Dijo Dios: “Haya luz”, y hubo luz. Dios vio que la luz era buena, y separó la luz de las tinieblas. Dios llamó a la luz “Día” y a las tinieblas “Noche”. Atardeció y amaneció: fue el día Primero. Dijo Dios: “Haya una bóveda en medio de las aguas, para que separe unas aguas de las otras hizo Dios entonces como una bóveda y separó unas aguas de las otras: las que estaban por encima del firmamento, de las que estaban por debajo de él. Y así sucedió. Dios llamó a esta bóveda “Cielo.” Y atardeció y amaneció: fue el día Segundo. Dijo Dios: “Júntense las aguas de debajo de los cielos en un solo depósito, y aparezca el suelo seco.” Y así fue. Dios llamó al suelo seco “Tierra” y al depósito de las aguas “Mares.” Y vio Dios que esto era bueno. Dijo Dios: “Produzca la tierra hierba, plantas que den semilla, y árboles frutales que por toda la tierra den fruto con su semilla dentro, cada uno según su especie.” Y así fue. La tierra produjo hierba, plantas que dan semillas y árboles frutales que dan fruto con su semilla dentro, cada uno según su especie. Dios vio que esto era bueno. Y atardeció y amaneció: fue el día Tercero. Dijo Dios: “Haya luceros en el cielo que separen el día de la noche, que sirvan para señalar las fiestas, los días y los años, y que brillen en el firmamento para iluminar la tierra.” Y así sucedió. E hizo Dios los dos grandes luceros: el lucero mayor para regir el día, el lucero menor para regir la noche, e hizo también las estrellas. Dios los colocó en lo alto de los cielos para iluminar la tierra, para regir el día y la noche y separar la luz de las tinieblas; y vio Dios que esto era bueno. Y atardeció y amaneció: fue el día Cuarto. Dijo Dios: “Llénense las aguas de seres vivientes y revoloteen aves sobre la tierra y bajo el firmamento.” Dios creó entonces los grandes monstruos marinos y todos los seres que viven en el agua según su especie, y todas las aves, según su especie. Y vio Dios que todo ello era bueno. Los bendijo Dios, diciendo: “Crezcan, multiplíquense y llenen las aguas del mar, y multiplíquense asimismo las aves sobre la tierra.” Y atardeció y amaneció: fue el día Quinto. Dijo Dios: “Produzca la tierra vivientes según sus especies, animales del campo, reptiles y fieras.” Y así fue. Dios hizo las distintas clases de animales salvajes según su especie, los animales del campo según sus especies, y todos los reptiles de la tierra según sus especies. Y vio Dios que todo esto era bueno. Dijo Dios: “Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen y semejanza. Que tenga autoridad sobre los peces del mar y sobre las aves del cielo, sobre los animales del campo, las fieras salvajes y los reptiles que se arrastran por el suelo.” Y creó Dios al hombre a su imagen. A imagen de Dios lo creó. Varón y mujer los creó. Dios los bendijo, diciéndoles: “Sean fecundos y multiplíquense. Llenen la tierra y sométanla. Tengan autoridad sobre los peces del mar, sobre las aves del cielo y sobre todo ser viviente que se mueve sobre la tierra.” Dijo Dios: “Hoy les entrego para que se alimenten toda clase de plantas con semillas que hay sobre la tierra, y toda clase de árboles frutales. A los animales salvajes, a las aves del cielo y a todos los seres vivientes que se mueven sobre la tierra, les doy pasto verde para que coman.” Y así fue. Dios vio que todo cuanto había hecho era muy bueno. Y atardeció y amaneció: fue el día Sexto. Así estuvieron terminados el cielo, la tierra y todo lo que hay en ellos. El día séptimo Dios tuvo terminado su trabajo, y descansó en ese día de todo lo que había hecho.

    1. This is the prayer after the first reading and the first responsorial psalm.
      Let us pray. Almighty ever-living God, who are wonderful in the ordering of all your works, may those you have redeemed understand that there exists nothing more marvelous than the world's creation in the beginning except that at the end of the ages, Christ our Passover has been sacrificed, who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

  5. Segunda Lectura (Éxodo 14:15 – 15:1)
    Una lectura del libro del Éxodo.
    Yahvé dijo a Moisés: “¿Por qué clamas a mí? Di a los hijos de Israel que se pongan en marcha. Luego levanta tu bastón, extiende tu mano sobre el mar y divídelo, para que los hijos de Israel pasen en seco por medio del mar. Yo, mientras tanto, endureceré el corazón de los egipcios para que salgan en persecución de ustedes, y me haré famoso a costa de Faraón y de todo su ejército, de sus carros y de su caballería. Entonces Egipto conocerá que yo soy Yahvé.” El Ángel de Dios que iba delante de los israelitas pasó detrás de ellos; también la nube en forma de columna vino a colocarse detrás, poniéndose entre el campo de los israelitas y el de los egipcios. Esta nube era para unos tinieblas y para otros iluminaba la noche; y no se acercaron los unos a los otros durante la noche. Moisés extendió su mano sobre el mar y Yahvé hizo soplar durante toda la noche un fuerte viento del oriente que secó el mar. Se dividieron las aguas. Los israelitas pasaron en seco, por medio del mar; las aguas les hacían de murallas a izquierda y a derecha. Los egipcios se lanzaron a perseguirlos, y todo el ejército de Faraón entró en medio del mar con sus carros y caballos. Llegada la madrugada, Yahvé miró a los egipcios desde el fuego y la nube, y provocó el desorden en el ejército de Faraón. Atascó las ruedas de sus carros, que no podían avanzar sino con gran dificultad. Entonces los egipcios dijeron: “Huyamos de Israel, porque Yahvé pelea con ellos contra nosotros.” Pero Yahvé dijo a Moisés: “Extiende tu mano sobre el mar, y las aguas volverán sobre los egipcios, sus carros y sus caballos.” Moisés extendió su mano sobre el mar. Al amanecer, el mar volvió a su lugar. Mientras los egipcios trataban de huir, Yahvé arrojó a los egipcios en el mar. Las aguas al volver cubrieron los carros y los que los montaban, o sea, todo el ejército de Faraón que había entrado en el mar persiguiéndolos: no se escapó ni uno solo. Los israelitas, en cambio, habían pasado en medio del mar; las aguas les hacían de murallas a derecha e izquierda. Aquel día, Yahvé liberó a Israel del poder de los egipcios; e Israel vio a los egipcios muertos en la orilla del mar. Israel vio los prodigios que Yahvé había obrado contra Egipto, y el pueblo temió a Yahvé. Creyó en Yahvé y en Moisés, su siervo. Entonces Moisés y los hijos de Israel cantaron este cántico a Yahvé: “Cantaré a Yahvé, que se ha cubierto de gloria; caballos y carros ha arrojado en el mar.”

    1. This is the Psalm comes after the second reading from the book of Exodus.
      Responsorial Psalm (Exodus 15: 1-6, and 17)
      The response is: Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory.

      I will sing to the Lord, the glorious one, horse and rider he has thrown into the sea. The Lord is my strength and my song, and he is my salvation. He is my God and I will praise him; the God of my father: I will extol him.

      The Lord is a warrior; Lord is his name. The chariots of Pharaoh and his army has hurled into the sea by the Lord; his chosen officers drowned in the Red Sea.

      The deep covers them; they went down like a stone. Your hand, O Lord, glorious and powerful, your right hand, O Lord, shatters the enemy.

      You brought in the people you redeemed and plant them on the mountain of your inheritance, the place you chose to dwell in, O Lord, the sanctuary prepared by your hands. The Lord will reign forever!

    2. Salmo responsivo (Éxodo 15: 1-6 y 17-18)
      La respuesta: Cantemos al Dios, que se ha cubierto de gloria.
      Cantaré a Yahvé, que se ha cubierto de gloria; caballos y carros ha arrojado en el mar. ¡Yahvé, mi fortaleza! A él le cantaré, él fue mi salvación, él es mi Dios y lo alabaré, el Dios de mi padre, lo ensalzaré.
      Yahvé es un guerrero, Yahvé es su nombre. Los carros de Faraón y su ejército: ¡los precipitó en el mar! Los mejores de sus oficiales, ¡hundidos en el Mar Rojo!
      Las aguas profundas los han sepultado, hasta el fondo cayeron como piedra. Tu diestra, Yahvé, de tremendo poder, tu diestra, Yahvé, aplasta al enemigo.
      Tú lo llevarás y lo plantarás en el monte que es tuyo, el lugar en que habitas, oh Yahvé; el Santuario del Señor, obra de sus manos. ¡Qué Yahvé reine eternamente!

    3. This is the prayer after the second reading and the second responsorial psalm.
      Let us pray. O God, whose ancient wonders remain undimmed in splendor even in our day, for what you once bestowed on a single people, freeing them from Pharaoh's persecution by the power of your right hand, now your bring about as the salvation of the nations through the waters of rebirth, grant that we pray, that the whole world may become children of Abraham and inherit the dignity of Israel's birthright. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  6. Tercera Lectura (Ezequiel 36: 16-28)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Ezequiel.
    Se me comunicó esta palabra de Yahvé: “Hijo de hombre, cuando Israel vivía en su tierra, la volvió impura con su conducta y sus acciones; su conducta era a mis ojos como la impureza de la mujer. Entonces decidí desatar contra ellos mi cólera, los dispersé por entre las naciones, los desparramé entre los países; los juzgué de acuerdo a su conducta y a sus acciones. Y así llegaron a las naciones. Pero allí también fue profanado mi nombre.” En efecto se decía: “Este es el pueblo de Yahvé que tuvo que salir de su país.” Entonces salí en defensa de mi Nombre, porque éste había sido profanado en las naciones donde se encontraba Israel y por culpa de éste.” Por eso le dirás esta palabra de Yahvé a la casa de Israel: “no es por ustedes que hago esto, casa de Israel, sino por mi santo Nombre que por culpa de ustedes fue profanado en las naciones donde estaban. Santificaré mi nombre que fue profanado en las naciones y ustedes fueron los que lo hicieron despreciable. Las naciones sabrán que yo soy Yahvé cuando, por medio de ustedes, aparezca ante sus ojos mi santidad. Los sacaré de las naciones, los reuniré de entre los pueblos y los traeré de vuelta a su tierra. Los rociaré con un agua pura y quedarán purificados; los purificaré de todas sus impurezas y de todos sus inmundos ídolos. Les daré un corazón nuevo y pondré dentro de ustedes un espíritu nuevo. Quitaré de su carne ese corazón de piedra y les daré un corazón de carne. Pondré dentro de ustedes mi Espíritu y haré que caminen según mis mandamientos, que observen mis leyes y que las pongan en práctica. Vivirán en el país que di a sus padres, ustedes serán mi pueblo y yo seré su Dios.

    1. This is the Psalm that comes after the third reading from the book of the Prophet Ezekiel.
      Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 42) (Verses 3, 5, [3 and 4; Psalm 43])
      The response is: Like a deer that longs for running streams, my soul longs for you, my God.

      My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I go and see the face of God?

      Now as I pour out my soul, I remember all this – how I used to lead the faithful in procession to the house of God, amid shouts of joy and thanksgiving, among the feasting throng.

      Psalm 43 (42)
      Send forth your light and your truth; let them be my guide, let them take me to your holy mountain, to the place where you reside.

      Then I will go to the altar of God, to God, my gladness and delight. I will praise you with the lyre and harp, O God, my God.

    2. Salmo responsivo (Salmo 42: 3 y 5; salmo 43: 3-4)
      La respuesta es: Como un ciervo que busca las corrientes de agua, mi alma suspira por ti, mi Dios.
      Mi alma tiene sed de Dios, del Dios viviente: ¿Cuándo iré a contemplar el rostro de Dios?
      Al recordar el pasado, me dejo llevar por la nostalgia: ¡cómo iba en medio de la multitud y la guiaba hacia la Casa de Dios, entre cantos de alegría y alabanza, en el júbilo de la fiesta!
      Envíame tu luz y tu verdad: que ellas me encaminen y me guíen a tu santa Montaña, hasta el lugar donde habitas.
      Y llegaré al altar de Dios, el Dios que es la alegría de mi vida; y te daré gracias con la cítara, Señor, Dios mío.

  7. After the final Old Testament reading, this prayer is stated: Let us pray. O God of unchanging power and eternal light, look with favor on the wondrous mystery of the whole Church and serenely accomplish the work of human salvation, which you planned from all eternity; may the whole world know and see that what was cast down is raised up, what had become old is made new, and all things are restored to integrity through Christ, just as by him they came into being. Who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

    1. After the final reading from the Old Testament with its responsory and prayer, the altar candles are lighted, and the priest in tones the Gloria, which is taken up by all present. The church bells are rung, according to the local custom. At the end of the Gloria, the priest sings or states the collect in the usual way.

    2. This is the Collect after the Gloria:
      O God, who make this most sacred night radiant with the glory of the Lord's Resurrection, stir up in your Church a spirit of adoption, so that renewed in body and mind, we may render you undivided service. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

    3. Epístola (romanos 6: 3-11)
      Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los romanos.
      ¿No saben ustedes que todos los que fuimos bautizados en Cristo Jesús, nos hemos sumergido en su muerte? Pro el bautismo fuimos sepultados con él en la muerte, para que así como Cristo resucitó por la gloria del Padre, también nosotros llevemos una Vida nueva. Porque si nos hemos identificado con Cristo por una muerte semejante a la suya, también nos identificaremos con él en la resurrección. Comprendámoslo: nuestro hombre viejo ha sido crucificado con él, para que fuera destruido este cuerpo de pecado, y así dejáramos de ser esclavos del pecado. Porque el que está muerto, no debe nada al pecado. Pero si hemos muerto con Cristo, creemos que también viviremos con él. Sabemos que Cristo, después de resucitar, no muere más, porque la muerte ya no tiene poder sobre él. Al morir, él murió al pecado, una vez por todas; y ahora que vive, vive para Dios. Así también ustedes, considérense muertos al pecado y vivos para Dios en Cristo Jesús.

  8. This is the Psalm that comes after the epistle of the letter from Saint Paul to the Romans.
    Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 118) (Verses 1, 2, 16, 17, 22, and 23)
    The response is: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

    Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his loving kindness endures forever. Let Israel say, "His loving kindness endures forever."

    The right hand of the Lord is lifted high, the right hand of the Lord strikes mightily! I shall not die, but live to proclaim what the Lord has done.

    The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone. This was the Lord's doing, and we marvel at it.

    1. Salmo responsivo (Salmo 118) (Versículos 1-2, 16-17, y 22-23)
      La respuesta es: ¡Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya!
      ¡Den gracias al Señor, porque es bueno, porque es eterno su amor! Qué lo diga el pueblo de Israel: ¡es eterno su amor!
      A mano del Señor es sublime, la mano del Señor hace proezas. No, no moriré: viviré para publicar lo que hizo el Señor.
      La piedra que los constructores rechazaron ha llegado a ser la piedra angular. Esto ha sido hecho por el Señor y es admirable a nuestros ojos.

    2. Salmo responsivo (Salmo 118) (Versículos 1-2, 16-17, y 22-23)
      La respuesta es: ¡Aleluya, aleluya, aleluya!
      • ¡Den gracias al Señor, porque es bueno, porque es eterno su amor! Qué lo diga el pueblo de Israel: ¡es eterno su amor!
      • A mano del Señor es sublime, la mano del Señor hace proezas. No, no moriré: viviré para publicar lo que hizo el Señor.
      • La piedra que los constructores rechazaron ha llegado a ser la piedra angular. Esto ha sido hecho por el Señor y es admirable a nuestros ojos.

  9. Evangelio (Lucas 24: 1-12)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Lucas.
    El primer día de la semana, muy temprano, fueron las mujeres al sepulcro, llevando los perfumes que habían preparado. Pero se encontraron con una novedad: la piedra que cerraba el sepulcro había sido removida, y al entrar no encontraron el cuerpo del Señor Jesús. No sabían qué pensar, pero en ese momento vieron a su lado a dos hombres con ropas fulgurantes. Estaban tan asustadas que no se atrevían a levantar los ojos del suelo. Pero ellos les dijeron: “¿Por qué buscan entre los muertos al que vive? No está aquí. Resucitó. Acuérdense de lo que les dijo cuando todavía estaba en Galilea: ‘El Hijo del Hombre debe ser entregado en manos de los pecadores y ser crucificado, y al tercer día resucitará’.” Ellas entonces recordaron las palabras de Jesús. Al volver del sepulcro, les contaron a los Once y a todos los demás lo que les había sucedido. Las que hablaban eran María de Magdala, Juana y María, la madre de Santiago. También las demás mujeres que estaban con ellas de cían lo mismo a los apóstoles. Pero no les creyeron, y esta novedad les pareció puros cuentos. Pedro, sin embargo, se levantó y fue corriendo al sepulcro; se agachó y no vio más que los lienzos, por lo que volvió a casa preguntándose por lo ocurrido.

  10. As always, the homily comes after the Gospel. Father Ignatius' homily lasts for 16'31"3.

  11. After the Gospel, the Liturgy of the Sacrament of Initiation commences. Since there are candidates and catechumens to be baptized and confirmed, this invitation to the prayer is stated: Dearly beloved, with one heart and one soul, let us by our prayers come to the aid of these our brothers and sisters in their blessed hope, so that, as they approach the font of rebirth, the almighty Father may bestow on them all his merciful help.

    1. The Litany of the Saints begins after the prayer above. The choir supports with by sing in song this litany.

    2. Choir: Lord, have mercy.
      Congregation: Lord, have mercy.
      Choir: Christ, have mercy.
      Congregation: Christ, have mercy.
      Choir: Lord, have mercy.
      Congregation: Lord, have mercy.
      Choir: Holy Mary, Mother of God…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Michael…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Holy Angels of God…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint John the Baptist…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Joseph…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Peter and Saint Paul…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Andrew…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint John…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Mary Magdalene…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Stephen…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Ignatius of Antioch…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Lawrence…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicity…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Agnes…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Gregory…
      Congregation: Pray for us.

    3. Extra note: The Apostle's Creed is omitted. This can be reflected during the profession of faith.

  12. Replies
    1. Choir: Saint Augustine…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Athanasius…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Basil…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Martin…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Benedict…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Francis and Saint Dominic…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Francis Xavier…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint John Vianney…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Catherine of Siena…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Saint Teresa of Jesus…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: All holy men and women, Saints of God…
      Congregation: Pray for us.
      Choir: Lord be merciful…
      Congregation: Lord, deliver us, we pray.
      Choir: From all evil…
      Congregation: Lord, deliver us, we pray.
      Choir: From every sin…
      Congregation: Lord, deliver us, we pray.
      Choir: From everlasting death…
      Congregation: Lord, deliver us, we pray.
      Choir: By your incarnation…
      Congregation: Lord, deliver us, we pray.
      Choir: By your death and resurrection…
      Congregation: Lord, deliver us, we pray.
      Choir: By the outpouring of the Holy Spirit…
      Congregation: Lord, deliver us, we pray.
      Choir: Be merciful to us sinners…
      Congregation: Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.

  13. Choir: Bring these chosen ones to new birth through the grace of baptism…
    Congregation: Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
    Choir: Jesus, Son of the living God…
    Congregation: Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
    Choir: Christ, hear us.
    Congregation: Christ, hear us.
    Choir: Christ, graciously hear us.
    Congregation: Christ, graciously hear us.

  14. Now after the litany, the priest blesses the baptismal water stating these prayers with hands extended.

    1. O God, who by invisible power accomplish a wondrous effect through sacramental signs and who in many ways have prepared water, your creation, to show forth the grace of baptism.
      O God, whose spirit in the first moments of the world's creation hovered over the waters, so that the very substance of water would even then take to itself the power to sanctify.
      O God, who by the outpouring of the flood foreshadowed regeneration, so that from the mystery of one and the same element of water would come to an end to vice and a beginning of virtue.
      O God, who caused the children of Abraham to pass dry-shod through the Red Sea, so that the chosen people, set free from slavery to Pharaoh, would prefigure the people of the baptized.
      O God, whose Son baptized by John in the waters of the Jordan, was anointed with the Holy Spirit, and as he hung upon the cross, gave forth water from his side along with blood, and after his resurrection, commanded his disciples: "Go forth, teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," look now, we pray, upon the face of your church and graciously unseal for her the fountain of baptism.
      May this water received by the Holy Spirit the grace of your Only Begotten Son, so that human nature, created in your image and washed clean through the Sacrament of Baptism from all the squalor of the life of old, may be found worthy to rise to the life of newborn children through water and the Holy Spirit.

  15. If appropriate, the priest may lower the paschal candle into the water either once or three times. Then the priest continues: May the power of the Holy Spirit, O Lord, we pray, come down through your son into the fullness of this font, so that all who have been buried with Christ by Baptism into death may rise again to life like him or to live with him. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

    1. The congregation should acclaim: Spring of water, bless the Lord. Praise and exult him above all forever. Amen.

    2. Since there are candidates and catechumens to be baptized and confirmed, the priest inquires the candidates a series of questions regarding the renunciation/rejection of evil and the belief of God.

    3. Now after this, the congregation stand with their lighted candles and renew their baptismal profession of faith. Then the priest speaks to the people in these or similar words.
      Dear brethren (brothers and sisters), through the paschal mystery we have been buried with Christ in baptism, so that we may walk with him in newness of life. And so, now that our lenten observance is concluded, let us renew the promises of Holy Baptism by which we once renounced/rejected Satan and his works and promised to serve God in the holy Catholic Church. And so I ask you:
      Priest: Do you renounce/reject Satan?
      Congregation: I do.
      Priest: And all his works?
      Congregation: I do.
      Priest: And all his empty show/promises?
      Congregation: I do.
      After this, without delay or pause, the priest continues with the profession of faith.
      Priest: Do you believe in the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth?
      Congregation: I do.
      Priest: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born/conceived of the Virgin Mary, suffered death and was buried, rose from the dead, and is seated at the right hand of the Father?
      Congregation: I do.
      Priest: Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?
      Congregation: I do.
      Finally the priest concludes: And may almighty God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has given us new birth by water and the Holy Spirit and bestowed on us forgiveness of our sins, keep us by his grace, in Christ Jesus our Lord, for eternal life. Amen.

    4. The priest sprinkles holy water on the congregation as an act for renewing their faith and their baptismal promise.

  16. The celebration of reception commences. Since there were candidates and catechumens baptized and confirmed, the priest invites these candidates to the reception, along with their godparents (sponsors), to approach the altar to profess their faith.
    The priest states: Timon and Francis, of your own free will you have asked to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church. You have made your decision after careful thought under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I now invite you to come forward with your sponsors and in the presence of the community to profess the Catholic faith. In this faith you will be one with us for the first time at the Eucharistic table of the Lord Jesus, the sign of the Church's unity.

    1. Candidates reply: I believe and profess all that the holy Catholic Church believes, teaches, and proclaims to be revealed by God.

    2. The priest responds to the candidates who is on the verge of being confirmed: Francis, the Lord receives you into the Catholic Church. His loving kindness has led you here, so that in the unity of the Holy Spirit you may have full communion with us in the faith that you have professed in the presence of your family.

    3. Offertory hymn commences and collections begin after this point. It would be appropriate for the newly baptized to offer these offerings to God, although this did not transpire.

    4. Now now! Looks like Sean and family offer gifts to God in front of hundreds of members!

    5. Offerings to God with family who generally go to church every Saturday.

    6. Interesting. Usually, the newly baptized should offer these offerings. It is extraordinary that the newly baptized be served by families who are in fact already members of the church.

    7. Hey, what happened here? God should have chosen the newly baptized members.

    8. Hey now, Sylas Sanj, God can pick any family to offer gifts. Have you no fear of God? Why you believe that newly baptized members should offer gifts. Everyone should be welcome to offer gifts to God.

    9. Oh, I apologize. I did not know that it does not have to be restricted to these newly baptized members.

    10. No, cabeza de chorlito. La Misa es libre, y no tiene que seguir la rúbrica. Por supuesto, es apropiado para seguir la rúbrica para que la congregación siga durante la Misa.

    11. Sí. Claro. Lo siento porque tengo poco juicio. Gracias para clarificar esta información.

  17. The priest performs the preparation of bread and wine the common way.

    1. Accept, we ask, O Lord, the prayers of your people with the sacrificial offerings, that what has begun in the paschal mysteries may, by the working of your power, bring us to the healing of eternity. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    2. It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, at all times to acclaim you, O Lord, but (on this night/on this day/in this time) above all to laud you yet more gloriously, when Christ our Passover has been sacrificed. For he is the true Lamb who has taken away the sins of the world; by dying he has destroyed our death, and by his rising, he restored our life. Therefore, overcome with paschal joy, every land, every people exults in your praise and even the heavenly powers, with the angelic hosts, sing together the unending hymn of your glory, as they acclaim…

    3. Eucharistic Prayer no. 1 is utilized for this Mass. See the Eucharistic Prayer specialized for Easter Vigil.

    4. Pour out on us, O Lord, the Spirit of your love, and in your kindness make those you have nourished by this paschal Sacrament one in mind and heart. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    5. Bow your heads and pray for God's blessing.
      May almighty God bless you through today's Easter Solemnity and in his compassion, defend you from every assault of sin. Amen.
      And may he, who restores you to eternal life in the resurrect of his only begotten, endow you with the prize of immortality. Amen.
      Now that the days of the Lord's Passion have drawn to a close, may you who celebrate the gladness of the Paschal Feast come with Christ's help, and exulting in spirit, to those feasts that are celebrate in eternal joy. Amen.
      And may the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, come down on you and remain with you forever. Amen.
      The Mass has ended, and you are sent. Therefore, go in peace to love and serve the Lord, alleluia, alleluia. Thanks be to God, alleluia, alleluia.

  18. Wow. The Mass is super extremely tremendously long.


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