Saturday, August 24, 2013

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: August 25, 2013

First Reading (Isaiah 66: 18-21)
A reading from the book of the Prophet Isaiah.
Thus says the Lord: Now I am going to gather the nations of every tongue, and they will witness my glory, for I will perform a wonderful thing among them. Then I will send some of their survivors to the nations – Tarshish, Put, Lud, Moscheck, Rosh, Tubal, and Javan – to the distant islands where no one has ever heard of me or seen my glory. They will proclaim my glory among the nations. They will bring your kindred from all the nations as an offering to the Lord on horses, in chariots, in litters, on mules, on camels to my holy mountain in Jerusalem, says the Lord, just as the Israelites bring oblations in clean vessels to the house of the Lord. Then I will choose priests and Levites even from them, says the Lord.

Second Reading (Hebrews 12: 5-7 and 11-13)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Hebrews.
Brothers and sisters: Do not forget the comforting words that Wisdom addresses to you as children: My son, pay attention when the Lord corrects you and do not be discouraged when he punishes you. For the Lord corrects those he loves and chastises everyone he accepts as a son. What you endure is in order to correct you. God treats you like sons and what son is not corrected by his father? All correction is painful at the moment, rather than pleasant; later it brings the fruit of peace, that is, holiness to those who have been trained by it. Lift up, then, your drooping hands, and strengthen your trembling knees; make level the ways for your feet, so that the lame may not be disabled, but healed.

Gospel (Luke 13: 22-30)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.

Jesus went through towns and villages teaching and making his way to Jerusalem. Someone asked Jesus, "Lord, is it true that few people will be saved?" And Jesus answered, "Do your best to enter by the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to. When once the master of the house has got up and locked the door, you will stand outside; then you will knock at the door calling: 'Lord, open to us.' But he will say to you: 'I do not know where you come from.' Then you will say: 'We ate and drank with you and you taught in our streets!' But he will reply: 'I do not know where you come from. Away from me all you workers of evil.' You will weep and grind your teeth when you see Abraham and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and your yourselves left outside. Others will sit at table in the kingdom of God, people coming from east and west, from north and south. Some who are among the last will be first, and others who were first will be last."


  1. ¡Hola todos! ¿Puedes creer que la primera semana de escuela se acabó tan rápidamente? Es increíble.

    1. ¡Hola vosotros! ¿Creéis que estos primeros días terminaron rápidamente? Creo que sí. Los profesores ahora te lanzan tareas a ti.

    2. Es verdad que los profesores les gusta enseñarte y agregar tu inteligencia.

  2. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 117) (Verses 1 and 2)
    The response is: Go out to all the world and tell the Good News. Or you may say Alleluia.

    Praise the Lord, all you nations; all you peoples, praise him.

    How great is his love for us! His faithfulness lasts forever.

  3. Primera Lectura (Isaías 66: 18–21)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Isaías.
    Ahora vengo a reunir a los paganos de todos los pueblos y de todos los idiomas. Y cuando vengan, serán testigos de mi gloria. Yo haré un prodigio en medio de ellos y, luego, mandaré los sobrevivientes hacia todas las naciones: hacia Tarsis, Lud y Put, Meshek, Tubal y Javan, en una palabra, hacia las tierras lejanas de ultramar que no saben de mi fama ni han visto mi gloria. Ellos darán a conocer mi gloria entre las naciones a lo lejos, y de todos los pueblos traerán a todos tus hermanos dispersos como una ofrenda a Yahvé, a caballo, en carro, en carretas, a lomo de mula o de camello. Me los traerán a mi cerro santo en Jerusalén, igual que los hijos de Israel me traen sus regalos para el templo de Yahvé en vasos puros. Y Yahvé lo afirma: “De entre ellos también tomaré sacerdotes y levitas para mí.”

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 117) (Versículos 1 y 2)
    La respuesta es: Sal al mundo entero y cuenta las Buenas Noticias. O puedes decir ¡aleluya!
    • ¡Alaben al Señor, todas las naciones, glorifíquenlo, todos los pueblos!
    • Porque es inquebrantable su amor por nosotros, y su fidelidad permanece para siempre. (¡Aleluya!)

    Segunda Lectura (hebreos 12: 5–7 y 11–13)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los hebreos.
    Tal vez hayan olvidado la palabra de consuelo que la sabiduría les dirige como a hijos: Hijo, no te pongas triste porque el Señor te corrige, no te desanimes cuando te reprenda; pues el Señor corrige al que ama y castiga al que recibe como hijo. Ustedes sufren, pero es para su bien, y Dios los trata como a hijos: ¿a qué hijo no lo corrige su padre? Ninguna corrección nos alegra en el momento, más bien duele; pero con el tiempo, si nos dejamos instruir, traerá frutos de paz y de santidad. Por lo tanto, levanten las manos caídas y fortalezcan las rodillas que tiemblan, enderecen los caminos tortuosos por donde han de pasar, para que el cojo no se desencamine y más bien se mejore.

    Evangelio (Lucas 13: 22–30)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Lucas.
    Jesús iba enseñando por las ciudades y pueblos, mientras se dirigía a Jerusalén. Una persona le preguntó: “Señor, ¿es verdad que son pocos los que se salvan?” Él respondió: “Traten de entrar por la puerta estrecha, porque les aseguro que muchos querrán entrar y no lo conseguirán. En cuanto el dueño de casa se levante y cierre la puerta, ustedes, desde afuera, se pondrán a golpear la puerta, diciendo: ‘Señor, ábrenos.’ Y él les responderá: ‘No sé de dónde son ustedes.’ Entonces comenzarán a decir: ‘Hemos comido y bebido contigo, y tú enseñaste en nuestras plazas.’ Pero él les dirá: ‘No sé de dónde son ustedes; ¡apártense de mí todos los que hacen el mal!’ Allí habrá llantos y rechinar de dientes, cuando vean a Abraham, a Isaac, a Jacob y a todos los profetas en el Reino de Dios, y ustedes sean arrojados afuera. Y vendrán muchos de Oriente y de Occidente, del Norte y del Sur, a ocupar su lugar en el banquete del Reino de Dios. Hay algunos que son los últimos y serán los primeros, y hay otros que son los primeros y serán los últimos.”

  4. Bacaan Pertama (Yesaya 66: 18-21)
    Pembacaan dari kitab dari nabi Yesaya.
    Aku mengenal segala perbuatan dan rancangan mereka, dan Aku datang untuk mengumpulkan segala bangsa dari semua bahasa, dan mereka itu akan datang dan melihat kemuliaan-Ku. Aku akan menaruh tanda di tengah-tengah mereka dan akan mengutus dari antara mereka orang-orang yang terluput kepada bangsa-bangsa, yakni Tarsis, Pul dan Lud, ke Mesekh dan Rosh, ke Tubal dan Yawan, ke pulau-pulau yang jauh yang belum pernah mendengar kabar tentang Aku dan yang belum pernah melihat kemuliaan-Ku, supaya mereka memberitakan kemuliaan-Ku di antara bangsa-bangsa. Mereka itu akan membawa semua saudaramu dari antara segala bangsa sebagai korban untuk TUHAN di atas kuda dan kereta dan di atas usungan, di atas bagal dan unta betina yang cepat, ke atas gunung-Ku yang kudus, ke Yerusalem, firman TUHAN, sama seperti orang Israel membawa korban dalam wadah yang tahir ke dalam rumah TUHAN. Juga dari antara mereka akan Kuambil imam-imam dan orang-orang Lewi, firman TUHAN.

    Mazmur (Mazmur 117) (Ayat 1 dan 2)
    Tanggapan adalah: Keluar ke dunia dan menceritakan Kabar Baik. Atau Anda bisa mengatakan haleluya!

    — Pujilah TUHAN, hai segala bangsa, megahkanlah Dia, hai segala suku bangsa!

    — Sebab kasih-Nya hebat atas kita, dan kesetiaan TUHAN untuk selama-lamanya. Haleluya!

    Bacaan Kedua (Ibrani 12: 5–7 dan 11–13)
    Pembacaan dari surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Ibrani.
    Dan sudah lupakah kamu akan nasihat yang berbicara kepada kamu seperti kepada anak-anak: "Hai anakku, janganlah anggap enteng didikan Tuhan, dan janganlah putus asa apabila engkau diperingatkan-Nya; karena Tuhan menghajar orang yang dikasihi-Nya, dan Ia menyesah orang yang diakui-Nya sebagai anak." Jika kamu harus menanggung ganjaran; Allah memperlakukan kamu seperti anak. Di manakah terdapat anak yang tidak dihajar oleh ayahnya? Memang tiap-tiap ganjaran pada waktu ia diberikan tidak mendatangkan sukacita, tetapi dukacita. Tetapi kemudian ia menghasilkan buah kebenaran yang memberikan damai kepada mereka yang dilatih olehnya. Sebab itu kuatkanlah tangan yang lemah dan lutut yang goyah; dan luruskanlah jalan bagi kakimu, sehingga yang pincang jangan terpelecok, tetapi menjadi sembuh.

    Bacaan Injil (Lukas 13: 22–30)
    Pembacaan dari Injil kudus menurut Lukas.
    Kemudian Yesus berjalan keliling dari kota ke kota dan dari desa ke desa sambil mengajar dan meneruskan perjalanan-Nya ke Yerusalem. Dan ada seorang yang berkata kepada-Nya: "Tuhan, sedikit sajakah orang yang diselamatkan?" Jawab Yesus kepada orang-orang di situ: "Berjuanglah untuk masuk melalui pintu yang sesak itu! Sebab Aku berkata kepadamu: Banyak orang akan berusaha untuk masuk, tetapi tidak akan dapat. Jika tuan rumah telah bangkit dan telah menutup pintu, kamu akan berdiri di luar dan mengetok-ngetok pintu sambil berkata: Tuan, bukakanlah kami pintu! dan Ia akan menjawab dan berkata kepadamu: Aku tidak tahu dari mana kamu datang. Maka kamu akan berkata: Kami telah makan dan minum di hadapan-Mu dan Engkau telah mengajar di jalan-jalan kota kami. Tetapi Ia akan berkata kepadamu: Aku tidak tahu dari mana kamu datang, enyahlah dari hadapan-Ku, hai kamu sekalian yang melakukan kejahatan! Di sanalah akan terdapat ratap dan kertak gigi, apabila kamu akan melihat Abraham dan Ishak dan Yakub dan semua nabi di dalam Kerajaan Allah, tetapi kamu sendiri dicampakkan ke luar. Dan orang akan datang dari Timur dan Barat dan dari Utara dan Selatan dan mereka akan duduk makan di dalam Kerajaan Allah. Dan sesungguhnya ada orang yang terakhir yang akan menjadi orang yang terdahulu dan ada orang yang terdahulu yang akan menjadi orang yang terakhir."

  5. Turn your ear, O Lord, and answer me; save the servant who trusts in you, my God. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long.

  6. We regret that our life does not always correspond to what we believe in and to the life of the Lord we follow. Let us ask our Lord to forgive us.

  7. This is the Kyrie for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    — Priest: Lord Jesus, we are the door to the heavenly kingdom. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.
    — Priest: Jesus Christ, you are our way to the Father. Christ, have mercy.
    Congregation: Christ, have mercy.
    — Priest: Lord Jesus, you know those who follow you faithfully. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.
    Have mercy on us, Lord, for you know what is in us. Forgive us all our sins, keep us faithful to you and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.

  8. This is the Collect for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Let us pray. O God, who cause the minds of the faithful to unit in a single purpose, grant your people to love what you command and to desire what you promise, that amid the uncertainties of this world, our hearts may be fixed on that place where true gladness is found. Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

    1. This is the Collect for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
      Let us pray. O God, who cause the minds of the faithful to unite in a single purpose, grant your people to love what you command and to desire what you promise, that amid the uncertainties of this world, our hearts may be fixed on that place where true gladness is found. Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

  9. This is the Gospel Acclamation for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Alleluia, alleluia.
    I am the way, the truth, and the life, says the Lord. No one comes to the Father, except through me.
    Alleluia, alleluia.

  10. Priest: God is treating us as his sons and daughters. Let us be and act as his children and put our trust in him. Let us say: Lord, be patient and merciful.
    — Lord, do not yet close the door of the kingdom. Many have not yet heard about you; many do not know where they are going. And so we pray: Lord, be patient and merciful.
    — Lord, do not yet close the door. Many do evil and forget you, and they do not know what they are doing. And so we pray: Lord, be patient and merciful.
    — Lord, do not yet close the door. Many trust that they will be first because they haven eaten and drunk in your presence and have heard your teaching, but fail to live your life. And so we pray: Lord, be patient and merciful.
    — Lord, do not yet close the door. Many are still groping their way, many are traveling the roads of this earth and do not know when they will arrive. And so we pray: Lord, be patient and merciful.
    — Lord, do not yet close the door. Give us more time to bring justice and love to this world where many still suffer. And so we pray: Lord, be patient and merciful.
    — Lord, in your Holy name, obtain for us from your Heavenly Father, His providence of the Saint Peter Canisius International Catholic Parish. And so we pray: Lord, be patient and merciful.
    Priest: Let us pray to our God of all the intentions that we offer him earnestly. And so we pray: Lord, be patient and merciful.
    Lord our God, show the power of your goodness in your patience and your mercy. Strengthen us in our resolve to follow your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  11. O Lord, who grained for yourself a people by adoption through the one sacrifice offered once for all, bestow graciously on us, we pray, the gifts of unity and peace in your Church. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  12. It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God, through Christ our Lord. For through his Paschal Mystery, he accomplished the marvelous deed, by which he has freed us from the yoke of sin and death, summoning us to the glory of being now called a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for your own possession, to proclaim everywhere your mighty works, for you have called us out of darkness into your own wonderful light. And so, with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominions, and with all the hosts and Powers of heaven, we sing the hymn of your glory, as without end we acclaim…

  13. Complete within us, O Lord, we pray, the healing work of your mercy and graciously perfect and sustain us, so that in all things we may please you. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  14. This is the Blessing (Closing Prayer) for the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time.
    Bow your heads and pray for God's blessing.
    The eucharist has filled us with the Spirit of Christ and demands that we live his life of goodness and love and compassion, of freedom and justice. Amen.
    May almighty God bless you for this task: the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    The Mass has ended, and you are sent. Therefore, go in the peace and love of the Lord. Thanks be to God.


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