Saturday, August 1, 2015

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: August 2, 2015

First Reading (Exodus 16: 2–4 and 12–15)
A reading from the book of Exodus.
In the desert, the whole Israelite community groaned against Moses and Aaron and stated to them, "If only we had died by the sand of the Lord in Egypt when we sat down to caldrons of meat and ate all the bread we wanted, whereas you have brought us to this desert to let the whole assembly die of starvation!" The Lord then stated to Moses, "Now I am going to rain down bread from heaven for you. Each day the people are to gather what is needed for that day. In this way I will test them to save if they will follow my Teaching or not. I have heard the complaints of Israel. Speak to them and say: Between the two evenings you will eat meat, and in the morning you will have bread to your heart's content; then you shall know that I am the Lord your God!" In the evening, quails came up and covered the camp. In the morning, dew had fallen around the camp. When the dew lifted, there was on the surface of the desert a thin crust like hoarfrost. The people of Israel upon seeing it starting asking each other, "What is that?" for they did not know what it was. Moses told them, "It is the bread that the Lord has given you to eat."

Second Reading (Ephesians 4: 17 and 20–24)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians.
Brothers and sisters: I say to you, then, and with insistence I advise you in the Lord: do not imitate the pagans who live an aimless kind of life. But it is not for this that you have followed Christ. For I suppose that you have heard of him and received his teaching which is seen in Jesus himself. You must give up your former way of living, the old self, whose deceitful desires bring self-destruction. Renew yourselves spiritually, from inside and put on the new self, or self-according to God, which is created in true righteousness and holiness.

Gospel (John 6: 24–35)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to John.
When the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they embarked on boats and went to Capernaum searching for Jesus. When they found him on the other side of the lake, they asked him, "Master, when did you come here?" Jesus answered, "Truly, I say to you, you look for me, not because you have seen through the signs, but because you ate bread and were satisfied. Work then, not for perishable food, but for the lasting food which grants you eternal life. The Son of Man will give it to you, for he is the one the Father has marked." Then the Jews asked Jesus, "What should we do? What are the works that God anticipates us to do?" Jesus answered them, "The work God anticipates is this: that you believe in the One whom God has sent." They then stated, "Demonstrate us miraculous signs, that we may see and believe you. What sign do you perform? Well, our ancestors ate manna in the desert; as the Scripture states: They were given bread from heaven to eat." Jesus then replied to them, "Truly, I say to you, it was not Moses who gave you the bread from heaven. My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. The bread God gives is the One who comes from heaven and gives life to the world." the Jews replied to Jesus, "Give us this bread consistently." Jesus explained to them, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall never be hungry, and whoever believes in me shall never be thirsty."


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 78) (Verses 3–4, 23–25, and 54)
    The response is: The Lord gave them bread from heaven.

    We have heard and known, which our ancestors have told us. We will not keep them hidden from our children; we will announce them to the coming generation: the glorious deeds of the Lord, his might and the wonders he has done.

    Yet he commanded the skies above and opened the doors of heaven; he rained down manna upon them and fed them with the heavenly grain.

    They ate and had more than their fill of the bread of angels. He brought them to his holy land, to the mountain his right hand had won.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  2. Primera Lectura (Éxodo 16: 2–4 y 12–15)
    Una lectura del libro de Éxodo.
    Toda la comunidad de los israelitas empezó a murmurar contra Moisés y Aarón en el desierto. Les decían: “¡Ojalá Yahvé nos hubiera hecho morir en Egipto! Allí nos sentábamos junto a las ollas de carne y comíamos pan en abundancia. Ustedes, en cambio, nos han traído a este desierto en que todo ese gentío morirá de hambre.” Pero Yahvé dijo a Moisés: “Ahora les hago llover pan del cielo; salga el pueblo y recoja lo que necesita para cada día. Yo lo voy a probar, a ver si guarda mi ley o no... He oído las quejas de mi pueblo. Diles: por la tarde comerán carne y por la mañana se saciarán de pan; así sabrán que yo soy Yahvé, el Dios de ustedes.” Aquella misma tarde llegaron codornices, que cubrieron el campamento. Y, por la mañana, en torno al campamento, había una capa de rocío. Al evaporarse el rocío, apareció sobre el suelo del desierto una cosa menuda, como granos, parecida a la escarcha. Cuando los israelitas vieron esto, se dijeron unos a otros: “Maná”, o sea: “¿Qué es esto?” Pues no sabían lo que era. Y Moisés les dijo: “Este es el pan que Yahvé les da para comer."

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 78) (Versículos 3–4, 23–25 y 54)
    La respuesta es: El Señor les dio el pan del cielo.
    • Lo que hemos oído y aprendido, lo que nos contaron nuestros padres, no queremos ocultarlo a nuestros hijos, lo narraremos a la próxima generación: son las glorias del Señor y su poder, las maravillas que él realizó.
    • Entonces mandó a las nubes en lo alto y abrió las compuertas del cielo: hizo llover sobre ellos el maná, les dio como alimento un trigo celestial.
    • Todos comieron en pan de ángeles, les dio comida hasta saciarlos. Los llevó hasta su Tierra santa, hasta la Montaña que adquirió con su mano.

    Segunda Lectura (Efesios 4: 17 y 20–24)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Efesios.
    Les digo y les recomiendo en nombre del Señor: no procedan como los paganos, que se dejan llevar por la frivolidad de sus pensamientos. Pero no es eso lo que ustedes aprendieron de Cristo, si es que de veras oyeron predicar de él y fueron enseñados según la verdad que reside en Jesús. De él aprendieron que es preciso renunciar a la vida que llevaban, despojándose del hombre viejo, que se va corrompiendo por la seducción de la concupiscencia, para renovarse en lo más íntimo de su espíritu y revestirse del hombre nuevo, creado a imagen de Dios en la justicia y en la verdadera santidad.

    Evangelio (Juan 6: 24–35)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Juan.
    Cuando la multitud se dio cuenta de que Jesús y sus discípulos no estaban allí, subieron a las barcas y fueron a Cafarnaúm en busca de Jesús. Al encontrarlo en la otra orilla, le preguntaron: “Maestro, ¿cuándo llegaste?” Jesús les respondió: “Les aseguro que ustedes me buscan, no porque vieron signos, sino porque han comido pan hasta saciarse. Trabajen, no por el alimento perecedero, sino por el que permanece hasta la Vida eterna, el que les dará el Hijo del hombre; porque es él a quien Dios, el Padre, marcó con su sello.” Ellos le preguntaron: “¿Qué debemos hacer para realizar las obras de Dios?” Jesús les respondió: “La obra de Dios es que ustedes crean en aquel que él ha enviado.” Y volvieron a preguntarle: “¿Qué signos haces para que veamos y creamos en ti? ¿Qué obra realizas? Nuestros padres comieron el maná en el desierto, como dice la Escritura: Les dio de comer el pan bajado del cielo.” Jesús respondió: “Les aseguro que no es Moisés el que les dio el pan del cielo; mi Padre les da el verdadero pan del cielo; porque el pan de Dios es el que desciende del cielo y da Vida al mundo.” Ellos le dijeron: “Señor, danos siempre de ese pan.” Jesús les respondió: “Yo soy el pan de Vida. El que viene a mí jamás tendrá hambre; el que cree en mí jamás tendrá sed.”

  3. The priest's homily in the Chapel of the Eucharistic Lord lasted for 14'00"25.

  4. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 78) (Verses 3–4, 23–25, and 54)
    The response is: The Lord gave them bread from heaven.

    What we have heard and know, and what our fathers have declared to us, we will declare to the generation to come the glorious deeds of the LORD and his strength and the wonders that he wrought.

    He commanded the skies above and opened the doors of heaven; he rained manna upon them for food and gave them heavenly bread.

    Man ate the bread of angels, food he sent them in abundance. And he brought them to his holy land, to the mountains his right hand had won.

  5. Alleluia, alleluia.
    One does not live on bread alone, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.
    Alleluia, alleluia.


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