Saturday, August 6, 2016

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: August 7, 2016

First Reading (Wisdom 18: 6–9)
A reading from the book of Wisdom.

That night had been foretold to our ancestors, and knowing in what promise they trusted, they could rejoice in all surety. Your people waited for both the salvation of the just and the downfall of their enemies, for the very punishment of our enemies brought glory to the people you have called — that is, to us. The holy race secretly offered the Passover sacrifice and really agreed on this worthy pact: that they would share alike both blessings and dangers. And forthwith they began to sing the hymns of their fathers.

Second Reading (Hebrews 11: 1–2 and 8–19)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Hebrews.

Faith is the way of holding onto what we hope for, being certain of what we cannot see. Because of their faith our ancestors were approved. It was by faith that Abraham, called by God, set out for a country that would be given to him as an inheritance; for he parted without knowing where he was going. By faith he lived as a stranger in that promised land. There he lived in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob, beneficiaries of the same promise. Indeed, he looked forward to that city of solid foundation of which God is the architect and builder. By faith Sarah herself received power to become a mother, in spite of her advanced age; since she believed that he who had made the promise would be faithful. Therefore, from an almost impotent man were born descendants as numerous as the stars of heavens, as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. Death found all these people strong in their faith. They had not received what was promised, but they had looked ahead and had rejoiced in it from afar, saying that they were foreigners and travelers on earth. Those who speak in this way prove that they are looking for their own country. For if they had longed for the land they had left, it would have been easy for them to return, but no, they aspired to a better city, that is, a supernatural one; so God, who prepared the city for them is not ashamed of being called their God. By faith Abraham went to offer Isaac when God tested him. And so he who had received the promise of God offered his only son although God had told him: Isaac's descendants will bear your name. Abraham reasoned that God is capable even of raising the dead, and he received back his son, which has a figurative meaning.

Gospel (Luke 12: 32–48)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.

Jesus stated this to his disciples: "Do not be afraid, little flock, for it has pleased your Father to give you the kingdom. Sell what you have and give alms. Get yourselves purses that do not wear out, and make safe investments with God, where no thief comes and no moth destroys. For where your investments are, there will your heart be also. Be ready, dressed for service, and keep your lamps lit, like people waiting for their master to return from the wedding. As soon as he comes and knocks, they will open to him. Happy are those servants whom the master finds wide-awake when he comes. Truly, I tell you, he will put on an apron and have them sit at a table and he will wait on them. Happy are those servants if he finds them awake when he comes at midnight or daybreak. Pay attention to this: If the master of the house had known at what time the thief would come, he would not have let his house be broken into. You also must be ready, for the Son of Man will come at an hour you do not expect." Peter stated, "Lord, did you tell this parable only for us, or for everyone?" And the Lord replied, "Imagine, then, the wise and faithful steward whom the master sets over his other servants to give them food rations at the proper time. Fortunate is this servant if his master on coming home finds him doing his work. Truly, I say to you, the master will put him in charge of all his property. But it may be that the steward thinks: 'My Lord delays in coming,' and he begins to abuse the menservants and the servant girls, eating and drinking and getting drunk. Then the master will come on a day he does not expect him and at an hour he does not know. He will discharge his servant and number him among the unreliable. The servant who knew his master's will, but did not prepare to do what his master wanted, will be punished with sound blows; but the one who did what deserved a punishment without knowing it shall receive fewer blows. Much will be required of the one who has been given much, and more will be asked of the one entrusted with more."


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 33) (Verses 1, 12, and 18–22)
    The response is: Happy the people the Lord has chosen to be his own.

    Rejoice in the Lord, you who are just, praise is fitting for the upright. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord – the people he has chosen for his inheritance.

    But the Lord's eyes are upon those who fear him, upon those who trust in his loving-kindness to deliver them from death and preserve them from famine.

    In hope we wait for the Lord, for he is our help and our shield. Our hearts rejoice in him, for we trust in his holy name. O Lord, let your love rest upon us, even as our hope rests in you.

    1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 33) (Verses 1, 12, and 18–22)
      The response is: Happy the people the Lord has chosen to be his own.

      Rejoice in the Lord, you who are just, praise is fitting for the upright. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord — the people he has chosen for his inheritance.

      But the Lord's eyes are upon those who fear him, upon those who trust in his loving-kindness to deliver them from death and preserve them from famine.

      In hope we wait for the Lord, for he is our help and our shield. Our hearts rejoice in him, for we trust in his holy name. O Lord, let your love rest upon us, even as our hope rests in you.

  2. Primera lectura (Sabiduría 18: 6–9)
    Una lectura del libro de Sabiduría.
    Aquella noche fue dada a conocer de antemano a nuestros padres, para que, sabiendo con seguridad en qué juramentos habían creído, se sintieran reconfortados. Tu pueblo esperaba, a la vez, la salvación de los justos y la perdición de sus enemigos; porque con el castigo que infligiste a nuestros adversarios, tú nos cubriste de gloria, llamándonos a ti. Por eso, los santos hijos de los justos ofrecieron sacrificios en secreto, y establecieron de común acuerdo esta ley divina: que los santos compartirían igualmente los mismos bienes y los mismos peligros; y ya entonces entonaron los cantos de los Padres.

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 33) (Versículos 1, 12 y 18–22)
    La respuesta es: Felices son la gente que el Señor ha elegido para ser la suya.
    • Aclamen, justos, al Señor; es propio de los buenos alabarlo. ¡Feliz la nación cuyo Dios es el Señor, el pueblo que él se eligió como herencia!
    • Los ojos del Señor están fijos sobre sus fieles, sobre los que esperan en su misericordia, para librar sus vidas de la muerte y sustentarlos en el tiempo de indigencia.
    • Nuestra alma espera en el Señor; él es nuestra ayuda y nuestro escudo. Nuestro corazón se regocija en él: nosotros confiamos en su santo Nombre.

    Segunda Lectura (Hebreos 11: 1–2 y 8–19)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los hebreos.
    La fe es aferrarse a lo que se espera, es la certeza de cosas que no se pueden ver. Esto mismo es lo que recordamos en nuestros antepasados. Por la fe Abrahán, llamado por Dios, obedeció la orden de salir para un país que recibiría en herencia, y partió sin saber adónde iba. La fe hizo que se quedara en la tierra prometida, que todavía no era suya. Allí vivió en tiendas de campaña, lo mismo que Isaac y Jacob, a los que beneficiaba la misma promesa. Pues esperaban la ciudad de sólidos cimientos, cuyo arquitecto y constructor es Dios. Por la fe pudo tener un hijo a pesar de su avanzada edad y de que Sara era también estéril, pues tuvo confianza en el que se lo prometía. Por eso de este hombre únicamente, ya casi impotente, nacieron descendientes tan numerosos como las estrellas del cielo e innumerables como los granos de arena de las orillas del mar. Todos murieron como creyentes. No habían conseguido lo prometido, pero lo habían visto y reconocido desde lejos, confesándose extraños y peregrinos en la tierra. Los que así hablan, hacen ver claramente que van en busca de una patria; pues si hubieran añorado la tierra de la que habían salido, tenían la oportunidad de volver a ella. Pero no, aspiraban a una patria mejor, es decir, a la del cielo. Por eso Dios no se avergüenza de ellos ni de llamarse su Dios, pues él les preparó la ciudad. Por la fe Abrahán fue a sacrificar a Isaac cuando Dios quiso ponerlo a prueba; estaba ofreciendo al hijo único que debía heredar la promesa y Dios le había dicho: Por Isaac tendrás descendientes que llevarán tu nombre. Abrahán pensó seguramente: Dios es capaz de resucitar a los muertos. Por eso recobró a su hijo, lo que tiene un sentido simbólico para nosotros.

    1. Evangelio (Lucas 12: 32–48)
      Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según el San Lucas.
      Jesús les dijo a sus discípulos: “No temas, pequeño Rebaño, porque el Padre de ustedes ha querido darles el Reino. Vendan sus bienes y denlos como limosna. Háganse bolsas que no se desgasten y acumulen un tesoro inagotable en el cielo, donde no se acerca el ladrón ni destruye la polilla. Porque allí donde tengan su tesoro, tendrán también su corazón. Estén preparados, ceñidos y con las lámparas encendidas. Sean como los hombres que esperan el regreso de su señor, que fue a una boda, para abrirle apenas llegue y llame a la puerta. ¡Felices los servidores a quienes el señor encuentra velando a su llegada! Les aseguro que él mismo recogerá su túnica, los hará sentar a la mesa y se pondrá a servirlo. ¡Felices ellos, si el señor llega a medianoche o antes del alba y los encuentra así! Entiéndalo bien: si el dueño de casa supiera a qué hora va llegar el ladrón, no dejaría perforar las paredes de su casa. Ustedes también estén preparados, porque el Hijo del hombre llegará a la hora menos pensada.” Pedro preguntó entonces: “Señor, ¿esta parábola la dices para nosotros o para todos?” El Señor le dijo: “¿Cuál es el administrador fiel y previsor, a quien el Señor pondrá al frente de su personal para distribuirle la ración de trigo en el momento oportuno? ¡Feliz aquel a quien su señor, al llegar, encuentra ocupado en este trabajo! Les aseguro que lo hará administrador de todos sus bienes. Pero si este servidor piensa: "Mi señor tardará en llegar", y se dedica a golpear a los servidores y a las sirvientas, y se pone a comer, a beber y a emborracharse, su señor llegará el día y la hora menos pensada, lo castigará y le hará correr la misma suerte que los infieles. El servidor que, conociendo la voluntad de su señor, no tuvo las cosas preparadas y no obró conforme a lo que él había dispuesto, recibirá un castigo severo. Pero aquel que sin saberlo, se hizo también culpable, será castigado menos severamente. Al que se le dio mucho, se le pedirá mucho; y al que se le confió mucho, se le reclamará mucho más.

  3. Unang pagbabasa (Karunungan ni Solomon 18: 6–9)
    Ang pagbabasa sa Karunungan ni Solomon.
    Ang mangyayari sa gabing iyon ay ipinagpauna mong sabihin sa aming mga ninuno, upang magalak sila sa katuparan ng iyong mga pangakong pinagtiwalaan nila. Alam ng iyong bayan na ililigtas mo ang mga matuwid at paparusahan ang kanilang mga kaaway. Ang paraang ginamit mo sa pagpaparusa sa aming mga kaaway ay siya mo ring ginamit na pantawag sa amin, upang kami'y bahaginan mo ng iyong karangalan. Ang mga tapat na anak ng mabuting bayang ito ay lihim na naghahandog. Nagkaisa silang sumunod sa mga utos ng Diyos at magsama sa hirap at ginhawa. Noon pa'y inaawit na nila ang matatandang awit na ito ng papuri.

    Pangalawang pagbabasa (Hebreo 11: 1–2 at 8–19)
    Ang pagbabasa sa sulat ni San Pablo sa mga Hebreo.
    Ang pananampalataya ay katiyakan na mangyayari ang ating mga inaasahan, at paninindigan tungkol sa mga bagay na hindi nakikita. Kinalugdan ng Diyos ang mga tao noong unang panahon dahil sa kanilang pananampalataya. Dahil sa pananampalataya, sumunod si Abraham nang siya'y utusan ng Diyos upang pumunta sa isang lupaing ipinangako sa kanya. Sumunod nga siya, kahit hindi niya alam kung saan siya pupunta. Dahil din sa kanyang pananampalataya, siya'y nanirahan bilang dayuhan sa lupang ipinangako sa kanya. Mga tolda ang naging tirahan niya, gayundin sina Isaac at Jacob na tumanggap ng ganoon ding pangako. Sapagkat umasa si Abraham ng isang lungsod na may matatag na pundasyon at ang Diyos mismo ang nagplano at nagtayo. Dahil din sa pananampalataya, si Abraham ay nagkaroon ng kakayahang maging ama, kahit na siya'y matanda na at kahit si Sara ay hindi na maaaring magkaanak pa. Nanalig siyang tutuparin ng Diyos ang kanyang pangako. Kaya't sa isang taong maituturing na halos patay na ay nagmula ang isang lahi na naging sindami ng bituin sa langit at ng di mabilang na buhangin sa dalampasigan. Silang lahat ay namatay na may pananampalataya. Hindi nila nakamtan ang mga ipinangako ng Diyos, ngunit natanaw nila iyon mula sa malayo at itinuring na natanggap na nila. Kinilala nilang sila'y mga dayuhan lamang at nangingibang-bayan dito sa lupa. Ipinapakilala ng mga taong nagsasalita ng ganoon, na naghahanap pa sila ng sariling bayan. Kung nasa isip nila ay ang lupaing kanilang pinanggalingan, may pagkakataon pa sana silang makabalik doon. Ngunit ang hinahangad nila'y isang lungsod na higit na mabuti, ang lungsod na nasa langit. Kaya naman hindi ikinahiya ng Diyos na siya'y tawaging Diyos nila, sapagkat sila'y ipinaghanda niya ng isang lungsod. Nang subukin ng Diyos si Abraham, pananampalataya din ang nag-udyok sa kanya na ialay si Isaac bilang handog sa Diyos. Buong puso niyang inihandog ang kaisa-isa niyang anak, gayong ipinangako sa kanya ng Diyos na kay Isaac magmumula ang magiging lahi niya. Naniwala siya na kaya ng Diyos na bumuhay ng patay, kaya't sa patalinghagang pangungusap, naibalik nga sa kanya si Isaac mula sa mga patay.

    1. Ebanghelyo (Lucas 12: 32–48)
      Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Lucas.
      “Huwag kayong matakot, munting kawan, sapagkat ikinalulugod ng inyong Ama na ibigay sa inyo ang kaharian. Ipagbili ninyo ang inyong ari-arian, at ipamahagi sa mga dukha ang pinagbilhan! Gumawa kayo ng mga sisidlang hindi naluluma at mag-ipon kayo sa langit ng kayamanang hindi nauubos. Doo'y walang magnanakaw na pumapasok at insektong sumisira. Sapagkat kung nasaan ang inyong kayamanan ay naroon din ang inyong puso.” “Maging handa kayong lagi at panatilihing maliwanag ang inyong mga ilawan. Tumulad kayo sa mga aliping naghihintay sa pag-uwi ng kanilang panginoon buhat sa kasalan, upang kung ito'y dumating at kumatok ay mabuksan nila agad ang pinto. Pinagpala ang mga aliping aabutang nagbabantay pagdating ng kanilang panginoon. Tandaan ninyo: magbibihis siya at pauupuin sila, ipaghahanda sila ng pagkain at pagsisilbihan. Pinagpala sila kung maratnan silang handa pagdating ng Panginoon, maging sa hatinggabi o sa madaling-araw man. Sinasabi ko sa inyo, kung alam lamang ng may-ari ng bahay kung anong oras darating ang magnanakaw, hindi niya pababayaang makapasok ito. Kayo man ay dapat na humanda, sapagkat darating ang Anak ng Tao sa oras na hindi ninyo inaasahan.” Nagtanong si Pedro, “Panginoon, sinasabi po ba ninyo ang talinghagang ito para sa amin o para sa lahat?” Sumagot ang Panginoon, “Sino nga ba ang tapat at matalinong katiwala? Sino ang katiwalang pamamahalain ng kanyang panginoon sa kanyang sambahayan upang magbigay sa ibang mga alipin ng kanilang pagkain sa takdang oras? Pinagpala ang aliping madaratnang gumaganap ng tungkulin pag-uwi ng kanyang panginoon. Sinasabi ko sa inyo, pamamahalain siya ng kanyang panginoon sa lahat ng ari-arian nito. Ngunit kung sasabihin ng aliping iyon sa kanyang sarili, ‘Matatagalan pa ang pag-uwi ng aking panginoon,’ bubugbugin niya ang mga kapwa niya aliping lalaki at babae, at siya'y kakain, iinom at maglalasing, darating ang kanyang panginoon sa araw na hindi niya inaasahan at sa oras na hindi niya alam. Buong lupit siyang paparusahan ng kanyang panginoon, at isasama sa mga suwail. “Ang aliping nakakaalam ng kalooban ng kanyang panginoon ngunit nagpapabaya, o ayaw tumupad sa ipinapagawa nito ay paparusahan nang mabigat. Ngunit ang aliping hindi nakakaalam ng kalooban ng kanyang panginoon, magkulang man siya sa kanyang tungkulin, ay paparusahan lamang nang magaan. Ang binigyan ng maraming bagay ay hahanapan ng marami; at ang pinagkatiwalaan ng lalong maraming bagay ay pananagutin ng lalong marami.”

  4. 第二読み物(へブル人への手紙11章:1詩から2詩 と8詩から19詩)



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