Saturday, August 27, 2016

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: August 28, 2016

First Reading (Sirach 3: 17–18, 20, and 28–30)
A reading from the book of Sirach.
My son, conduct your affairs with discretion and you will be loved by those who are acceptable to God. The greater you are, the more you should humble yourself and thus you will find favor with God. Do not seek what is beyond your powers nor search into what is beyond your ability. The wise man reflects on proverbs. What the wise man desires is an attentive ear. As water extinguishes the burning flames, almsgiving obtains pardon for sins.

Second Reading (Hebrews 12: 18–19 and 22–24a)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Hebrews.
Brothers and sisters: Remember your initiation. There was no material presence nor heat of a blazing fire, darkness and gloom and storms...blasts of trumpets or such a voice that the people pleaded that no further word be spoken. But you came near to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, to the heavenly Jerusalem with its innumerable angels. You have come to the solemn feast, the assemble of the first-born of God, whose names are written in heaven. There is God, Judge of all, with the spirits of the upright brought to perfection. There is Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant.

Gospel (Luke 14: 1 and 7–14)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.

One sabbath Jesus had gone to eat a meal in the house of a leading Pharisee, and he was carefully watched. Jesus then told a parable to the guests, for he had noticed how they tried to take the places of honor. And he said, "When you are invited to a wedding party, do not choose the best seat. It may happen that someone more important than you has been invited, and your host, who invited both of you, will come and say to you: 'Please give this person your place.' What shame is yours when you take the lowest seat!' Whenever you are invited, go rather to the lowest seat, so that your host may come and say to you: 'Friend, you must come up higher.' And this will be a great honor for you in the presence of all the other guests. For whoever makes himself out to be great will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be raised." Jesus additionally addressed the man who had invited him and stated, "When you give a lunch or a dinner, do not invite your friends, or your brothers and relatives and wealthy neighbors. For surely they will also invite you in return and you will be repaid. When you give a feast, invite instead the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind. Fortunate are you then, because they cannot repay you; you will be repaid at the Resurrection of the upright."


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 68) (Verses 4, 5b, 6, 7a, and 10–11)
    The response is: God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor.

    Let the righteous be glad and exult before God; let them sing to God and shout for joy. Rejoice in his presence, the Lord is his name.

    Father of orphans and protector of widows — such is our God in his holy dwelling. He gives shelter to the homeless, and sets the prisoners free.

    Then you gave a rain of blessing to comfort your weary children. Your people found a dwelling and in your mercy, O God, you provided for the needy.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  2. Primera Lectura (Eclesiástico 3: 17–18, 20, y 28–29)
    Una lectura del libro del Eclesiástico.
    Hijo mío, realiza tus obras con modestia y serás amado por los que agradan a Dios. Cuanto más grande seas, más humilde debes ser, y así obtendrás el favor del Señor, porque el poder del Señor es grande y él es glorificado por los humildes. No hay remedio para el mal del orgulloso, porque una planta maligna ha echado raíces en él. El corazón inteligente medita los proverbios y el sabio desea tener un oído atento.

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 68) (Versículos 4, 5b, 6, 7ª, y 10–11)
    La respuesta es: Dios, en tu bondad, has hecho una casa para los pobres.
    • Los justos se regocijan, gritan de gozo delante de Dios y se llenan de alegría. ¡Canten a Dios, entonen un himno a su Nombre!
    • Dios en su santa Morada es padre de los huérfanos y defensor de las viudas — él instala en un hogar a los solitarios y hace salir con felicidad a los cautivos.
    • Tú derramaste una lluvia generosa, Señor: tu herencia estaba exhausta y tú la reconfortaste; allí se estableció tu familia, y tú, Señor, la afianzarás por tu bondad para con el pobre.

    Segunda Lectura (hebreos 12: 18–19 y 22–24ª)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los hebreos.
    Recuerden su iniciación. No hubo aquel fuego físico que ardía junto a la nube oscura y la tempestad, con el sonido de trompetas y una voz tan potente que los hijos de Israel suplicaron que no se les hablara más. Ustedes, en cambio, se han acercado al monte de Sión, a la ciudad del Dios vivo, a la Jerusalén celestial con sus innumerables ángeles, a la asamblea en fiesta de los primeros ciudadanos del cielo; a Dios, juez universal, al que rodean los espíritus de los justos que ya alcanzaron su perfección; a Jesús, el mediador de la nueva alianza.

    Evangelio (Lucas 14: 1 y 7–14)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Lucas.
    Un sábado, Jesús entró a comer en casa de uno de los principales fariseos. Ellos lo observaban atentamente. Y al notar cómo los invitados buscaban los primeros puestos, les dijo esta parábola: “Si te invitan a un banquete de bodas, no te coloques en el primer lugar, porque puede suceder que haya sido invitada otra persona más importante que tú, y cuando llegue el que los invitó a los dos, tenga que decirte: ‘Déjale el sitio’, y así, lleno de vergüenza, tengas que ponerte en el último lugar. Al contrario, cuando te inviten, ve a colocarte en el último sitio, de manera que cuando llegue el que te invitó, te diga: ‘Amigo, acércate más’, y así quedarás bien delante de todos los invitados. Porque todo el que ensalza será humillado, y el que se humilla será ensalzado. Al contrario, cuando des un banquete, invita a los pobres, a los lisiados, a los paralíticos, a los ciegos. ¡Feliz de ti, porque ellos no tienen cómo retribuirte, y así tendrás tu recompensa en la resurrección de los justos!”

  3. Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long. O Lord, you are good and forgiving, full of mercy to all who call to you.

  4. Let us ask the Lord to forgive us all the pride that is still in us.

  5. This is the Kyrie for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    — Priest: When we seek recognition and honors, especially at the expense of others, forgive us, Lord. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.
    — Priest: When we feel too great and important to render service to others, forgive us, Lord. Christ, have mercy.
    Congregation: Christ, have mercy.
    — Priest: When we avoid the company of the poor and the humble, forgive us, Lord. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.
    — Have mercy on us, Lord, and forgive us our tenacious pride. Make us aware of our poverty and rich in love. Lead us to everlasting life. Amen.

  6. This is the Collect (Opening Prayer) for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Let us pray. God of might, giver of every good gift, put into our hearts the love of your name, so that by deepening our sense of reverence, you may nurture in us what is good and by your watchful care, keep safe what you have returned. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

  7. This is the Gospel Acclamation for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
    Take my yoke upon you, says the Lord, and learn from me, from I am meek and humble of heart.
    Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

  8. Priest: Let us pray to our Father in heaven through Jesus, the bond of love between God and us. Let us say: Lord, hear your people.
    — For the Church in our day, that simplicity and humble service may mark all its leaders and members as followers of Jesus. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    — For all those who render unobtrusive service to their neighbor in need: that the Lord may be their strength and reward. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    — For the weak and the humble, that they may not tremble before the mighty but stand up for all that is right and good, and that we may serve and help them. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    — For all those wounded and belittled by our words and conduct, that they may forgive us and inspire us to respect others more. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    — And for all of us here, that we may not try to impress or impose nor seek advancement at the expense of others. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    — Lord, in your Holy name, obtain for us from your Heavenly Father, His providence of the Saint Peter Canisius International Catholic Parish. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, hear your people.
    Priest: Let us pray silently to the Lord for our personal intentions.
    Lord our God, you give yourself without measure to those aware of their insufficiency. Listen to our humble prayers and inspire us to be servant with him who was the willing servant of you and all people, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

  9. May this sacred offering, O Lord, confer on us always the blessing of salvation, that what it celebrates in mystery it may accomplish in power. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  10. It is truly and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God. For you so loved the world that in your mercy you sent us the Redeemer, to live like us in all things but sin, so that you might love in us what you loved in your Son, by whose obedience we have been restored to those gifts of yours that, by sinning, we had lost in disobedience. And so, Lord, with all the Angels and Saints, we too, give you thanks, as in exultation we acclaim…

  11. Renewed by this bread from the heavenly table, we beseech you, Lord, that being the food of charity, it may confirm our hearts and stir us to serve you in our neighbor. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  12. This is the Blessing (Closing Prayer) for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Bow your heads and pray for God's blessing.
    If we want the Lord to live among us, there is only one place that fits us: the last place, the place of people who know how to serve. Amen.
    There is no more room for pretending to be what we are not. And before God, we are all small, so we cannot claim any merit. Amen.
    May this attitude be ours with the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, † and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
    The Mass has ended, and you are sent. Therefore, let us go with one another God's way of peace and love. Thanks be to God.

  13. Unang pagbabasa (Ecclesiastico 3: 17–18, 20, at 28–29)
    Ang pagbabasa sa aklat ni Ecclesiastico.
    Anak, maging mapagpakumbaba ka sa pagtupad ng tungkulin, at mamahalin ka ng mga malapit sa Diyos. Habang ika'y dumadakila, lalo ka namang magpakumbaba. Sapagkat kahanga-hanga ang kapangyarihan ng Panginoon at dinadakila siya ng mga nagpapakumbaba. Walang katapusan ang kapighatian ng palalo; nag-ugat na ang kasamaan sa kanyang puso. Pinahahalagahan ng matalino ang mga talinghaga; nakikinig ang marunong pagkat nais niyang matuto.

    Pangalawang pagbabasa (Mga Hebreo 12: 18–19 at 22–24A)
    Ang pagbabasa sa sulat ni San Pablo sa mga Hebreo.
    Hindi kayo lumapit sa isang bundok na nakikita, gaya ng mga Israelita sa bundok ng Sinai. Ito'y may apoy na nagliliyab, nababalutan ng dilim at may malakas na hangin. Nakarinig sila roon ng tunog ng trumpeta at ng isang tinig. Nang ang tinig na iyon ay marinig ng mga tao, nakiusap silang huwag na itong magsalita sa kanila. Sa halip, ang nilapitan ninyo ay ang Bundok ng Zion at ang lungsod ng Diyos na buháy, ang Jerusalem sa langit, na kinaroroonan ng di mabilang na anghel. Ang dinaluhan ninyo ay masayang pagtitipon ng mga panganay na anak, na ang mga pangalan ay nakatala sa langit. Ang nilapitan ninyo ay ang Diyos na hukom ng lahat, at ang mga espiritu ng mga taong ginawang ganap. Nilapitan ninyo si Jesus, ang tagapamagitan ng bagong tipan.

    Ebanghelyo (Lucas 14: 1 at 7–14)
    Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Lucas.
    Isang Araw ng Pamamahinga, si Jesus ay inanyayahang kumain sa bahay ng isang pinuno ng mga Pariseo, at binabantayan nilang mabuti ang kanyang mga kilos. Napansin ni Jesus na pinipili ng ilang mga panauhin ang mga upuang pandangal. Kaya't sinabi niya ang talinghagang ito sa kanila. “Kapag inanyayahan ka sa isang kasalan, huwag kang uupo agad sa upuang pandangal. Baka may inanyayahang mas kilala kaysa sa iyo. Baka lapitan ka ng nag-anyaya sa inyong dalawa at sabihin sa iyo, ‘Maaari bang ibigay mo ang upuang iyan sa taong ito?’ Sa gayon, mapapahiya ka at doon ka uupo sa pinakaabang upuan. Mabuti pa, kapag naanyayahan ka, doon ka muna maupo sa pinakaabang upuan. Kapag lumapit sa iyo ang nag-anyaya at kanyang sinabi, ‘Kaibigan, dito ka sa kabisera,’ mapaparangalan ka sa harap ng lahat ng mga panauhin. Sapagkat ang nagmamataas ay ibababa, at ang nagpapakumbaba ay itataas.” Sinabi naman ni Jesus sa nag-anyaya sa kanya, “Kapag naghahanda ka ng isang salu-salo, huwag ang iyong mga kaibigan, mga kapatid, mga kamag-anak o mayayamang kapitbahay ang aanyayahan mo, dahil aanyayahan ka rin nila at sa gayon ay susuklian ang iyong ginawa. Subalit kapag ikaw ay maghahanda, anyayahan mo ang mga mahihirap, mga lumpo, mga pilay, at mga bulag. Kapag ganito ang ginawa mo, pagpapalain ka, dahil hindi man nila masuklian ang ginawa mo, ang Diyos ang magbibigay sa iyo ng gantimpala sa muling pagkabuhay ng mga matuwid.”

  14. シラクの読み物から日本語で聖書が有りません。




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