Saturday, July 10, 2021

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: July 11, 2021

New American Bible readings
First reading (Amos 7: 12–15)
A reading from the Book of the Prophet Amos.
Amaziah, priest of Bethel, said to Amos, “Off with you, visionary, flee to the land of Judah! There earn your bread by prophesying, but never again prophesy in Bethel; for it is the king’s sanctuary and a royal temple.” Amos answered Amaziah, “I was no prophet, nor have I belonged to a company of prophets; I was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores. The LORD took me from following the flock, and said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel.’”

Second reading (Ephesians 1: 3–14)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens, as he chose us in him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and without blemish before him. In love he destined us for adoption to himself through Jesus Christ, in accord with the favor of his will, for the praise of the glory of his grace that he granted us in the beloved. In him we have redemption by his blood, the forgiveness of transgressions, in accord with the riches of his grace that he lavished upon us. In all wisdom and insight, he has made known to us the mystery of his will in accord with his favor that he set forth in him as a plan for the fullness of times, to sum up all things in Christ, in heaven and on earth. In him we were also chosen, destined in accord with the purpose of the One who accomplishes all things according to the intention of his will, so that we might exist for the praise of his glory, we who first hoped in Christ. In him you also, who have heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and have believed in him, were sealed with the promised holy Spirit, which is the first installment of our inheritance toward redemption as God’s possession, to the praise of his glory.

Gospel (Mark 6: 7–13)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark.

Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two and gave them authority over unclean spirits. He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick—no food, no sack, no money in their belts. They were, however, to wear sandals but not a second tunic. He said to them, “Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave. Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.” So they went off and preached repentance. The Twelve drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.

Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible readings
First reading (Amos 7: 12–15)
A reading from the Book of the Prophet Amos.
Amaziah, priest of Bethel, stated to Amos, "Off with you, visionary, flee to the land of Judah. There earn your bread by prophesying, but never again prophesy in Bethel; for it is the king's sanctuary and a royal temple." Amos answered Amaziah, "I was no prophet, nor have I belonged to a company of prophets; I was a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores. The Lord took me from following the flock and stated to me, 'Go, prophesy to my people Israel.'"

Second reading (Ephesians 1: 3–14)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians.
Blessed be God, the Father of Christ Jesus our Lord, who in Christ has blessed us from heaven with every spiritual blessing. God chose us in Christ before the creation of the world to be holy and without sin in his presence. From eternity he destined us in love to be his sons and daughters through Jesus Christ, thus fulfilling his free and generous will. This goal suited him: that his loving-kindness which he granted us in his Beloved might finally receive all glory and praise. For in Christ we obtain freedom, sealed by his blood, and have the forgiveness of sins. In this appears the greatness of his grace which he lavished on us. In all wisdom and understanding, God has made known to us his mysterious design, in accordance with his loving-kindness in Christ. In him and under him, God wanted to unite, when the fullness of time had come, everything in heaven and on earth. By a decree of Him who disposes all things according to his own plan and decision we, the Jews, have been chosen and called and we were awaiting the Messiah, for the praise of his glory. You, on hearing the word of truth, the Gospel that saves you, have believed in him. And as promised, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit, the first pledge of what we shall receive, on the way to our deliverance as a people of God, for the praise of his glory.

Gospel (Mark 6: 7–13)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark.

Jesus called the twelve disciples to him and sent them out two by two, giving them authority over evil spirits. Jesus additionally ordered them not to take anything for the journey except a staff; the disciples do not bring food, no bag, and no money in their belts. They were supposed to wear sandals and not supposed to bring an extra tunic. Jesus added, "In whatever house you are welcome, stay there until you leave the place. If any place that the people do not receive you and they refuse to listen to you, leave there after shaking the dust off your feet. It will be a testimony against them." So they set out to proclaim that this was the time to repent. They drove out plenty of demons and healed many people who were ill by anointing them.


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 85) (Verses 9–14)
    The response is: Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.

    I will hear what God proclaims; the LORD — for he proclaims peace. Near indeed is his salvation to those who fear him, glory dwelling in our land.

    Kindness and truth shall meet; justice and peace shall kiss. Truth shall spring out of the earth, and justice shall look down from heaven.

    The LORD himself will give his benefits; our land shall yield its increase. Justice shall walk before him, and prepare the way of his steps.

  2. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 85) (Verses 9–14)
    The response is: Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation.

    Would that I hear God's proclamation, that he promise peace to his people, his saints — lest they come back to their folly. Yet his salvation is near to those who fear him, and his Glory will dwell in our land.

    Love and faithfulness have met; righteousness and peace have embraced. Faithfulness will reach up from the earth while justice bends down from heaven.

    The Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its fruit. Justice will go before him, and peace will follow along his path.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  3. Alleluia, alleluia.
    May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ enlighten the eyes of our hearts, that we may know what is the hope that belongs to our call.
    Alleluia, alleluia.

    1. Father Thomas' homily lasted for 8'17"15 with breaks in between. Concluded with the prayer.

  4. Primera lectura (Amós 7: 12–15)
    Una lectura del libro del Profeta Amós.
    Después, Amasias dijo a Amós: “Vete de aquí, vidente, refúgiate en el país de Judá, gánate allí la vida y profetiza allí. Pero no vuelvas a profetizar en Betel, porque este es un santuario del rey, un templo del reino.” Amós respondió a Amasias: “Yo no soy profeta, ni hijo de profetas, sino pastor y cultivador de sicómoros; pero el Señor me sacó de detrás del rebaño y me dijo: ‘Ve a profetizar a mi pueblo Israel’”.

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 85) (Versículos 9–14)
    La respuesta es: Señor, déjanos ver tu simpatía, y otórganos tu salvación.
    • Voy a proclamar lo que dice el Señor: el Señor promete la paz, la paz para su pueblo y sus amigos, y para los que se convierten de corazón. Su salvación está muy cerca de sus fieles, y la Gloria habitará en nuestra tierra.
    • El Amor y la Verdad se encontrarán, la Justicia y la Paz se abrazarán; la Verdad brotará de la tierra y la Justicia mirará desde el cielo.
    • El mismo Señor nos dará sus bienes y nuestra tierra producirá sus frutos. La Justicia irá delante de él, y la Paz, sobre la huella de sus pasos.

    Segunda lectura (Efesios 1: 3–14)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los Efesios.
    Bendito sea Dios, el Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, que nos ha bendecido en Cristo con toda clase de bienes espirituales en el cielo, y nos ha elegido en él, antes de la creación del mundo, para que fuéramos santos e irreprochables en su presencia, por el amor. Él nos predestinó a ser sus hijos adoptivos por medio de Jesucristo, conforme al beneplácito de su voluntad, para alabanza de la gloria de su gracia, que nos dio en su Hijo muy querido. En él hemos sido redimidos por su sangre y hemos recibido el perdón de los pecados, según la riqueza que Dios derramó sobre nosotros, dándonos toda sabiduría y entendimiento. Él nos hizo conocer el misterio de su voluntad, conforme al designio misericordioso que estableció de antemano en Cristo, para que se cumpliera en la plenitud de los tiempos: reunir todas las cosas, las del cielo y las de la tierra, bajo un solo jefe, que es Cristo. En él hemos sido constituidos herederos, y destinados de antemano según el previo designio del que realiza todas las cosas conforme a su voluntad. A ser aquellos que han puesto su esperanza en Cristo, para alabanza de su gloria. En él, ustedes, los que escucharon la Palabra de la verdad, la Buena Noticia de la salvación, y creyeron en ella, también han sido marcados con un sello por el Espíritu Santo prometido. Ese Espíritu es el anticipo de nuestra herencia y prepara la redención del pueblo que Dios adquirió para sí, para alabanza de su gloria.

    Evangelio (Marcos 6: 7–13)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Marcos.
    Llamó a los Doce y comenzó a enviarlos de dos en dos, dándoles poder sobre los espíritus impuros. Les ordenó que no llevaran nada para el camino, fuera de un bastón: ni pan, ni morral, ni dinero; que llevaran calzado corriente y un solo manto. Y les decía: “Quédense en la primera casa en que les den alojamiento, hasta que se vayan de ese sitio. Y si en algún lugar no los reciben ni los escuchan, no se alejen de allí sin haber sacudido el polvo de sus pies: con esto darán testimonio contra ellos.” Fueron, pues, a predicar, invitando a la conversión. Expulsaban a muchos espíritus malos y sanaban a numerosos enfermos, ungiéndoles con aceite.

  5. Bacaan pertama (Amos 7: 12–15)
    Pembacaan dari kitab dari nabi Amos.
    Lalu berkatalah Amazia kepada Amos: "Pelihat, pergilah, enyahlah ke tanah Yehuda! Carilah makananmu di sana dan bernubuatlah di sana! Tetapi jangan lagi bernubuat di Betel, sebab inilah tempat kudus raja, inilah bait suci kerajaan." Jawab Amos kepada Amazia: "Aku ini bukan nabi dan aku ini tidak termasuk golongan nabi, melainkan aku ini seorang peternak dan pemungut buah ara hutan. Tetapi TUHAN mengambil aku dari pekerjaan menggiring kambing domba, dan TUHAN berfirman kepadaku: Pergilah, bernubuatlah terhadap umat-Ku Israel.

    Mazmur (Mazmur 85) (Ayat 9–14)
    Tanggapan adalah: Tuhan, tunjukkanlah keramahan Anda, dan memberikan kita keselamatan Anda.
    • Aku mau mendengar apa yang hendak difirmankan Allah, TUHAN. Bukankah Ia hendak berbicara tentang damai kepada umat-Nya dan kepada orang-orang yang dikasihi-Nya, supaya jangan mereka kembali kepada kebodohan? Sesungguhnya keselamatan dari pada-Nya dekat pada orang-orang yang takut akan Dia, sehingga kemuliaan diam di negeri kita.
    • Kasih dan kesetiaan akan bertemu, keadilan dan damai sejahtera akan bercium-ciuman. Kesetiaan akan tumbuh dari bumi, dan keadilan akan menjenguk dari langit.
    • Bahkan TUHAN akan memberikan kebaikan, dan negeri kita akan memberi hasilnya. Keadilan akan berjalan di hadapan-Nya, dan akan membuat jejak kaki-Nya menjadi jalan.

    Bacaan kedua (Efesus 1: 3–14)
    Terpujilah Allah dan Bapa Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus yang dalam Kristus telah mengaruniakan kepada kita segala berkat rohani di dalam surga. Sebab di dalam Dia Allah telah memilih kita sebelum dunia dijadikan, supaya kita kudus dan tak bercacat di hadapan-Nya. Dalam kasih Ia telah menentukan kita dari semula oleh Yesus Kristus untuk menjadi anak-anak-Nya, sesuai dengan kerelaan kehendak-Nya, supaya terpujilah kasih karunia-Nya yang mulia, yang dikaruniakan-Nya kepada kita di dalam Dia, yang dikasihi-Nya. Sebab di dalam Dia dan oleh darah-Nya kita beroleh penebusan, yaitu pengampunan dosa, menurut kekayaan kasih karunia-Nya, yang dilimpahkan-Nya kepada kita dalam segala hikmat dan pengertian. Sebab Ia telah menyatakan rahasia kehendak-Nya kepada kita, sesuai dengan rencana kerelaan-Nya, yaitu rencana kerelaan yang dari semula telah ditetapkan-Nya di dalam Kristus sebagai persiapan kegenapan waktu untuk mempersatukan di dalam Kristus sebagai Kepala segala sesuatu, baik yang di sorga maupun yang di bumi. Aku katakan "di dalam Kristus", karena di dalam Dialah kami mendapat bagian yang dijanjikan—kami yang dari semula ditentukan untuk menerima bagian itu sesuai dengan maksud Allah, yang di dalam segala sesuatu bekerja menurut keputusan kehendak-Nya—supaya kami, yang sebelumnya telah menaruh harapan pada Kristus, boleh menjadi puji-pujian bagi kemuliaan-Nya. Di dalam Dia kamu juga--karena kamu telah mendengar firman kebenaran, yaitu Injil keselamatanmu--di dalam Dia kamu juga, ketika kamu percaya, dimeteraikan dengan Roh Kudus, yang dijanjikan-Nya itu. Dan Roh Kudus itu adalah jaminan bagian kita sampai kita memperoleh seluruhnya, yaitu penebusan yang menjadikan kita milik Allah, untuk memuji kemuliaan-Nya.

    1. Bacaan Injil (Markus 6: 7–13)
      Pembacaan dari Injil kudus menurut Santo Markus.
      Yesus memanggil kedua belas murid itu dan mengutus mereka berdua-dua. Ia memberi mereka kuasa atas roh-roh jahat, dan berpesan kepada mereka supaya jangan membawa apa-apa dalam perjalanan mereka, kecuali tongkat, rotipun jangan, bekalpun jangan, uang dalam ikat pinggangpun jangan, boleh memakai alas kaki, tetapi jangan memakai dua baju. Kata-Nya selanjutnya kepada mereka: "Kalau di suatu tempat kamu sudah diterima dalam suatu rumah, tinggallah di situ sampai kamu berangkat dari tempat itu. Dan kalau ada suatu tempat yang tidak mau menerima kamu dan kalau mereka tidak mau mendengarkan kamu, keluarlah dari situ dan kebaskanlah debu yang di kakimu sebagai peringatan bagi mereka." Lalu pergilah mereka memberitakan bahwa orang harus bertobat, dan mereka mengusir banyak setan, dan mengoles banyak orang sakit dengan minyak dan menyembuhkan mereka.

  6. Unang pagbabasa (Amos 7: 12–15)
    Ang pagbabasa sa aklat ng Amos.
    Pagkatapos, hinarap naman ni Amazias si Amos at sinabi, "Tama na iyan, Propeta! Magbalik ka na sa Juda; doon ka mangaral. Hayaan mong sila ang magbayad sa iyo. Huwag ka nang mangaral dito sa Bethel. Narito ang templo ng kaharian at dito sumasamba ang hari." Sumagot si Amos, "Hindi ako propeta na nangangaral at hindi rin nagsanay na maging isang propeta upang bayaran. Ako'y pastol at nag-aalaga rin ng mga puno ng sikamoro. Ngunit inalis ako ni Yahweh sa gawaing iyon at inutusang magpahayag sa mga taga-Israel para kay Yahweh.

    Pangalawang pagbabasa (Efeso 1: 3–14)
    Ang pagbabasa sa sulat ni Pablo sa Mga Taga-Efeso.
    Purihin ang Diyos at Ama ng ating Panginoong Jesu-Cristo! Pinagkalooban niya tayo ng lahat ng pagpapalang espirituwal at makalangit dahil sa ating pakikipag-isa kay Cristo. Bago pa likhain ang sanlibutan, pinili na niya tayo upang maging kanya sa pamamagitan ng ating pakikipag-isa kay Cristo, upang tayo'y maging banal at walang kapintasan sa harap niya. Dahil sa pag-ibig ng Diyos, tayo'y kanyang pinili upang maging anak niya sa pamamagitan ni Jesu-Cristo. Iyan ang kanyang layunin at kalooban. Purihin natin siya dahil sa kanyang kahanga-hangang pagkalinga sa atin sa pamamagitan ng kanyang minamahal na Anak! Tinubos tayo ni Cristo sa pamamagitan ng kanyang dugo, at sa gayon ay pinatawad na ang ating mga kasalanan. Ganoon kadakila ang kanyang kagandahang-loob na ibinigay sa atin. Sa pamamagitan ng kanyang karunungan at kaalaman, ipinaunawa sa atin ng Diyos ang hiwaga ng kanyang kalooban na isasakatuparan sa pamamagitan ni Cristo pagdating ng takdang panahon. Layunin niyang tipunin ang lahat ng nilikha sa langit at sa lupa, at ipasailalim ang mga ito kay Cristo. Dahil kay Cristo, tayo rin ay naging pag-aari ng Diyos na siyang nagsagawa ng lahat ng bagay ayon sa layunin ng kanyang kalooban. Tayong mga unang umasa sa kanya ay pinili niya upang parangalan ang kanyang kaluwalhatian. Kayo man ay naging bayan ng Diyos matapos ninyong marinig ang salita ng katotohanan, ang Magandang Balita na nagdudulot ng kaligtasan. Sumampalataya kayo kay Cristo, kaya't ipinagkaloob sa inyo ang Espiritu Santo na ipinangako ng Diyos bilang tatak ng pagkahirang sa inyo. Ang Espiritu ang katibayan na makakamit natin ang mga pangako ng Diyos para sa atin, hanggang sa makamtan natin ang lubos na kaligtasan. Purihin natin ang kanyang kaluwalhatian!

    Ebanghelyo (Marcos 6: 7–13)
    Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Marcos.
    Tinawag niya ang Labindalawa at isinugo sila nang dala-dalawa. Sila ay binigyan niya ng kapangyarihang magpalayas ng masasamang espiritu, at pinagbilinang, "Sa inyong paglalakbay, huwag kayong magdadala ng anuman, maliban sa tungkod. Huwag din kayong magdadala ng pagkain, bag, o pera. Magsuot kayo ng sandalyas ngunit huwag kayong magdadala ng bihisan." Sinabi rin niya sa kanila, "Kapag kayo ay pinatuloy sa isang bahay, manatili kayo roon hanggang sa inyong pag-alis sa bayang iyon. Kung ayaw kayong tanggapin o pakinggan sa isang bayan, umalis kayo roon at ipagpag ninyo ang alikabok sa inyong mga paa, bilang babala sa mga tagaroon." Humayo nga ang Labindalawa at nangaral na ang mga tao ay dapat magsisi at tumalikod sa kanilang mga kasalanan. Pinalayas nila ang mga demonyo mula sa mga sinasapian ng mga ito; pinahiran nila ng langis ang maraming maysakit at pinagaling ang mga ito.

  7. This is the Collect (Opening Prayer) for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Let us pray. O God, who show the light of your truth to those who go astray, so that they may return to the right path, give all who for the faith they profess are accounted Christians the grace to reject whatever is contrary to the name of Christ and to strive after all that does it honor. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

  8. Look upon the offers of the Church, O Lord, as she makes her prayer to you, and grant that, when consumed by those who believe, they may bring ever greater holiness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  9. 第一読み物(アモス書第7章:第12詩–第15詩)




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