Sunday, December 25, 2011

The Nativity of our Lord; Christmas Day

Date: December 25, 2011

First Reading (Isaiah 62: 11-12)
A reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah.
For the Lord proclaims to the ends of the earth: Say to the daughter of Zion, here comes your salvation! The Lord brings the reward of his victory, his booty is carried before him. They shall be called the holy people, the redeemed of the Lord; and you shall be called The Sought After, a city no longer abandoned.

Second Reading (Titus 3: 4-7)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to Titus.
Beloved: God our Savior revealed his eminent goodness and love for humankind and saved us, not because of good deeds we may have done but for the sake of his own mercy. He gave us rebirth in baptism and renewed us by the Holy Spirit poured over us through Christ Jesus our Savior. By the grace of God we were made holy and now we hope for everlasting life, our inheritance.

Gospel (Luke 2: 15-20)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
When the angel had left them and gone back to heaven, the shepherds stated to one another, "Let us go as far as Bethlehem and see what the Lord has made known to us." So they came hurriedly and found Mary and Joseph with the baby lying in the manger. On seeing this they related what they had been told about the child, and all were astonished on hearing the shepherds. As for Mary, she treasured all these messages and continually pondered over them. The shepherds then returned giving glory and praise to God for all they had heard and seen, just as the angels had told them.


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 98) (Verses 1-6)
    The response is: All of the ends of the earth have seen the saving power of God.

    Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done wonders; his right hand, his holy arm, has won victory for him.

    The Lord has shown his salvation, revealing his justice to the nations. He has not forgotten his love nor his faithfulness to Israel.

    The farthest ends of the earth have seen God's saving power. All you lands, make a joyful nose to the Lord, break into song and sing praise.

    Sing praise with melody of the lyre and with music of the harp. With trumpet blast and sound of the horn, rejoice before the King, the Lord.

  2. Note that the readings on Christmas Day is completely different to the readings for Christmas Eve.

  3. ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ーMerry Christmas, everybody!♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

  4. Some people are celebrating Hanukkah or Kwanzas.

  5. Close, but the correct spelling is Kwanzaa.

  6. Interesting. Thanks. (⌒-⌒; )

  7. Greetings everybody, I come in peace. I would like to ask whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa.

  8. Just out or curiosity, what is Kwanzaa?

  9. Kwaanza is an African-American holiday held in the United States to honor the universal African-American culture and heritage. The holiday usually occurs in the month of December: December 26 (the day after Christmas) until January 1 each year.

  10. ¡Su atención! SS182 Kn ha subido un video: Cocineros de Sonic para cocinar el Pastel de Navidad, que tiene una forma de un árbol.

  11. Oh blast! I have to see this recipe. I will bet that Dr.Eggman ruins Christmas again... ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

  12. Dr. Eggman always ruins Christmas.

  13. Well, you should be lucky that we have the hedgehogs to save the day.

  14. Yeah. Sonic, Shadow, and Silver are hanging out together while Blaze, Amy, Cream, and Rouge come together to bake a fabulous cake. And it is creamy and delicious too.

  15. Now that is awesome.(^O^☆♪)

  16. Oh man, I watched the video. It was interesting and humorous indeed.

  17. Did you know that Shadow reminisced of his not so good past of Christmas? Something about Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer...

  18. Shadow is hilarious. I like him when he says: "Hey you! I demand some answers. Where can I get—hey, you look awkwardly familiar. Do I know you?"

  19. Shadow is also hilarious after when Silver gave the rare star clip to Bokkun, and Shadow said, "And that was stupid in terms of a financial perspective. What?"

  20. Bokkun has a crush on Cream! How can I forget?

  21. Correct. If you see the epilogue or the time where tips were offered for the recipe to be better, Cream was wearing the star clip that Bokkun gave her. Now isn't that sweet?

  22. Certainly the peanut M&M's were not quite as good as regular M&M's. Have you been to Norway? Let's try there.

  23. Norway? There is nothing there. All the stores are closed. Nothing but forests and trees. Completely absurd that Santa Claus would tell Sonic to go to Norway in order to find those treats.

  24. Blast! I did not noticed the hint given at the ending. How can I be so naive?

  25. Yes. Everybody has noticed it. (^O^☆♪)

  26. Dang. I was so spaced out I wondered who it would be. I was too naive.

  27. Shadow really putting on those insults...

  28. Talk about it. Shadow was neutral after Cream had said thanks for the contribution. He said, "Yeah, thanks kid. You have indeed done it so far."

  29. SS182 Kn and Amy experienced the real earthquake that shook in the US. That was not part of the show. This whole scene is improvised.

  30. That cannot be scripted. The whole scene IS improvised.

  31. Who has seen the 11th episode of Ask the Sonic Heroes?

  32. Already seen it. Hilarious indeed. Note all the people who have asked whether Silver is in love with Blaze.

  33. KillDozer123 gets to present himself again. Remember last time with the request?

  34. Yes, I remember. He asked Sonic to kiss Amy.

  35. Silver and Blaze both get caught under the mistletoe.

  36. Silver is completely embarrassed. Marine should partake in the London Olympic Games in 2012, too.

  37. Well, Marine could just be a Mii player who is customized or just ref in the Olympic Games like Cream, Charmy, Espio, or Toad.

  38. London! Who will emerge as the victor and who will have their faces buried in their hands?

  39. Looking forward for the London Olympic Games in 2012.

  40. Primera Lectura (Isaías 62: 11-12)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Isaías.
    Pues Yahvé lanza una proclamación, que la oigan hasta en el último rincón de la tierra: “Díganle a la hija de Sión: Mira cómo ya llega tu Salvador. Anda trayendo el premio por su victoria y delante de él van sus trofeos. Entonces los llamarán a ustedes “Pueblo Santo”, “Rescatados por Yahvé”, y a ti te dirán “La deseada”, “Ciudad no Abandonada”.

    Segunda Lectura (Tito 3: 4-7)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a Tito.
    Pero se manifestó la bondad de Dios, nuestro Salvador, y su amor a los hombres, pues no fue asunto de las obras buenas que hubiéramos hecho, sino de la misericordia que nos tuvo. Él nos salvó por el bautismo que nos hacía renacer y derramó sobre nosotros por Cristo Jesús, nuestro Salvador, el Espíritu Santo que nos renovaba. Habiendo sido reformados por gracia, esperamos ahora nuestra herencia, la vida eterna.

    Evangelio (Lucas 2: 15-20)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Lucas.
    Después que los ángeles volvieron al cielo, los pastores se decían unos a otros: “Vayamos a Belén, y veamos lo que ha sucedido y que el Señor nos ha anunciado.” Fueron rápidamente y encontraron a María, a José, y al recién nacido acostado en el pesebre. Al verlo, contaron lo que habían oído decir sobre este niño, Y cuantos los oían se maravillaban de lo que les decían los pastores. Mientras tanto, María conservaba estas cosas y las meditaba en su corazón. Y los pastores volvieron, alabando y glorificando a Dios por todo lo que habían visto y oído, conforme al anuncio que habían recibido.


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