Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Nativity of our Lord; Christmas Eve

Date: December 24, 2011

First Reading (Isaiah 9: 1-6)
A reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah.
The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light. A light has dawned on those who live in the land of the shadow of death. You have enlarged the nation; you have increased their joy. They rejoice before you, as people rejoice at harvest time as they rejoice in dividing the spoil. For the yoke of their burden, the bar across their shoulders, the rod of their oppressors, you have broken it as on the day of Midian. Every warrior's boot that tramped in war, every cloak rolled in blood, will be thrown out for burning, will serve as fuel for the fire. For a child is born to us, a son is given us; the royal ornament is laid upon his shoulder, and his name is proclaimed: "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." To the increase of his powerful rule in peace, there will be no end. Vast will be his dominion, he will reign on David's throne and over all his kingdom, to establish and uphold it with justice and righteousness from this time onward and forever. The zealous love of the Lord of hosts will do this.

Second Reading (Titus 2: 11-14)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to Titus.
Beloved: For God Savior has revealed his loving plan to all, teaching us to reject an irreligious way of life and worldly greed, and to live in this world as responsible persons, upright and serving God, while we await our blessed hope — the glorious manifestation of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus. He gave himself for us, to redeem us from every evil and to purify a people he wanted to be his own and dedicated to what is good.

Gospel (Luke 2: 1-14)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke.
At that time the emperor, Caesar Augustus, issued a decree for a census of the whole empire to be taken. This first census was taken while Quirinus was governor of Syria. Everyone had to be registered in his own town. So everyone set out for his own city; Joseph too set out from Nazareth of Galilee. As he belonged to the family of David, being a descendant of his, he went to Judea to David's town of Bethlehem to be registered with Mary, his wife, who was with child. They were in Bethlehem when the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to a son, her first-born. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in the manger, because there was no place for them in the living room. There were shepherds camping in the countryside, taking turns to watch over their flocks by night. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to them, with the Glory of the Lord shining around them. As they were terrified, the angel stated to them, "Do not be afraid; I am here to give you good news, great joy for all the people. Today a Savior has been born to you in David's town; he is the Messiah and the Lord. Let this be a sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger." Suddenly the angel was surrounded by many more heavenly spirits, praising God and stating, "Glory to God in the highest; peace on earth for God is blessing humankind."


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 96) (Verses 1-3 and 11-13)
    The response is: Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord.

    Sing to the Lord a new song, sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless his name.

    Proclaim his salvation day after day. Recall his glory among the nations, tell all the peoples his wonderful deeds.

    Let the heavens be glad, the earth rejoice; let the sea and all that fills it resound; let the fields exult and everything in them; let the forest, all the trees, sing for joy.

    Let them sing before the Lord who comes to judge the earth. He will rule the world with justice and the peoples with fairness.

  2. Glory to God in the Highest. The Gloria is sung and is not omitted. Remember, the Roman Missal Third Edition is in effect. The words of the Gloria is different from before.

  3. Looks like it is time for more Christmas carols.

  4. The readings for the Christmas Eve is different to the readings for Christmas Day.

  5. ¡Actualización rápida, todas personas! Estoy intentando terminar editando dos videos de vacaciones antes Navidad y aún pasar tiempo con mi familia, lejos de la computadora, entonces estoy ocupado por el momento. xD Pero, un episodio nuevo, esperanzadamente estar listo en la víspera de Navidad y un nuevo episodio de "Pregunta a los Héroes de Sonic" debería estar listo antes el Año Nuevo. Por favor, sea paciente con estos videos nuevos. :)

  6. This is the Kyrie for the Christmas Eve Mass.
    Priest: Lord Jesus, you look down with favor on what is little and vulnerable. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.

    Priest: Jesus Christ, you fill the hungry with good things and the satisfied you send away empty-handed. Christ, have mercy.
    Congregation: Christ, have mercy.

    Priest: Lord Jesus, you come to your people and set them free. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.

    Have mercy on us, Lord, and touch us with your forgiving mercy. Help us to live as your sons and daughters and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.

  7. This is the Opening Prayer for Christmas Eve.
    Let us pray. O God, who have made this most sacred night radiant with the splendor of the true light, grant, we pray, that we, who have known the mysteries of his light on earth, may also delight in his gladness in heaven; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

  8. Joy is to be shared, so let us pray to Jesus our Lord that the Good News of this coming may warm the hearts of all, and let us say: Lord, stay with your people.
    That today may be a feast of joy for all children far and near, to those who are happy, to those who hunger and suffer, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, stay with your people.
    That today may be a feast of faith for those who know the Lord and for those who do not yet know him, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, stay with your people.
    That today may become again a feast of peace for those divided by quarrels, for countries divided by war, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, stay with your people.
    That today may be a feast of joy for all our Christian communities and that we may share that joy as we go together the Lord's way of peace, let us pray to the Lord. Lord, stay with your people.
    Lord, in your Holy name, obtain for us from your Heavenly Father, his providence of the Saint Peter Canisius International Catholic Parish. Let us pray to the Lord. Lord, stay with your people.

  9. May the oblation of this day's feast be pleasing to you, O Lord, we pray, that through this most holy exchange we may be found in the likeness of Christ, in whom our nature is united to you; who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

  10. Eucharistic Prayer no. 3 is used. See the page of the Roman Missal Third Edition for the changes in the prayer, which is completely different from the original text.

  11. It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God. For in the mystery of the Word made flesh a new light of your glory has shone upon the eyes of our mind, so that, as we recognize in him God made visible, we may be caught up through him in love of things invisible. And so, with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominions, and with all the hosts and Powers of heaven, we sing the hymn if your glory, as without end we acclaim. (After this, you sing the Sanctus.)

  12. Grant us, we pray, O Lord our God, that we, who are gladdened by participation in the feast of our Redeemer's Nativity, may through an honorable way of life become worthy of union with him; who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen.

  13. May the God of infinite goodness, who by the incarnation of his Son has driven darkness from the world and by that glorious Birth has illumined this most holy night, drive far from you the darkness of vice and illumine your hearts with the light of virtue. Amen.
    May God, who willed that the great joy of his Son's saving Birth be announced to shepherds by the Angel, fill your minds with the gladness he gives and make your heralds of his Gospel. Amen.
    And my God, who by the incarnation brought together the earthly and heavenly realm, fill you with the gift of his peace and favor and make you sharers with the Church in heaven. Amen.
    And may the blessing of almighty God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, come down on you and remain with you forever. Amen.

  14. ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

  15. ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪ー(⌒-⌒; )

  16. Primera Lectura (Isaías 9: 1-6)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Isaías.
    El pueblo que caminaba en la noche divisó una luz grande; habitaban el oscuro país de la muerte, pero fueron iluminados. Tú los has bendecido y multiplicado, los has colmado de alegría. Es una fiesta ante ti como en un día de siega, es la alegría de los que reparten el botín. Pues el yugo que soportaban y la vara sobre sus espaldas, el látigo de su capataz, tú los quiebras como en el día de Madián. Los zapatos que hacían retumbar la tierra y los mantos manchados de sangre van a ser quemados: el fuego los devorará. Porque un niño nos ha nacido, un hijo se nos ha dado; le ponen en el hombro el distintivo del rey y proclaman su nombre: “Consejero admirable, Dios fuerte, Padre que no muere, príncipe de la Paz.” El imperio crece con él y la prosperidad no tiene límites, para el trono de David y para su reino: Él lo establece y lo afianza por el derecho y la justicia, desde ahora y para siempre. Sí, así será, por el amor celoso de Yahvé Sabaot.

    Segunda Lectura (Tito 2: 11-14)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a Tito.
    Porque la generosidad del Dios Salvador acaba de manifestarse a todos los hombres; nos enseña a rechazar la vida sin Dios y las codicias mundanas, y a vivir en el mundo presente como seres responsables, justos y que sirven a Dios. Ahora nos queda aguardar la feliz esperanza, la manifestación gloriosa de nuestro gran Dios y Salvador, Cristo Jesús, que se entregó por nosotros para rescatarnos de todo pecado y purificar a un pueblo que fuese suyo, dedicado a toda obra buena.

    Evangelio (Lucas 2: 1-14)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según San Lucas.
    En aquella época apareció un decreto del emperador Augusto, ordenando que se realizara un censo en todo el mundo. Este primer censo tuvo lugar cuando Quirino gobernaba la Siria. Y cada uno iba a inscribirse a su ciudad de origen. José, que pertenecía a la familia de David, salió de Nazaret, ciudad de Galilea, y se dirigió a Belén de Judea, la ciudad de David, para inscribirse con María, su esposa, que estaba embarazada. Mientras se encontraban en Belén, le llegó el tiempo de ser madre; y María dio a luz a su Hijo primogénito, lo envolvió en pañales y lo acostó en un pesebre, porque no había lugar para ellos en el albergue. En esa región acampaban unos pastores, que vigilaban por turno sus rebaños durante la noche. De pronto, se les apareció el Angel del Señor y la gloria del Señor los envolvió con su luz. Ellos sintieron un gran temor, pero el Angel les dijo: “No teman, porque les traigo una buena noticia, una gran alegría para todo el pueblo: Hoy, en la ciudad de David, les ha nacido un Salvador, que es el Mesías, el Señor. Y esto les servirá de señal: encontrarán a un niño recién nacido envuelto en pañales y acostado en un pesebre.” Y junto con el Ángel, apareció de pronto una multitud del ejército celestial, que alababa a Dios, diciendo: “¡Gloria a Dios en las alturas, y en la tierra, paz a los hombres amados por él!”


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