Saturday, June 9, 2018

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: June 10, 2018

New American Bible readings
First reading (Genesis 3: 9–15)
A reading from the book of Genesis.
After the man, Adam, had eaten of the tree, the LORD God called to the man and asked him, "Where are you?" He answered, "I heard you in the garden; but I was afraid, because I was naked, so I hid myself." Then he asked, "Who told you that you were naked? You have eaten, then, from the tree of which I had forbidden you to eat!" The man replied, "The woman whom you put here with me—she gave me fruit from the tree, and so I ate it." The LORD God then asked the woman, "Why did you do such a thing?" The woman answered, "The serpent tricked me into it, so I ate it." Then the LORD God said to the serpent: "Because you have done this, you shall be banned from all the animals and from all the wild creatures; on your belly shall you crawl, and dirt shall you eat all the days of your life. I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will strike at your head, while you strike at his heel."

Second reading (2 Corinthians 4:13 – 5:1)
A reading from the second letter of Saint Paul to the Romans.
Brothers and sisters: Since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, I believed, therefore I spoke, we too believe and therefore we speak, knowing that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will raise us also with Jesus and place us with you in his presence. Everything indeed is for you, so that the grace bestowed in abundance on more and more people may cause the thanksgiving to overflow for the glory of God. Therefore, we are not discouraged; rather, although our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this momentary light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to what is seen but to what is unseen; for what is seen is transitory, but what is unseen is eternal. For we know that if our earthly dwelling, a tent, should be destroyed, we have a building from God, a dwelling not made with hands, eternal in heaven.

Gospel (Mark 3: 20–35)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark.
Jesus came home with his disciples. Again the crowd gathered, making it impossible for them even to eat. When his relatives heard of this they set out to seize him, for they said, "He is out of his mind." The scribes who had come from Jerusalem said, "He is possessed by Beelzebul," and "By the prince of demons he drives out demons." Summoning them, he began to speak to them in parables, "How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand; that is the end of him. But no one can enter a strong man's house to plunder his property unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can plunder the house. Amen, I say to you, all sins and all blasphemies that people utter will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an everlasting sin." For they had said, "He has an unclean spirit." His mother and his brothers arrived. Standing outside they sent word to him and called him. A crowd seated around him told him, "Your mother and your brothers and your sisters are outside asking for you." But he said to them in reply, "Who are my mother and my brothers?" And looking around at those seated in the circle he said, "Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother."

Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible readings
First reading (Genesis 3: 9–15)
A reading from the book of Genesis.
The Lord God called the man saying to him, "Where are you?" He said, “I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.” God said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree I ordered you not to eat?” The man answered, “The woman you put with me gave me fruit from the tree and I ate it.” God said to the woman, “What have you done?” The woman said, “The serpent deceived me and I ate.” The Lord God said to the serpent, “Since you have done that, be cursed among all the cattle and wild beasts! You will crawl on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life. I will make you enemies, you and the woman, your offspring and her offspring. He will crush your head and you will strike his heel.”

Second reading (2 Corinthians 4:13 – 5:1)
A reading from the second letter of Saint Paul to the Romans.
We have received the same spirit of faith referred to in Scripture that says: I believed and so I spoke. We also believe and so we speak. We know that He who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us with Jesus and bring us, with you, into his presence. Finally, everything is for your good, so that grace will come more abundantly upon you and great will be the thanksgiving for the glory of God. Therefore, we are not discouraged. On the contrary, while our outer being wastes away, the inner self is renewed from day to day. The slight affliction which quickly passes away prepares us for an eternal wealth of glory so great and beyond all comparison. So we no longer pay attention to the things that are seen, but to those that are unseen, for the things that we see last for a moment, but that which cannot be seen is eternal. We know that when our earthly dwelling, or rather our tent, is destroyed, we may count on a building from God, a heavenly dwelling not built by human hands, that lasts forever.

Gospel (Mark 3: 20–35)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Mark.
They went home. The crowd began to gather again and they could not even have a meal. Knowing what was happening, his relatives came to take charge of him: “He is out of his mind,” they said. Meanwhile, the teachers of the Law who had come from Jerusalem said, “He is in the power of Beelzebul: the chief of the demons helps him to drive out demons.” Jesus called them to him and began teaching them by means of stories or parables, “How can Satan drive out Satan? If a nation is divided by civil war, that nation cannot stand. If a family divides itself into groups, that family will not survive. In the same way, if Satan has risen against himself and is divided, he will not stand; he is finished. No one can break into the house of the strong one in order to plunder his goods, unless he first ties up the strong one. Then indeed, he can plunder his house. Truly, I say to you, every sin will be forgiven humankind, even insults to God, however numerous. But whoever slanders the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven: he carries the guilt of his sin forever.” This was their sin when they said, “He has an evil spirit in him.” Then his mother and his brothers came. As they stood outside, they sent someone to call him. The crowd sitting around Jesus told him, “Your mother and your brothers are outside asking for you.” He replied, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking around at those who sat there, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. Whoever does the will of God is brother and sister and mother to me.”


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 130) (Verses 1–8)
    The response is: With the Lord there is mercy, and fullness of redemption.

    Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD; LORD, hear my voice! Let your ears be attentive to my voice in supplication.

    If you, O LORD, mark iniquities, LORD, who can stand? But with you is forgiveness, that you may be revered.

    I trust in the LORD; my soul trusts in his word. More than sentinels wait for the dawn, let Israel wait for the LORD.

    For with the LORD is kindness and with him is plenteous redemption and he will redeem Israel from all their iniquities.

    1. This is the responsorial psalm for the 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

    2. This responsorial psalm is taken from the New American Bible.

  2. Alleluia, alleluia.
    Now the ruler of the world will be driven out, says the Lord; and when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.
    Alleluia, alleluia.

  3. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 130) (Verses 1–8)
    The response is: With the Lord there is mercy, and fullness of redemption.
    — Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord, O Lord, hear my voice! Let your ears pay attention to the voice of my supplication.
    — If you should mark our evil, O Lord, who could stand? But with you is forgiveness, and for that you are revered.
    — I waited for the Lord, my soul waits, and I put my hope in his word. My soul expects the Lord more than watchmen the dawn.
    — O Israel, hope in the Lord, for with him is unfailing love and with him full deliverance. He will deliver Israel from all its sins.

    1. This responsorial psalm is taken from the Catholic Pastoral Edition Bible.

  4. Primera lectura (Génesis 3: 9–15)
    Una lectura del libro de Génesis.
    Yahvé Dios llamó al hombre y le dijo: “¿Dónde estás?” Este contestó: “He oído tu voz en el jardín, y tuve miedo porque estoy desnudo; por eso me escondí.” Yahvé Dios replicó: “¿Quién te ha hecho ver que estabas desnudo? ¿Has comido acaso del árbol que te prohibí?” El hombre respondió: “La mujer que pusiste a mi lado me dio del árbol y comí.” Yahvé dijo a la mujer: “¿Qué has hecho?” La mujer respondió: “La serpiente me engañó y he comido.” Entonces Yahvé Dios dijo a la serpiente: “Por haber hecho esto, maldita seas entre todas las bestias y entre todos los animales del campo. Te arrastrarás sobre tu vientre y comerás tierra por todos los días de tu vida. Haré que haya enemistad entre ti y la mujer, entre tu descendencia y la suya. Ella te pisará la cabeza mientras tú herirás su talón.”

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 130) (Versículos 1–8)
    La respuesta es: Con el Señor hay misericordia y plenitud de redención.
    • Desde lo más profundo te invoco, Señor. ¡Señor, oye mi voz! Estén tus oídos atentos al clamor de mi plegaria.
    • Si tienes en cuenta las culpas, Señor, ¿quién podrá subsistir? Pero en ti se encuentra el perdón, para que seas temido.
    • Mi alma espera en el Señor, y yo confío en su palabra. Mi alma espera al Señor, más que el centinela la aurora.
    • Como el centinela espera la aurora, espere Israel al Señor, porque en él se encuentra la misericordia y la redención en abundancia: él redimirá a Israel de todos sus pecados.

    Segunda lectura (2 Corintios 4:13 – 5:1)
    Una lectura de la segunda carta de san Pablo a los corintios.
    Pero teniendo ese mismo espíritu de fe, del que dice la Escritura: Creí, y por eso hablé, también nosotros creemos, y por lo tanto, hablamos. Y nosotros sabemos que aquel que resucitó al Señor Jesús nos resucitará con él y nos reunirá a su lado junto con ustedes. Todo esto es por ustedes: para que al abundar la gracia, abunde también el número de los que participan en la acción de gracias para gloria de Dios. Por eso, no nos desanimamos: aunque nuestro hombre exterior se vaya destruyendo, nuestro hombre interior se va renovando día a día. Nuestra angustia, que es leve y pasajera, nos prepara una gloria eterna, que supera toda medida. Porque no tenemos puesta la mirada en las cosas visibles, sino en las invisibles: lo que se ve es transitorio, lo que no se ve es eterno. Nosotros sabemos, en efecto, que si esta tienda de campaña "nuestra morada terrenal" es destruida, tenemos una casa permanente en el cielo, no construida por el hombre, sino por Dios.

    1. Evangelio (Marcos 3: 20–35)
      Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según el San Marcos.
      Vuelto a casa, se juntó otra vez tanta gente que ni siquiera podían comer. Al enterarse sus parientes de todo lo anterior, fueron a buscarlo para llevárselo, pues decían: “Se ha vuelto loco.” Mientras tanto, unos maestros de la Ley que habían venido de Jerusalén decían: “Está poseído por Belcebú, jefe de los demonios, y con su ayuda expulsa a los demonios.” Jesús les pidió que se acercaran y empezó a enseñarles por medio de ejemplos: “¿Cómo puede Satanás echar a Satanás? Si una nación está con luchas internas, esa nación no podrá mantenerse en pie. Y si una familia está con divisiones internas, esa familia no podrá subsistir. De igual modo, si Satanás lucha contra sí mismo y está dividido, no puede subsistir, y pronto llegará su fin. La verdad es que nadie puede entrar en la casa del Fuerte y arrebatarle sus cosas si no lo amarra primero; entonces podrá saquear su casa. En verdad les digo: se les perdonará todo a los hombres, ya sean pecados o blasfemias contra Dios, por muchos que sean. En cambio el que calumnie al Espíritu Santo, no tendrá jamás perdón, pues se queda con un pecado que nunca lo dejará.” Y justamente ése era su pecado cuando decían: Está poseído por un espíritu malo. Entonces llegaron su madre y sus hermanos, se quedaron afuera y lo mandaron a llamar. Como era mucha la gente sentada en torno a Jesús, le transmitieron este recado: “Tu madre, tus hermanos y tus hermanas están fuera y preguntan por ti.” Él les contestó: “¿Quiénes son mi madre y mis hermanos?” Y mirando a los que estaban sentados a su alrededor, dijo: “Estos son mi madre y mis hermanos. Porque todo el que hace la voluntad de Dios es hermano mío y hermana y madre.”

  5. Bacaan pertama (Kejadian 3: 9–15)
    Pembacaan dari kitab Kejadian.
    Tetapi TUHAN Allah memanggil manusia itu dan berfirman kepadanya: "Di manakah engkau?" Ia menjawab: "Ketika aku mendengar, bahwa Engkau ada dalam taman ini, aku menjadi takut, karena aku telanjang; sebab itu aku bersembunyi." Firman-Nya: "Siapakah yang memberitahukan kepadamu, bahwa engkau telanjang? Apakah engkau makan dari buah pohon, yang Kularang engkau makan itu?" Manusia itu menjawab: "Perempuan yang Kautempatkan di sisiku, dialah yang memberi dari buah pohon itu kepadaku, maka kumakan." Kemudian berfirmanlah TUHAN Allah kepada perempuan itu: "Apakah yang telah kauperbuat ini?" Jawab perempuan itu: "Ular itu yang memperdayakan aku, maka kumakan." Lalu berfirmanlah TUHAN Allah kepada ular itu: "Karena engkau berbuat demikian, terkutuklah engkau di antara segala ternak dan di antara segala binatang hutan; dengan perutmulah engkau akan menjalar dan debu tanahlah akan kaumakan seumur hidupmu. Aku akan mengadakan permusuhan antara engkau dan perempuan ini, antara keturunanmu dan keturunannya; keturunannya akan meremukkan kepalamu, dan engkau akan meremukkan tumitnya."

    Mazmur (Mazmur 130) (Ayat 1–8)
    Tanggapan adalah: Dengan Tuhan ada kasihan dan pembebasan yang lengkap.
    • Dari jurang yang dalam aku berseru kepada-Mu, ya TUHAN! Tuhan, dengarkanlah suaraku! Biarlah telinga-Mu menaruh perhatian kepada suara permohonanku.
    • Jika Engkau, ya TUHAN, mengingat-ingat kesalahan-kesalahan, Tuhan, siapakah yang dapat tahan? Tetapi pada-Mu ada pengampunan, supaya Engkau ditakuti orang.
    • Aku menanti-nantikan TUHAN, jiwaku menanti-nanti, dan aku mengharapkan firman-Nya. Jiwaku mengharapkan Tuhan lebih dari pada pengawal mengharapkan pagi, lebih dari pada pengawal mengharapkan pagi.
    • Berharaplah kepada TUHAN, hai Israel! Sebab pada TUHAN ada kasih setia, dan Ia banyak kali mengadakan pembebasan. Dialah yang akan membebaskan Israel dari segala kesalahannya.

    Bacaan kedua (2 Korintus 4:13 – 5:1)
    Pembacaan dari surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Korintus.
    Namun karena kami memiliki roh iman yang sama, seperti ada tertulis: "Aku percaya, sebab itu aku berkata-kata", maka kami juga percaya dan sebab itu kami juga berkata-kata. Karena kami tahu, bahwa Ia, yang telah membangkitkan Tuhan Yesus, akan membangkitkan kami juga bersama-sama dengan Yesus. Dan Ia akan menghadapkan kami bersama-sama dengan kamu kepada diri-Nya. Sebab semuanya itu terjadi oleh karena kamu, supaya kasih karunia, yang semakin besar berhubung dengan semakin banyaknya orang yang menjadi percaya, menyebabkan semakin melimpahnya ucapan syukur bagi kemuliaan Allah. Sebab itu kami tidak tawar hati, tetapi meskipun manusia lahiriah kami semakin merosot, namun manusia batiniah kami dibaharui dari sehari ke sehari. Sebab penderitaan ringan yang sekarang ini, mengerjakan bagi kami kemuliaan kekal yang melebihi segala-galanya, jauh lebih besar dari pada penderitaan kami. Sebab kami tidak memperhatikan yang kelihatan, melainkan yang tak kelihatan, karena yang kelihatan adalah sementara, sedangkan yang tak kelihatan adalah kekal. Karena kami tahu, bahwa jika kemah tempat kediaman kita di bumi ini dibongkar, Allah telah menyediakan suatu tempat kediaman di surga bagi kita, suatu tempat kediaman yang kekal, yang tidak dibuat oleh tangan manusia.

    1. Bacaan Injil (Markus 3: 20–35)
      Pembacaan dari Injil kudus menurut Santo Markus.
      Kemudian Yesus masuk ke sebuah rumah. Maka datanglah orang banyak berkerumun pula, sehingga makanpun mereka tidak dapat. Waktu kaum keluarga-Nya mendengar hal itu, mereka datang hendak mengambil Dia, sebab kata mereka Ia tidak waras lagi. Dan ahli-ahli Taurat yang datang dari Yerusalem berkata: "Ia kerasukan Beelzebul," dan: "Dengan penghulu setan Ia mengusir setan." Yesus memanggil mereka, lalu berkata kepada mereka dalam perumpamaan: "Bagaimana Iblis dapat mengusir Iblis? Kalau suatu kerajaan terpecah-pecah, kerajaan itu tidak dapat bertahan, dan jika suatu rumah tangga terpecah-pecah, rumah tangga itu tidak dapat bertahan. Demikianlah juga kalau Iblis berontak melawan dirinya sendiri dan kalau ia terbagi-bagi, ia tidak dapat bertahan, melainkan sudahlah tiba kesudahannya. Tetapi tidak seorangpun dapat memasuki rumah seorang yang kuat untuk merampas harta bendanya apabila tidak diikatnya dahulu orang kuat itu. Sesudah itu barulah dapat ia merampok rumah itu. Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya semua dosa dan hujat anak-anak manusia akan diampuni, ya, semua hujat yang mereka ucapkan. Tetapi apabila seorang menghujat Roh Kudus, ia tidak mendapat ampun selama-lamanya, melainkan bersalah karena berbuat dosa kekal." Ia berkata demikian karena mereka katakan bahwa Ia kerasukan roh jahat. Lalu datanglah ibu dan saudara-saudara Yesus. Sementara mereka berdiri di luar, mereka menyuruh orang memanggil Dia. Ada orang banyak duduk mengelilingi Dia, mereka berkata kepada-Nya: "Lihat, ibu dan saudara-saudara-Mu ada di luar, dan berusaha menemui Engkau." Jawab Yesus kepada mereka: "Siapa ibu-Ku dan siapa saudara-saudara-Ku?" Ia melihat kepada orang-orang yang duduk di sekeliling-Nya itu dan berkata: "Ini ibu-Ku dan saudara-saudara-Ku! Barangsiapa melakukan kehendak Allah, dialah saudara-Ku laki-laki, dialah saudara-Ku perempuan, dialah ibu-Ku."

  6. Unang pagbasa (Genesis 3: 9–15)
    Ang pagbasa mula sa aklat ng Genesis.
    Ngunit tinawag niya ang lalaki at tinanong, “Saan ka naroon?” “Natakot po ako nang marinig kong kayo'y nasa halamanan; nagtago po ako sapagkat ako'y hubad,” sagot ng lalaki. Nagtanong muli ang Diyos, “Sinong maysabi sa iyong hubad ka? Bakit, kumain ka ba ng bungang ipinagbabawal ko?” “Kasi, pinakain po ako ng babaing ibinigay ninyo sa akin,” tugon ng lalaki. “Bakit mo ginawa ang bagay na iyon?” tanong ng Panginoon sa babae. “Mangyari po'y nilinlang ako ng ahas, kaya ako natuksong kumain,” sagot naman nito. At sinabi ng Panginoon sa ahas: “Sa iyong ginawa'y may parusang dapat, na ikaw lang sa lahat ng hayop ang magdaranas; mula ngayon ikaw ay gagapang, at ang pagkain mo'y alikabok lamang. Kayo ng babae'y aking pag-aawayin, binhi mo't binhi niya'y lagi kong paglalabanin. Ang binhi niya ang dudurog sa iyong ulo, at sa sakong niya'y ikaw ang tutuklaw.”

    Ikalawang pagbasa (2 Corinto 4:13 – 5:1)
    Ang pagbasa mula sa ikalawang sulat ni San Pablo sa mga taga-Corinto.
    Sinasabi ng kasulatan, “Nagsalita ako sapagkat ako'y sumampalataya.” Sa ganoon ding diwa ng pananampalataya, nagsasalita kami dahil kami'y sumasampalataya. Sapagkat alam naming ang Diyos na muling bumuhay sa Panginoong Jesus ay siya ring bubuhay sa amin kasama si Jesus, at magdadala sa atin sa kanyang piling. Ang lahat ng pagtitiis ko ay para sa kapakanan ninyo upang sa pagdami ng mga nakakatanggap ng kagandahang-loob ng Diyos, lalo pang dumami ang magpapasalamat sa ikaluluwalhati niya. Kaya't hindi kami nasisiraan ng loob. Kahit na humihina ang aming katawang-lupa, patuloy namang pinalalakas ang aming espiritu araw-araw. Ang bahagya at panandaliang kapighatiang dinaranas namin ngayon ay magbubunga ng kagalakang walang hanggan at walang katulad. Kaya't ang paningin namin ay nakatuon sa mga bagay na di-nakikita, at hindi sa mga bagay na nakikita. Sapagkat panandalian lamang ang mga bagay na nakikita, ngunit walang hanggan ang mga bagay na di-nakikita. Alam naming kapag nasira na ang toldang tinatahanan natin ngayon, ang ating katawang-lupa, kami'y may tahanan sa langit na hindi kailanman masisira, isang tahanang ginawa ng Diyos, at hindi ng tao.

    1. Ebanghelyo (Marcos 3: 20–35)
      Ang magandang balita ayon kay San Marcos.
      Pag-uwi ni Jesus, muling nagkatipon doon ang napakaraming tao kaya't hindi na sila nagkaroon ng pagkakataong kumain pa. Nang mabalitaan iyon ng kanyang mga kamag-anak, pumunta sila roon upang kunin siya dahil maraming nagsasabi na siya'y nasisiraan ng bait. Sinasabi naman ng mga tagapagturo ng Kautusan na galing sa Jerusalem, “Sinasapian siya ni Beelzebul. Nakapagpapalayas siya ng demonyo sa pamamagitan ng kapangyarihan ng pinuno ng mga demonyo!” Dahil dito, pinalapit ni Jesus ang mga tao at sinabi sa kanila ang ilang talinghaga. Sabi niya, “Paanong mapapalayas ni Satanas ang kanyang sarili? Kapag naglaban-laban ang mga mamamayan ng isang kaharian, mawawasak ang kahariang iyon. Kapag naglaban-laban ang mga kaanib ng isang sambahayan, magkakawatak-watak ang sambahayang iyon. Gayundin naman, kapag kinalaban ni Satanas ang kanyang sarili at nagkabaha-bahagi ang kanyang mga kampon, hindi siya magtatagal at iyon na ang kanyang magiging wakas. “Hindi maaaring pasukin at pagnakawan ang bahay ng isang taong malakas, malibang gapusin muna siya. Kapag siya'y nakagapos na, saka pa lamang mapagnanakawan ang kanyang bahay. Tandaan ninyo ito: maaaring patawarin ang tao sa lahat ng kanyang kasalanan at paglapastangan, ngunit ang sinumang lumapastangan sa Espiritu Santo ay walang kapatawaran, sapagkat siya ay nagkasala ng walang hanggang kasalanan.” Sinabi ito ni Jesus sapagkat sinasabi ng mga tao na siya'y sinasapian ng masamang espiritu. Dumating ang ina at mga kapatid ni Jesus. Tumayo sila sa labas ng bahay at ipinatawag siya. Nang oras na iyon ay maraming taong nakaupo sa palibot ni Jesus. May nagsabi sa kanya, “Nasa labas po at naghihintay ang inyong ina at mga kapatid na lalaki at mga kapatid na babae.” “Sino ang aking ina at mga kapatid?” tanong naman ni Jesus. Tumingin siya sa mga nakaupo sa palibot at sinabi, “Ito ang aking ina at mga kapatid! Sapagkat ang mga sumusunod sa kalooban ng Diyos ang aking mga kapatid at aking ina.”

    2. Salmong pagtugon (Mga Awit 130: 1–8)
      Ang tugon ay: Sa piling ng Poong Diyos may pag-ibig at pagtubos.

      Sa gitna ng paghihirap, sa Panginoon ay dumalangin. Panginoon, ako'y dinggin kapag ako'y tumataghoy, dinggin mo ang pagtawag ko't paghingi ng iyong tulong.

      Kung ikaw ay may talaan nitong aming kasalanan, lahat kami ay tatanggap ng hatol mong nakalaan. Ngunit iyong pinatawad, kasalanan ay nilimot, pinatawad mo nga kami upang sa iyo ay matakot.

      Sabik akong naghihintay, O Panginoon, sa iyong tugon, pagkat ako'y may tiwala sa pangako mong pagtulong. Yaring aking pananabik, Panginoon, ay higit pa sa bantay na naghihintay ng pagsapit ng umaga.

      Magtiwala ka, Israel, magtiwala ka sa Panginoon, matatag at di kukupas ang pag-ibig niyang dulot, lagi siyang nakahandang sa sinuman ay tumubos. Ililigtas ang Israel, bansang kanyang minamahal, ililigtas niya sila sa kanilang kasalanan.

  7. 第一読み物(創世記第3章:第9詩–第15詩)



    1. 第一読み物(創世記第3章:第9詩–第15詩)



  8. Prima lettura (Genesi 3: 9–15)
    Una lettura dal libro della Genesi.
    Ma il Signore Dio chiamò l'uomo e gli disse: “Dove sei?” Rispose: “Ho udito il tuo passo nel giardino: ho avuto paura, perché sono nudo, e mi sono nascosto.” “Chi ti ha fatto sapere che eri nudo? Hai forse mangiato dell'albero di cui ti avevo comandato di non mangiare?” Rispose l'uomo: “La donna che tu mi hai posta accanto mi ha dato dell'albero e io ne ho mangiato.” Il Signore Dio disse alla donna: “Che hai fatto?” Rispose la donna: “Il serpente mi ha ingannata e io ho mangiato.” Allora il Signore Dio disse al serpente: “Poiché tu hai fatto questo, sii tu maledetto più di tutto il bestiame e più di tutte le bestie selvatiche; sul tuo ventre camminerai e polvere mangerai per tutti i giorni della tua vita. Io porrò inimicizia tra te e la donna, tra la tua stripe e la sua stirpe: questa ti schiaccerà la testa e tu le insidierai il calcagno.”

    Seconda lettura (Corinzi 4:13 – 5:1)
    Una lettura della seconda lettera di San Paolo ai Corinzi.
    Animati tuttavia da quello stesso spirito di fede di cui sta scritto: Ho creduto, perciò ho parlato, anche noi crediamo e perciò parliamo, convinti che colui che ha risuscitato il Signore Gesù, risusciterà anche noi con Gesù e ci porrà accanto a lui insieme con voi. Tutto infatti è per voi, perché la grazia, ancora più abbondante ad opera di un maggior numero, moltiplichi l'inno di lode alla gloria di Dio. Per questo non ci scoraggiamo, ma se anche il nostro uomo esteriore si va disfacendo, quello interiore si rinnova di giorno in giorno. Infatti il momentaneo, leggero peso della nostra tribolazione, ci procura una quantità smisurata ed eterna di gloria, perché noi non fissiamo lo sguardo sulle cose visibili, ma su quelle invisibili. Le cose visibili sono d'un momento, quelle invisibili sono eterne. Sappiamo infatti che quando verrà disfatto questo corpo, nostra abitazione sulla terra, riceveremo un'abitazione da Dio, una dimora eterna, non costruita da mani di uomo, nei cieli.

    Vangelo (Marco 3: 20–35)
    Una lettura del Santo Vangelo secondo San Marco.
    Entrò in una casa e si radunò di nuovo attorno a lui molta folla, al punto che non potevano neppure prendere cibo. Allora i suoi, sentito questo, uscirono per andare a prenderlo; poiché dicevano: “E' fuori di sé.” Ma gli scribi, che erano discesi da Gerusalemme, dicevano: “Costui è posseduto da Beelzebùl e scaccia i demòni per mezzo del principe dei demòni.” Ma egli, chiamatili, diceva loro in parabole: “Come può satana scacciare satana? Se un regno è diviso in se stesso, quel regno non può reggersi; se una casa è divisa in se stessa, quella casa non può reggersi. Alla stessa maniera, se satana si ribella contro se stesso ed è diviso, non può resistere, ma sta per finire. Nessuno può entrare nella casa di un uomo forte e rapire le sue cose se prima non avrà legato l'uomo forte; allora ne saccheggerà la casa. In verità vi dico: tutti i peccati saranno perdonati ai figli degli uomini e anche tutte le bestemmie che diranno; ma chi avrà bestemmiato contro lo Spirito santo, non avrà perdono in eterno: sarà reo di colpa eterna.” Poiché dicevano: “E' posseduto da uno spirito immondo.” Giunsero sua madre e i suoi fratelli e, stando fuori, lo mandarono a chiamare. Tutto attorno era seduta la folla e gli dissero: “Ecco tua madre, i tuoi fratelli e le tue sorelle sono fuori e ti cercano.” Ma egli rispose loro: “Chi è mia madre e chi sono i miei fratelli?” Girando lo sguardo su quelli che gli stavano seduti attorno, disse: “Ecco mia madre e i miei fratelli! Chi compie la volontà di Dio, costui è mio fratello, sorella e madre.”


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