Saturday, August 20, 2011

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: August 21, 2011

First Reading (Isaiah 22: 15 and 19-23)
A reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah.
Thus states the Lord God Sabaoth: Go and talk to this man Shebna, who is the palace steward. Tell him: You will be deposed, strongman. I will hurl you down from where you are. On that day I will summon my servant Eliakim, son of Hilkiah. I will clothe him with your robe, I will strengthen him with your girdle, I will give him your authority, and he will be a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to the people of Judah. Upon his shoulder I will place the key to the House of David: what he opens, no one shall shut; what he shuts, no one shall open. I will fasten him like a peg in a sure spot, and he will be a seat of honor in the house of his father.

Second Reading (Romans 11: 33-36)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans.
Brothers and sisters: How deep are the riches, the wisdom and knowledge of God! His decision cannot be explained, nor his ways understood! Who has ever known God's thoughts? Who has ever been his adviser? Who has given him something first, so that God had to repay him? For everything comes from him, has been made by him and has to return to him. To him be the glory forever! Amen.

Gospel (Matthew 16: 13-20)

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew.
After that Jesus came to Caesarea Philippi. He asked his disciples, "What do people say of the Son of Man? Who do they say I am?" They stated, "For some of them you are John the Baptist, for others Elijah or Jeremiah or one of the prophets." Jesus asked them, "But you, who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." Jesus replied, "It is well for you, Simon Barjona, for it is not flesh or blood that has revealed this to you but my Father in heaven. And now I say to you: You are Peter (or Rock) and on this rock I will build my Church; and never will the powers of death overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven: whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and what you unbind on earth shall be unbound in heaven." Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Christ.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Welcome back! Congratulations to Sean who had passed the second week (although you had a holiday on Wednesday) of his sophomore life. Congratulations to Sean for completing his homework at the first second instead of the last second. Well done, Sean, and keep up the good work. The Gospel reading is quite common, as Jesus questions his disciples of other people they thought of him. Quite interesting that his disciples mentioned various prophets. Simon declared that he is really the Christ.

  3. Amazingly, Sean has succeed his homework by completing it in the first day it was assigned. Well done for that performance! You are my rock and my salvation!

  4. Hey Sean. Any news with YouTube so far?

  5. Not yet. Apparently, I have new videos on my channel (sean21901). I have 13 videos. I currently have 4 videos in privacy. You have been given permission to see the private videos, actually, since I can see your comments within the Spanish educational videos. SS182 is apparently busy working with the improvised interview shows for Team Rose and I believe the Sonic Chefs video, but I am sure she will manage to have that up before she enters school by this week. It will be her and her sister's first day of school. Therefore, patience is the key. So far, the recent video I uploaded is that 2-racer saga. It is quite entertaining.

  6. I shall wish good luck to Sean on the first full week of school! Then, after that, he will be rewarded with a 5 day holiday. Selamat Hari Ramadhan! (I think I spelled it right) I commend and congratulate Sean for completing his work on the first day it is assigned. Well done!

  7. Well done to Sean on his first 6 days of school. Now, he will experience the full week of school with no holidays to intervene with his studies. Congratulations to Sean because he has completed his work on the first day it is assigned. Well done and keep up the good work.
    To Sean: What are the readings for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time?

  8. Greetings, Theodorus. The readings for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time are as follows:
    The First Reading is from the book of the prophet Jeremiah: chapter 20, verses 7-9.
    The Second Reading is from the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans: chapter 12, verses 1-2.
    The Gospel Reading is according to Matthew: chapter 16, verses 21-27.
    I hope this helps!

  9. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 138) (Verses 1-3, 6, and 8)
    The response is: Lord, Your love is eternal; do not forsake the work of Your hands.

    I thank you, O Lord, with all my heart, for you have heard the word of my lips. I sing your praise in the presence of the gods; I bow down towards your holy temple.

    I give thanks to your name, for your love and faithfulness, for your word which exceeds everything. You answered me when I called; you restored my soul and made me strong.

    From above, the Lord watches over the lowly; from afar, he marks down the haughty. How the Lord cares for me! Your kindness, O Lord, endures forever. Forsake not the work of your hands.

  10. This is the Kyrie for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Priest: Lord Jesus, we believe in you for you are the Messiah, the Son of the living God. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.

    Priest: Jesus Christ, we trust that you pardon us for you have commissioned your Church to bring your forgiveness to the world. Christ, have mercy.
    Congregation: Christ, have mercy.

    Priest: Lord Jesus, we rely on your promise that the powers of evil cannot overcome the people you have won for yourself. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.

    Lord, we trust in you that in your great mercy you forgive us. Make us bring your forgiveness to others and lead us to everlasting life. Amen.

  11. This is the Opening Prayer for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Let us pray. Lord our God, all truth is from you, and you alone bring oneness of heart. Give your people the joy of hearing your word in every sound and of longing for your presence more than for life itself. May all the attractions of a changing world serve only to bring us the peace of your kingdom which this world does not give. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  12. Merciful God, the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ made us your people. In your love, grant peace and unity to your Church. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  13. Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks. So great was your love that you gave us your Son as our redeemer. You sent him as one like ourselves though free from sin, that you might see and love in us what you see and love in Christ. Your gifts of grace, lost by disobedience, are now restored by the obedience of your Son. We praise you Lord, with all the angels and saints in their song of joy. (After this, you sing the Sanctus.)

  14. Interestingly, Father Thomas has elucidated to us about the face where we all call each other by names, naturally. It tells us the Simon Peter has declared to Jesus that he will do whatever he can to be a disciple of Jesus, and hence he will do whatever he can to protect him and serve him.

  15. No sé cómo sienta. Recientemente, SS182 Kn ha dicho por ha publicado este boletín: Me estoy ocupado trabajando en un video en el momento. No estoy seguro cuando sea listo, pero es un video de Cocineros de Sonic. Entretanto, estoy aún planeando otra entrevista de "Pregunta a los Héroes de Sonic", pero, todo el mundo está ocupado con las actividades de veranos y no puedo encontrar el tiempo que funciona para todo el mundo. Por favor, perdone la tardanza masiva en episodio nueve. Estoy haciendo todos puedo.

  16. Ufretin, necesitas ser paciente. Con suficiente paciencia, SS182 Kn subirá el video y el video de entrevista de "Pregunta a los Héroes de Sonic" si puede encontrar el tiempo que funciona bien con sus actores.

  17. Bien. Espero como todos los otros.

  18. Primera Lectura (Isaías 22: 15 y 19–23)
    Una lectura del libro del profeta Isaías.
    Así habla el Señor Yahvé de los Ejércitos: Anda a ver a ese funcionario, llamado Sobna, que es administrador del palacio y cuéntale, “Te destituiré de tu puesto y te quitaré tu cargo; Aquel día llamaré a mi servidor, a Eliaquim, hijo de Helcías. Le pasaré tu traje, le colocaré tu cinturón, y le confiaré tu cargo, y será un padre para los habitantes de Jerusalén y para la familia de Judá. Pondré en sus manos la llave de la Casa de David; cuando él abra, nadie podrá cerrar, y cuando cierre, nadie podrá abrir. Lo meteré como un clavo en un muro resistente y su puesto le dará fama a la familia de su padre.”

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 138) (Versículos 1–3, 6 y 8)
    La respuesta es: Señor, tu amor es eterno; no abandones la obra de tus manos.
    • Te doy gracias, Señor, de todo corazón, te cantaré en presencia de los ángeles. Me postraré ante tu santo Templo.
    • Daré gracias a tu Nombre por tu amor y tu fidelidad, porque tu promesa ha superado tu renombre. Me respondiste cada vez que te invoqué y aumentaste la fuerza de mi alma.
    • El Señor está en las alturas, pero se fija en el humilde y reconoce al orgulloso desde lejos, el Señor lo hará todo por mí. Señor, tu amor es eterno, ¡no abandones la obra de tus manos!

    Segunda Lectura (Romanos 11: 33–36)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los romanos.
    ¡Qué profunda y llena de riqueza es la sabiduría y la ciencia de Dios! ¡Qué insondables son sus designios y qué incomprensibles sus caminos! ¿Quién penetró en el pensamiento del Señor? ¿Quién fue su consejero? ¿Quién le dio algo, para que tenga derecho a ser retribuido? Porque todo viene de él, ha sido por él, y es para él. ¡A él sea la gloria eternamente! Amén.

    Evangelio (Mateo 16: 13–20)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según el San Mateo.
    Jesús se fue a la región de Cesarea de Filipo. Estando allí, preguntó a sus discípulos: “Según el parecer de la gente, ¿quién es este Hijo del Hombre?” Respondieron: “Unos dicen que eres Juan el Bautista, otros que eres Elías o Jeremías, o alguno de los profetas.” Jesús les preguntó: “Y ustedes, ¿quién dicen que soy yo?” Pedro contestó: “Tú eres el Mesías, el Hijo del Dios vivo.” Jesús le replicó: “Feliz eres, Simón Barjona, porque esto no te lo ha revelado la carne ni la sangre, sino mi Padre que está en los Cielos. Y ahora yo te digo: Tú eres Pedro (o sea Piedra), y sobre esta piedra edificaré mi Iglesia; los poderes de la muerte jamás la podrán vencer. Yo te daré las llaves del Reino de los Cielos: lo que ates en la tierra quedará atado en el Cielo, y lo que desates en la tierra quedará desatado en el Cielo.” Entonces Jesús les ordenó a sus discípulos que no dijeran a nadie que él era el Mesías.

  19. Bacaan Pertama (Yesayas 22: 15 dan 19–23)
    Pembacaan dari kitab dari nabi Yesayas.
    Beginilah firman Tuhan, TUHAN semesta alam: "Mari, pergilah kepada kepala istana ini, kepada Sebna yang mengurus istana, dan katakan: Aku akan melemparkan engkau dari jabatanmu, dan dari pangkatmu engkau akan dijatuhkan. Maka pada waktu itu Aku akan memanggil hamba-Ku, Elyakim bin Hilkia: Aku akan mengenakan jubahmu kepadanya dan ikat pinggangmu akan Kuikatkan kepadanya, dan kekuasaanmu akan Kuberikan ke tangannya; maka ia akan menjadi bapa bagi penduduk Yerusalem dan bagi kaum Yehuda. Aku akan menaruh kunci rumah Daud ke atas bahunya: apabila ia membuka, tidak ada yang dapat menutup; apabila ia menutup, tidak ada yang dapat membuka. Aku akan memberikan dia kedudukan yang teguh seperti gantungan yang dipasang kuat-kuat pada tembok yang kokoh; maka ia akan menjadi kursi kemuliaan bagi kaum keluarganya.

    Mazmur (Mazmur 138) (Ayat 1–3, 6 dan 8)
    Tanggapan adalah: Tuhan, cinta Anda abadi; jangan kautinggalkan perbuatan tanganmu.
    — Aku hendak bersyukur kepada-Mu dengan segenap hatiku, di hadapan para allah aku akan bermazmur bagi-Mu. Aku hendak sujud ke arah bait-Mu yang kudus.
    — Aku memuji nama-Mu, oleh karena kasih-Mu dan oleh karena setia-Mu; sebab Kaubuat nama-Mu dan janji-Mu melebihi segala sesuatu. Pada hari aku berseru, Engkaupun menjawab aku, Engkau menambahkan kekuatan dalam jiwaku.
    — TUHAN itu tinggi, namun Ia melihat orang yang hina, dan mengenal orang yang sombong dari jauh. TUHAN akan menyelesaikannya bagiku! Ya TUHAN, kasih setia-Mu untuk selama-lamanya; janganlah Kautinggalkan perbuatan tangan-Mu!

    Bacaan Kedua (Roma 11: 33–36)
    Pembacaan dari surat Paulus kepada jemaat di Roma.
    O, alangkah dalamnya kekayaan, hikmat dan pengetahuan Allah! Sungguh tak terselidiki keputusan-keputusan-Nya dan sungguh tak terselami jalan-jalan-Nya! Sebab, siapakah yang mengetahui pikiran Tuhan? Atau siapakah yang pernah menjadi penasihat-Nya? Atau siapakah yang pernah memberikan sesuatu kepada-Nya, sehingga Ia harus menggantikannya? Sebab segala sesuatu adalah dari Dia, dan oleh Dia, dan kepada Dia: Bagi Dialah kemuliaan sampai selama-lamanya!

    Bacaan Injil (Matius 16: 13–20)
    Pembacaan dari Injil kudus menurut Santo Matius.
    Setelah Yesus tiba di daerah Kaisarea Filipi, Ia bertanya kepada murid-murid-Nya: "Kata orang, siapakah Anak Manusia itu?" Jawab mereka: "Ada yang mengatakan: Yohanes Pembaptis, ada juga yang mengatakan: Elia dan ada pula yang mengatakan: Yeremia atau salah seorang dari para nabi." Lalu Yesus bertanya kepada mereka: "Tetapi apa katamu, siapakah Aku ini?" Maka jawab Simon Petrus: "Engkau adalah Mesias, Anak Allah yang hidup!" Kata Yesus kepadanya: "Berbahagialah engkau Simon bin Yunus sebab bukan manusia yang menyatakan itu kepadamu, melainkan Bapa-Ku yang di sorga. Dan Akupun berkata kepadamu: Engkau adalah Petrus dan di atas batu karang ini Aku akan mendirikan jemaat-Ku dan alam maut tidak akan menguasainya. Kepadamu akan Kuberikan kunci Kerajaan Sorga. Apa yang kauikat di dunia ini akan terikat di sorga dan apa yang kaulepaskan di dunia ini akan terlepas di sorga." Lalu Yesus melarang murid-murid-Nya supaya jangan memberitahukan kepada siapapun bahwa Ia Mesias.


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