Saturday, August 6, 2011

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Date: August 7, 2011

First Reading (1 Kings 19: 9a and 11-13a)
A reading from the first book of Kings.
On reaching the cave on the mount of Horeb, Elijah stayed in it. The Lord stated, "Go up and stand on the mount, waiting for the Lord." And the Lord passed by. There was first a windstorm, wild wind which rent the mountains and broke the rocks into pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the storm, an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake, a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. After the fire, the murmur of a gentle breeze. When Elijah perceived it, he covered his face with his cloak, went out and stood at the entrance of the cave.

Second Reading (Romans 9: 1-5)
A reading from the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans.
I tell you sincerely in Christ, and my conscience assures me in the Holy Spirit that I am not lying; I have great sadness and constant anguish for the Jews. I would even desire that I myself suffer the curse of being cut off from Christ, instead of my brethren: I mean my own people, my kin. They are Israelites whom God adopted, and on them rests his Glory. Theirs are the covenants, the Law, the worship and the promises of God. They are the descendants of the Patriarchs and from their race Christ was born, he who has God is above all distinctions. Blessed be He forever and ever. Amen!
Gospel (Matthew 14: 22-33)
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew.
Immediately Jesus obliged his disciples to get into the boat and go ahead of him to the other side, while he sent the crowd away. And having sent the people away, he went up the mountain by himself to pray. At nightfall, he was there alone. Meanwhile, the boat was very far from land, dangerously rocked by the waves for the wind was against it. At daybreak, Jesus came to them walking on the lake. When they saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified that it was a ghost. And they cried out in fear. But at once Jesus stated to them, "Courage! Do not be afraid. It is me!" Peter answered, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you walking on the water." Jesus stated to him, "Come." And Peter got out of the boat, walking on the water to go to Jesus. But, in face of the strong wind, he was afraid and began to sink. So he cried out, "Lord, save me!" Jesus immediately stretched out his hand and took hold of him, stating, "Man of little faith, why did you doubt?" As they got into the boat, the wind dropped. Then those in the boat bowed down before Jesus stating, "Truly, you are the Son of God!"


  1. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 85) (Verses 9-14)
    The response is: Lord, let us see Your kindness, and grant us Your salvation.

    Would that I hear God's proclamation, that he promise peace to his people, his saints – lest they come back to their folly. Yet his salvtaion is near to those who fear him, and his Glory will dwell in our land.

    Love and faithfulness have met; righteousness and peace have embraced. Faithfulness will reach up from the earth while justice bends down from heaven.

    The Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its fruit. Justice will go before him, and peace will follow along his path.

  2. Attention! Those who requested for SS182 videos last week: Silver's Neverending Story is finally complete. It is available on YouTube. What is the story about? Silver has been searching for somebody, which leads him to the wonderful world of Fantasia. However, he receives some other quests, and the whole population is in danger. As a player, this is a game, so you must decide the fate of Silver's journey. This saga is filled with suspense, mysteries, sacrifices, fun, and adventures. You decide where Silver should go and what Silver should do. Annotations reveal options of what you want to do.

  3. Hey there! I noticed that the movie is appeared, so I will watch it soon. In addition, I would like to wish Sean the best of luck in high school as a sophomore. May he do well in his course subjects and may he be successful in all of his course subjects. I am sure on Thursday, the curriculum is introduced, so that means you will understand what will be going on through the whole school year.

  4. At last, the video is finally complete! Therefore, I will watch it soon and decide the fate of Silver. I also would like to wish Sean the best of luck and best wishes to Sean as a sophomore. He should have a consistent performance in his tasks, and should be able to succeed in every subject he takes and every topic discussed. Wish you well, Sean!

  5. I actually watched the whole movie of Silver's Neverending Story, and I really enjoyed it. My favorite part? I really cannot reveal my favorite parts because I realized that some of you have not watched it yet, so I will not spoil the whole saga for you guys who have not had an opportunity to watch it.

  6. I really am glad that SS182 has finally upload this video... I can see why it is time-consuming. There are many videos, and she additionally had to put up some annotations for ALL the videos, which is a whole lot of work. The drawings, the acting, the scripting, and backgrounds. The backgrounds were awesome, I felt as if there was a green screen there!

  7. Hi Sean. I watched the video that you actually stated before, and it was awesome. No further comments about that.
    What are the readings for next week? Please tell me now before you enter high school as a sophomore.

  8. Greetings, Theodorus. I will not be going to school until Thursday, August 11, 2011. I have 4 remaining days of summer vacation, so I have to make it count. Anyway, the readings. Since next week is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I think you may recall, but I will list it anyway.
    The First Reading is from the book of Revelation: chapter 11, verse 19a; chapter 12, verses 1, 3-6a, and 10ab.
    The Second Reading is from the first letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians: chapter 15, verses 20-26.
    The Gospel reading is according to Luke: chapter 1, verses 39-56.
    I hope this helps!

  9. I just love to post comments on Sean's blog. The Gospel reading is quite magnificent to show Peter's will. He challenged himself to do something the other disciples cannot do, and even though he was soaked and was told by Jesus that his faith is still lacking, he was the happiest of them all.
    The video of SS182 was actually really good. I mean, amazing. I just cannot believe that she has raw talent of voice acting, drawing, and scripting. That is what being a director is all about. Unbelievable!
    I additionally desire to wish Sean the best of luck in high school as a sophomore. May he be successful in every course subject he participates in. Wish you well!

  10. Hey Fiur! Do not only commend SS182 Kn, but also her sister as well. She did a good voice for Amy and Charmy, which I know. Nevertheless I think it is best to praise all of the voice actors who participated in the movie.

  11. You are right, Solmyr. I praised them as well. ^___^

  12. Oh my gosh! The video from SS182 was totally awesome, I can feel the suspense, the action, the sacrifices, and the adventures! It was like a saga with all these things. I thank you, SS182 for uploading that amazing time-consuming project, and Sean for notifying us that SS182 has put up this huge project. The decisions that Silver made were quite difficult, honestly! There were times where I had to contemplate about the situation. However, I managed to survive, and hence I had unlocked a new team for Ask the Sonic Heroes! How's that?

  13. Hey Bohb! I heard that a new team has been introduced into the improvised interview series. Have you voted on the team yet?

  14. No, not yet. The list of team names have made me ponder quite deeply about it. I would like to ask everyone (including Sean) to think what is the best team name for Silver, Blaze, and Marine. Should it be:
    Team Silver
    Team Blaze
    Team Marine
    Team Dimension
    Team Future
    Team Universe
    I do not know. Therefore I ask everyone of their own opinions.

  15. Hey Bohb! Reminder that SS182 and her voice acting team will get to choose the team which has the highest number of votes. Hopefully she, her sister, and her voice acting team will pick the most compatible team name to go with Silver, Blaze, and Marine. They seem to be quite the heroes of each dimension, so my opinion about them is that they should be called Team Dimension.

  16. Really? That is quite an opinion. What do you think, Sean?

  17. My opinion is that Silver, Blaze, and Marine should be called Team Dimension. I think that name should comply with the team members.

  18. Hey Bohb! I think I prefer Team Future. The reason is that since Silver and Blaze are friends, they seem to have an objective to save the future. Marine are friends with Blaze as well, and since you have Silver know Marine very well, Marine will also do her best to assist Silver in his missions. In conclusion, I have elected the name, Team Future.

  19. Hmm... I think you may have a point there. Ever since Sonic 06, Silver wanted to save the future, which caused him to attempt to kill Sonic, whom he thought he was the Iblis Trigger, I can really see that he desired to save the future. Unfortunately for him, he was tricked by Mephiles. No wonder Princess Elise cried and unleashed Mephiles. Silver was totally wrong when he stated that he had to kill someone to save the world.

  20. Hey Bohb! That game was completely dramatic, because I have seen such gameplay and sagas that each hedgehog had to undergo. Sonic was focused to save Princess Elise, Shadow was focused to recover his past memories and confront Silver about the future, and Silver had to confront Sonic so he could kill him to save the future. Yet, we could still see some side-characters as well. Tails and Knuckles still are around with Sonic, Rouge and Omega are still around with Shadow, Blaze comes in and befriends Silver, and Amy mistakes Silver as Sonic, but agrees to find who Silver was looking for.

  21. Yes! The final story was like the same battle where Team Sonic faces Metal Sonic in Sonic Heroes! Unbelievable, right? It is amazing that there are some connections in these games.

  22. And don't forget Bohb, there are connections with Sonic 06 and Sonic Adventures too!

  23. Really? I have never heard of the connections.

  24. You know that time where in Sonic Adventures, Amy was kidnapped by Alpha? In Sonic 06, Amy was kidnapped by Dr. Eggman. In addition, there was a time where Amy had to intervene to save her friends. For example, in Sonic Adventures, Amy stepped in to save Gamma from being attacked by Sonic. In Sonic 06, Amy stepped in to save Sonic from being attacked by Silver. Do you get the resemblance?

  25. Wow! That is quite interesting. Now I can see the connection here.

  26. Anyway, I like the name Team Dimension. No reasons, just like the name. I believe it complies with the team members, so I ditto what Sean believed.

  27. Team Future for me! Silver and Blaze are the heroes of the future, and Marine has been befriended by Blaze and Silver, and so she will always follow them in their footsteps.

  28. Thanks for your opinion guys! I hope SS182 picks a good team name for those young fellows here. Catch you guys later next week! ^___^ And good luck in the first two days of high school as a sophomore, Sean!

  29. Yes, Bohb. Catch up with you later. Once again, wish Sean the best in high school as a sophomore. Ü

  30. This is the Kyrie for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Priest: Lord Jesus, you tell us when we are down-hearted: "Take courage! It is I." Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.

    Priest: Jesus Christ, you raise us up when we cry out to you, "Lord! Save me!" Christ, have mercy.
    Congregation: Christ, have mercy.

    Priest: Lord Jesus, you are the Son of God who keeps forgiving us. Lord, have mercy.
    Congregation: Lord, have mercy.

    Lord, let your forgiving word calm all our fears and give us the courage to live for you and for people. Lead us to everlasting life. Amen.

  31. This is the Opening Prayer for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
    Let us pray. Almighty and ever-living God, you Spirit made us your children, confident to call you Father. Increase your Spirit within us and bring us to our promised inheritance. Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

  32. God of Power, giver of the gifts we bring, accept the offering of your Church and make it the sacrament of our salvation. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

  33. Father, all-powerful and ever-living God, we do well always and everywhere to give you thanks. So great was your love that you gave us your Son as our redeemer. You sent him as one like ourselves, though free from sin, that you might see and love in us what you see and love in Christ. Your gifts of grace, lost by disobedience, are now restored by the obedience of your Son. We praise you Lord, with all the angels and saints, we proclaim your glory in their song of joy. (After this, you sing the Sanctus.)

  34. Primera Lectura (1 Reyes 19: 9ª y 11–13ª)
    Una lectura del primer libro de los Reyes.
    Allí se dirigió hacia la caverna y pasó la noche en ese lugar. Yahvé le respondió: “Sal fuera y quédate en el monte delante de Yahvé.” Y Yahvé pasa. Un viento fuerte y violento pasa delante de Yahvé, hiende los montes y parte las rocas, pero Yahvé no está en el viento. Después del viento viene un terremoto, pero Yahvé no está en el terremoto. Después del terremoto, un fuego, pero Yahvé no está en el fuego. Después del fuego, se sintió el murmullo de una suave brisa. Cuando Elías la oyó, se cubrió el rostro con el manto, salió y se mantuvo a la entrada de la caverna.

    Salmo responsorial (Salmo 85) (Versículos 9–14)
    La respuesta es: Señor, déjanos ver tu simpatía, y otórganos tu salvación.
    • Voy a proclamar lo que dice el Señor: el Señor promete la paz, la paz para su pueblo y sus amigos, y para los que se convierten de corazón. Su salvación está muy cerca de sus fieles, y la Gloria habitará en nuestra tierra.
    • El Amor y la Verdad se encontrarán, la Justicia y la Paz se abrazarán; la Verdad brotará de la tierra y la Justicia mirará desde el cielo.
    • El mismo Señor nos dará sus bienes y nuestra tierra producirá sus frutos. La Justicia irá delante de él, y la Paz, sobre la huella de sus pasos.

    Segunda Lectura (Romanos 9: 1–5)
    Una lectura de la carta de San Pablo a los romanos.
    Digo la verdad en Cristo, no miento, y mi conciencia me lo atestigua en el Espíritu Santo. Siento una gran tristeza y un dolor constante en mi corazón. Yo mismo desearía ser maldito, separado de Cristo, en favor de mis hermanos, los de mi propia raza. Ellos son israelitas: a ellos pertenecen la adopción filial, la gloria, las alianzas, la legislación, el culto y las promesas. A ellos pertenecen también los patriarcas, y de ellos desciende Cristo según su condición humana, el cual está por encima de todo, Dios bendito eternamente. Amén.

    Evangelio (Mateo 14: 22–33)
    Una lectura del Evangelio Santo según el San Mateo.
    Inmediatamente después Jesús obligó a sus discípulos a que se embarcaran; debían llegar antes que él a la otra orilla, mientras él despedía a la gente. Jesús, pues, despidió a la gente, y luego subió al cerro para orar a solas. Cayó la noche, y él seguía allí solo. La barca en tanto estaba ya muy lejos de tierra y las olas la golpeaban duramente, pues soplaba el viento en contra. A la madrugada, Jesús fue hacia ellos, caminando sobre el mar. Los discípulos, al verlo caminar sobre el mar, se asustaron. “Es un fantasma,” dijeron, y llenos de temor se pusieron a gritar. En seguida Jesús les dijo: “Ánimo, no teman, que soy yo.” Pedro contestó: “Señor, si eres tú, manda que yo vaya a ti caminando sobre el agua.” “Ven,” le dijo Jesús. Y Pedro, bajando de la barca, comenzó a caminar sobre el agua en dirección a él. Pero, al ver la violencia del viento, tuvo miedo, y como empezaba a hundirse, gritó: “Señor, ¡sálvame!” En seguida, Jesús le tendió la mano y lo sostuvo, mientras le decía: “Hombre de poca fe, ¿por qué dudaste?” Subieron a la barca y cesó el viento, y los que estaban en la barca se postraron ante él, diciendo: “¡Verdaderamente tú eres el Hijo de Dios!”

  35. Unang pagbabasa (1 Hari 19: 9A at 11–13A)
    Ang pagbabasa ng unang aklat ng mga Hari.
    Pumasok siya sa isang yungib at doon nagpalipas ng gabi. Ganito ang sagot sa kanya: "Lumabas ka at tumayo sa ibabaw ng bundok sa harapan ko." Pagkasabi nito'y dumaan si Yahweh at umihip ang napakalakas na hangin. Sumabog ang bundok at nagkadurug-durog ang mga bato sa lakas ng hangin ngunit wala sa hangin si Yahweh. Nang tumigil ang hangin ay lumindol, ngunit wala sa lindol si Yahweh. Pagkalipas ng lindol ay kumidlat, ngunit wala rin sa kidlat si Yahweh. Pagkalipas ng kidlat, narinig niya ang isang banayad na tinig. Lumabas si Elias, tinakpan ng balabal ang kanyang mukha at naghintay sa bunganga ng kuweba.

    Awit (Awit 85) (Taludtod 9–14)
    Ang sagot ay: Panginoon, ipakita sa amin ang iyong personalidad, at magbigay sa amin ang iyong kaligtasan.
    — Ang nagpaparangal sa pangalan niya'y kanyang ililigtas, sa ating lupain ay mananatili ang kanyang paglingap. ng katapatan at pag-ibig ay magdadaup-palad, ang kapayapaan at ang katuwira'y magsasamang ganap.
    — Sa balat ng lupa'y sadyang maghahari itong katapatan, mula sa itaas, maghahari naman itong katarungan.
    — Gagawing maunlad ng Diyos na si Yahweh itong ating buhay, ang mga halaman sa ating lupai'y bubungang mainam; ang katarunga'y mauuna sa kanyang daraanan,
    kanyang mga yapak, magiging bakas na kanilang susundan.

    Pangalawang pagbabasa (Roma 9: 1–5)
    Ang isang pagbabasa mula sa Sulat ni San Pablo sa mga taga-Roma.
    Ako'y nagsasabi ng totoo sapagkat ako'y tagasunod ni Cristo. Hindi ako nagsisinungaling. Ang aking budhi, sa patnubay ng Espiritu Santo, ay nagpapatunay na nagsasabi ako ng totoo. Matindi ang aking kalungkutan at di mapawi ang pagdaramdam ng aking puso, dahil sa mga kalahi kong Judio. Mas mamatamisin ko pang ako'y sumpain at mawalay kay Cristo, kung ito'y sa ikabubuti nila. Sila'y mga Israelita na binigyan ng Diyos ng karapatang maging mga anak niya. Ipinakita rin niya sa kanila ang kanyang kaluwalhatian. Sa kanila nakipagtipan ang Diyos. Sa kanila rin ibinigay ang Kautusan, ang tunay na pagsamba, at ang kanyang mga pangako. Sa kanila rin nagmula ang mga patriyarka, at tungkol sa kanyang pagiging tao, si Cristo ay nagmula sa kanilang lahi. Ang Kataas-taasang Diyos ay purihin magpakailanman! Amen.

    Ebanghelyo (Mateo 14: 22–33)
    Ang pagbasa mula sa Banal na Ebanghelyo ayon kay San Mateo.
    Agad pinasakay ni Jesus sa bangka ang mga alagad at pinauna sa kabilang ibayo. Samantala, pinauwi naman niya ang mga tao. Matapos niyang paalisin ang mga ito, mag-isa siyang umakyat sa bundok upang manalangin. Nag-iisa siyang inabutan doon ng gabi. Samantala, ang bangka ay nasa laot na ngunit sinasalpok ito ng mga alon dahil pasalungat ito sa hangin. Nang madaling-araw na'y sumunod sa kanila si Jesus na naglalakad sa ibabaw ng tubig. Kinilabutan sa takot ang mga alagad nang makita nilang may lumalakad sa ibabaw ng tubig. "Multo!" sigaw nila. Ngunit nagsalita agad si Jesus at sinabi sa kanila, "Huwag kayong matakot, ako ito!" Sinabi ni Pedro, "Panginoon, kung talagang ikaw nga iyan, hayaan mong ako'y pumunta sa iyong kinaroroonan diyan sa ibabaw ng tubig." Sumagot siya, "Halika." Mula sa bangka ay lumakad si Pedro sa ibabaw ng tubig papunta kay Jesus. Ngunit nang mapansin niya na malakas ang hangin, siya'y natakot at nagsimulang lumubog. "Panginoon, sagipin ninyo ako!" sigaw niya. Agad siyang inabot ni Jesus. "Bakit ka nag-alinlangan? Napakaliit ng iyong pananampalataya!" sabi niya kay Pedro.Pagkasakay nila sa bangka, tumigil ang hangin at sinamba siya ng mga nasa bangka. "Tunay nga pong kayo ang Anak ng Diyos!" sabi nila.

    1. Unang pagbabasa (1 Hari 19: 9A at 11–13A)
      Ang pagbabasa ng unang aklat ng mga Hari.
      Pumasok siya sa isang yungib at doon nagpalipas ng gabi. Ganito ang sagot sa kanya: "Lumabas ka at tumayo sa ibabaw ng bundok sa harapan ko." Pagkasabi nito'y dumaan si Yahweh at umihip ang napakalakas na hangin. Sumabog ang bundok at nagkadurug-durog ang mga bato sa lakas ng hangin ngunit wala sa hangin si Yahweh. Nang tumigil ang hangin ay lumindol, ngunit wala sa lindol si Yahweh. Pagkalipas ng lindol ay kumidlat, ngunit wala rin sa kidlat si Yahweh. Pagkalipas ng kidlat, narinig niya ang isang banayad na tinig. Lumabas si Elias, tinakpan ng balabal ang kanyang mukha at naghintay sa bunganga ng kuweba.

      Awit (Awit 85) (Taludtod 9–14)
      Ang sagot ay: Panginoon, ipakita sa amin ang iyong personalidad, at magbigay sa amin ang iyong kaligtasan.
      — Ang nagpaparangal sa pangalan niya'y kanyang ililigtas, sa ating lupain ay mananatili ang kanyang paglingap. ng katapatan at pag-ibig ay magdadaup-palad, ang kapayapaan at ang katuwira'y magsasamang ganap.
      — Sa balat ng lupa'y sadyang maghahari itong katapatan, mula sa itaas, maghahari naman itong katarungan.
      — Gagawing maunlad ng Diyos na si Yahweh itong ating buhay, ang mga halaman sa ating lupai'y bubungang mainam; ang katarunga'y mauuna sa kanyang daraanan,
      kanyang mga yapak, magiging bakas na kanilang susundan.

      Pangalawang pagbabasa (Roma 9: 1–5)
      Ang isang pagbabasa mula sa Sulat ni San Pablo sa mga taga-Roma.
      Ako'y nagsasabi ng totoo sapagkat ako'y tagasunod ni Cristo. Hindi ako nagsisinungaling. Ang aking budhi, sa patnubay ng Espiritu Santo, ay nagpapatunay na nagsasabi ako ng totoo. Matindi ang aking kalungkutan at di mapawi ang pagdaramdam ng aking puso, dahil sa mga kalahi kong Judio. Mas mamatamisin ko pang ako'y sumpain at mawalay kay Cristo, kung ito'y sa ikabubuti nila. Sila'y mga Israelita na binigyan ng Diyos ng karapatang maging mga anak niya. Ipinakita rin niya sa kanila ang kanyang kaluwalhatian. Sa kanila nakipagtipan ang Diyos. Sa kanila rin ibinigay ang Kautusan, ang tunay na pagsamba, at ang kanyang mga pangako. Sa kanila rin nagmula ang mga patriyarka, at tungkol sa kanyang pagiging tao, si Cristo ay nagmula sa kanilang lahi. Ang Kataas-taasang Diyos ay purihin magpakailanman! Amen.

      Ebanghelyo (Mateo 14: 22–33)
      Ang pagbasa mula sa Banal na Ebanghelyo ayon kay San Mateo.
      Agad pinasakay ni Jesus sa bangka ang mga alagad at pinauna sa kabilang ibayo. Samantala, pinauwi naman niya ang mga tao. Matapos niyang paalisin ang mga ito, mag-isa siyang umakyat sa bundok upang manalangin. Nag-iisa siyang inabutan doon ng gabi. Samantala, ang bangka ay nasa laot na ngunit sinasalpok ito ng mga alon dahil pasalungat ito sa hangin. Nang madaling-araw na'y sumunod sa kanila si Jesus na naglalakad sa ibabaw ng tubig. Kinilabutan sa takot ang mga alagad nang makita nilang may lumalakad sa ibabaw ng tubig. "Multo!" sigaw nila. Ngunit nagsalita agad si Jesus at sinabi sa kanila, "Huwag kayong matakot, ako ito!" Sinabi ni Pedro, "Panginoon, kung talagang ikaw nga iyan, hayaan mong ako'y pumunta sa iyong kinaroroonan diyan sa ibabaw ng tubig." Sumagot siya, "Halika." Mula sa bangka ay lumakad si Pedro sa ibabaw ng tubig papunta kay Jesus. Ngunit nang mapansin niya na malakas ang hangin, siya'y natakot at nagsimulang lumubog. "Panginoon, sagipin ninyo ako!" sigaw niya. Agad siyang inabot ni Jesus. "Bakit ka nag-alinlangan? Napakaliit ng iyong pananampalataya!" sabi niya kay Pedro. Pagkasakay nila sa bangka, tumigil ang hangin at sinamba siya ng mga nasa bangka. "Tunay nga pong kayo ang Anak ng Diyos!" sabi nila.


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